Mu2e will search for the neutrinoless coherent μ^-→e^- conversion in the field of an Al nucleus and improve the current limit by 4 orders of magnitude. Mu2e consists of a straw-tube tracker and crystal calorimeter in a 1T B field complemented by a plastic scintillation counter veto to suppress cosmic ray backgrounds. Tracker geometry makes track reconstruction a quite unique problem. The first step of track reconstruction is hit clustering, in space and time. Pattern recognition is performed for each time cluster to identity hit combinations compatible with a 3D helix and remove background hits. Track fitting acts on the hit combinations to determine precision track parameters. The existing algorithms are robust and efficient for the topologies of interest for the principal physics analyses. However, we are developing pattern recognition algorithms to improve track reconstruction of multi-particle events which could be important for background estimates through data-driven procedures.
Alternate track | 12. Operation, Performance and Upgrade (incl. HL-LHC) of Present Detectors |
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