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International Moscow Workshop on Phenomenology of Particle Physics devoted to the memory of Prof. Alexei Kaidalov

from Sunday 21 July 2013 (07:20) to Thursday 25 July 2013 (18:00)
Moscow, Russia

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Jul 2013
22 Jul 2013
23 Jul 2013
24 Jul 2013
25 Jul 2013
09:00 --- Registration is opened !This conference day takes place in the Hall of Academy of Sciences! ---
09:25 Welcome speeches from organizing institutes   (Hall of Academy of Sciences, Leninski prosp.32)
09:45 "Topology, Anomalies, and Hydrodynamics" - Prof. Dmitri Kharzeev (Uni. Stony Brook, USA)   (Hall of Academy of Science)
10:30 To be announced - Prof. Valentin Zakharov (ITEP)   ()
11:15 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 A partonic description of soft interactions at the LHC - Prof. Alan Martin (Durham Uni., UK)   (Hall of Academy of Sciences)
09:30 "Anisotropic pressure in the quark core of a strongly magnetized hybrid star" - Dr Alexander Isayev (Kharkov Uni.)   (Business School SKOLKOVO)
10:00 "Initial state fluctuations and higher harmonics anisotropic flow" - Prof. Sergei Voloshin (Michigan Uni. USA)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:05 From proton-proton to proton-nucleus cross sections, diffraction and multi-parton interactions - Prof. Sergei Ostapchenko   ()
11:50 Critical nuclei in the superstrong magnetic fields - Prof. Mikhail Vysotsky (ITEP, Russia)   ()
09:30 Charge asymmetry in the hadron spectra due to leading fragmentation of quark-gluon strings - Dr Olga Piskounova (FIAN)   ()
10:00 General results from the Fermi-LAT collaboration on the CR physics and DM searches - Dr Dmitry Malyshev (SLAC, USA)   ()
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 SUSY dark matter annihilation in the Galactic halo - Dr Vyacheslav Dokuchaev (INR RAS)   ()
11:30 Dark Matter in cosmology and particle physics - Dr Dmitry Gorbunov (INR RAS)   (SKOLKOVO Business management school)
09:30 "Searches for Higgs boson in ATLAS experiment at the LHC" - Dr Ilia Tsukerman (ITEP)   (Business Management School SKOLKOVO)
10:25 QCD results from CMS - Prof. Vladimir Gavrilov (ITEP, Russia)   ()
11:10 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Recent results from ALICE - Prof. Erm. Vercellin (Turino, Italy)   ()
SUSY and BSM physics -Prof. Dmitri Kazakov (until 14:15) ()
10:30 ATLAS search for SUSY - Dr Sarah Williams (Cambridge Uni., UK)   ()
11:00 Search for SUSY in view of recent LHC data - Prof. Dmitri Kazakov (JINR, Dubna)   (SKOLKOVO Business school)
11:45 Long-living new hadrons at LHC and SUSY lightest particle - Prof. David Milstead (Stokholm Uni., Sweden)   ()
12:25 --- Coffee break ---
12:45 The Pomeron at small and large coupling in N=4 SYM - Prof. Anatoly Kotikov (JINR, Dubna)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
13:15 A Higgslike Dilaton and conformal phase transition - Dr Oleg ANTIPIN (CP3-Origins, Denmark)   ()
13:35 Notoph-Graviton-Photon Coupling - Prof. Valeri Dvoeglazov(Zacatecas Uni., Mexico)   ()
12:15 'Central exclusive processes at hadron colliders: from hadrons to Higgs' - Prof. Valery Khoze ( Durham Uni., UK)   (Hall of Academy of Science)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 "High Energy QCD and Pomeron: today" - Prof. Ev. Levin (Tel Aviv Uni./UTFSM, Israel)   (Hall of Academy of Sciences)
14:45 CMS results on Higgs discovery - Prof. Sergei Semenov (ITEP)   ()
15:30 Elastic scattering of hadrons - Prof. Igor Dremin (FIAN)   (Hall of Academy of Sciences)
16:15 --- Coffee break ---
16:30 QGSM Predictions for Proton and Lambda Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions - Prof. Carlos Merino ( Uni. Santyago de Compostella, Spain)   ()
17:15 Hard elastic scattering at very high energy" - Prof. Oleg Kancheli (ITEP)   (Hall of Academy of Sciences)
18:30 --- Welcome party ---
