LHCPhenoNet annual meeting

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


Show room on map
German Rodrigo (CSIC), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN), S. Moch (UHH)
2013 meeting of the LHCPhenoNet network. The meeting starts on Monday at 2pm, and finishes by Thursday afternoon. Everyone is welcome to stay through Friday for collaborative work etc.

A set of rooms (both singles and doubles, which could be cheaper for students or convenient for those of you visiting with a companion) have been pre-booked at the CERN Hostel, covering the period Sunday (check-in) through Friday (check-out). To reserve them, you must request michelle.connor@cern.ch (do NOT contact the Hostel, they will refuse your booking), indicating the nights of your stay.

To register your laptop, follow the link:
and provide Elena Gianolio (PH department, AGS group) as contact person.

The meeting will be broadcast via Vidyo.