17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Production asymmetry of $D$ and $\bar D$ mesons in the LHCb fixed-target experiments and intrinsic charm in the nucleon

19 Jul 2024, 11:30
North Hall

North Hall

Parallel session talk 06. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong interactions and Hadron Physics


Antoni Szczurek


We discuss production of $D$ mesons in $p\!-\!H\!e$ and $p\!-\!N\!e$ collisions at the LHCb in the fixed-target mode. We explain how the LHCb data may put constraints on the intrinsic charm (IC) component in the nucleon. We show that there is a possible scenario in which the traditional components are insufficient to describe the LHCb data, especially for backward rapidities and large meson $p_{T}$'s. The IC with probability $P_{\mathrm{IC}} \lesssim 1.0\%$ allows to improve description of the data. We also discuss the production asymmetry for $D$ and $\bar D$. We show whether it can be explained by a possible asymmetry in the intrinsic $c$ and $\bar c$ quarks. We include also recombination mechanism that may also generate the asymmetry for $D$ and $\bar D$. We show that the scenario with the recombination and the IC components included simultaneously is not excluded by the LHCb data. We also present that our calculations for the asymmetry are in agreement with the experiment.

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