Robert Klanner
(Hamburg University)
17/02/2015, 09:10
The voltage stability and the charge-collection properties of segmented silicon sensors are strongly influenced by the charge and potential distributions on the sensor surface, the charge distribution in the oxide and passivation layers, and by Si-SiO2 interface states. To better understand these complex phenomena, measure¬ments on test structures and sensors, as well as TCAD simulations...
Valerio Re
(Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))
17/02/2015, 09:50
The next generation of silicon pixel detectors at high energy physics and photon science experiments sets unprecedented and extreme requirements to the microelectronic systems that are used to read out the sensors. Front-end integrated circuits have to provide advanced analog and digital signal processing functions in pixel readout cells with a pitch of a few tens of a µm. They have to handle...
Marko Mikuz
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
17/02/2015, 10:15
Electric field in silicon irradiated with neutrons up to 1e17 n_eq/cm^2 was investigated by edge-TCT. Methods for absolute determination of electric field were developed. From the v(E) dependence mobility degradation with fluence was extracted. A simple field structure was observed, consistent with a SCR and "ENB", a region that does not contribute to leakage current and the electric field is...
Derek Axel Strom
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))
17/02/2015, 11:20
With an active area of 200 square meters and 10 million
readout channels, the CMS silicon strip tracker is the largest silicon
detector ever constructed. We present the latest status and results of
the detector following the first LHC long shutdown and as CMS prepares
for the next high-energy discovery run. Results from detector
calibration and commissioning, radiation measurements and...
Anna Macchiolo
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
17/02/2015, 11:40
Thin planar pixel modules are promising candidates to instrument the inner layers of the new ATLAS pixel detector for HL-LHC, thanks to the reduced contribution to the material budget and their high charge collection efficiency after irradiation. 100-200 um thick sensors, interconnected to FE-I3 and FE-I4 read-out chips, have been characterized with radioactive source scans and beam tests at...
Thomas Bergauer
(HEPHY Vienna)
17/02/2015, 12:00
All modern particle physics experiments use silicon-based sensors for their vertex and tracking systems. The largest single device built so far is the CMS Tracker with more than 24,000 sensors, each made on a 6” silicon wafer. An academic institution cannot perform such a large production, and even the number of potential commercial vendors is small. Therefore we are developing planar silicon...
Nicola Neri
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
17/02/2015, 12:20
We report on the status of the R&D of the first prototype of a silicon tracking system with “artificial retina” for fast track finding. The “artificial retina” is a tracking algorithm inspired by neurobiology and based on extensive parallelization of data distribution and pattern recognition. It allows real time tracking and can be designed to work for HEP applications, i.e. high rates and...
Jasu Haerkoenen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
17/02/2015, 12:40
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) method is a derivate of more commonly adopted Chemical Vapor Phase Deposition (CVD) thin film growth methods. The deposition of a film by ALD is based on the successive, separated and self-terminating gas–solid reactions of typically two gaseous reactants. Separation of the reactants is accomplished by pulsing a purge gas (for instance oxygen, nitrogen or argon)...
Ivan Peric
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
17/02/2015, 14:20
High-Voltage CMOS sensors are based on depleted active diodes as sensor elements. Every sensor element – pixel – is equipped with the readout electronics that performs various tasks, from signal amplification, zero suppression, address generation to time walk correction. High-Voltage CMOS sensors are an option for pixel- and strip layers of ATLAS high-luminosity upgrade. Several prototypes...
Zhijun Liang
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
17/02/2015, 14:40
The talk will give an overview of the studies and status of
CMOS-based sensors research and development for ATLAS strip detector
CMOS sensor can provide higher granularity, costs less in sensor fabrication compared to conventional planar sensor.
Furthermore, CMOS-based sensors collect charge from thin depleted region,
and it has potential to be thinned down to 50um for...
Mathieu Benoit
17/02/2015, 15:00
We present a TCAD simulation study of the properties of HVCMOS sensors as a function of substrate resistivity, pixel topology and biasing scheme. The effect of these parameters on the timing and detection efficiency will be discussed.
Misael Caloz
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
17/02/2015, 15:20
We present a detailed characterization of the CCPDv2 and CCPDv4 CMOS sensors capacitively coupled to FEI4. We discuss the equalization procedure and the strategy for lowering the CCPD threshold, its temperature dependence and the intrinsic limits of the system.
