VCI2022 - The 16th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation
Vienna University of Technology
The current critical Covid situation has forced us to change the VCI 2022 conference to an online format. The conference will take place via Zoom.
We will therefore slightly modify the selection to accept about 60 contributed oral presentations and 120 online presentations in a poster-equivalent format.
With kind support from
OpeningConvener: Manfred Krammer (CERN)
Introduction 10mSpeaker: Manfred Krammer (CERN)
- 09:20
Information from the organisers 5mSpeaker: Manfred Krammer (CERN)
Large Detector Systems: The Far FutureConvener: Manfred Krammer (CERN)
ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap 40m
The European Strategy for Particle Physics Update recommended that “Organised by ECFA, a roadmap should be developed by the community to balance the detector R&D efforts in Europe, taking into account progress with emerging technologies in adjacent fields“. This Roadmap which is based on the input of the community and was developed within the Detector R&D Panel, was approved by ECFA and published at the end of 2021. In this talk the findings of the Task forces and the corresponding detector technology areas or cross-cutting activities will be presented. The important drivers and general strategic recommendations for future Detector R&D will be highlighted.
Speaker: Susanne Kuehn (CERN) -
Requirements and R&D for Detectors at the Future Electron-Ion-Collider (EIC) 40m
The EIC’s ability to collide high-energy electron beams with high-energy ion beams will provide access to those regions in the nucleon and nuclei where their structure is dominated by gluons. Moreover, polarized beams in the EIC will give unprecedented access to the spatial and spin structure of gluons and sea-quarks in the proton and light nuclei.
The EIC will be an unprecedented collider with luminosities 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than that at HERA over a very wide range of center-of-mass energies from 20 up to 100-140 GeV, while accommodating highly polarized (~70%) electron and nucleon beams. Equally demanding are the requirements for physics detector(s) that will be needed to carry out the compelling EIC physics program: hermetic coverage in tracking, calorimetry and particle ID within a wide pseudorapidity range, substantial angular and momentum acceptance in the hadron-going direction, as well as high quality hadronic calorimetry among others.
In my talk I will give an overview of the detector requirements and current general-purpose detector concepts, providing a connection between physics requirements, simulations and the ongoing EIC Detector R&D Program.
Speaker: Thomas Ullrich (Yale University (US))
Coffee Break 20m
Astroparticle Detectors: 1Convener: Manfred Jeitler (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
The ALMA Observatory – amazing science discoveries and the Roadmap for the next decade 40m
The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) at 5000m altitude in northern Chile is an outstanding achievement. The array consists of 66 high-precision antennas, each with a complement of up to 10 state-of-the-art receiver systems that enable observations between 35 GHz up to almost 1 THz. The total collecting area and sensitive receiver systems in this world-leading facility, combined with the long baselines and the high-altitude site, confer unprecedented performance characteristics for scientific exploration of the Universe at sub-millimeter wavelengths. This talk will highlight a number of the ground-breaking science discoveries – the first detailed images of proto-planetary systems, detection of molecules in the first galaxies, and the first direct image of a black hole shadow - and will describe the current operational status of ALMA. Looking to the future, the ALMA2030 Development Roadmap will be presented, the scientific drivers, and the technology development that will confer new observational capabilities that will keep ALMA at the forefront of astronomical research.
Speaker: Sean Dougherty (ALMA) -
The AMS-100 experiment: The next generation magnetic spectrometer in space 20m
The next generation magnetic spectrometer in space, AMS-100, is designed with a geometrical acceptance of 100~m²sr for a ten year operation at Sun-Earth Lagrange Point 2.
The purpose of AMS-100 is to improve the sensitivity for the observation of new phenomena in cosmic rays by at least a factor of 1000.The AMS-100 detector consists of a high temperature superconducting solenoid, an electromagnetic calorimeter, a tracking system made out of silicon and scintillating fiber modules, a time of flight system based on
plastic scintillators readout by siliconphotomultipliers.We will present the AMS-100 detector design and its astrophysics potential.
A test coil with a length of 15 cm and a diameter of 12 cm made out of
8 layers HTS tape will be shown. Measurements of the magnetic field, the
critical current and the structural behaviour will be discussed.
Time resolution measurements with a ToF-prototype in the temperature range of +30°C to -40°C will be presented.
The first produced 12-layer fiber mat made out of 125µm thick scintillating fibers and the quality control measurements will be shown.Speakers: Thomas Kirn (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)), Thorsten Siedenburg (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
Lunch Break 1h 15m
Astroparticle Detectors: 2Convener: Federica Petricca (Max Planck Society (DE))
A cryogenic superconducting inertial sensor for terrestrial and lunar gravitational wave detection 20m
The future of Gravitational Waves (GWs) is bright. LIGO and Virgo have detected more than 70 signals from black hole and/or neutron star mergers. All measured signals came in the LIGO/Virgo sensitive band at around 30 Hz. Suspension control noise, fueled by many cross couplings between angular and translational degrees of freedom, sets this limit by being the dominant noise source below 30 Hz.
Einstein Telescope (ET) will be an underground and cryogenic detector sensitive to GWs down to 2 Hz. We believe the cryogenic environment can be used in combination with superconducting materials to open up pathways to low-loss actuators and sensor mechanics. The Cryogenic Superconducting Inertial Sensor (CSIS) revolutionizes the (cryogenic) inertial sensor field by obtaining a displacement sensitivity at 0.5 Hz of several fm/$\surd{\mathrm{Hz}}$. This is 3 orders of magnitude better than the state-of-the-art.
Such highly sensitive device can monitor the effects of low-vibration cryocoolers applied to the penultimate stage of ET as well as aid in control. Not only will it help ET detect GWs from 2 Hz onwards, CSIS will also be deployed on the Moon. The recently published Lunar GW Antenna (LGWA) concept uses an inertial sensor array to probe the surface motion as a result of GW excitation of the lunar body. In summary, CSIS will be the world's most sensitive cryogenic low-frequency inertial sensor and, when deployed in ET and on the Moon, will enable GW science from 1 mHz to 5 Hz.
Speaker: Joris van Heijningen (UCLouvain) -
Xenoscope -- a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory 20m
The DARWIN observatory is a proposed multi-purpose experiment for dark matter and neutrino physics. At its heart, DARWIN will feature a 50 tonne (40 tonnes active) dual-phase xenon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) allowing to probe the experimentally accessible parameter space for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) in a wide mass-range until neutrino interactions with the target become an irreducible background. To test key technological concepts required for the realization of DARWIN, we built Xenoscope at the University of Zürich, a full-scale vertical demonstrator using 350 kg of liquid xenon (LXe). Xenoscope will be used to demonstrate, for the first time, the drift of electrons in LXe over 2.6 m. The facility will also be used to study electron cloud diffusion and to measure optical properties of liquid xenon. In the future, Xenoscope will be available as a platform to test multiple subsystems of DARWIN. This talk will present an overview of the DARWIN experiment and of the Xenoscope facility and its commissioning, as well as current measurements of the purity of liquid xenon and future measurements campaigns.
Speaker: Frédéric Girard (University of Zürich) -
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino observatory (JUNO) 20m
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino observatory (JUNO) experiment uses a large liquid scintillator detector to measure electron antineutrinos issued from nuclear reactors at a distance of 53 km. The main goal is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy and precisely measure oscillation parameters. The detector will be located at 700 m underground and will consist of 20 ktons of liquid scintillator contained in a 35 m diameter acrylic sphere, instrumented by 17612 20-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMT) and 25600 3-inch PMTs. It will achieve unprecedented 3% energy resolution (at 1 MeV). The objective is to detect 100 000 events after 6 years of data taking. Two vetoes are foreseen to reduce the different backgrounds. A 40 ktons ultrapure water Cherenkov pool instrumented by 2400 20-inch PMTs surrounds the central detector. It will tag events coming from outside the neutrino target. It will also act as a passive shielding for neutrons and gammas. In addition, a muon tracker will be installed on top of the detector (top muon veto) in order to tag cosmic muons and validate the muon track reconstruction. JUNO will be an exceptional multipurpose detector with a rich physics program in neutrino oscillation, geo-neutrinos, astrophysical neutrinos and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model (sterile neutrinos, dark matter, proton decay and others). A general introduction of the JUNO system as well as the main progress since 2019 will be reported.
Speaker: Dr Yifan Yang (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE)) -
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment: DUNE 20m
DUNE is the most ambitious long-baseline experiment under construction in the US for the study of neutrino oscillation and astroparticle physics. The DUNE far detector consists of four modules (17 kton each) based on the Liquid Argon TPC technology and enhanced by a powerful Photon Detection System (PDS) that records the 128 nm scintillation light emitted by argon.
