4th World Conference on Physics Education 2024, Kraków, Poland

from Monday 26 August 2024 (08:30) to Friday 30 August 2024 (20:30)
Auditorium Maximum UJ

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
26 Aug 2024
27 Aug 2024
28 Aug 2024
29 Aug 2024
30 Aug 2024
Registration (until 10:00) (Hall Ground Floor)
Opening (until 11:30) (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:30 --- Coffee break ---
Keynote -Dr Eilish McLoughlin (until 10:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
10:00 --- Coffee break ---
Oral presentations -Dr Lars-Jochen Thoms (University of Konstanz) (until 11:30) (Large Lecture Hall B)
10:30 Astronomical observations: A non-formal and itinerant approach for Physics and Astronomy teaching - Edio da Costa Junior   (Large Lecture Hall B)
10:50 Knowledge and evidence over fear of invisible radiation via practically oriented teaching with a particle camera instrument - Dr Michael Holik (IEAP CTU in Prague, FEE UWB in Pilsen)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
11:10 Physics for non-physicists - A scientific propaedeutic for prospective medical students - Dr Lars-Jochen Thoms (University of Konstanz)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations (until 11:30) (Large Lecture Hall A)
10:30 Physics teachers’ professional development: longitudinal training for building coherent curricula across grades - Valentina Bologna   (Large Lecture Hall A)
10:50 Developing an Understanding of Inertia through Hands-on Activities: Emphasizing Meaning over Rote Memorization - Beril Yılmaz Senem   (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:10 The Training Needs of Physics Teachers: a Challenge from the Association for Physics Teaching - Vera Montalbano (University of Siena)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Marika Kapanadze (until 11:30) (Exhibition Room A)
10:30 Science Identity Development in Early Physics and Chemistry Classes: A Longitudinal Study - Frederik Bub   (Exhibition Room A)
10:50 The Relationship Between High School Students' Sense of Belonging to Physics, Physics Identity, and Physics Achievement - Mrs Merve Düriye Biçmen Şenol (Doğan Cüceloğlu Science High School)   (Exhibition Room A)
11:10 Students’ Interest in Physics – Study Results from Georgia - Prof. Marika Kapanadze (Ilia State University)   (Exhibition Room A)
Oral presentations - Kristel Uiboupin (until 11:30) (Conference Room)
10:30 Improving socio-scientific reasoning through field-trips - Paul Böning   (Conference Room)
10:50 The role of uncertainty in developing sustainable futures scenarios - Lorenzo Miani   (Conference Room)
11:10 Weather Literacy: Assessing Third-Grade Students' Knowledge and Skills related to weather - Kristel Uiboupin   (Conference Room)
Oral presentations -Dr Ioannis Lefkos (Laboratory of informatics and Robotics in Education and Society, University of Macedonia) (until 11:30) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
10:30 The use of games in physics teaching - Tünde Kozánek Kiss   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
10:50 Challenges of Pre-service Physics Teachers in Implementing Authentic Argument Driven Inquiry (AADI): A Three-Phase Study - Dilber Demirtaş   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:10 Greek Science Teachers’ Views about the Use of Educational Simulations in their Practice - Dr Ioannis Lefkos (Laboratory of informatics and Robotics in Education and Society, University of Macedonia)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Markus Obczovsky (until 11:30) (Small Hall)
10:30 Critical review of literature resources on the use of Arduino and smartphones in physics education: a first result of the ADELANTE project - Lucia Gabelli (University of Padova)   (Small Hall)
10:50 Investigating the Role of Mathematics for Learning Quantum Physics - Moritz Förster (TU Dresden)   (Small Hall)
11:10 A scheme to support preservice physics teacher in analysing curriculum materials - Markus Obczovsky   (Small Hall)
Oral presentations - Mieke De Cock (until 11:30) (Exhibition Room B)
10:30 Analysis of physics textbooks presenting electromagnetic waves at upper secondary level - Mr Danilo Catena (University of Udine)   (Exhibition Room B)
10:50 Flipped classroom: Effects on the conceptional understanding in electric circuit teaching - Wolfgang Lutz   (Exhibition Room B)
11:10 Investigating students' insight after attending an optimized research-based planetarium presentation about the apparent motion of the Sun and stars - Mieke De Cock   (Exhibition Room B)
Oral presentations - Federico Corni (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) (until 11:30) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