Javier Bilbao De Mendizabal
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
17/02/2015, 15:40
We present the results of the characterization of CCPDV2 and CCPDv4 sensors, before and after irradiation, at the SPS using the FEI4 Telescope. The effects of bias, threshold and irradiation on the efficiency and timing properties of the CCPD family of sensors will be discussed.
Igor Mandic
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
17/02/2015, 16:40
The charge collection mechanism in HVCMOS detectors produced by AMS was studied by Edge-TCT and by measuring signals from minimum ionizing particles before and after neutron irradiation. The sensors were produced for investigation of HVCMOS technology for pixel and strip detectors for ATLAS upgrade. In reverse biased HVCMOS sensor thin depleted layer is formed in relatively low resistivity...
Nicolo Cartiglia
(Universita e INFN (IT))
17/02/2015, 17:00
In this contribution I will analyze two different aspects of the design of ultrafast silicon detectors: (i) how to obtain finely pixelated detectors while retaining excellent time resolution, and (ii) how to set the best value of gain without significantly increase the noise.
Hartmut Sadrozinski
(SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
17/02/2015, 17:20
The Time resolution of LGAD of varying thickness have been explored with lasers and in beam tests.
The results agree with simulations and validate the extrapolation for future improvements.
Marta Baselga
17/02/2015, 17:40
We will present the measures of strips LGAD fabricated on FZ and epitaxial wafers. Those measures are taken at Diamond Light Source with x-rays as also diodes measured at CNM-Barcelona.
We will present also simulations for p-on-p segmented detectors with LGAD performed with Sentaurus TCAD for possible future fabrications.
Giulio Pellegrini
(Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC) (ES))
18/02/2015, 08:45
This talk reports the design and the measurements of the last fabrication run of silicon radiation detector with intrinsic multiplication of the charge, called Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD). These new devices are based on the standard Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) normally used for optical and X-ray detection applications. The main differences to standard APD detectors are the low gain...
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
18/02/2015, 09:05
The studies of initial acceptor removal in high resistivity p-type silicon detectors are scarce, mainly due to minor impact on operation of standard p-type detectors at high fluences. On the other hand initial acceptor removal is of prime importance for radiation hardness of new detector technologies such as Low Gain Amplification Detectors and HV-CMOS sensors, where the doping levels are up...
Susanne Kuehn
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
18/02/2015, 09:25
Measurements of silicon sensors having charge multiplication are candidates for radiation hard detectors for future high energy physics experiments. Important to understand is their applicability in terms of long-term biasing and high voltage cycling, especially in case of a use as tracking devices.
The talk will show measurement results of various p-type strip sensors after days to weeks of...
Francesca Cenna
(Universita e INFN (IT))
18/02/2015, 09:45
I will analyze the effect of space charge in LGAD detectors using laser signals.
I will study how the amplitude of the output signal of LGAD sensors depends on the input charge.
Marco Ferrero
(University of the Study of Turin)
18/02/2015, 10:05
In this contribution I will illustrate preliminary studies towards the development of a methodology to determinate the doping profile of LGAD detectors. The method first, using the analysis of Capacitance-Frequency curve, estimates the optimal measuring frequency, then from the Capacitance-Voltage characteristic curves extracts the doping profile.
An alternative method measures the average...
Toufik Bendib
(University of Trento)
18/02/2015, 10:25
In this work, we present a simulation study of low gain avalanche detectors (LGAD). The doping profile of LGAD avalanche region is the most critical technological parameter to be adjusted, affectingbreakdown voltage, gain-voltage characteristics and excess noise factor. In order to better understand the multiplication mechanism, numerical simulations are conducted for LGAD design...
Andrea Gaudiello
(Universita e INFN Genova (IT))
18/02/2015, 11:05
3D sensors has been developed for the Insertable B-Layer (IBL), an additional pixel layer that has been installed in ATLAS during the present shutdown of the LHC collider at CERN. It is presented in the talk the experience in designing, testing and qualifying sensors and detector modules that have been used to equip part of the IBL. Some very preliminary results will be presented from the...
