The T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment in Japan harnesses its sensitivity to search for CP violation in neutrino sector by observing the appearance of electron (anti-)neutrinos from a beam of muon (anti-)neutrinos at its far detector, Super-Kamiokande (SK). For the next iteration of T2K's oscillation analysis, a new $\nu_e$ appearance sample was developed, targeting charged-current single pion production. This neutrino interaction produces an event with more than one Cherenkov ring at SK, specifically a visible $e$-like and a $\pi^+$-like ring. This sample increases T2K's total $\nu_e$ CC statistics by $\sim$6%, thus enhancing its $\delta_{\text{CP}}$ measurements. Additionally, multiple improvements were implemented in the treatment of the SK detector's systematic uncertainties. The poster will showcase the features of the new sample along with changes in SK's systematic treatment and some preliminary oscillation parameter sensitivity studies with the inclusion of this sample.
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