International EMMI workshop on critical fluctuations near the QCD phase boundary in relativistic nuclear collisions
Central China Normal University
The goal of this workshop is to focus on the search for critical phenomena via fluctuations of conserved quantities in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In this workshop we want to get together principal actors from the US, Europe and Asia to make progress towards a quantitative understanding of such fluctuation measurements with the aim to isolate possible critical behavior. Novel theoretical developments will be discussed and confronted with recent data from the RHIC and LHC heavy-ion measurements. In order to develop further analysis of such fluctuations into a useful tool for the study of the QCD phase diagram, it is crucial to advance our knowledge of the properties of fluctuations through theoretical studies of QCD matter in equilibrium in the thermodynamic limit and improve the experimental methods for detecting and analyzing fluctuations. In addition to world-wide leading scientists, a number of young participants working in this field will be invited and asked to present their work.
1. Experimental measurements with conserved charge fluctuations and their interpretations.
2. QCD Phase diagram
3. Lattice QCD
4. Effective models
No registration fee.
Organizers: Xiaofeng Luo (CCNU), Heng-Tong Ding (CCNU), Anar Rustamov (ANAS/GSI) and Nu Xu (CCNU/LBNL)
This workshop is sponsored by the Institute of Particle Physics of Central China Normal University and the ExtreMe Matter Institute, Germany.
Adam Bzdak
Anar Rustamov
Chao Zhang
Chen Gang
Christoph Herold
Chuan Fu
Claude Andre Pruneau
Daicui Zhou
Debasish Mallick
Defu Hou
Dingwei Zhang
Donghai Zhang
Fei Li
Fengxian Liu
Gaoqing Cao
Guang-You Qin
Guo-Liang Ma
Guo-yun Shao
Hanlin Li
Heng-Tong Ding
Hongge Xu
Huichao Song
Jan M. Pawlowski
Jiamin Chen
Jie Pu
Jixing Li
Johanna Stachel
Jun Xu
Kai-Jia Sun
Kenji Fukushima
Kun Xu
Lang Yu
Lizhu Chen
Marcus Bluhm
Mark Gorenstein
Masakiyo Kitazawa
Mesut Arslandok
Miklos Horvath
mohammad yousuf jamal
Ning Yu
Nu Xu
Pengfei Zhuang
Peter Braun-Munzinger
Shanjin Wu
shaoqiu fang
Shaowei LAN
Sheng-Qin Feng
ShinIchi Esumi
Shu HE
Shuai Zhou
Shuang Li
Shusu Shi
Tapan Nayak
Tetsuro Sugiura
Toshihiro Nonaka
Viktor Begun
Wei-jie Fu
Wu Jin
Xianglei Zhu
Xiaobing Li
Xiaofeng Luo
xinyang wang
Xun Chen
Yang Peng
yanhua zhang
Yaping Wang
Yasushi Nara
Yaxian Mao
yeyin zhao
Yifei Zhang
Yu Zhang
Yuanfang Wu
Yufu Lin
Yuncun He
zhenhuan LUO
Zhenzhen Yang
Zhibin Li
Zhilei SHE
Zhiming Li
Zhong-Bao Yin
Zijian Dong
喜霞 冯