The talk will cover the main characteristics of the Near Detector and of the two first far detector modules, Horizontal and Vertical Drift respectively, together with the description of the dedicated R&D carried out. A particular emphasis will be given to the characterization of the PDS.Speaker: Andrea Falcone (Universita e INFN, Milano Bicocca(IT))
Coffee Break 20m
Medical ApplicationsConvener: Etiennette Auffray Hillemanns (CERN)
Particle detectors for medical applications 40mSpeaker: Dennis Schaart (Delft University of Technology)
A High-granularity Digital Tracking Calorimeter developed for proton CT 20m
Hadron therapy is a treatment method that utilizes the energy deposition of protons or heavier ions to concentrate the dose delivered to a patient during the treatment of a malignant tumor. Proton Computed Tomography (pCT) is a novel imaging modality used to reconstruct the relative stopping power (RSP) of an object of interest by tracking single proton trajectories and measuring their residual energy. The Bergen pCT collaboration is constructing a clinical prototype detector capable of both tracking and measuring the energy deposition of ions to minimize uncertainty in proton treatment planning. The pCT detector designed by the Bergen pCT collaboration is a high granularity Digital Tracking Calorimeter (DTC), where the first two layers will be used to obtain positional information of the incoming particle and act as tracking layers. The remainder of the detector will act as a calorimeter. The tracking layers will utilize a carrier made of ~300 μm thick carbon fleece, this is to minimize scattering effects. The DTC will be a 41 layered sandwich structure composed of ALPIDE CMOS sensor chips, which will act as the active part, mounted on 3.5 mm thick aluminum carrier plates, acting as the absorber material. This work will present the implementation of the design, as well as the mechanical and electrical layout of the Bergen pCT. In addition, data from multiple beam experiments will be presented. This includes data taken with electron and hadron beams at various energies.
Speaker: Viljar Nilsen Eikeland (University of Bergen (NO)) -
LGAD technology for HADES, accelerator and medical applications 20m
Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) technology has been used to design and construct prototype and full size detector systems for applications requiring simultaneous time and spatial precision. For these purposes a dedicated LGAD strip sensor production has been conducted at FBK with different strip geometries and sizes.
This contribution will review a wide variety of LGAD applications ranging from the reaction time detector for experiments utilizing proton and pion beams with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES), at GSI Darmstadt, Germany, to beam structure monitoring at the S-DALINAC at TU Darmstadt, operated in energy recovery mode, and medical applications at MedAustron. In addition, a prospect of further upgrade projects at GSI and FAIR will be given.Speaker: Wilhelm Krüger (TU Darmstadt/GSI)
Dark matter and other low-background experimentsConvener: Valentyna Mokina (HEPHY)
Cryogenic detectors for rare event searches 40m
Low-temperature single-quantum detectors have long been used in the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model.
Since they were first proposed for neutrino physics experiments in 1984 by E. Fiorini and T. Niinikoski, there have been impressive technical advances: today these techniques offer the high energy resolution and scalability required for competitive experiments that address many outstanding questions.
For decades low-temperature detectors of different sizes have been adapted to provide optimal performance in the energy range of a few eV to a few MeV and thus to be exploited for dark matter searches, neutrinoless double beta decay, coherent neutrino scattering, and for direct neutrino mass measurements.
In this talk I will review the most widely used and advanced sensing techniques based on doped semiconductor sensors, transition-edge sensors, metallic magnetic sensors, and microwave microresonator sensors. In addition, I will introduce new quantum devices, such as those based on superconducting qubits, which have recently made it possible to design new experiments that extend the range of new physics research, particularly with respect to dark matter.
Finally, I will also highlight the most competitive experiments using these technologies and their most exciting prospects in the challenges for the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model.Speakers: Angelo Enrico Lodovico Nucciotti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics), Angelo Nucciotti (Universita' di Milano-Bicocca and Sezione di Milano-Bicocca dell'INFN), angelo enrico lodovico nucciotti -
50 litres TPC with sCMOS-based Optical Read Out for the CYGNO project 20m
The CYGNO project aims at realising a 1 cubic meter gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) equipped with a Scientific CMOS (sCMOS) commercial cameras to optically readout Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) to be operated at the underground Laboratories of Gran Sasso (LNGS).
The purpose of the project is to study the technology needed for a larger size gaseous TPC (30-100m^3) operated at atmospheric pressure for the directional search of low mass O(GeV) dark matter and low energy (eg solar) neutrinos astronomy. The roadmap of the project foresees the installation of a 50 litres TPC prototype, called LIME, the largest TPC realised with this technology, fully equipped with copper and water shielding. LIME is equivalent to about a 1/20 of the CYGNO demonstrator and aims to validate: the construction materials, the Monte Carlo simulations, the data reconstruction and particle identification performances at low energy threshold. LIME is under installation at the LNGS and it is supposed to start data taking at the beginning of 2022. The detector description and installation will be presented, as well as the overground performance and limitations that require underground characterisation, and, hopefully, the first results at LNGS.Speaker: Giovanni Mazzitelli (INFN)
Coffee Break 45m
Large Detector Systems: TodayConvener: Gagan Mohanty (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
The upgraded ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS): installation, commissioning and performance results 20m
During the second long shutdown of the LHC, the ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS) has been replaced with a full-pixel detector constructed entirely with CMOS monolithic active pixel sensors (ITS2).
The ITS2 consists of three inner layers with 50um thick sensors and four outer layers with 100um thick sensors. The entire tracker covers 10 m^2 and comprises approximately 12.5 billion pixels with a single pixel size of 27umx29um.
Its increased granularity, the very low material budget (0.35%X0 for each of the three inner layers) as well as the small radius of the innermost layer combined with a thin beam pipe, will result in a significant improvement of impact-parameter resolution and tracking efficiency at low pT with respect to the previous tracker.
The assembly of the full detector and services, completed in December 2019, was followed by a comprehensive on-surface commissioning campaign. The detector has been installed in the experiment in the first half of 2021. After further in-situ commissioning, both standalone and integrated with the entire ALICE experiment, the detector is expected to see first collisions during LHC pilot beam tests in the second half of October 2021.
In this talk, first results from the ITS2 commissioning with and without beam will be presented. This includes results from calibration measurements, like threshold and noise performance, and from cosmic tracks and collisions, which will give a first measurement of the efficiency and spatial resolution.Speaker: Markus Keil (CERN) -
The Belle II Pixel Detector – Operation and Performance 20m
After multiple dedicated commissioning phases, the SuperKEKB accelerator in Tsukuba, Japan, started providing e+e- -collisions to the Belle II experiment equipped with a new 6 layer silicon VerteX Detector (VXD) in 2019. The two innermost layers of the VXD are comprised of two layers of PiXel Detector (PXD). It is made from all-silicon modules integrating support structure and sensor. The sensors are pixel matrices of DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistors (DEPFET) which are steered and read out by 14 ASICs bump-bonded to each module. Due to unforeseen difficulties during construction a de-scoped detector has been installed.
The PXD has been reliably operating as part of the Belle II detector over the last three years. The efficiency and vertex resolution are within the expectations. Expected module degradation due to radiation damage is mostly compensated by continuous recalibration. The global module performance is only partially affected by unexpected effects like local radiation induced bulk current changes in the sensors and faults in individual channels of the fast voltage-switching ASICs (Switchers) due to radiation bursts. These effects could be reproduced in x-ray and electron beam irradiation measurements.
The talk will present a summary of the operation experience and performance and give an outlook on the ongoing preparation for a full-sized replacement of the PXD expected within the next year.Speaker: Björn Spruck -
The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment 20m
Since the start of data taking in spring 2019 at the Super-KEKB collider (KEK, Japan) the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) has been operating reliably and with high efficiency, while providing high quality data: high signal-to-noise ratio, greater than 99% hit efficiency, and precise spatial resolution. These attributes, combined with stability over time, results in good tracking efficiency.
Currently the occupancy, dominated by background hits, is quite low (about 0.5 % in the innermost layer), causing no problems to the SVD data reconstruction. In view of the operation at higher luminosity foreseen in the next years, specific strategies aiming to preserve the tracking performance have been developed and tested on data. The observed trigger jitter allows reduced sampling of the strip amplifier waveform. The good hit-time resolution can be exploited to further improve the robustness against the higher levels of background.
First effects of radiation damage on strip noise, sensor currents and depletion voltage have been measured: they do not have any detrimental effect on the performance of the detector. Furthermore, no damage to the SVD is observed after sudden and intense bursts of radiation due to beam losses.Speaker: Laura Zani (CPPM - Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille) -
The New Small Wheel Project for the ATLAS muon Spectrometer 20m
After ten years of intense work, the two New Small Wheels (NSW) for the upgrade of the Atlas Muon Spectrometer are now ready for final commissioning and to collect data in LHC Run3, starting February 2022.
The NSW is the largest phase-1 upgrade project of ATLAS. Its challenging completion and readiness for data taking is a remarkable achievement of the Collaboration.
The two wheels (10 meters in diameter) replace the first muon stations in the high-rapidity regions of ATLAS and are equipped with multiple layers of two completely new detector technologies: the small strips Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) and the Micromegas (MM). the latter for the first time used in such a large scale in HEP experiments. They will cover more than 1200 m2 of active area.
The new system is required to maintain the same level of efficiency and momentum resolution of the present detector, in the expected higher background level in view of the ongoing series of LHC luminosity upgrades. As well as keeping an acceptable muon trigger rate with the same muon momentum threshold.
