The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment aims to discover the CP violation in
leptons by the precise measurement of $ \nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{e}$ and
$\bar{\nu}_{\mu}\to\bar{\nu}_{e}$ oscillations. It will be realized
by high statistics using the new 260 kiloton far-detector and the
intense neutrino beam from J-PARC, and by precise understand on the
neutrino-nucleus interaction using the new intermediate water
Cherenkov detector (IWCD). The J-PARC accelerator and neutrino beam
facility is being improved for 1.3MW beam power from the original
design value of 750kW, and the new experimental facility for IWCD will
be constructed at the new site away from ~900m from the neutrino
production target. The role and prospects of IWCD measurements, the
IWCD facility design, and the latest progress of the upgrade of J-PARC
and the IWCD project that are started in 2020 towards the data taking
start in 2027 are described.
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