17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Correlating neutrino magnetic moment and inert scalar dark matter in Type-III radiative scenario

18 Jul 2024, 11:53
South Hall 1A

South Hall 1A

Parallel session talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Rukmani Mohanta


We discuss dark matter phenomenology, neutrino magnetic moment and their masses in a Type-III radiative scenario. The Standard Model is enriched with three vector-like fermion triplets and two inert scalar doublets to provide a suitable platform for the above phenomenological aspects. The inert scalars contribute to total relic density of dark matter in the Universe. Neutrino aspects are realised at one-loop with magnetic moment obtained through charged scalars, while neutrino mass gets contribution from charged and neutral scalars. Taking inert scalars up to $2$ TeV and triplet fermion in few hundred TeV range, we obtain a common parameter space, compatible with experimental limits associated with both neutrino and dark matter sectors. Finally, we demonstrate that the model is able to provide neutrino magnetic moments in a wide range from $10^{-12}\mu_B$ to $10^{-10}\mu_B$, meeting the bounds of various experiments such as Super-K, TEXONO, Borexino and XENONnT.

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