The discovery of the Higgs boson marked the beginning of a new era in HEP. Precision measurement of the Higgs properties become a natural next step beyond the LHC and HL-LHC. Among the proposed Higgs factories worldwide, the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) was proposed in 2012. CEPC can produce Higgs/W/Z and top which aims to measure Higgs, EW, flavor physics and QCD with unprecedented precision and to probe new physics beyond SM. With the official release of CEPC Accelerator Technical Design Report (TDR) in December, 2023, we are intensively preparing accelerator Engineering Design Report (EDR) and reference detector TDR. The purpose is to submit CEPC proposal to Chinese government for approval and start construction within the “15th five-year plan (2026-2030)”. In this talk, the overview and global aspects of the CEPC project, highlights of CEPC physics, accelerator and detector R&D will be presented. International participation and contributions are warmly welcome.
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