MCnet-CTEQ Summer School 2021 VIRTUAL


The 2021 CTEQ-MCnet Summer School will be held ONLINE only in a virtual format. The lectures will be presented Monday--Thursday September 6--9 and 13--16.

YouTube Channel (Collected videos of lectures)

It is the 14th MCnet Summer School and 27th CTEQ School.

The school provides training on the physics at high energy colliders, particularly the LHC. We will have series of lectures on basic and more advanced topics, practical sessions, and evening discussions with the lecturers. The school is aimed at advanced doctoral students and young postdocs.

Our core sessions comprise a series of introductory lectures on the physics of Monte Carlo event generators, Electroweak Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, further lectures on a wider range of associated topics, a series of hands-on tutorials using all of the MCnet event generators for LHC physics, and evening discussion sessions with all lecturers. 

There is NO fee for the virtual school.

Topics covered in the school will include the following.

Focused Introductory Reviews:

  • Introduction to Monte Carlo Event Generators
  • Introduction to QCD in the Standard Model
  • Deeply Inelastic Scattering
  • Higgs Boson Physics
  • Vector Bosons / Direct Photons
  • Production and Structure of High Energy Jets
  • Heavy Quarks

In-depth Analysis and Phenomenology:

  • Monte Carlo Tutorials
  • Higgs at Hadron Colliders
  • QCD/EWK/Top/Searches at Hadron Colliders
  • Non-perturbative/soft physics
  • Heavy Ions and Min Bias
  • Higher-order QCD and EW Calculations
  • Matching/Merging to Parton Showers

Organised by:
