17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Recent studies on vector charmonium-(like) states at BESIII

20 Jul 2024, 09:15
North Hall

North Hall

Parallel session talk 06. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong interactions and Hadron Physics


Yuping GUO


This talk will present four recent measurements conducted by BESIII, focusing on the cross-sections of electron-positron annihilation into open-charm and hidden-charm final states within the center-of-mass energies ranging from 3.80 to 4.95 GeV. The open charm final states include $e^+ e^- \to D \bar{D}$ and $D_s^+ D_s^-$, revealing abundant structures in their cross-section line shapes. The hidden-charm final states encompass $e^+ e^- \to \eta h_c$ and $\omega \chi_{c1/2}$, with an observed structure near 4.2 GeV in the former channel and two structures in the latter. While one of these structures can be linked to the previously discovered $\psi$(4415), the others represent novel observations. These new cross-section measurements at the $\tau$-charm energy region provide crucial insights into the spectrum of vector charmonium and charmonium-like states.

Alternate track 05. Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics
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