In this presentation the motivation of the NSW upgrade and the status of the project will be reviewed, with particular focus on the main challenges, the adopted solutions and measured performance of the system, as well as first results from data during commissioning.Speaker: Artur Coimbra
Lunch Break 1h 20m
Large Detector Systems: The Near FutureConvener: Joachim Josef Mnich (CERN)
The Mu2e Experiment - Searching for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation 20m
The Mu2e experiment will search for a Standard Model violating rate of neutrinoless conversion of a muon into an electron in the presence of an aluminum nucleus. Observation of this charged-lepton flavor-violating process would be an unambiguous sign of new physics. Mu2e aims to improve upon previous searches by four orders of magnitude. This requires the world's highest-intensity muon beam, a detector system capable of efficiently reconstructing the 105 MeV/c conversion electrons, and minimizing sensitivity to background events. A pulsed 8 GeV proton beam strikes a target, producing pions that decay into muons. Beam outside the pulse must be suppressed to $< 10^{-10} $ to reduce beam-related backgrounds. The muon beam is guided from the production target along the transport system and onto the aluminum stopping target. Conversion electrons leave the stopping target and propagate to the tracker and electromagnetic calorimeter. The tracker is a system of straw tube panels filled with Ar/CO2 at 1 atm that tracks particles inside of a solenoidal B-field and measures their momenta with ~100 keV/c resolution to resolve signal events from decay-in-orbit backgrounds. The CsI calorimeter provides $E/p$ and is used to seed the track reconstruction algorithm with $\sigma_E/E \sim10\%$ and $\sigma_t < 500$ ps. Additionally, a novel cosmic ray veto with greater than 99.99% efficiency brings the expected number of background events to fewer than one over three years of running.
Speaker: Michael Hedges -
Commissioning and preliminary performance of the MEG II drift chamber 20m
In the quest for the Lepton Flavour Violation (LFV) the MEG experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) represents the state of the art in the search for the charged LFV $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+ \gamma$ decay. MEG set the most stringent upper limit on the BR$(\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+ \gamma) \leq 4.2 \times 10^{-13}$ ($90\%$ confidence level), imposing one of the tightest constraints on models predicting LFV-enhancements through new physics beyond the Standard Model. An upgrade of MEG, MEG II, was designed and it is presently in the final commissioning phase, aiming at reaching a sensitivity level of $6 \times 10^{-14}$. The Cylindrical Drift CHamber (CDCH) is a key detector in order to improve the $e^+$ angular and momentum resolutions at 6.5~mrad and 100~keV/c level. CDCH is a low-mass single volume detector with high granularity: 9 layers of 192 drift cells, few mm wide, defined by 12000 wires in a stereo configuration for longitudinal hit localization. After the assembly phase, CDCH was transported to PSI and it has been integrated into the MEG II experimental apparatus since 2018. The commissioning phase lasted for the past three years with continuous improvements both on the hardware and software side. After a conditioning period, the operational stability was reached in 2020 and the complete read out electronics is tested for the first time in 2021. The 2020-2021 data and results will be presented in view of the physics data taking in the upcoming three years.
Speaker: Marco Chiappini (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) -
Refurbishment of the CMS Pixel Detector during LS2 and projected lifetime in Run 3 20m
An upgraded silicon pixel detector, called the phase-1 pixel detector, was constructed for the higher instantaneous luminosity and total radiation fluence experienced during the Run 2 period of the Large Hardon Collider (LHC) and was installed in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) in 2017. The upgraded detector is comprised of four barrel layers and three end-cap disks, with modules in the innermost layer positioned at a smaller radius compared to its predecessor. In order to cope with the higher particle rate and to extend the overall lifetime of the the detector until the end of Run 3, a replacement of the innermost layer was scheduled to be performed during the second long shutdown period (LS2) of the LHC, between 2019 and 2021. This planned operation enabled to make improvements in the readout chips and front-end ASICs of the innermost layer, to update the powering system in order to stabilize its operation, to solidify the cooling distribution system and to review the high-voltage power distribution scheme, all based on operational experience gathered during Run 2. The presentation will describe the outcome of the successful refurbishment process during LS2, give details on the commissioning and future operation of the detector, and show projections for the expected performance in Run 3.
Speaker: Atanu Modak (Kansas State University (US)) -
The Upgraded ALICE TPC 20m
During the long shutdown 2 of the LHC, the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) was upgraded in order to cope with the increased Pb-Pb interaction rate of 50 kHz planned for Run 3. The MWPC-based amplification system was replaced by Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM). These avoid the long dead time caused by the ion gating grid of the MWPC, and hence allow for a continuous readout. At the same time, also the front-end and readout electronics was replaced.
In August 2020, the TPC was moved back to its position at LHC interaction point 2 and an extensive commissioning program was started. It includes measurements of laser tracks, cosmic particles, the irradiation of the TPC with an X-ray source and the flushing of the chamber with radioactive Kr to carry out a pad-by-pad gain calibration. During this measurement campaign, the TPC operated at nominal conditions and the continuous readout capability was tested successfully.
The talk will summarise the performance and challenges during the commissioning phase. Furthermore, the first results of the operation with p-p collisions and plans for the future will be discussed.
Speaker: Philip Hauer (University of Bonn (DE))
Coffee Break 20m
Large Detector Systems: Future TrackingConvener: Marko Dragicevic (HEPHY Vienna)
Phase 2 Upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Tracker 20m
The ATLAS experiment is currently preparing for an upgrade of the Inner Tracking for High-Luminosity LHC operation, scheduled to start in 2027. The radiation damage at the maximum integrated luminosity of 4000/fb implies integrated hadron fluencies over 2x10$^{16}$ n$_{eq}$/cm$^2$ and tracking in very dense environment call for a replacement of the existing Inner Detector. An all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) is proposed with a pixel detector surrounded by a strip detector. After an extensive prototyping phase, all the institutes involved in the ITk are currently in pre-production phase, moving toward production mode. In this contribution we present the design of the ITk Detector and its expected performance. An overview of the current status of the various detector components, both pixel, strip and the other common items, focusing on the preparation for production, with its more challenging aspects, will be summarized.
Speaker: Stefano Terzo (IFAE Barcelona (ES)) -
The LHCb VELO Upgrade I 20m
LHCb physics achievements to date include the world's most precise measurements of the CKM phase $\gamma$ and the rare decay $B^0_s \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$, the discovery of $C\!P$ violation in charm, and intriguing hints of lepton-university violation. These accomplishments have been possible thanks to the enormous data samples collected and the high performance of the sub detectors, in particular the silicon vertex detector (VELO). The experiment is being upgraded to run at higher luminosity, which requires 40 MHz readout for the entire detector and newer technologies for most of the sub detectors.
The VELO upgrade modules are composed of hybrid pixel detectors and electronics circuits mounted onto a cooling substrate, which is composed of thin silicon plates with embedded micro-channels that allow the circulation of liquid CO$_2$. This cooling substrate gives excellent thermal efficiency, no mismatch to the front-end electronics, and optimises physics performance due to the low and very uniform material distribution. The detectors are located in vacuum, separated from the beam by a thin Al foil. The foil was manufactured through a novel milling process and thinned further by chemical etching. The VELO modules are currently beeing assembled into the two halves before final installation into LHCb. The design, production, installation and commissioning of the VELO upgrade system will be presented together with test results.
Speaker: Paula Collins (CERN) -
The Scintillating Fibre Tracker for the LHCb Upgrade 20m
LHCb is undergoing a major upgrade during LHC LS2 to be completed in February 2022 to cope with increased instantaneous luminosities and a trigger-less 40 MHz read-out to improve on many world-best physics measurements. A light and homogeneous detector based on plastic scintillating fibres will be installed downstream of the LHCb dipole magnet.
The Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) tracker covers an area of 340 m2 by using more than 10,000 km of blue emitting scintillating fibre with 250 μm diameter, enabling a spatial resolution of
better than 80 μm for charged particles and a hit efficency better than 99%. Six-layer fibre mats of 2.4 m length are assembled to form individual detector modules (0.5 m x 4.8 m) consisting of eight fibre mats each. Linear arrays of Silicon Photomultipliers cooled to -40 °C are placed at the fibre ends. The readout of 524k channels occurs through custom-designed front-end electronics with fast 10 ns shaping, dual integrators, and a 3-comparator flash ADC to digitise the signals. An FPGA clusters the signals over threshold and outputs a barycentre to the 40 MHz DAQ farm with a total bandwidth of over 20 Tbits/sec.
At the time of the conference, the tracker assembly will have been completed and installed underground at LHCb. The talk will give a brief overview of the SciFi detector design, production, performance, the experience from the assembly and an early commissioning status.Speaker: Lais Soares Lavra (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR)) -
ALICE ITS3 - a bent, wafer-scale CMOS detector 20m
ALICE is developing the ITS3 (inner tracker system) as upgrade of the inner layers of the presently installed ITS with the aim to improve the pointing resolution by factor of two and to lower the material budget to an unprecedented value of 0.05% X0 per layer.
Its three layers are based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) thinned down to 20-40 µm. The configuration employs half-cylinders, which are bent around the beam pipe with bending radii of 18, 24 and 30 mm, respectively. The sensors are produced using stitching techniques allowing to reach a length of 28 cm. As consequence, the detector consists of six MAPS sensors only. The material budget is kept to a minimum using carbon foam elements to hold the stitched sensors in place, as well as by employing airflow cooling.
The ITS3 R&D has already passed important milestones of proving that bent MAPS are a viable technology option, and that thin wafer-scale silicon can be reliably integrated into true half-cylinders of target radii. A full scale mechanical integration prototype has already been produced. First prototype ASICs in 65 nm target technology are under test and are showing excellent in-beam performances.
This contribution summarises the achieved R&D results on bending and thinning, the mechanical prototype, beam tests and the 65 nm prototype ASIC test, as well as the path towards the last remaining milestone: the implementation of a wafer-scale, stitched sensor design.
