ALICE, ATLAS, CMS & LHCb Second Joint Workshop on DAQ@LHC
Château de Bossey (20 km from CERN)
Château de Bossey (20 km from CERN)
The workshop aims at providing a forum to share:
- experiences acquired to date on operating data acquisition systems at the LHC
- exchange ideas, plans and the status of ongoing R&D in the four experiments as preparations for the challenges posed by HL-LHC and the upgrades of the detector systems.
Registration is free, but participants are requested to register online by the 31 March 2016. Participation is limited to hundred people.
Topics to be covered will include:
- Detector Readout
- data flow
- Storage systems
- Systems management
- System control and configuration
- Expert systems
- Information sharing
- Monitoring infrastructure
- Web services
- Trends in software and hardware technologies
Click here to e-mail organisers
Adam Tadeusz Wegrzynek
Alejandro Santos
Alessandro Thea
Andre Georg Holzner
Andrea Negri
Andreas Kornmayer
Andrei Kazarov
Aram Santogidis
Attila Racz
Barthelemy Von Haller
Beat Jost
Bernard Kolobara
Carlos Abellan Beteta
Christian Faerber
Christoph Schwick
Christopher Jon Lee
Clara Gaspar
Cristian Contescu
Dainius Simelevicius
Dan Chester
Daniel Fazio
David Francis
David Rohr
Diana Scannicchio
Federico Alessio
Fernando Varela Rodriguez
Filippo Costa
Francesco Lanni
Franco Brasolin
Frank Glege
Frank Winklmeier
Frans Meijers
Gavin McCance
Georgiana Lavinia Darlea
Giovanna Lehmann Miotto
Giuseppe Avolio
Giuseppe Simonetti
Gokhan Unel
Guillaume Vouters
Hannes Sakulin
Heiko Engel
Hervé Oheix
Hua Wei
Igor Soloviev
Iosif-Charles Legrand
Jean-Marc Olivier Andre
Jeroen Hegeman
Jinlong Zhang
Joao Vitor Viana Barbosa
Joe Fagan
Joel Lauener
Joerg Stelzer
Jon Machen
Jonas Arroyo Garcia
Jonathan Fulcher
Jorn Schumacher
Jos Vermeulen
Jose Guillermo Panduro Vazquez
Juan Antonio Lopez Perez
Karol Hennessy
Karoly Banicz
Leonidas Georgopoulos
Lionel Clavien
Lucian Stefan Ancu
Luciano Orsini
Luis Granado Cardoso
Maciej Szymon Gladki
Manuel Gonzalez Berges
Marc Dobson
Marco Guerri
Mark Donszelmann
Markus Frank
Martin Gasthuber
Matias Alejandro Bonaventura
Matthew Shaun Twomey
Michel Roethlisberger
Mikael Kvist
Mikel Eukeni Pozo Astigarraga
Nicoletta Garelli
Niko Neufeld
Olivier Chaze
Ombretta Pinazza
Pascal Boeschoten
Peter Chochula
Petr Zejdl
Philipp Maximilian Brummer
Pierre Vande Vyvre
Rainer Bartoldus
Ralf Spiwoks
Reiner Hauser
Remi Mommsen
Riccardo Poggi
Roberto Divia
Roel Aaij
Sami Kama
Samim Erhan
Serguei Kolos
Silvia-Maria Fressard-Batraneanu
Srecko Morovic
Stefan Schlenker
Thorsten Kollegger
Tom Williams
Ulf Behrens
Ulrich Fuchs
Vasco Chibante Barroso
Wainer Vandelli
Werner Wiedenmann
Wojciech Sliwinski
Xavier Espinal Curull