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XII Bolyai–Gauss–Lobachevsky Conference (BGL-2024): Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Physics and Mathematics

Domus Collegium Hungaricum of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Domus Collegium Hungaricum of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Abonyi str. 10, 1146 Budapest, Hungary
Dániel Barta (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)

The 12th BolyaiGaussLobachevsky (BGL) Conference on Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Physics and Mathematics will take place in Budapest, Hungary at the Domus Collegium Hungaricum of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (address: Abonyi str. 10, 1146 Budapest). The Conference is organized by the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (WIGNER RCP), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), and the Roland Eötvös Physical Society (ELFT). 

This meeting follows the earlier ones held at Uzhgorod, Ukraine, (1997), Nyíregyháza, Hungary (1999), Targu Mures, Romania (2002), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (2004), Minsk, Belarus (2006), Debrecen, Hungary (2008),  Cluj Napoca, Romania (2010), Uzhgorod, Ukraine (2012), Minsk, Belarus (2015), Gyönygyös, Hungary (2017), and Kyiv, Ukraine (2019).

POSTER of BGL-2024


  • Quantum fields in curved spaces; symmetry & supersymmetry
  • Quantum groups & algebras, deformed quantum systems
  • Quantum gravity & cosmology, gravitational waves, dark matter, dark energy
  • Evolution of the universe
  • Non-Euclidean geometry in particle physics, quantum field theory, analytic S-matrix 
  • Effects of non-Euclidean geometry in nuclear matter at extreme conditions
  • History of science
  • Outreach


Each talk is arranged in a series of 4 to 6 talks within a 3-hour session block with one coffee break. The length of talks varies from 25 to 35 minutes with 5 minutes left for discussion.

Registration fee

The registration fee is 300 EUR/participant and 100 EUR/accompanying person. The fees have to be paid in advance by bank transfer. 

The fee covers coffee breaks, welcome reception, workshop dinner, excursion, and proceedings.

Payment procedure

Soon after you complete the registration form, you will get a proforma invoice from the Roland Eötvös Physical Society. Then, payments should be made via bank transfer using the banking data in the proforma invoice. Finally, you will receive a final invoice certifying your payment. In exceptional cases, you can pay in cash during registration at the conference site. However, we encourage you to pay via bank transfer if possible.

Accommodation at the conference venue

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences provides accommodation (30 rooms) to the conference participants essentially free of charge in single rooms at the conference venue. The only cost is a 530 HUF/person/night tourist tax. You can stay at Domus Collegium Hungaricum from April 30 to May 4. Please indicate in the registration form if you want accommodation at the conference venue. The room reservation will be made by the organizers. Earliest check-in: 30 April, 14:00. Latest check-out: 4 May, 10:00. Please inform the organizers in advance if you will check in after 8 pm. 

Since the number of available rooms in Domus Collegium Hungaricum is limited, we urge future participants to register as soon as possible.

Important dates

Deadline for online registration: extended to April 7, 2024
Arrival and registration: April 30, 2024 (registration will continue on May 1)
Opening of the Conference: May 1, Wednesday, 10 AM (CET)
Closing of the Conference: May 3, Friday, 5 PM (CET)

How to reach conference venue / hotels

From the Budapest Liszt F. Airport, a simple and cheap choice is to pre-book a shuttle to your hotel or the conference venue (Abonyi str. 10, 1146 Budapest).  

miniBUD Budapest airport shuttle:

Of course, you can also take a taxi, but a taxi is more expensive.

In addition, you can also take public transport routes. See or for more information.

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  • Alexander Kamenshchik
  • Alexey Golovnev
  • Anatoly Zhokhin
  • Andrzej Czarnecki
  • András Patkós
  • Balázs Kacskovics
  • Dániel Barta
  • Emil Molnár
  • Emőke Imre
  • Francisco S.N. Lobo
  • Hoang Nguyen
  • Istvan Szanyi
  • Lehel Csillag
  • László Jenkovszky
  • László Árpád Gergely
  • Miguel Pinto
  • Máté Csanád
  • Máté Pszota
  • Octavian Micu
  • Péter Ván
  • Radosław Kycia
  • Roberto Casadio
  • Róbert Oláh-Gál
  • Salvatore Mignemi
  • Stepan Moskaliuk
  • Sultan Catto
  • Tamás Csörgő
  • Tamás Novák
  • Tiberiu Harko
  • Wladimir-Georges Boskoff
    • 1
    • Session 1
      • 2
        Speaker: Péter Ván (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 3
        Beyond Einstein's General Relativity: Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity
        Speaker: Francisco Lobo (Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences / University of Lisbon)
      • 11:00
        Coffee break
      • 4
        Accelerating cosmological evolution and dark energy from the osculating Barthel-Kropina geometry
        Speaker: Tiberiu Harko (Babeș-Bolyai University)
      • 5
        Extension of Maxwell's electrodynamics by axions
        Speaker: András Patkós
    • 13:00
    • Session 2
      • 6
        New algebraic structures related to Hurwitz algebras and applications
        Speaker: Sultan Catto (CUNY Graduate School and Rockefeller University)
      • 7
        Gravitational time dilation, free fall, and matter waves
        Speaker: Andrzej Czarnecki (University of Alberta)
      • 8
        Quantum "dots" and non-Euclidean crystallography on the 200th anniversary of János Bolyai's absolute geometry
        Speaker: Emil Molnár (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
      • 17:00
        Coffee break
      • 9
        Universes without Time and Consequences
        Speaker: Wladimir-Georges Boskoff (Ovidius University of Constanța)
      • 10
        Teleparallel Geometries and Degrees of Freedom
        Speaker: Alexey Golovnev (The British University in Egypt)
    • 11
      Welcome reception at DOMUS
    • Session 3
    • 19
    • Session 4
      • 20
        Levy distributions in femtoscopy of heavy-ion collisions
        Speaker: Máté Csanád (Eötvös Loránd University)
      • 21
        What is the physical and philosophical consequence of Hilbert's famous theorem, according to which Bolyai-Lobachevskii plane geometry cannot be implemented globally as internal geometry of a surface in 3-dimensional space?
        Speaker: Róbert Oláh-Gál (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania)
    • 22
      Budapest sightseeing (excursion by bus) Budapest Urban Walks

      Budapest Urban Walks

    • 23
      Conference dinner (banquet) Hundred-Year-Old Restaurant

      Hundred-Year-Old Restaurant

      Piarista u. 2, 1052 Budapest
    • Session 5
      • 24
        Quantum rotating black holes
        Speaker: Roberto Casadio (University of Bologna / INFN)
      • 25
        Bootstrapped Newtonian compact objects
        Speaker: Octavian Micu (Institute of Space Science - Subsidiary of INFLPR)
      • 26
        Yang model revisited
        Speaker: Salvatore Mignemi (University of Cagliari)
      • 27
        Semi-symmetric gravity
        Speaker: Lehel Csillag (Babeș-Bolyai University)
      • 11:00
        Coffee break
      • 28
        Sharp departure beyond post-Newtonian formalism in Brans-Dicke gravity
        Speaker: Hoang Nguyen (Babeș-Bolyai University)
      • 29
        Geometric decomposition method in solving equations of physics and geometry
        Speaker: Radosław Kycia (Cracow University of Technology)
    • 30