Speaker: Alex Kluge (CERN)
Large Detector Systems: Future Calorimetry and TimingConvener: Yuri Tikhonov (Budker INP)
The CMS MIP Endcap Timing Layer: From concept towards production 20m
The HL-LHC opens up new windows for exciting discoveries but also brings about new challenges due to the high pileup environment of approximately 200 interactions per collision. Precise measurements of track and vertex timing can efficiently mitigate these pileup effects. The CMS detector will be upgraded with a MIP timing detector (MTD) capable of providing ultra-fast timing information of trajectories of charged particles. With a time resolution of below 50ps per hit, the MTD will be a key ingredient to discover new physics.
The endcap region of the MTD has to endure high fluences, motivating the use of thin, radiation tolerant silicon sensors with fast charge collection. Tests and developments of these low gain avalanche detectors (LGAD) by CMS, together with manufacturers, have resulted in a robust design of 16x16 pixel sensors. A custom readout chip for ETL sensors (ETROC) containing clock trees, preamplifier, discriminator, and TDC is being developed in parallel. 4x4 pixel array prototypes of the ETROC have been bump bonded to LGAD sensor prototypes and were tested at the Fermilab test beam facility, showing a time resolution of approximately 45ps per layer. FPGA based boards that emulate the final digital design of the ETROC are used for the development of full system tests including the front-end electronics. In this talk we will present the extensive developments and progress made for the entire ETL detector, from sensors to readout electronics and mechanical design.Speaker: Daniel Spitzbart (Boston University (US)) -
A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade 20m
The increase of the particle flux at the HL-LHC with instantaneous luminosities up to L ≃ 7.5 × 10$^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$ will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector performance. The forward region where the liquid Argon calorimeter has coarser granularity and the inner tracker has poorer momentum resolution will be particularly affected. A High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) will be installed in front of the LAr end-cap calorimeters for pile-up mitigation and luminosity measurement. The HGTD is a novel detector introduced to augment the new all-silicon Inner Tracker in the pseudo-rapidity range from 2.4 to 4.0, adding the capability to measure charged-particle trajectories in time and space. Two silicon-sensor double-sided layers will provide precision timing information for MIP particles with a resolution of 30 ps per track in order to assign each particle to the correct vertex. Readout cells have a size of 1.3 × 1.3 mm$^2$ leading to a highly granular detector with 3.7 million channels. Low Gain Avalanche Detectors technology has been chosen as it provides enough gain to reach the large signal over noise ratio needed. Requirements and overall specifications of the HGTD will be presented as well as the technical design and the project status. The on-going R&D effort carried out to study the sensors, the readout ASIC, and the other components, supported by laboratory and test beam results, will also be presented.
Speaker: Frank Filthaut (Radboud University and Nikhef, Nijmegen (NL)) -
The CMS High Granularity Calorimeter for the High Luminosity LHC 20m
The CMS Collaboration is preparing to build replacement endcap calorimeters for the HL-LHC era. The new high-granularity calorimeter (HGCAL) is, as the name implies, a highly-granular sampling calorimeter with approximately six million silicon sensor channels (~1.1cm^2 or 0.5cm^2 cells) and about four hundred thousand scintillator tiles readout with on-tile silicon photomultipliers. The calorimeter is designed to operate in the harsh radiation environment at the HL-LHC, where the average number of interactions per bunch crossing is expected to exceed 140. Besides measuring energy and position of the energy deposits the electronics is also designed to measure the time of their arrival with a precision on the order of 50 ps. In addition to the hardware of the HGCAL, developing a reconstruction sequence that fully exploits the granularity to achieve optimal electromagnetic and hadron identification, as well as a good energy resolution in the presence of pileup, is a challenging task.
In this talk, the reasoning and ideas behind the HGCAL, the current status of the project, the many lessons learnt so far, and the challenges ahead will be presented, including recent results from silicon sensors and modules. We will also overview some of the novel reconstruction methods being explored, including iterative and machine-learning techniques to exploit the full imaging power of HGCAL.
Speaker: Moritz Oliver Wiehe (CMS / HEPHY (AT))
Coffee Break 20m
Large Detector Systems: The Far FutureConvener: Manfred Jeitler (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
The Belle II Upgrade Program 20m
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB e+e- collider has started data taking in 2019 with the perspective of collecting 50ab-1 in the course of the next several years. The detector is working well with very good performance, but the first years of running are showing novel challenges and opportunities for reliable and efficient detector operations with machine backgrounds extrapolated to full luminosity. For this reason, and also considering that an accelerator consolidation and upgrade shutdown is being studied for the timeframe of 2026-2027 to reach the target luminosity of 6E35 cm-2s-1, Belle II has started to define a detector upgrade program to make the various sub-detectors more robust and performant even in the presence of high backgrounds, facilitating the SuperKEKB running at high luminosity.
This upgrade program will possibly include the replacement of some readout electronics, the upgrade of some detector elements, and may also involve the substitution of entire detector sub-systems such as the vertex detector. The process has started with the submission of Expressions Of Interest that are being reviewed internally and will proceed towards the preparation of a Conceptual Design Report currently planned for 2022. This paper will cover the full range of proposed upgrade ideas and their development plans.Speaker: Francesco Forti (INFN Sezione di Pisa and Universita' di Pisa) -
ALICE 3 20m
The future ALICE programme for Run 5 and beyond relies on a novel detector concept, ALICE 3, to address the determination of QGP properties that will remain inaccessible with existing and planned detectors in Run 3 and 4. Amongst others, this requires next-level measurements of dileptons down to very low invariant mass as well as the clean reconstruction of heavy-flavour hadrons. They call for a substantial increase in luminosity in combination with unprecedented detector performance. A compact, light, and fast tracker, based on thin silicon sensors, operated in a magnetic field, shall provide good pT resolution over ~8 units of pseudorapidity. To achieve a pointing resolution of ~10 um at 200 MeV/c, an ultralight vertex detector at minimal distance from the interaction point and, thus, within the beampipe is planned. Particle identification can be provided by a time-of-flight detector with 20 ps time resolution, for which R&D on monolithic silicon sensors is ongoing. An aerogel-based RICH detector is being studied to extend the momentum coverage. Further detectors are foreseen for more specialised measurements.
In this presentation, we will present the detector requirements resulting from the physics programme of ALICE 3. We will then discuss a detector concept and technologies suitable to meet these requirements. Additionally, we will highlight R&D activities, in progress and planned, to achieve the required performance.
Speaker: Jochen Klein (CERN) -
Scintillating sampling ECAL technology for the Upgrade II of LHCb 20m
The aim of the LHCb Upgrade II is to operate at a luminosity in the range of 1 to 2 x 10$^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ to collect a data set of 300 fb$^{-1}$. This will require a substantial modification of the current LHCb ECAL due to high radiation doses in the central region and increased particle densities. The ECAL has to provide good energy and position resolutions in these conditions. Timing capabilities with tens of picoseconds precision for neutral electromagnetic particles and increased granularity with denser absorber in the central region are needed for pile-up mitigation.
Several scintillating sampling ECAL technologies are currently being investigated for this purpose: Spaghetti Calorimeter (SpaCal) with garnet scintillating crystals and tungsten absorber, SpaCal with scintillating plastic fibres and tungsten or lead absorber, and Shashlik with polystyrene tiles, lead absorber and fast WLS fibres. Results from an ongoing R&D campaign to optimise the Upgrade II ECAL are shown. This includes studies of radiation-hard scintillation materials, performance optimisation using detailed simulations and test beam measurements. The presentation also includes an overview of the overall plans for the Upgrade II of the LHCb ECAL.Speaker: Marco Pizzichemi (Universita Milano-Bicocca (IT) and CERN) -
Designing a Muon Collider Detector 20m
The particle physics community is currently studying collider projects for the post-LHC era. Among those, muon colliders are particularly interesting due to their ability to reach multi-TeV energies in the environment typical for lepton colliders where backgrounds due to other physics processes are significantly lower than at a hadron collider experiment. However, as muons are unstable particles such a machine will be accompanied with technological challenges for a collider experiment: an unprecedented amount of secondary and tertiary decay products will enter the detector volume. The detector design, choice of technology, and reconstruction algorithms are therefore heavily influenced by the ‘beam-induced background’ (BIB). In this talk we describe the initial detector concept, present full simulation studies of data reconstruction performance and physics projections at 1.5 and 3 TeV, and outline next steps in the development of a multi-purpose detector for a muon collider with center-of-mass energies up to 10 TeV.
Speaker: Sergo Jindariani (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Lunch Break 1h 45m
Gaseous DetectorsConvener: Dmitri Denisov (Brookhaven National Laboratiry)
Studies on alternative eco-friendly gas mixtures and development of gas recuperation plant for RPC detectors 20m
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are widely used in particle physics applications, including the CERN LHC experiments. RPCs are often operated with a gas mixture containing C2H2F4 and SF6, both greenhouse gases (GHGs) with a high global warming potential (GWP). The reduction of GHG emissions and the search for eco-friendly alternatives are crucial for use of RPCs in future since F-gases are being phased out in Europe.
The best way to immediately reduce GHG emissions is to use gas recirculation systems. In parallel, CERN gas team is developing a new recuperation system specifically conceived for C2H2F4 and SF6, where good performance has been achieved.
For long-term operation, low GWP gases are studied. Hydrofluoroolefins (HFO), chlorofluorocarbons and 3M Novec are identified as possible replacements for C2H2F4 and SF6. Several eco-friendly gas mixtures were investigated on 2 mm gap RPCs, by measuring detector performance, i.e. efficiency, streamer probability, induced charge, cluster size and time resolution. Studies were done in laboratory and at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++), which provides a muon beam combined with a gamma source. Comparative analyses were performed between RPC operated with standard mixture and mixtures containing HFO with the addition of He or CO2 or mixtures with alternatives to SF6.