10:30 Intensive and extensive properties as a crosscutting idea: the case of teaching density - Dr Fadeel Joubran (Arab Academic College of Education in Israel)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
10:50 Cultivating students’ reading and communication skills in Physics - Antti Rissanen (National Defence University)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:10 Imaginative Embodied Forms of Expression in Macroscopic Physics for K-6 Teacher Education - Federico Corni (Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bressanone, Italy)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Symposium - Mieke De Cock (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall B)
11:30 Mathematical Reasoning in University Physics - Paul van Kampen Maria Al Dehaybes Charlotte Zimmerman Any Urrutia Mieke De Cock (KU Leuven)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Symposium - Andréas Mueller (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:30 Physics Education in the Digital World - Dr Marina Connell Anna Lager (University of Helsinki) Andréas Mueller Dr Matteo Tuveri Dr Lars-Jochen Thoms (University of Konstanz)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Symposium - Jenaro Guisasola (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:30 Physics Education: Approaches from ICPE-IUPAP C14 Community - Jenaro Guisasola   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Workshop - Marilu Chiofalo (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:30 School-University Collaboration and Teachers' Professional Development - Marilu Chiofalo   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Workshop - Mirela Kaczmarek (University of Wrocław) (until 13:00) (Conference Room)
11:30 Catch the Balance: DIY toys for inquiry physics - Mirela Kaczmarek (University of Wrocław)   (Conference Room)
Workshop - Joao Pereira (UNIRIO) (until 13:00) (Exhibition Room B)
11:30 Using MACROBITS to illustrate the logic of quantum cryptography protocols - Joao Pereira (UNIRIO)   (Exhibition Room B)
Workshop - David Sokoloff (until 13:00) (Exhibition Room A)
11:30 Engaging Students in Class and Virtually with Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (ILDs) - David Sokoloff   (Exhibition Room A)
Workshop - Wouter Spaan (until 13:00) (Small Hall)
11:30 Thinking-Back-and-Forth in Practical Work - Wouter Spaan   (Small Hall)
Keynote - Marco Giliberti (Università degli Studi di Milano) (until 08:45) (Large Lecture Hall A)
Official meeting (until 09:00) (Hall Ground Floor)
Keynote -Dr Paul Logman (Leiden University) (until 10:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
10:00 --- Coffee break ---
Official meeting - Tetyana Antimirova (Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)) (until 11:30) (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Lana Ivanjek (until 11:30) (Conference Room)
10:30 A didactic pathway on the concept of energy in primary school: cognitive well-being and self-efficacy based on gender - Giusy Giarratano   (Conference Room)
10:50 Studying the relationship between performance and confidence in physics and mathematics - Stefania Lippiello   (Conference Room)
11:10 Does inquiry-based teaching make a difference? Results of the research project on wave optics (INVESTIGATE) - Lana Ivanjek (JKU Linz)   (Conference Room)
Oral presentations - Shirish Pathare (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education) (until 11:30) (Exhibition Room A)
10:30 Enhancing Student Engagement in a Measurement and Control Laboratory Course: Design Strategies and Implementation - Mirela Kaczmarek (University of Wrocław)   (Exhibition Room A)
10:50 Redesigning a lab for engineering students using virtual and face to face activities - Cecilia Stari   (Exhibition Room A)
11:10 Online Laboratory – Equipped with Procedural understanding Perspective - Shirish Pathare (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education)   (Exhibition Room A)
Oral presentations - Meagan Sundstrom (until 11:30) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
10:30 What correlates with persistence of undergraduate women? - Maxwell Franklin (Drexel University)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
10:50 Gatekeepers: The Role of Physics Teachers in Latino Women’s Physics Identity Development - Rocío Lucero (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:10 Bias in peer recognition does not explain differences in how men and women perceive their recognition in physics courses - Meagan Sundstrom   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Dimitris Stavrou (University of Crete) (until 11:30) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
10:30 Orienting the young in the complexity of climate change to foster agency and decision-making in societally relevant choices - Giulia Tasquier (University of Bologna)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
