17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

The High-Field Magnet Programme: Magnet R&D for FCC-hh in Europe

18 Jul 2024, 15:57
Club D

Club D

Parallel session talk 11. Accelerator: Physics, Performance, and R&D for Future Facilities Accelerators: Physics, Performance, and R&D for future facilities


Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN)


Magnet technology is a key enabler for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) and its hadron collider variant (FCC-hh). The European High-Field Magnet Program (HFM), hosted at CERN, implements a European research network for high-field accelerator magnets that is geared towards FCC-hh. The research network includes four national laboratories and CERN for magnet design and construction, as well as institutes and universities for conductor research and other enabling technologies. In this contribution we present the status of the Programme, medium-term plans for technology demonstrations, as well as the strategy for integration and coordination with the FCC integrated program. The authors present in the name of the entire HFM Programme network.

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Andrzej Siemko (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) Dr Ezio Todesco (CERN)

Presentation materials