Long-term studies have started at GIF++ where RPCs are operated under recirculation with eco-friendly mixtures to evaluate possible long-term aging effects.Speaker: Beatrice Mandelli (CERN) -
Operating the Resistive Plate Chambers with new eco-friendly gases 20m
In this presentation we report the performance of the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) working with new eco-friendly gases which are intended to replace the traditional standard mixture($C_{2}H_{2}F_{4}/i-C_{4}H_{10}/SF_{6}$). The new gaseous components have Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) both at very low or null level. Indeed the $C_{2}H_{2}F_{4}$ (GWP~1430) is replaced by a proper mixture of $CO_{2}$ and Tetrafluoropropene ($C_{3}H_{2}F_{4}$, GWP ~ 6) and the $SF_{6}$ (GWP ~ 23900) is replaced by a new molecule, the Chloro-Trifluoropropene ($C_{3}H_{2}ClF_{3}$, GWP ~ 5).
We present here, for several tested mixtures: detection efficiency, streamer probability, prompt and ionic charge as a function of the high voltage. Prompt and ionic charges are generated by electrons fast drift and ions slow drift motion respectively.
We also focus the attention on a new category of signals having intermediate properties between avalanche and streamer. This category is negligible for the standard gas mixture but relevant for HFO based gas mixtures.
The timing properties are studied and the detector time resolution is measured.
A direct comparison between $SF_{6}$ and $C_{3}H_{2}ClF_{3}$ is performed to study in depth the possibility to replace an industrially very important molecule like $SF_{6}$ .Speaker: Giorgia Proto (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) -
Operation and readout of the CGEM Inner Tracker 20m
A recently approved ten-year extension of the BESIII experiment (IHEP, Beijing) motivated an upgrade program for both the accelerator and the detector. In particular, the current inner drift chamber is suffering from aging and the proposal is to replace it with a detector based on the cylindrical GEM technology.
The CGEM inner tracker consists of three coaxial layers of triple GEM. The tracker is expected to restore efficiency, improve z-determination and secondary vertex position reconstruction with a resolution of 130 μm in the xy-plane and better than 300 μm along the beam direction.
A dedicated readout system was developed. Signals from the detector strips are processed by TIGER, a custom 64-channel ASIC that provides an analog charge readout via a fully digital output up to about 50 fC, less than 3 ns jitter. TIGER continuously streams over-threshold data in trigger-less mode to an FPGA-based readout module, called GEM Read Out Card, that organizes the incoming data by building the event packets when the trigger arrives.
Two of the three layers are in operation in Beijing since January 2020 remotely controlled. Due to the pandemic situation the integration activity has been continued on a small-scale prototype. Recently, a test beam has been performed at CERN with the final electronics configuration.
In this presentation, the general status of the CGEM-IT project will be presented with a particular focus on the results from the test beam data acquisition.Speaker: Ilaria Balossino (INFN Ferrara) -
Vacuum-Compatible Ultra-Thin-Wall Straw Tracker; Detector construction, Thinner straw R&D, and the brand-new graphite-straw development 20m
The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for a lepton-flavour violating process of muon to electron conversion, with a branching-ratio sensitivity of 10$^{−17}$, to explore the region predicted by most of theoretical models beyond the Standard Model. The expected signal of this process is mono-energetic 105 MeV single electron. To distinguish such a low energy signal, a material budget of detector is essential since the detection accuracy is primarily limited by multiple scattering.
To realize the required low material detector, a vacuum-compatible ultra-thin-wall straw tracker has been designed, then 20$\mu$-thick Mylar straw with 70nm Al cathode has been developed employing ultrasonic-welding technique. This was reported in VCI2016, and the detector performances such as detection efficiency and intrinsic spacial resolutions were reported in VCI2019. After the previous VCI, a detector construction using this straw was performed. In parallel to this, thinner straw, i.e. 12$\mu$m-thick straw, has been developed with joint collaboration among KEK, JINR and CERN. During this R&D, it was noticed that the current technology cannot achieve much thinner/smaller tubes than the present one. Then, we launched a brand-new project to realize the graphite-textile straw which realizes an extremely low material tracker.
In VCI2022, a brief report on detector construction with 20$\mu$m-thick straw, R&D on 12$\mu$m-thick straw and a brand-new graphite straw will be provided.
Speaker: Hajime Nishiguchi (KEK)
Coffee Break 20m
Photon DetectorsConvener: Kalliopi Kanaki (ESS - European Spallation Source (SE))
Plastic scintillator production involving Additive Manufacturing 20m
Plastic scintillator detectors are widely used in high-energy physics, often as an active neutrino target, both in long and short baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. They can provide 3D tracking with $4\pi$ coverage and calorimetry of the neutrino interaction final state combined with very good particle identification capabilities and sub-nanosecond time resolution. Moreover, the large hydrogen content makes plastic scintillator detectors ideal for detecting neutrons. However, new experimental challenges and the need for enhanced performance require the construction of detector geometries that are challenging using current production techniques. The solution can be found in additive manufacturing, able to quickly make plastic-based objects of any shape. In this talk, the applicability of 3D-printing techniques to the manufacture of polystyrene-based scintillator will be discussed. We will report the feasibility of 3D printing polystyrene-based scintillator with light output performances comparable with that of detectors manufactured using standard production techniques. The latest advances in R&D aim at combining the 3D printing of plastic scintillator with other materials, such as optical reflectors or absorbers. The status of the R&D and the latest performance results will be presented.
Speakers: Davide Sgalaberna (ETH Zurich (CH)), Umut Kose (CERN EP-NU) -
Recent developments in the field of scintillators for fast radiation detectors 20m
Since many decades scintillating crystals have been used for radiation detectors such as high resolution electromagnetic calorimeters and positron emission tomographs. Significant progress has been made in the field of inorganic scintillators in the understanding of their scintillation properties, radiation hardness and production methods over the last 30 years. In addition many applications also have more and more need for an improved timing resolution. To this purpose many studies have been carried out in the framework of the Crystal Clear Collaboration on the investigation, improvement and exploitation of different processes for new fast light emission such as wideband semiconductor nanomaterials, hot intraband luminescence, cross luminescence and Cerenkov light, as well as on the production and the assembly of such material: crystal fibers, 3D printing, hybrid structure combining materials with different properties.
In this contribution we will present selected results of recent research efforts and developments on fast timing scintilllators for future detectors.Speaker: Etiennette Auffray Hillemanns (CERN) -
TOPS: a new class of fast plastic scintillators 20m
Organic plastic scintillators are largely exploited for fast time detectors thanks to their short scintillation time wrt inorganic crystals. Plastic scintillators are cheap to produce, light and easy to manipulate (standard mechanical workshop can handle the cutting, polishing, etc..). The nowadays best (faster) plastic scintillators are EJ-232 (Eljen Technology) and BC-422 (Saint Gobain) with a rise time of 350 ps, a decay time of 1.6 ns and a pulse width of 1.3 ns. To improve the performances of time detectors the development of faster scintillators can give a crucial contribution, in this framework a collaboration between the physics, engineering, and chemistry groups of University “Sapienza” of Rome and CREF started the TOPS project, focused on the development of a new class of organic scintillators. Comparing the light output and the time properties of the samples with minimum ionizing particles, a selection of the most promising TOPS scintillators has been investigated and characterized (redout with commercial PMTs - Hamamatsu H10721-20). The performance achieved with TOPS samples are extremely promising: a time resolution improvement from 10 up to 35% with respect to the EJ-232 commercial scintillator has been demonstrated. In addition, an increase of light output has been obtained for all samples with a consequent potential improvement in energy resolution measurements of a factor up to 35%.
Speakers: Michela Marafini, Marco Toppi (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
Semiconductor Detectors: Active Sensors 1Convener: Markus Friedl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Silicon pixel-detector R&D for future lepton colliders 20m
The physics aims at future lepton colliders such as CLIC or FCC-ee pose challenging demands on the performance of the vertex and tracking-detector systems. A single-plane spatial resolution of a few microns is needed, combined with a low mass of ~0.2%-1% X0 per layer. Moreover, hit-time tagging with a few ns resolution is required for beam-background rejection at CLIC. An even better timing precision below 100 ps on pixel level opens up the possibility of particle-identification by time of flight measurements within the tracking layers. To address these detector requirements, a broad R&D program on new silicon detector technologies is being pursued within various collaborative frameworks, such as the CERN EP R&D program, AIDAinnova and the CLICdp collaboration. Different hybrid technologies with innovative sensor concepts are explored as candidates for the vertex-detectors. Furthermore, alternative interconnects such as bonding using anisotropic conductive films (ACF) are under development. Advanced monolithic depleted CMOS sensors are under study both for the vertex and the tracking detectors. To predict and optimise the performance of the various prototypes, a fast and versatile Monte Carlo Simulation Tool (Allpix-Squared) has been developed. This contribution introduces the requirements and gives an overview of the R&D program for silicon-based vertex and tracking detectors, highlighting new results from measurements and simulations of recent prototypes.
