World SCET 2021

Held over Zoom, Slack, and Gather-Town. Zoom hosting and other invites supported by MIT. We also thank the Albert Einstein Center (AEC) at the University of Bern for financial support.
Iain Stewart (MIT), Christian Walter Bauer (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)), Thomas Becher (University of Bern), Frank Tackmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), HuaXing Zhu (Zhejiang University)

The XVIIIth annual workshop on Soft-Collinear Effective Theory will be held online, with participants from around the world, over 5 days from April 19-23, 2021. The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in SCET, factorization, resummation and (non)perturbative QCD, to discuss the latest developments and their applications to particle and nuclear physics. 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the meeting will be held using Zoom video conferencing and include a dedicated Slack workspace for participants to interact (the same Slack space which was used for SCET 2020). Online activities will include talks, question periods, coffee breaks for open discussion with a proximity based Video-chat program (gather-town), and social activities.  Registration is required to receive access to the Slack, and hence to Zoom links and other notifications that are needed to participate in the workshop.  

An example schedule for a day of talks is given below. We encourage students, postdocs, and faculty who are interested in speaking to submit an abstract.  Please note that we are again planning on using a time schedule that enables participations for people around the world, so due to the compressed schedule not everyone that applies will be selected to speak.

  • Abdur Rehman
  • Abhishek Mohapatra
  • Adam Leibovich
  • Aditya Pathak
  • Alejandro Bris
  • Alessandro Broggio
  • Alexey Vladimirov
  • Alexey Zhevlakov
  • Ambar Jain
  • Andre Hoang
  • Andrea Federico Sanfilippo
  • Andrew Larkoski
  • Aneesh Manohar
  • Angelika Widl
  • Anjie Gao
  • Ankita Budhraja
  • Aparna Sankar
  • Aris Spourdalakis
  • Arslan Sikandar
  • Bahman Dehnadi
  • Bakul Agarwal
  • Benoit Assi
  • Bernhard Mistlberger
  • Bianka Mecaj
  • Bin Yan
  • Bo-Yan Cui
  • Boxuan Shi
  • Cai-Dian Lu
  • Calum Milloy
  • Carlo Oleari
  • Cheng Zhang
  • Chinmoy Dey
  • Chinmoy Dey
  • Christian Bauer
  • Christoph Regner
  • Christopher Lee
  • Christopher Lepenik
  • Chuanhui Jiang
  • Chul Kim
  • Claudia Cornella
  • Cong Zhang
  • Daekyoung Kang
  • Daniel Lechner
  • Daniel Samitz
  • Darren Scott
  • Davide Napoletano
  • Deepsana Shahi
  • Dingyu Shao
  • Dominik Schwienbacher
  • Donghao Li
  • Duff Neill
  • Einan Gardi
  • Emmet Byrne
  • Federico Silvetti
  • Felix Ringer
  • Frank Tackmann
  • Fu-Sheng Yu
  • Gael Finauri
  • Georgios Billis
  • Germán Rodrigo
  • Gherardo Vita
  • Gil Paz
  • Giulia Pancheri
  • Giulio Falcioni
  • Goutam Das
  • Gregory Ridgway
  • Guido Bell
  • Guoxing Wang
  • Haitao Li
  • Hao Chen
  • Hofie Hannesdottir
  • Hua Zhou
  • HuaXing Zhu
  • Hui-Hui Duan
  • Iain Stewart
  • Ignazio Scimemi
  • Ines Ruffa
  • Ira Rothstein
  • Ivan Novikov
  • Jack Jenkins
  • Jeff Forshaw
  • jia-wei zhang
  • Jian Wang
  • Jianwei Qiu
  • Jiaqi Chen
  • Jiawei zhu
  • Jim Talbert
  • Jingbang Zhao
  • Johannes Michel
  • Jonathan Gaunt
  • Joshua Sandor
  • Julian Strohm
  • June-Haak EE
  • Junegone Chay
  • Jure Zupan
  • Jyotirmoy Roy
  • K Lee
  • Kai Urban
  • Kevin Brune
  • Kyle Lee
  • Lei Wang
  • Leiyi Li
  • Leonardo Vernazza
  • Li Lin Yang
  • Lin Dai
  • Long-Sheng Lu
  • Lorenzo Zoppi
  • manman wang
  • Marcel Wald
  • Markus Ebert
  • Martin Beneke
  • Marvin Schnubel
  • Massimiliano Procura
  • Mate Rehman
  • Matthew Baumgart
  • Matthew Inglis-Whalen
  • Matthew Lim
  • Matthew Schwartz
  • Matthias König
  • Matthias Neubert
  • Maximilian Stahlhofen
  • Mengshi Yan
  • Michael Luke
  • Michael Saavedra
  • Miguel Angel Benitez-Rathgeb
  • Miguel Echevarria
  • Niamh Maher
  • Nicolas Schalch
  • Néstor González Gracia
  • Oleksandr Tomalak
  • Oliver Jin
  • Panagiotis Christeas
  • Patricia Andrea Gutierrez
  • Patrick Hager
  • Pedro Cal
  • Philipp Böer
  • Prasanna Kumar Dhani
  • Pulak Banerjee
  • Qin Chang
  • Qing Yu
  • Qu Cao
  • Quan-feng WU
  • Rafael F. del Castillo
  • Riccardo Nagar
  • Robert Szafron
  • Rudi Rahn
  • Rui Zhang
  • Ryan Wood
  • Samuel Favrod
  • Sandipan Bhattacherjee
  • Sean Fleming
  • Sebastian Jaskiewicz
  • Sebastian Sapeta
  • Shireen Gangal
  • shuo lin
  • Sihong Zhou
  • Simon Plätzer
  • Simone Alioli
  • Sonny Mantry
  • Stefan Lederer
  • Stella Schindler
  • Taehyun Kwon
  • Taewook Ha
  • Tania Robens
  • Tanmay Maji
  • Terrance Figy
  • Thomas Bader
  • Thomas Becher
  • Thomas Rauh
  • Tobias Hurth
  • Tobias Neumann
  • Tomas Kasemets
  • Tongzhi Yang
  • Tracy Slatyer
  • Valentin Moos
  • varun vaidya
  • Vicent Mateu Barreda
  • wang guangyu
  • Wen Chen
  • Wenjie He
  • Wouter Waalewijn
  • Xiaofeng Xu
  • Xiaohui Liu
  • Xiaojun Yao
  • Xiaoping Ye
  • Xiaoyuan Zhang
  • Xin Liu
  • Xin-Qiang Li
  • Xing Wang
  • Xuhang Jiang
  • Ya Li
  • YanBing Wei
  • Yang-Ting Chien
  • Yao Ma
  • Yi Zhang
  • Yiannis Makris
  • Yibei Li
  • Yizhuang Liu
  • Yong Zhao
  • Zelong Liu
  • Zhen Xu
  • Zhi-Qing Zhang
  • Zhiquan Sun
  • Zhongbo Kang
  • Zhuoyi Pang
  • Zoltan Ligeti
  • 刘 聪
  • 闫 倩茹