17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Quantum Gravity Effects on Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves

19 Jul 2024, 17:15
South Hall 2B

South Hall 2B

Parallel session talk 08. Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology


Xin Wang (University of Southampton)


We explore how quantum gravity effects, manifested through the breaking of discrete symmetry responsible for both Dark Matter and Domain Walls, can have observational effects through Dark Matter indirect detections and gravitational waves. To illustrate the idea we consider a simple model with two scalar fields or one fermion field plus one scalar field, together with two $Z_2$ symmetries, one being responsible for Dark Matter stability, and the other spontaneously broken and responsible for Domain Walls, where both symmetries are assumed to be explicitly broken by quantum gravity effects. We show the recent gravitational wave spectrum observed by several pulsar timing array projects can help constrain such effects.

Alternate track 09. Dark Matter Detection
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Graham White (Southampton) Masahito Yamazaki (University of Tokyo) Rishav Roshan (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati) Prof. Stephen F King (University of Southampton) Xin Wang (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials