2nd Annual Meeting of ARIES WP17
Following the cancellation of the annual meeting of ARIES WP17 (PowerMat) at ELI-NP in Bucharest-Magurele initially planned on 18-20 March 2020, we have organized a virtual meeting to discuss recent progresses and plan the work for the final period, also taking into account the possible extension of the ARIES project of several months.
Please use the following link to connect using Vidyo: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/k7kgwEkhQL
The event will be held on a single day, with a compacted version of the programme initially proposed at ELI-NP, leaving time for exchanges and discussions on urgent topics such as coming milestones and deliverables, experiments, particularly with Lasers, and the special issue in “Shock and Vibrations”.
The PowerMat work package (WP 17) is a Joint Research Activity (JRA) of the Horizon2020 Integrating Activity for Particle Accelerator R&D - ARIES (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society), supporting a comprehensive and integrated R&D activity of several institutes and academic groups to investigate, develop, manufacture, characterize, test and simulate novel materials for extreme thermal management and other challenging and unconventional societal applications.
This meeting will be an ideal occasion to present progresses achieved in the various tasks of the WP and to discuss about its status and perspectives. Scope of the meeting is also to foster exchanges within the ARIES collaboration and beyond on themes related to advanced thermal management materials and their applications.
Alessandro Bertarelli
Andreas Waets
Andrei Galatanu
Anton Lechner
Antonio Carvalhosa
Carlotta Accettura
Federico Carra
Jorge Guardia Valenzuela
Lorenzo Peroni
Marcello Losasso
Marco Beghi
Marcus Portelli
Marilena Tomut
Michael Kitzmantel
Nicholas Sammut
Nicola Solieri
Pascal Simon
Philipp Bolz
Philipp Drechsel
Pierluigi Mollicone
Stefano Bizzaro
Stefano Redaelli
Theodor Asavei
Violetta Toto
Welcome, programme and report from ARIES Annual Meeting 376/1-020Speakers: Alessandro Bertarelli (CERN), Marilena Tatiana Tomut
Session 1: Task 17.2 376/1-020Convener: Alessandro Bertarelli (CERN)
Status of task 17.2Speaker: Alessandro Bertarelli (CERN)
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Report from recent material characterization campaigns and new developmentsSpeaker: Jorge Guardia Valenzuela (Universidad de Zaragoza (ES))
Session 2.1: Task 17.3 376/1-020Convener: Lorenzo Peroni (Politecnico di Torino)
Status of task 17.3 and publications on Shocks and VibrationsSpeaker: Lorenzo Peroni (Politecnico di Torino)
Possible scenarii for dynamic tests (in coming months)Speaker: Lorenzo Peroni (Politecnico di Torino)
Update on activities at ELI-NP and possibilities for laser testsSpeaker: Theodor Asavei (IFIN-HH)
Coffee Break 376/1-020
Session 2.2: Task 17.3 376/1-020Convener: Lorenzo Peroni (Politecnico di Torino)
Discussion on shock experiments on accelerator materials with lasers and high energy beams 376/1-020
Investigation of dynamic effects in targets by GeV U ions impact 376/1-020Speaker: Philipp Bolz
Dynamic Response of Tantalum Rods Embedded in Graphitic Shells Impacted by High Energy Particle Beams in the HiRadMat 38 "FlexMat Experiment" 376/1-020Speaker: Pascal Simon (GSI)
Lunch Break 376/1-020
Convener: Anton Lechner (CERN)
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Radiation damage and gas production simulations for HL-LHC collimatorsSpeaker: Andreas Waets (CERN)
GSI irradiation tests results and future test plansSpeaker: Carlotta Accettura (Politecnico di Milano (IT))
Modelling of defects in graphiteSpeaker: Marco Beghi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Update on BLIP irradiation tests and RaDIATE activitiesSpeaker: Nicola Soleri
Coffee Break 376/1-020
Session 4: Task 17.5 and I-FAST 376/1-020Convener: Marilena Tatiana Tomut
Status task 17.5Speaker: Marilena Tatiana Tomut
New results on beam- induced colour centres in nitrogen containing diamondsSpeaker: Pascal Simon (GSI)
I-FAST proposalSpeaker: Marilena Tatiana Tomut
Wrap-up all tasks and WP and future plans 376/1-020
10 min per task plus final discussion