Speaker: Dominik Dannheim (CERN) -
Charge sensing properties of monolithic CMOS pixel sensors fabricated in a 65 nm technology 20m
Decreasing the process feature size of monolithic CMOS pixel sensors is expected to enhance their overall performance, in terms of time and spatial resolutions, power dissipation and hit handling capabilities. CERN has organized the access to the Tower 65 nm CMOS sensor process, which is currently investigated by a large consortium as a potential technological candidate for the design of sensors to be used in a wide range of future detectors, the closest in time being the ALICE-ITS3 project.
Among other exploratory chips, small pixel matrices, dubbed CE-65, with analogue outputs have been fabricated in 2021. They feature pitches of 15 and 25 µm, various amplification schemes as well as sensing layer modifications allowing for depletion under proper biasing. These prototype sensors are being tested both in labs and in beam to study their charge collection properties, which drive the main performance as detection efficiency and spatial resolution. This contribution will report on the test results contributing to the first evaluation of the detection performance of the Tower 65 nm process.Speaker: Szymon Bugiel (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL)) -
The Tangerine project: Development of high-resolution 65 nm silicon MAPS 20m
The Tangerine project aims to develop state-of-the-art high-precision silicon detectors. This contribution is focused on Work Package 1, which has the goal of developing a monolithic active pixel sensor using a novel 65 nm CMOS imaging process, with a small collection electrode. This process is so far unused in particle physics applications, but is of great interest as it allows an increased logic density and decreased power consumption and material budget compared to other processes. It is envisioned to be used in for example the next ALICE inner tracker upgrade, and in experiments at the electron-ion collider.
The initial goal of the three-year Tangerine project is to develop and test a sensor in the 65 nm process that can be used in testbeam telescopes at DESY, providing excellent time resolution and spatial resolution, and thus demonstrating the capabilities of the process.
The project covers all aspects of sensor R&D, from electronics and sensor design using simulations, to prototype test chip characterisation in labs and at testbeams. The sensor design simulations are performed by using a powerful combination of detailed electric field simulations and high-statistics Monte Carlo simulations.
This contribution will present first measurement results of two initial test chips, the current sensor architecture, and sensor design simulation results of the ongoing developments and upcoming sensors.Speaker: Håkan Wennlöf (DESY) -
The MIMOSIS pixel sensor for the CBM Micro-Vertex Detector and beyond. 20m
The Micro-Vertex Detector of the CBM experiment at FAIR will be equipped with the full custom CMOS Pixel Sensor called MIMOSIS designed at IPHC, which is also developed for the EU project CREMLINplus and serves as a forerunner for future high precision tracking devices.
Several prototypes and building blocks are developed and tested by IPHC-IKF-GSI collaboration in order to fulfill the requirements such as spatial resolution of ~5 $\mu m$, radiation tolerance to $7\times10^{13}n_{eq} /cm^2$ (1MeV) and 5 Mrad, continuous read-out with 5 $\mu s$ time stamp and $70~MHz/cm^2$ peak counting rate.
In the first full scale prototype (MIMOSIS-1) the digital logic reduces the data flow from up to 20 Gbits/s to 2.56 Gbits/s at the sensor output by aggregating the data.
Front-end circuit was inspired by ALPIDE (CERN) chip, major difference is an introduction of AC coupled diode variant, allowing for increasing bias voltage and improving the radiation tolerance. However, input capacitance also increases, the trade-off between AC and DC coupling will be discussed.
The results of laboratory tests and beam measurements of MIMOSIS-1, showing the resolution, the charge collection efficiency and the detection efficiency will be presented for different variants of pixels.
The performances before and after irradiation will be assessed in order to validate the final sensor prototype (MIMOSIS-2) which is planned to be submitted in 2021/2022.Speaker: Andrei Dorokhov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Coffee Break 20m
Semiconductor Detectors: Active Sensors 2Convener: Joachim Josef Mnich (CERN)
Design and characterization of depleted monolithic active pixel sensors within the RD50 collaboration 20m
The CERN RD50 CMOS working group is designing and characterizing DMAPS for use in high radiation environments fabricated in the LFoundry 150nm HV-CMOS process. The first iteration of this chip, RD50-MPW1, suffered from high leakage current, low breakdown voltage and crosstalk. In order to mitigate these shortcomings, an improved version with improved pixel geometry was designed. The RD50-MPW2 integrates a matrix of 8x8 pixels with analog front-end, but no digital readout. It was delivered in early 2020 and extensively characterized within lab-measurements, an irradiation campaign and beam tests. To read out the chips the Caribou DAQ system is used with a custom chipboard as well as specific firmware and software modules. A third iteration of the chip, the RD50-MPW3, will be submitted to LFoundry end of October 2021 and is expected to be delivered in March 2022. It will keep the well working analog part of its predecessor, completed by an in-pixel digital logic and an optimized peripheral readout for effective pixel configuration and fast serial data transmission. The chip will comprise a matrix of 64x64 pixels arranged in 32 double-columns. In parallel to chip design and production, a digital model of RD50-MPW3 is being implemented in an FPGA and used to develop and verify the readout system of the future chip. We will present an overview of the RD50 HV-CMOS activities focusing on the measurement results of RD50-MPW2 chip, as well as the design and readout of the RD50-MPW3.
Speaker: Patrick Sieberer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) -
Development and testing of a radiation-hard large electrode DMAPS design in a 150 nm CMOS process. 20m
Monolithic CMOS active pixel sensors in depleted substrates (DMAPS) are an attractive development for pixel tracker systems in high-rate collider experiments. The radiation tolerance of these devices is enhanced through technology add-ons and careful design, which allow them to be biased with large voltages and collect charge through drift in highly resistive silicon bulks. In addition, the use of commercial CMOS technology would reduce the current production complexity and costs of large module areas.
The LF-Monopix chips are two fully functional large-scale DMAPS prototypes with a column drain readout architecture. They were designed in a 150 nm CMOS process that made it possible to place and isolate each pixel’s front-end circuitry within a charge collection electrode of a size comparable to the pixel area.
This contribution will give an overview of the chips' design, sensor and front-end performance with a focus on radiation hardness. Measurements on neutron irradiated samples showed an in-time detection efficiency of $\sim 97\%$ after a NIEL dose of $1\times10^{15} n_{eq} /cm^{2}$. Moreover, the gain did not degrade and noise only increased by $25\%$ after a X-ray Total Ionizing Dose of $100$ Mrad. The characterization of the latest prototype has also shown a positive outcome from the effort to implement a matrix with a column length of 2 centimeters and a reduced pixel pitch of $150 \times 50$ $um^{2}$.
Speaker: Ivan Dario Caicedo Sierra (University of Bonn (DE)) -
Recent results with radiation-tolerant TowerJazz 180 nm MALTA Sensors 20m
To achieve the physics goals of future colliders, it is necessary to develop novel, radiation-hard silicon sensors for their tracking detectors. We target the replacement of hybrid pixel detectors with Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) that are radiation-hard, monolithic CMOS sensors. We have designed, manufactured and tested the MALTA series of sensors, which are DMAPS in the 180 nm TowerJazz CMOS imaging technology. MALTA have a pixel pitch well below current hybrid pixel detectors, high time resolution (<2 ns) and excellent charge collection efficiency across pixel geometries. These sensors have a total silicon thickness of only 100 µm, implying reduced material budgets and multiple scattering rates for future detectors which utilize such technology. Furthermore, their monolithic design bypasses the costly stage of bump-bonding in hybrid sensors and can substantially reduce detector costs. This contribution will present the latest results from characterization studies of the MALTA2 sensors, including new test-beam results demonstrating the radiation tolerance of these sensors.
Speaker: Matt LeBlanc (CERN) -
Development and characterization of a DMAPS chip in TowerJazz 180 nm technology for high radiation environments and its use case for the Belle II vertex detector upgrade 20m
The increasing availability of commercial CMOS processes with high-resistivity wafers has fueled the R&D of depleted monolithic active pixel sensors (DMAPS) for usage in high energy physics experiments. One of these developments is a series of monolithic pixel detectors with column-drain readout architecture and small collection electrode allowing for low-power designs (TJ-Monopix).
It is designed in a 180 nm TowerJazz CMOS process and features a pixel size of 33 µm x 33 µm. The efforts and improvements on the front-end electronics and sensor design of the current iteration TJ-Monopix2 increase the radiation hardness and efficiency while lowering the threshold and noise.
Results from laboratory measurements and test beam campaigns will be highlighted and discussed to evaluate its usage in high-radiation environments.With its specifications and expected performance, TJ-Monopix2 will serve as a prototype chip for a future DMAPS chip (OBELIX) that will be investigated within the framework of the VTX collaboration for the upgrade of the Belle II detector at SuperKEKB.
Speaker: Christian Bespin (University of Bonn (DE))
Lunch Break 1h 20m
Semiconductor Detectors: Active Sensors 3Convener: Thomas Bergauer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
MONOLITH - picosecond time stamping capabilities in fully monolithic highly granular silicon pixel detectors 20m
Monolithic silicon pixel detectors are attractive candidates for future large-area trackers in particle physics due to their advantages, for instance to reduce the production effort and material budget. State of the art monolithic silicon pixel detectors can reach high spatial precision. Integrating picosecond time resolution in such devices would significantly improve their performance and further widen their range of applications.
The MONOLITH ERC advanced project aims at achieving this by using SiGe BiCMOS electronics and a novel sensor concept, the Picosecond Avalanche Detector (PicoAD). Standard SiGe BiCMOS processes give access to ultra fast, high gain, low noise, low power frontend, implemented in a large collection electrode monolithic design. Using high-resistivity epitaxial layer material in combination with a continuous deep and thin gain layer, the novel PicoAD sensor concept permits to achieve a picosecond precise detector response over the full pixel cell. Placing the gain layer away from the pixel junctions additionally allows for a small pixel pitch and high spatial precision.
