17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Amplitude-Based IR-Improvement in Precision LHC/FCC Physics

18 Jul 2024, 17:45
North Hall

North Hall

Parallel session talk 06. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong interactions and Hadron Physics


Bennie Ward (Baylor University (US))


We present recent results based on the IR-improvement of unintegrable singularities in the infrared regime via amplitude-based resummation in $QED\times QCD ⊂ SU(2)_L \times U_1 \times SU(3)^c$. In the context of precision LHC/FCC physics, we focus on specific examples, such as the removal of QED contamination in PDF’s evolved from data at $Q_0^2\sim 2 GeV^2$ and used in evaluating precision observables in $pp\rightarrow Z + X \rightarrow \ell\bar\ell + X’$, in which we discuss new results and new issues.

Alternate track 04. Top Quark and Electroweak Physics
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B.F.L. Ward Bennie Ward (Baylor University (US))

Presentation materials