17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

NLO QCD effects on angular observables in single Higgs production at electron-proton collider

19 Jul 2024, 15:21
South Hall 2A

South Hall 2A

Parallel session talk 01. Higgs Physics Higgs Physics


Pramod Sharma (IISER Mohali)


Properties of the Higgs boson (H) at current and future particle colliders are crucial to explore new physics beyond the standard model. In particular, experimental and theoretical outlooks at future colliders drive interest in Higgs to gauge boson couplings. Single Higgs production via vector-boson fusion allows probing Higgs couplings with massive vector bosons (V = W, Z). We consider electron-proton (eP) collider to study these couplings due to the low background. In a recent study, we considered the most general anomalous Higgs-vector boson (HVV) couplings and explored the potential of eP collider in constraining the parameters of HVV couplings. Our results were based on leading order predictions in perturbation theory. We include further Next to Leading Order (NLO) corrections of Quantum Chromodynamic (QCD) in Standard Model signal to make precise predictions. In this talk, I will present the effect of NLO QCD corrections on the standard model and anomalous HVV couplings.

Alternate track 01. Higgs Physics
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Primary author

Pramod Sharma (IISER Mohali)


Dr Ambresh Shivaji (IISER Mohali) Dr Biswajit Das (IMSc Chennai)

Presentation materials