AWAKE Collaboration Meeting - 11-13 March 2024

from Monday 11 March 2024 (09:00) to Wednesday 13 March 2024 (17:00)
The Spine (Space four + five)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
11 Mar 2024
12 Mar 2024
13 Mar 2024
Simulations (until 10:50) (Space four + five)
09:00 A hosing mitigation experiment - Mariana Moreira (CERN)   (Space four + five)
09:20 Wakefield-driven filamentation of warm beams in plasma - Erwin Walter   (Space four + five)
09:40 LCODE 3D: A New Open-Source Tool for 3D PWFA simulations - Mr Nikita Okhotnikov (BINP, NSU)   (Space four + five)
10:00 Clustering of macroparticles in PWFA simulations and solutions to this problem - Konstantin Lotov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (Space four + five)
10:30 Discussion - John Patrick Farmer (MPP / CERN)   (Space four + five)
10:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Run 2b, part II (until 12:30) (Space four + five)
11:10 Preparing for Run 2b - Giovanni Zevi Della Porta (CERN)   (Space four + five)
11:30 Upgrades of the Rb Vapour Source - Dr Michele Bergamaschi (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik/CERN)   (Space four + five)
11:50 Plans and preparations for external electron injection experiments in Run 2b (2024) - Nikita van Gils (PARTREC, UMCG, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands)   (Space four + five)
12:10 Discussion   (Space four + five)
08:00 --- Coach departs from Novotel Liverpool Paddington Village at 8:30 ---
Simulations (until 09:50) (Atrium)
09:30 Betatron emission studies - Hossein Saberi   (Atrium)
Run 2c/d, part I (until 10:50) (Atrium)
09:50 Getting ready for Run 2c - Eloise Guran (CERN)   (Atrium)
10:10 CNGS dismantling - Ans Pardons (CERN)   (Atrium)
10:30 The new electron source, prototype and first results - Steffen Doebert (CERN)   (Atrium)
10:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Run 2c/d, part II (until 13:00) (Atrium)
11:10 LLRF for AWAKE Run 2c - Kevin Pepitone   (Atrium)
11:30 Laser lines for Run 2c - Miguel Martinez Calderon (CERN)   (Atrium)
11:50 Reliability improvements of the photocathode production - Ralf Erik Rossel (CERN)   (Atrium)
12:00 Update on the BPM study for Run 2c - Laurence Stant   (Atrium)
12:20 Update on the development of scalable plasma sources at CERN - Alban Sublet (CERN)   (Atrium)
12:40 Diagnosis of a discharge plasma source - Claudia Cobo (Imperial College London)   (Atrium)
12:30 --- Registration and Light Lunch ---
Welcome (until 14:20) (Space four + five)
14:00 Welcome - Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)   (Space four + five)
14:10 Introduction - Patric Muggli (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Space four + five)
AWAKE External Review Summary (until 15:35) (Space four + five)
14:20 AWAKE: An Experiment at CERN with an International Collaboration and a Well-Defined Program of Work - Edda Gschwendtner (CERN)   (Space four + five)
14:55 The Next AWAKE Runs: Technological Advancements, Scientific Merit and Expected Parameter Reach - Patric Muggli (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Space four + five)
15:25 Review Report - Edda Gschwendtner (CERN)   (Space four + five)
15:35 --- Group Photo - Coffee Break ---
Run 2b, part I (until 17:15) (Space four + five)
15:55 Update on the analysis of ion motion - Marlene Turner (CERN)   (Space four + five)
16:15 A statistical method to analyze streak camera images - Allen Caldwell (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE))   (Space four + five)
16:35 Update on emittance measurements of the accelerated electron bunch - David Andrew Cooke (University of London (GB))   (Space four + five)
16:55 Discussion   (Space four + five)
19:00 --- Special Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Run 2b, part III (until 15:10) (Space four + five)
13:30 Electron spectrometer measurements and resolution - Fern Pannell (University College London)   (Space four + five)
13:50 Recent updates on the Run 2b diagnostics - Collette Pakuza (CERN)   (Space four + five)
14:10 ChDR BPMs - Bethany Spear (University of Oxford (GB))   (Space four + five)
14:30 Getting the laser ready for the 2024 run - Lucas Alexei Ranc   (Space four + five)
14:50 Progress update on emittance diagnostics for run 2c - Catherine Swain (University of Liverpool)   (Space four + five)
15:10 --- Coffee Break ---
Collaboration Board (until 17:00) (Space four + five)
Close-out (until 13:20) (Atrium)
13:00 Report from the Publication Committee - Giovanni Zevi Della Porta (CERN)   (Atrium)
13:10 Summary from the Collaboration Board - Allen Caldwell (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE))   (Atrium)
13:20 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Lab tour (optional) ---