Several prototypes of this technology have been produced and investigated in simulations, laboratory and test-beam measurements. This presentation gives an overview of the novel sensor concept and the designed front end, and discusses the first preliminary results of the project.Speaker: Roberto Cardella (Universite de Geneve (CH)) -
ARCADIA Fully Depleted MAPS in a 110-nm CMOS Process 20m
The ARCADIA Collaboration is developing a technology platform for the design, fabrication and characterisation of innovative monolithic sensors compatible with standard CMOS processes. The sensor technology allows to fully deplete the substrate for a fast charge collection only by drift, while the use of a small collection electrode maximises the signal-to-noise ratio. Backside lithography is used for patterning of termination structures, enabling the use of substrate thicknesses up to 500 $\mu$m.
The proposed technology will allow to extend the use and benefit of CMOS sensors to many applications in high energy physics, space applications, X-ray detection and medical physics.
To demonstrate the technology, the Collaboration developed system-grade DMAPS, pixel and strip test structures and strip arrays with fully functional embedded readout electronics, fabricated on two full engineering runs using LFoundry’s LF11is 110nm CMOS node and a high-resistivity bulk. The ARCADIA-MD1 chip features 25 $\mu$m pitch pixels on a 512x512 clock-less matrix integrated on a power-oriented flow. The triggerless binary readout is designed to cope with event rates up to 100 MHz cm$^2$, while the architecture implementation enables the scalability of the active area to matrices up to 8192 pixels high.
We shall report on the status of the project, current developments and future perspectives, providing an insight on the first characterisation results of the full-scale DMAPS detectors.Speaker: Manuel Dionisio Da Rocha Rolo (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) -
CMOS SPAD Sensor Chip for the Readout of Scintillating Fibers 20m
The detection of light from optical fibers is required in a variety of detector concepts like fiber trackers or sampling calorimeters. Instead of using photo detectors like PMTs or SiPMs and associated readout electronics, we propose to combine Single Photon Sensitive Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) and CMOS readout electronics on the same silicon die. We have developed, fabricated and initially characterized such a 'Digital SiPM' solution. In order to provide a high flexibility in fiber diameters and positions, our architecture allows for assigning the individual SPADs to 'groups' which are routed to chip pins. The purely digital output signals provide the timing by the rising edge and an amplitude information by the pulse width. The first available chip has been successfully used to detect light of individual fibers from a fiber bundle. The proposed concept could significantly reduce the mechanical and electronic complexity as well as the cost of fiber readouts and possibly improve their performance.
Speaker: Peter Fischer -
Performance Evaluation of Stitched Passive CMOS Strip Sensors 20m
Silicon sensors will continue to be the central tracking elements for upcoming particle physics detectors. They will have to cover large areas and thus be a main cost driver. The currently used silicon sensors are available only from very few manufacturers, thus detector technologies and designs that can be realized through established commercial industrial production processes and are cost-effective are becoming increasingly relevant. The CMOS technology is one of the important candidates. Since typically CMOS foundries are equipped for producing much smaller sizes than the currently used wafer-scale strip sensors, several neighboring reticles have to be connected via a stitching process to obtain large sensors.
In this contribution strip sensors were designed and developed with the passive p-CMOS 150nm process including stitching of up to five reticles. The sensors are processed on a 150 𝜇m thick wafer and are up to 4 cm long. There were two batches of sensors produced and investigated, of which the second batch had an improved backside processing to enhance the HV stability.
After initial electrical characterizations the sensors were tested in the laboratory with a ^90Sr source and infrared lasers. The key investigation was to evaluate the impact of stitching on the sensor performance. The presented results will demonstrate that the stitching does not show any negative effect on the sensor performance and the stitching process is successful.Speaker: Leena Diehl (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
Coffee Break 20m
Semiconductor Detectors: Passive SensorsConvener: Marko Dragicevic (HEPHY Vienna)
Present and future development of thin silicon sensors for extreme fluences 20m
In this contribution, we present a new development of radiation-resistant silicon sensors. This innovative sensor design exploits the recently observed saturation of radiation damage effects on silicon, together with the usage of thin substrates, intrinsically less affected by radiation. The internal multiplication of the charge carriers will be used to overcome the small signals coming from thin substrates.
At the end of 2020, the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy) delivered Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs) produced on 25 and 35 $\mu$m thick p-type epitaxial substrates, namely the EXFLU0 production: I-V and C-V characterisation of the sensors has been performed before and after irradiation up to 1E17 1MeV neutron equivalent/cm$^2$, together with signal analysis from an infrared laser and beta stimulus.
The outcome of the laboratory tests will be implemented in the EXFLU1 production, in which optimisation of the sensor peripheries and the gain layer responsible for internal multiplication will be pursued. The goal is to pave the way for a new design of silicon sensors that can efficiently operate above fluences of 1E17 1MeV neutron equivalent/cm$^2$.Speaker: Valentina Sola (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) -
The CMS Outer Tracker sensor production, status and first results 20m
The new demanding environment of High Luminosity LHC, which is expected to reach an integrated luminosity up to 3000-4000 fb$^{-1}$ by the end of its lifetime, sets new challenges for the CMS Tracking System. The full sub-detector needs to be replaced to cope with the increased radiation levels while maintaining the excellent tracking performance of the existing detector. The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker requires the production and installation of 200 m$^{2}$ of new and more advanced silicon sensors. After 10 years of R&D studies, the production period of the silicon strip and macro-pixel sensors has begun in 2020. This report aims to provide an overview of the sensor design, the expected performance as defined in the prototyping phase, first results and conclusions regarding the sensor quality and the production stability
Speaker: Konstantinos Damanakis (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) -
Characterization of planar and 3D Silicon pixel sensors for the high luminosity phase of the CMS experiment at LHC 20m
The High Luminosity upgrade of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) calls for an upgrade of the CMS tracking detector to cope with the increased radiation levels while maintaining the excellent performance of the existing detector.
Specifically, new high-radiation tolerant solid-state pixel sensors, capable of surviving irradiation fluencies up to a $ 2.0 \times 10^{16} \: n_{eq}/cm^2$ at $\approx$ 3 cm from the interaction point, need to be developed.
To this extent an R&D program involving different vendors have been launched, aiming at the development of thin n-in-p type pixel sensors.
The R&D covers both planar (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK - Hamamatsu Photonics, HPK - LFoundry) and single-sided 3D columnar (FBK and Centro Nacional de Microeletronica, CNM) pixel devices.
The target active thickness is 150 $\mu m$ while two different pixel cell dimensions are currently investigated (25 $\times$ 100 and 50 $\times$ 50 $\mu m^2$).
Prototypes of hybrid modules have been bump-bonded to the RD53A readout chip (ROC), the first prototype of the ROC that will be employed during HL-LHC operation.
Test beam studies, both of thin planar and 3D devices, have been performed by the CMS collaboration at the CERN, DESY and Fermilab test beam facilities. Results of modules performance before and after irradiation (up to $ 2.0 \times 10^{16} \: n_{eq}/cm^2$) will be reported.Speaker: Davide Zuolo (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) -
Wide-bandgap material SiC as high rate particle detector 20m
The material properties of Silicon-Carbide (SiC) make it a promising candidate for application as particle detector at high beam rates. In comparison to Silicon (Si), the increase in charge carrier saturation velocity and breakdown voltage allow for high time resolution while mitigating pile ups. The larger bandgap improves radiation hardness and suppresses dark current. The presented project aims to accomplish the development of such a detector, together with associated readout electronics.
Current simulation tools are challenged regarding SiC due to its low carrier density, anisotropic effects and insufficient knowledge of material parameters. We present various computational approaches based on the tools TCAD and Weightfield and compare them with experimental results carried out with a 50μm thick SiC pad sensor.
UV-TCT measurements on neutron irradiated samples deliver insight into intrinsic detector properties, while high-rate detector characteristics have been determined with protons and Carbon ion beams for rates up to several hundred MHz, which have been conducted at the ion beam cancer treatment facility MedAustron.
To take full advantage of the fast charge collection of SiC, we are developing advanced single channel readout electronics to be used in beam tests to study the material properties further. Moreover, the developments towards a multi-channel ASIC for using SiC as high-rate beam intensity and position monitor will be shown.Speaker: Philipp Gaggl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Semiconductor Detectors: TimingConvener: Thomas Bergauer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
4d-tracking, LGADs, and fast timing detectors 40m
In the past 10 years, there has been growing interest in developing particle trackers that combine excellent spatial and temporal accuracy. This evolution has been made possible by introducing in the design of silicon sensors several innovations that have substantially increased their capabilities of measuring time accurately. In this presentation, I will review this recent evolution and outline the most promising approaches in silicon technologies and associated electronics to build a particle tracker that matches the requirements of future experiments.
Speaker: Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT)) -
Time resolution of silicon sensors 20m
Precision timing with solid state detectors is being employed in many areas of particle physics instrumentation. Applications for pileup rejection and time of flight measurements at the LHC are just two of many notable examples.
