- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The LHC experiments have been producing the largest amount of complex data. 100TB/s of real-time data analyses and analyses of 100 EB of data are anticipated and planned for. The field of data science beyond statistical methods has been producing advanced, intelligent methods for data analysis, pattern recognition and model inference. This workshop will engage the two communities towards cross exchanges and applications that can forge accelerated progress in big basic science questions.
Some of the topics that will be addressed include cutting edge pattern recognition methods for elementary particle identification; intelligent detectors that learn from their failures and self-adjust to increase their performance efficiency; fast reconstruction of charged particle tracks; high-rate event selection algorithms that learn to select rare physics processes; advanced data techniques that can guide discovery and other challenges that can profit from advanced computational methods and resources.
The workshop includes plenary presentations, tutorials and hands-on hackathon-type of ML exercises as well as directed and undirected discussion and brainstorming time.
Subscribe to the participants mailing list for discussions on the topic and announcements before and during the workshop by sending email to: HEP-data-science+subscribe@googlegroups.com
Follow the workshop official account @DataScienceLHC . Feel free to tweet using the recommended hash tag #DSLHC15
The workshop will take place at CERN, it is open to anyone with an interest on Data Science application to High Energy Physics. There are no fees but registration for attendance in person is necessary for organization purposes. Registration for non-CERN users is prerequisite in order to gain access to the CERN site during the workshop.
Registration is closed at this time. However, the event will be in video conference and on CERN webcast.
For accommodation and access to CERN as well as laptop registration, check the registration page