17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Study of proton-nucleus interactions with the DsTau/NA65 experiment at the CERN-SPS

19 Jul 2024, 08:30


Parallel session talk 02. Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Dr Akitaka Ariga (Chiba University (JP))


The DsTau (NA65) experiment at CERN was proposed to measure an inclusive differential cross-section of production in p-A interactions. The DsTau detector is based on the nuclear emulsion technique providing an excellent spatial resolution for detecting short-lived particles like charmed hadrons. The first results of the analysis of the pilot-run data are presented. A high precision in vertex reconstruction allows one to measure the proton interaction length and charged particle multiplicities accurately in a high-track density environment. The measured data have been compared with several Monte Carlo event generators in terms of multiplicity and angular distribution of charged particles. The proton interaction length in tungsten is measured. The predictions of KNO-G scaling are tested on the multiplicity distribution in p-A interactions. The results presented in this study can be used to validate event generators of p-A interactions.

Alternate track 06. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics
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Dr Akitaka Ariga (Chiba University (JP)) DsTau Experiment Prof. Murat Ali Guler (Physics Department of Middle East Technical University (TR))

Presentation materials