CHIPP 2024 Annual meeting

Uni Mail - University of Geneva

Uni Mail - University of Geneva

Bd du Pont-d'Arve 40 1205 Genève
Dear CHIPP members,
We are happy to invite you to register to the forthcoming CHIPP Annual meeting two days have been organised:
19 June: CHIPP (fast) AI/ML & computing workshop ROOM: R060
20 June: CHIPP Board and Plenary 2024 & Poster session ROOM: R060 and ERC event: 1193 
This workshop seeks to bring together the CHIPP community on the inclusive topic of (fast) AI/ML & computing for any of the CHIPP scientific domains.  All CHIPP members are invited to participate and the day will be organised around presentations through abstract submission.  The goal is to get an idea of the CHIPP-AI landscape, to provide a platform for discussion and networking, and to foster potential common projects.
During the meeting a parallel event organised by the ECR CHIPP Panel will be organised on Thursady 20th.
A poster session is organised for the 20 June with a special prize for the best poster (awarded at the CHIPP Plenary).
Please ensure you complete your registration by 10 June 
ABSTRACT submission deadline for the  CHIPP (fast) AI/ML & computing workshop: 7 June
ABSTRACT submission deadline for the CHIPP 2024 Poster Session: 7 June
The event details are as follows:
Date: 19th - 20th June 2024 Venue: University of Geneva
Registration is now open!
We eagerly anticipate your presence and participation in this event.
Looking forward to seeing you there
  • Adnan Sami
  • Angela Benelli
  • Anna Sfyrla
  • Annapaola De Cosa
  • Annapaola de Cosa
  • Antti Pirttikoski
  • Armin Ilg
  • Ben Kilminster
  • Benjamin Lustenberger
  • Carlos Abellan Beteta
  • Carlos Moreno Martinez
  • Chiara Capelli
  • Chiara Perrina
  • Damian Goeldi
  • Daniele Dal Santo
  • Davide Di Croce
  • Davide Sgalaberna
  • Davide Valsecchi
  • Debajyoti Sengupta
  • Diego Alejandro Sanz-Becerra
  • Edoardo Charbon
  • Efrain Patrick Segarra
  • Elizaveta Dourassova
  • Enzo Putti-Garcia
  • Florian Eble
  • Florian Piegsa
  • Fred Blanc
  • Gabriela Araujo
  • Gentian Shatri
  • Giovanni Dal Maso
  • Giuseppe Lospalluto
  • Guillaume Quétant
  • Harald Ita
  • Iaroslava Bezshyiko
  • Ivan Oleksiyuk
  • Jason Aebischer
  • Jennifer Maria Frieden
  • Johannes Hulsman
  • Jona Ackerschott
  • Kerim Guseinov
  • Kinga Anna Wozniak
  • Konstantinos Axiotis
  • Lesya Shchutska
  • Lorenzo Giannessi
  • Luca Hartman
  • Lucas Bezio
  • Luis Felipe Prates Cattelan
  • Marcelle Soares-Santos
  • Marius Köppel
  • Marko Pesut
  • Martina Ferrillo
  • Matteo Milanesio
  • Mauro Donega
  • Meinrad Moritz Schefer
  • Michael Spira
  • Muhammad Nawaz Khan
  • Murad Khan
  • Nicola Serra
  • Noe Scharer
  • Noshin Tarannum
  • Olivia Jullian Parra
  • Pantelis Kontaxakis
  • Paolo Crivelli
  • Patrick Haworth Owen
  • Peter Stoffer
  • Ritwika Chakraborty
  • Robert-Mihai Amarinei
  • Roberto Seidita
  • Samuel Byrne Klein
  • Sara Zoccheddu
  • Sarah Baimukhametova
  • Saverio Braccini
  • Shah Rukh Qasim
  • Stephen Mulligan
  • Steven Schramm
  • Svetlana Karpova
  • Teresa Montaruli
  • Thea Aarrestad
  • Tjark Miener
  • Tobias Golling
  • Vilius Čepaitis
  • Wenting Chen
  • William Sutcliffe
  • Xiafei Chang
  • Yang Zhibin
  • Yifeng Wang