12:20 QGSM Predictions for Net-baryon Production at LHC energy - Prof. Carlos Merino (Uni. of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Simulations of quantum systems by Monte Carlo method -Prof. Mikhail Polikarpov (ITEP) (until 19:00) (Concert hall of FIAN)
14:55 Anomalous transport on the lattice - Dr Pavel BUIVIDOVICH (Regensburg Uni.)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
15:15 Transport coefficients in lattice SU (2) gluodynamics. - Dr A. Kotov (ITEP)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
15:35 Interaction of static charges in graphene within Monte-Carlo simulation - Dr V. Braguta (ITEP)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
15:55 Thermal monopoles in lattice QCD - Dr V. Bornyakov (ITEP)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
16:15 Rho meson in magnetic field - Dr Elena Luschevskaya (ITEP)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
16:40 --- Coffee break ---
17:05 Phase transformation in graphene in terms of occupation numbers - Dr O. Pavlovsky (ITEP)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
17:25 Monte-Carlo study of the semimetal-insulator phase transition in monolayer graphene with realistic inter-electron interaction potential - Dr M. Ulybyshev (ITEP)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
17:40 Emergent gravity in graphene - Dr M. Zubkov (ITEP)   (Concert hall of FIAN)
18:00 Discussions   (Concert hall of FIAN)
18:20 --- Coffee break ---
12:15 Non-extensive self-consistency in hadronic medium - Prof. Airton Deppman (Uni. San Paulo, Brasil)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Diffraction and Soft Scattering at High Energies -Prof. Evgeny Levin (until 17:30) ()
14:00 Diffraction at the LHC - Dr Martin Poghosyan (CERN)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
14:30 CMS results on soft and hard diffraction and low x-QCD - Dr Alexander Proskuryakov (SINP Uni.Moscow)   (Business management school SKOLKOVO, hall San Paulo)
15:00 Models and Amplitudes for Soft Scattering at LHC energies - Prof. Errol Gotsman (Tel Aviv Uni.,Israel)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
15:30 Pomeron loop contribution to diffractive processes in stochastic approach to Reggeon Field Theory - Prof. Konstantin Boreskov (ITEP)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:15 Unitarity screening in High Energy Scattering - Prof. Uri Maor (Uni. Tel Aviv, Israel)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
12:15 Results on exotics searches at ATLAS - Dr Victor Maleev (PNPI, St.Petersburg)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
QCD at LHC -Prof. Mikhail Vysotski (until 18:00) (SKOLKOVO Business school, hall Vladivostok)
14:00 Double charm production at LHCb - Dr Ivan Belyaev (ITEP)   (Business Management School SKOLKOVO)
14:30 Rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive J/psi spectra - Prof. Larissa Bravina (Uni. of OSLO, Norway)   (SKOLKOVO Business management school)
15:00 Electroweak and QCD measurements at LHCb - Dr Vladimir Obraztsov (IHEP, Protvino)   (SKOLKOVO Business school, hall Vladivostok)
15:30 pp interactions at LHC in Quark GLuon String Model - Dr Evgeni Zabrodin (Uni. of Oslo, Norway)   (SKOLKOVO Business school, hall Vladivostok)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:20 B decays to charmonia at LHCb - Dr Victor Egorychev (ITEP)   (Business Management School SKOLKOVO)
16:50 Phenomenology of high multiplicity events - Dr Elena Kokoulina (JINR, Dubna)   (SKOLKOVO Business Management School)
19:00 --- Conference banket ---
Working group reports (until 19:30) ()
15:00 States of quark matter   ()
15:30 Astroparticles and DM   ()
16:00 QCD at LHC   ()
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
16:45 Diffraction and Soft Scattering   ()
17:15 Simulations of quantum systems by M C method   ()
17:45 SUSY and BSM Physics   ()
18:30 --- Lunch ---