Emanuele Cavallaro
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES)),
Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona)
18/02/2015, 11:25
The ATLAS Forward Physics (AFP) project plans to install 3D silicon pixel detectors 210 m away from the interaction point and very close to the beamline at a radius of about 2-3 mm. This implies the need of slim edges in the order of 100 µm for the sensor side facing the beam to minimise the dead area. Another challenge is an expected non-uniform irradiation of the pixel sensors with high...
Fabio Ravera
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
18/02/2015, 11:45
For the CMS-TOTEM Precise Proton Spectrometer, tracking and timing detectors will be installed next year along the LHC beamline at ~$220$ m from the CMS interaction point. To measure protons scattered at very small angles, detectors will be placed within Roman Pots at a few mm from the LHC beam. Tracking detectors are supposed to receive an irradiation fluence up to $5x10^{15}$ p/cm$^2$. The...
DMS Sultan
(University of Trento and INFN)
18/02/2015, 12:05
This report addresses the experimental characterization of Double-Sided 3D radiation sensors, fabricated at FBK, irradiated with protons and neutrons up to fluencies in the order of 10$^{16}$ n$_{eq}$/cm$^2$ as the foreseen HL-LHC compliance. The study is mainly aimed at comparing different designs and technological solutions in terms of full depletion voltage and breakdown voltage in order to...
Maurizio Boscardin
(FBK Trento)
18/02/2015, 12:25
FBK has recently upgraded the pilot line from 4 inch to 6 inch wafers, a fact that brings both advantages and disadvantages for the fabrication of 3D sensors.
The talk will focus on the fabrication of the first internal batch of 3D sensors carried out on the new line in 2014. We report on: i) the main modifications introduced in the fabrication process with respect to the baseline process...
Clara Nellist
(LAL-Orsay (FR))
18/02/2015, 14:20
It is known that for the current design of planar pixel sensors, there is a drop of efficiency at the punch-through structure of the biasing system at the edge of pixels. Various geometries, as part of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITK) upgrade, are being investigated to reduce this inefficiency.
A planar pixel sensor with multiple alternative bias rail geometries has been tested at the SPS beam...
Daiki Yamaguchi
(Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
18/02/2015, 14:40
ATLAS upgrade for foreseen High Luminosity LHC will require the high radiation tolerance on Pixel Detector.
The n$^{+}$-in-p silicon technology is a promising candidate for the pixel upgrade, due to its radiation hardness and cost effectiveness.
We have developed n$^{+}$-in-p planar pixel sensors produced by HPK (Japan) connected by bump bonding to the ATLAS read out chip FE-I4.
The new...
Yoshinobu Unno
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
18/02/2015, 15:00
We have been developing planar-process pixel sensors in p-type 6-in. silicon wafer for an application in ATLAS detector for the luminosity upgrade of the large hadron collider (HL-LHC). Our motivation is to develop a highly radiation-tolerant and cost-effective pixel sensor for covering large area of the pixel detector. In the 1st prototype pixel sensors, after irradiation and beamtest,...
Francesco Moscatelli
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
18/02/2015, 16:05
In this work we propose the application of a radiation damage model based on the introduction of deep level traps/recombination center suitable for device level numerical simulation of radiation detectors at very high fluences (e.g. 1-2x10^16 1 MeV equivalent neutrons).
The model is based on a past modeling scheme featuring three levels with donor removal and slightly increased introduction...
Vagelis Gkougkousis
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
18/02/2015, 16:25
Radiation hardness constrains imposed by the High luminosity LHC upgrade, demand detailed modelling and simulation of substrate damage in the most basic level. In that direction, several implanted samples, which have undergone the first steps of the fabrication process, are simulated and measured. Results are then transposed to a diode test production of similar characteristics, fabricated...
Mohamed El Amine Benkechkache
(University of Trento)
18/02/2015, 16:45
Future experiments at the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) will require silicon pixel sensors with demanding performance: a wide dynamic range from 1 up to 104 12-keV photons per pixel, a small pixel pitch (~100 μm), minimum dead area and a radiation tolerance of 1GGy per 3 years of operation. Therefore, the development of four-side buttable tile detectors that meet such requirements...
