17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Synergistic effects in enhancing octant and mass ordering sensitivity in the presence of a sterile neutrinos

20 Jul 2024, 08:45


Parallel session talk 02. Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Mr Supriya Pan


We consider the standard three-generation framework augmented by an extra sterile neutrino in the mass range (Δm$^2_{41}=10^{-4}:1 eV^2$). In this picture, four mass spectrums are possible due to unknown signs of the atmospheric (Δm$^2_{31}$) and sterile (Δm$^2_{41}$) mass-squared differences. We study how the sensitivity to the ordering of the active states and the octant of mixing angle $\theta_{23}$ get affected in this scenario. We also discuss the possible determination of sign of Δm$^2_{41}$. This analysis is done in the context of a liquid argon detector using beam neutrinos traveling a distance of 1300 km and atmospheric neutrinos propagating through a distance $10-10^4$ km, allowing resonant matter effects. We present separate results from these sources, do a combined study, and probe the synergy between these two to give an enhanced sensitivity. We also discuss the implications for cosmology, beta decay, and neutrinoless double beta decay in presence of a sterile neutrino.

Alternate track 02. Neutrino Physics
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Animesh Chatterjee (CERN) Srubabati Goswami (physical research laboratory)

Presentation materials