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Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre (University of Oxford)

Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

University of Oxford


Boost 2010 is a continuation of the successful small-scale workshop Boost 2009 held at SLAC in July 2009. The workshop addresses new physics signatures involving highly boosted objects which can evade standard event reconstruction techniques due to their decay products being observed as single objects within the detector. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together leading theorists and experimentalists with the aim of better understanding the physics behind these signatures and how to detect them. The topics covered include, but are not limited to, boosted tops ("t-tagging"), "lepton jets" and boosted Higgs, W and Z bosons. This workshop will particularly explore what can be learnt about the tools and theory, and what measurements need to made in the coming year before Boost 2011, as the LHC era begins. In addition to talks, there will be discussion sessions. This discussion will be broadly divided into two working groups: one dedicated to boosted states decaying to leptons and one dedicated to boosted states decaying to hadrons. The meeting will take place at the University of Oxford between the 22 and the 25 June 2010. The number of participants will be limited. Registration is now open until 24th May 2010 or until all available places are filled.

    • Introductory Session Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

      An introduction to the facilities and events in Oxford this week, and to the topics to be covered in the workshop.
      Chair: M. Karagoz

      • 1
        Speaker: Muge Karagoz Unel (University of Oxford)
      • 2
        Summary of Previous Boosted Physics Workshops
        Speaker: Steve Ellis
      • 3
        Experimental Review
        Speaker: Gustaaf Brooijmans (Columbia University)
      • 4
        Theory Review - Part I
        Speaker: Jacob Wacker
      • 5
        Theory Review - Part II
        Speaker: Gavin Salam
    • Lunch Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Monte Carlo meets Data Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

      Chair: P. Loch

      • 6
        ATLAS first data
        Speaker: Urban Bitenc (Physikalisches Institut-Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg)
      • 7
        CMS first data
        Speaker: Dave Newbold (University of Bristol)
      • 8
        Early Data For Monte Carlos
        Speaker: Dr Peter Richardson (Durham University)
      • 9
        Monte Carlo Overview
        Speaker: Keith Hamilton (INFN, Milano-Bicocca)
    • 16:00
      Tea Break Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Reception The Principal's Lodgings (Hertford College)

      The Principal's Lodgings

      Hertford College

    • Finding Boosted Objects Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

      What has been learnt from first LHC data and what is expected to be measured in the coming year.

      • 10
        Jet Grooming
        Speaker: Brock Tweedie
      • 11
        Tevatron Results and Prospects
        Speaker: Thomas Gadfort (BNL)
      • 12
        ATLAS prospects for boosted objects
        Speaker: Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann (Stockholm University)
      • 13
        CMS prospects for boosted objects
        Speaker: Jeannine Wagner-Kuhr (Inst. fuer Experimentelle Kernphys.-Universitaet Karlsruhe)
    • 11:00
      Tea Break Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Discussion/ working group time - Hadronic Working Group Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Discussion/ working group time - Leptonic Working Group Seminar room (Denys Wilkinson Building)

      Seminar room

      Denys Wilkinson Building

    • Lunch Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Physics models with Boosted Objects Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

      Which physics models can produce boosted final states? Which new scenarios could already be discovered in early LHC data?

      • 14
        Speaker: Are Raklev (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University)
      • 15
        Technicolor Models
        Speaker: Francesco Sannino
      • 16
        Extra particles and Extra Dimensions
        Speaker: Jose Santiago (ETH Zurich)
      • 15:30
        Tea Break
      • 17
        Black Holes
        Speaker: James Frost (Cavendish Lab., High En Phys. Group-University of Cambridge-Unkn)
      • 18
        Higgs Sector
        Speaker: Mads Toudal Frandsen
      • 19
        Dark Sector
        Speaker: Jacob Wacker
    • Workshop Dinner Ferrar Room and Dining Hall (Hertford College)

      Ferrar Room and Dining Hall

      Hertford College

    • Subject Talks I Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

      • 20
        Decay characteristics of W bosons from heavy quarks
        Speaker: Dr Michael G Wilson (SLAC)
      • 21
        W/Z +jets using jet substructure
        Speaker: Adam Davison (University College London)
      • 22
        Reconstructing Top using Fat jets.
        Speaker: Michihisa Takeuchi (Heidelberg University)
      • 23
        High PT Jets at CDF
        Speaker: Pekka Sinervo (Department of Physics-University of Toronto-Unknown)
      • 24
        Template method for 2 & 3 point correlation functions of massive jets
        Speaker: Gilad Perez (Weizmann Institute)
    • 10:40
      break Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Discussion/ working group time - Hadronic Working Group Fisher Room (Denys Wilkinson Building)

      Fisher Room

      Denys Wilkinson Building

      • 25
        Fastjet tutorial
        Speaker: Gavin Salam (Unknown)
        Fastjet Tutorial Page
      • 26
        Spartyjet tutorial
        Speaker: Chris Vermilion
        Example Script
    • Discussion/ working group time - Leptonic Working Group Seminar room (Denys Wilkinson Building)

      Seminar room

      Denys Wilkinson Building

    • Lunch Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Subject Talks II Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

      • 27
        Boosted Light Higgs from TeV-Scale Resonances: h->\tau\tau.
        Speaker: Dr Andrey Katz (University of Maryland)
      • 28
        Unburied Higgs
        Speaker: David Krohn (Princeton University)
      • 29
        Discovering MSSM Higgs Bosons with Jet Substructure
        Speaker: Adam Martin (Fermilab)
      • 30
        Boosting Higgs Searches
        Speaker: Michael Spannowsky (LMU)
      • 31
        Zh-bbll from TeV scale Z' resonance
        Speaker: Minho Son
      • 32
        CMS search potential for boosted Z->ee from excited quarks
        Speaker: James Jackson (H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory - University of Bristol)
      • 33
        lepton jets at Tevatron
        Speaker: Andrew Haas (SLAC)
      • 34
        Signatures of lepton jet production at the LHC
        Speaker: Eva Halkiadakis (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy-Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jerse)
    • 16:00
      break Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Discussion/ working group time - Hadronic Working Group Fisher Room (Denys Wilkinson Building)

      Fisher Room

      Denys Wilkinson Building

    • Discussion/ working group time - Leptonic Working Group Seminar room (Denys Wilkinson Building)

      Seminar room

      Denys Wilkinson Building

    • Final Discussions - Hadronic Working Group Fisher Room (Denys Wilkinson Building)

      Fisher Room

      Denys Wilkinson Building

    • Final Discussions - Leptonic Working Group Seminar Room (Denys Wilkinson Building)

      Seminar Room

      Denys Wilkinson Building

    • 10:30
      Tea Break Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

    • Closing session Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre

      University of Oxford

      • 35
        Boosted Leptonic States Summary
        Speakers: Christopher Hill (University of Bristol), Jacob Wacker
      • 36
        Boosted Hadronic Final States Summary
        Speakers: Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Michael Spannowsky (LMU)
      • 37
        closing remarks
        Speaker: Muge Karagoz Unel (University of Oxford)