17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Proton Decay Identification in DUNE with Multimodal Machine Learning Fusion Techniques

19 Jul 2024, 19:00
Foyer Floor 2

Foyer Floor 2

Poster 14. Computing, AI and Data Handling Poster Session 2


Anna Guľa Gartman (Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE), DUNE)


The quest for proton decay is a pivotal endeavor in particle physics, offering potential validation of Grand Unification Theories. In this pursuit, DUNE employs LArTPC technology and ML to boost detection sensitivity and minimize background events. This poster presents a new multimodal ML framework to distinguish proton decay into charged kaons and muons from DUNE's atmospheric neutrino interactions. Using data processed by the CFF Algorithm, the framework integrates modified ResNet and EfficientNet models using late fusion and a gating mechanism for each LArTPC plane. The late fusion model shows promising signal discrimination compared with methods combining preselection cuts with BDT and CNN features. The key advantage of this ML framework is its ability to analyze raw detector data, avoiding track reconstruction. This method effectively addresses the incomplete kaon association from proton decay and the misidentification of protons as signal events.

Alternate track 03. Beyond the Standard Model
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Anna Guľa Gartman (Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE), DUNE)


Jiří Franc (Czech Technical University (FNSPE), DUNE) Viktor Pěč (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, DUNE)

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