17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

European Research Council - Funding opportunities for frontier science. Ensuring equal treatment of applicants.

20 Jul 2024, 09:21
Club B

Club B

Parallel session talk 16. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


Luis Fariña Busto (European Research Council Executive Agency)


This session will present European Research Council (ERC) funding opportunities, available for both early career researchers and senior research leaders. The ERC operates according to a «bottom-up» approach, allowing researchers to identify new opportunities in any field of research. It encourages competition for funding between the most creative and competent researchers of any nationality and age. An update will be given on the calls, deadlines and budgets, applicants’ suitable profiles and other relevant information.
The ERC monitors closely the outcome of every call and has taken actions to tackle imbalances and potential unconscious biases. Efforts made to ensure equal treatment of all candidates, with particular focus on gender balance, as well as data and statistics collected in running ERC schemes, with specific attention to Physical Sciences, will be presented.

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Luis Fariña Busto (European Research Council Executive Agency)

Presentation materials