Lino Demaria
(Universita e INFN (IT))
18/02/2015, 17:05
The scope of RD53 is the development of pixel readout Integrated Circuits (IC) for the next
generation of pixel readout chips to be used for the ATLAS and CMS Phase 2 pixel detector
upgrades and future CLIC pixel detectors.
This does not imply that ATLAS and CMS must use the same exact pixel readout chip, as most of
the development, test and qualification effort needed is independent...
Kevin Lauer
(CIS Institut fuer Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH (DE))
19/02/2015, 08:45
In the past, the CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik has made a mark as a manufacturer of reliable radiation hard planar silicon sensors for various important high energy particle detectors.
Radiation detectors based on 3D structures in silicon are a promising way to increase their radiation hardness. This is especially needed in the high luminosity upgrades of the...
Marta Baselga
19/02/2015, 09:05
We will present the new ongoing project at CNM-Barcelona, involving the fabrication of new 3D detectors for pixel ATLAS upgrades at the CNM-Barcelona. The mask for the new structures and simulations for the geometries of 50umx50umx200um and 100umx25umx200um will be shown for different irradiations.
Sabina Ronchin
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
19/02/2015, 09:25
We report on the joint INFN ATLAS-CMS R&D program, in collaboration with FBK, aimed at the development of pixel sensors for the phase 2 upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC).
In this talk we describe the development of the main technological steps allowing for the fabrication of a new generation of Si 3D pixel detectors with small pixel and thin active thickness. In particular, we report on the...
Roberto Mendicino
19/02/2015, 09:45
We report on the joint INFN ATLAS-CMS R&D program, in collaboration with FBK, aimed at the development of pixel sensors for the phase 2 upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC). The sensor technology and design will have to be optimized and qualified for extreme radiation hardness, and pixel designs will have to be compatible with present (for testing) and future (65nm) FE chips of ATLAS and CMS.
Marco Povoli
(University of Oslo)
19/02/2015, 10:05
In order to fulfil the requirements of the tracking detectors for the future upgrades of the LHC experiments such as the ITK detector, the 3D community now has to address the challenges of smaller pixels and thinner substrates. The single-sided approach for 3D detectors, which has been developed at SINTEF MiNaLab in collaboration with Stanford Nanofabrication Facility, allows active edges and...
Cinzia Da Via
(University of Manchester (GB))
19/02/2015, 11:05
Vertigo is a light, movable, compact vertically integrated microsystem which allows secure access, measurement and three-dimensional localization of difficult radioactive environments. The system design includes a high resolution, radiation hard, MEMS-based multiple-particle pixelated detector, a camera, data storage and high band wireless transmission, cooling system and batteries. The...
Mara Bruzzi
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
19/02/2015, 11:45
Mara Bruzzi, Carlo Civinini, Giorgia Maccioni, Stefania Pallotta, Francesca Paulis, Nunzio Randazzo, Monica Scaringella, Valeria Sipala, Cinzia Talamonti, Eleonora Vanzi
Proton Computed Tomography (pCT) is a new imaging method with a potential for increasing accuracy of treatment planning and patient positioning in hadron therapy. A pCT system based on a silicon tracker and a YAG:Ce...
Giuseppe Pastore
19/02/2015, 12:05
The performance of a silicon detector in partially depleted condition has been studied. The detector has been used for Pulse Shape (PS) identification of charged nuclear fragments. Particles entered the detector from the ohmic (low field) side, to enhance PS identification performance. Five different bias voltages have been used, one corresponding to full depletion (used as reference of the...
Joseph Rees
(University of Liverpool)
19/02/2015, 12:25
The use of silicon detectors with neutron-reactive films provides a compact technology for thermal-neutron detection. A thermal-neutron detector has been developed utilizing the 6Li(n,alpha)3H reaction. A detector with a stable 6LiF layer has been produced and tested, while a detector designed to use a pure 6Li metal film is nearing completion. The challenge for this latter design is to...
Marco Povoli
(University of Oslo)
19/02/2015, 12:45
Modern cancer treatments have become increasingly more sophisticated in the past years and therefore require a real-time, reliable radiation dose monitoring system. Silicon microdosimeters are excellent candidates as they are small in size and have high spatial resolution. The ease of coupling to readout electronics makes them the first choice for a real time on-line system.
The devices in...