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17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Measurement of the nuclear transition energies of Kr-83m using the gaseous krypton source of KATRIN

18 Jul 2024, 19:00
Foyer Floor 2

Foyer Floor 2

Poster 02. Neutrino Physics Poster Session 1


Mr Matthias Böttcher (Universität Münster, Germany)


KATRIN aims to measure the electron neutrino mass
$𝑚_𝜈$ with <0.3 eV/$𝑐^2$ (90 % C.L.) sensitivity, by measuring the $^3$H β spectrum near its endpoint $𝐸_0$. In the fit yielding the searched for quantity $𝑚^2_𝜈$ also the parameter $𝐸_0$ is fitted. Since both parameters are highly correlated in the fit any systematic effect influencing the parameter $𝑚^2_𝜈$ will also manifest in $𝐸_0$. After absolute calibration of $𝐸_0$ with $^{83m}$Kr con-
version electron lines a comparison with measurements of the $^3$He-$^3$H mass difference is valuable for cross checks of our experimental procedure. This is limited by the knowledge of $^{83m}$Kr nuclear
transitions in literature to 0.3 eV. Using a gaseous Kr source at KATRIN a new measurement was performed in
2023. Following the method described in ref. EPJ C 82 (2022) 700
the nuclear transition energies can be determined, which can allow for
a reduction of the $𝐸_0$ uncertainty to below 0.1 eV. In this
poster the status is presented.

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Primary authors

Benedikt Bieringer Mr Matthias Böttcher (Universität Münster, Germany)

Presentation materials

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