17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Deciphering the Secrets of the Long-Lived Particles at the Colliders

20 Jul 2024, 15:21
South Hall 1A

South Hall 1A

Parallel session talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Snehashis Parashar (IIT Hyderabad)


Conventional searches at the LHC operate under the assumption that Beyond the Standard Model particles undergo immediate decay upon production. However, this assumption lacks inherent a priori justification. This talk delves into the exploration of displaced decay signatures across various collider experiments. Combining insights from several studies, we show how small Yukawa couplings, compressed mass spectra, and collider boosts lead to distinctive displaced decays, observable at the CMS, ATLAS and proposed future detectors. These phenomena, manifesting within both Type-I and Type-III seesaw mechanisms, and the Vector-like lepton model with non-zero hypercharge provide a unique insight into the behaviours of neutrinos and dark matter. The seminar highlights the technical challenges and breakthroughs in detecting and interpreting these signatures, emphasising their significance in probing the depths of the extensions of the Standard Model.

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Primary author


Eung Jin Chun Mariana Frank (Concordia University) Dr Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad) Snehashis Parashar (IIT Hyderabad)

Presentation materials