17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Light dark matter search at PandaX

18 Jul 2024, 12:10
Club A

Club A

Parallel session talk 09. Dark Matter Detection Dark Matter


minzhen zhang (SJTU)


PandaX-4T detector is a dual phase xenon time projection chamber. In 2021, the commissioning run set the most stringent limit on dark matter-nucleon spin-independent interactions in the mass range from GeV to TeV level. However, for sub-GeV light dark matter, the nuclear recoil energy falls below the detection threshold of approximately 5 keV in the traditional search window requiring the selection of paired scintillation and ionization signals. To search for the light dark matter, we selected ionization-only events and lowered the detection threshold down to approximately 0.8 keV. In such a low energy window, two types of dominant backgrounds were identified in the PandaX-4T commissioning run, namely micro-discharge and cathode activity. In this talk, the latest search result using ionization-only events in the data of the first scientific run of PandaX-4T will be presented, together with further studies on the origin and discrimination of the main backgrounds in this energy window.

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