17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

The Scintillating Bubble Chamber for Dark Matter and Neutrino detection

18 Jul 2024, 17:19
Club A

Club A

Parallel session talk 09. Dark Matter Detection Dark Matter


Hugh Lippincott (UCSB)


The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) experiment is a novel low-background technique aimed at detecting low-mass WIMP interactions and coherent scattering of reactor neutrinos (CEvNS). The detector consists of a quartz-jar filled liquid argon, spiked with 100 ppm of xenon to act as a wavelength shifter. The target fluid is de-pressurized into a super-heated state by a mechanically controlled piston. Particles interacting with the fluid can generate heat (bubbles) and scintillation light, depending on the energy intensity and density. The detector is equipped with cameras, SiPMs, and piezo-acoustic sensors to detect events. In this talk, I will present the design of SBC and provide an update on the ongoing commissioning and calibration of an SBC device at Fermilab. Finally, I will discuss the collaboration’s plans for operation at SNOLAB and at a reactor for physics searches.

Alternate track 02. Neutrino Physics
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