During the past years we studied the contributions to the time resolution for various types of silicon sensors. The principal contributors to the time resolution are Landau fluctuations, electronics noise, signal shape fluctuations due to a varying pad response function as well as gain fluctuations. We discuss silicon pad and silicon pixel sensors, LGAD sensors as well as SPADs and SiPMs. The analytic statistical analysis of the contributions to the time resolution has been performed, resulting in elementary expressions for the timing performance of these sensors. These expressions show the basic directions for optimization of these sensors as well as the fundamental limits to the time resolution.Speaker: Werner Riegler (CERN) -
Ion microbeam studies of charge transport in semiconductor radiation detectors with three-dimensional structure 20m
Developments of semiconductor detectors with increased tolerance to the high radiation levels are resulting often in devices that deviate significantly from the classical planar electrode designs. Shorter collection distances that are utilised in 3D detectors (silicon and diamond) in which electrodes are penetrating into the crystal bulk, and the introduction of charge multiplication regions such as in silicon LGADs, are two strategies that have been used to increase radiation hardness. One of the possible techniques to explore charge transport properties in such three-dimensional structures is certainly IBIC – ion beam induced charge, a microprobe technique that utilizes single ions of MeV energy range which create charge pairs along the ion trajectory. By the use of different ion species and respective energies, measurable charge signals give insight into carrier transport properties in wide range of detector depths (from 1 to hundreds of micrometers), while 2D raster scanning of ions focussed to micrometre spot size provide planar distribution of charge transport efficiency. Recent improvements of the IBIC setup at the RBI microprobe facility, will be presented along with examples of interpad distance and gain suppression studies in LGAD detectors. In the context of diamond detectors, capabilities of the setup to work at elevated temperatures (up to 450 C) gave us possibilities to characterise charge transport properties and trapping levels in diamond.
Speaker: Dr Milko Jaksic (Ruđer Bošković Institute) -
A 4D diamond detector for HL-LHC and beyond 20m
The unprecedented density of charged particles foreseen at the next generation of experiments at future hadronic machines poses a significant challenge to the tracking detectors, that are expected to stand extreme levels of radiation as well as to be able to efficiently reconstruct a huge number of tracks and primary vertices. To meet this challenge new extremely radiation hard materials and sensor designs will be needed, to build high granularity and excellent time resolution tracking detectors. In particular, the availability of the time coordinate ("4D-tracking") significantly simplifies the track and vertex reconstruction problem. Diamond 3D pixel sensors, with thin columnar resistive electrodes orthogonal to the surface,specifically optimised for timing applications may provide an optimal solution to the above problems.The 3D geometry enhances the well known radiation hardness of diamond and allows to exploit its excellent timing properties, possibly improving the performances of the extensively studied planar diamond sensors.
We report on the timing characterization, based on beta-source and particle beam tests, of innovative 3D diamond detectors optimised for timing applications, fabricated by laser graphitisation of conductive electrodes in the bulk of 500 $\mu$m thick single-crystal diamonds. Preliminary results on the simulation of the full chain of signal formation in the sensor will also be presented and plans for further optimisation briefly discussed.Speaker: Michele Veltri (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
Coffee Break 30m
Semiconductor Detectors: Timing and LGADsConvener: Kalliopi Kanaki (ESS - European Spallation Source (SE))
Development of LGAD Sensors at FBK 20m
The High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider highlighted the need for a time-tagging of tracks with a precision of tens of picoseconds. This requirement motivated the development of radiation hard silicon sensors dedicated to the time-of-interaction measurement of minimum ionizing particles. Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are silicon sensors with internal charge multiplication and are the baseline for the timing systems of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. These sensors use the gain to improve the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of detector systems and have been engineered to withstand the harsh radiation environment of the experiments. Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) developed the LGAD technology through several production runs. The improved SNR and excellent time resolution made LGADs suitable also for medical, x-ray, and space applications. A feature of LGADs is the presence of a termination structure between regions with gain that results in areas without gain between the readout channels, reducing the fill factor of the devices. Different strategies to improve the fill factor of LGADs are being developed, such as double-sided LGADs, resistive AC-coupled LGADs, and trench isolated LGADs. This talk summarizes the experience acquired at FBK with the realization of more than ten sensor batches. Selected results in radiation hardness, time resolution, fill factor, and different LGAD applications will be discussed.
Speaker: Matteo Centis Vignali (FBK) -
Time and space characterization of novel TI-LGAD structures 20m
A spacial and temporal characterization of the novel Trench Isolated LGAD (TI-LGAD) production at FBK from the RD50 collaboration is presented. This technology is promising for the implementation of the so called 4D-pixels aiming to combine in one device position tracking functionality together with a precise timing determination. In the TI-LGAD technology, each pixel is an individual LGAD and they are separated by physical trenches etched in the silicon, thus eliminating the need of the standard gain termination. This technology has the potential to reduce the interpixel dead area, mitigating the fill factor problem. This FBK-RD50 production is the first production of pixelated TI-LGADs. A comprehensive study of the spacial characteristics of the different design patterns (number of trenches, depth of trenches, etc.), as well as the timing performance, is presented in this talk. For a subsample of the structures the measurements will be repeated after irradiation with neutrons and protons. The characterization is performed using a scanning Transient Current Technique (TCT) setup with an infrared laser.
Speaker: Matias Senger (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) -
First experimental results of the spatial resolution of RSD pad arrays read out with the FAST2 full custom 16-ch ASIC 20m
Resistive Silicon Detectors (RSD, also known as AC-LGAD) are innovative silicon sensors based on the LGAD technology, characterized by a continuous gain layer and by an internal signal-sharing mechanism.
RSDs are very promising tracking detectors that combine large pitch and extremely accurate position reconstruction: the most recent results show a spatial resolution of 2 μm for a sensor with 100 μm pixels. Such accuracy is achieved by combining the internal sharing mechanism of RSD with a reconstruction method based on a neural network.
This talk will present the first experimental results obtained from RSD arrays read out with a dedicated ASIC (FAST2), tailored to fast signals. The ASIC output is connected to a 16-ch digitizer, allowing simultaneously recording all the detector channels. All tested sensors are 3x3 or 4x4 arrays with different pitch sizes, coming from the RSD1, RSD2 productions manufactured at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, Italy).
Speaker: Federico Siviero (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
Lunch Break 1h 15m
Gas and Cherenkov TimingConvener: Dmitri Denisov (Brookhaven National Laboratiry)
Picosecond timing of charged particles using the TORCH detector 20m
TORCH is a large-area, high-precision time-of-flight (ToF) detector designed to provide charged-particle identification in the 2-20 GeV/c momentum range. Prompt Cherenkov photons emitted by charged hadrons as they traverse a 1cm quartz radiator are propagated to the periphery of the detector, where they are focused onto an array of microchannel plate photomultiplier tubes (MCP-PMTs). The position and arrival times of the photons are used to infer the particles’ time of entry in the radiator, to identify hadrons based on their ToF. The MCP-PMTs were developed with an industrial partner to satisfy the stringent requirements of the TORCH detector. The requirements include a finely segmented anode, excellent time resolution, and a long lifetime. Over a ~10m flight distance, the difference in ToF between a kaon and a pion with 10GeV/c momentum is 35ps, leading to a 10-15ps per track timing resolution requirement. The required single-photon time resolution is 70ps, for an average of 30 detected photons per hadron.
The TORCH R&D program aims to demonstrate the validity of the detector concept through laboratory and beam tests, results from which will be shown. A timing resolution of 70-100ps was reached in beam tests, approaching the TORCH design goal. Laboratory timing tests consist of operating the MCP-PMTs coupled to the readout electronics. A time resolution of the MCP-PMT coupled to the readout electronics of ~50ps was measured. This meets the TORCH target timing resolution.Speaker: Ms Maria Flavia Cicala (University of Warwick (GB)) -
Precise timing measurements with a 10x10 cm2 tileable PICOSEC Micromegas detector module 20m
The PICOSEC Micromegas (MM) precise timing detectors offer precise timing on the order of tens of ps by coupling a Cherenkov radiator with a photocathode and a MM amplification structure. Time resolution below 25 ps for MIPs was demonstrated with single-channel prototypes. Recent developments towards instrumenting larger detection areas with precise timing PICOSEC detectors include multi-channel tileable detector modules, resistive MM, alternative photocathode materials, and custom readout electronics.
Timing performance for signals shared across multiple pads was confirmed to be comparable to single-channel results in a previous multi-pad prototype with corrections for non-uniformity of the preamplification gap. A fully tileable 100-ch, 100 cm$^2$ detector prototype based on the rigid ceramics/FR4 substrate was commissioned. Test beam campaigns showed improvement of the timing response uniformity reaching 26 ps pad level time resolution.
Different readout options including custom preamplifiers and fast charge-sensitive preamplifiers together with digitisation with SAMPIC were investigated to enable readout of 100-ch modules.
The scalability to large detection areas, excellent timing resolution, and flexibility in readout granularity which can enable spatial resolution make PICOSEC Micromegas detectors an attractive technology for precise timing detector systems as well as fast photon detectors.Speaker: Antonija Utrobicic (CERN)
Quantum detectors for particle physics 40m
An overview of different families of detectors relying on quantum effects and relevant to the field of particle physics will be given, covering existing detectors and applications, ongoing developments, and possible ideas for applications in the context of high energy particle physics.
Speaker: Michael Doser (CERN) -
Group Photo 10m
Awards and ClosingConvener: Manfred Krammer (CERN)
NIM A Young Scientists Awards 20mSpeaker: Christian Joram (CERN)
Closing 10mSpeaker: Manfred Krammer (CERN)