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17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Bound state basics

19 Jul 2024, 18:00
North Hall

North Hall

Parallel session talk 06. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong interactions and Hadron Physics


Paul Hoyer


Bound state constituents move in the instantaneous potential generated by their companions. QED and QCD have instantaneous potentials when the gauge is fixed over all space at an instant of time (eg., A^0=0). Thus the Schrödinger equation can be generalised to relativistic motion [1].

The QCD potential felt by a quark or gluon can be non-vanishing at spatial infinity for color singlet states, since the combined potential generated by all constituents vanishes. Maintaining Poincare symmetry leaves a single universal parameter: the (spatially constant) gluon field energy density.

Consequences: The gluon energy density gives the QCD hadron scale. Color singlet q qbar states are bound by a linear potential, qqq and q qbar g states have corresponding confining potentials. Full Poincare covariance of EM form factors for relativistic bound states is demonstrated for the first time in a Hamiltonian framework [2]. The hadron spectrum has promising features [1].

[1] 2101.06721
[2] 2304.11903

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