10:50 Design of a narrative approach for teaching/learning uncertainty in Climate Change Education - Emma D'Orto   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:10 Pedagogical Model for Teacher Education on Climate Change - Olivia Levrini (University of Bologna)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations - Deepa Chari (until 11:30) (Small Hall)
10:30 In-field and out-of-field teachers’ integration of a Massive Open Online Course in kinematics into their instruction of physics - Shulamit Kapon (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)   (Small Hall)
10:50 Teachers TPACK: promoting self-monitoring in physics problem solving through digital activities - kana ofir (Weizmann Institute of Science)   (Small Hall)
11:10 Voluntary online content discussion seminars as potential avenues of teacher communities of practice - Deepa Chari   (Small Hall)
Oral presentations - Gesche Pospiech (until 11:30) (Large Lecture Hall B)
10:30 Classroom network analysis for pedagogical decision-making in Physics and Science Education - Javier Alejandro Pulgar Neira (Physics Department, Universidad del Bío Bío (UBB), Concepción 4051381, Chile; Grupo de Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias y Matemática (GIDICMA), UBB, Chile.)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
10:50 Pro-environmental Characterization attitudes of natural sciences and physics teachers in training - Diego Fernando Becerra Rodriguez (La Sabana University)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
11:10 Quantum Technology as Occupational Field: Twofold Practice in Physics Teacher Preparation - Gesche Pospiech   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations - Wim Peeters (PONTOn vzw) (until 11:30) (Seminar Room)
10:30 SARA BARBIER AWARD "Be like Izaac Newton" - science project as a method of introducing students with special educational needs to work in a new class on the first year of secondary school during physics lessons - Joanna Biel-Kiepura (Zespół Szkół nr 6 we Wrocławiu)   (Seminar Room)
10:50 IBL on physics lessons ... in the eyes of students - Malgorzata Szymura (Zespół Szkół w Czerwionce-Leszczynach)   (Seminar Room)
11:10 How does the use of one's own notes during tests affect students' performance in physics? - Anna Bekas (Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 62 im. kmdra por. Franciszka Dąbrowskiego w Krakowie)   (Seminar Room)
Oral presentations - Ana Susac (until 11:30) (Exhibition Room B)
10:30 Embracing Complexity – Computational Essays in Fostering Authentic Scientific Reasoning - Peitsa Veteli (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))   (Exhibition Room B)
10:50 Making Teaching Physics Cultural – a New Paradigm and its Application in a Summary Lecture - Igal Galili (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)   (Exhibition Room B)
11:10 How challenging is it to extract information from different representations - Ana Susac (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing)   (Exhibition Room B)
Discussion workshop - Aristotelis Gkiolmas (Professor-Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:30 Physics and Physics' Education, as a means of conceptualizing, interpreting and opposing to warfares internationally. Physics Education and Education for Peace” - Soumitro Banerjee (Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Kolkata, India) Luisa Lovisetti (University of Milan, Department of Physics) Aristotelis Gkiolmas (Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athenc, Greece)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Poster session - Wim Peeters (PONTOn vzw) (until 13:00) (Seminar Room)
11:30 CREDO-edu programme for schools – our way to introduce kids to modern physics and engage in scientific research. - Melania Deresz (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)   (Seminar Room)
11:30 Diving into Quantum Physics: Challenging the Constraints of Knowledge Transfer Through Engaging School Lab Units - Manuel Schleicher   (Seminar Room)
11:30 Factors of quality of physics demonstrations - Alexandr Nikitin (Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague)   (Seminar Room)
11:30 Introduction of the multipurpose instrument Meter ZD1301A - Arpad Bordas   (Seminar Room)
11:30 The laws of physics taught through their application - not as difficult as they seem. - Hanna Kościelny (Aviation Education Centre Krakow Airport)   (Seminar Room)
11:40 Field game about Mad Scientist - learning physics through fun. - Karolina Guśtak (Aviation Education Centre)   (Seminar Room)
11:40 High School Teachers’ Perspectives on Teaching Quantum Physics – Questionnaire Design - Jana Legerská (Department of Physics Education, Faculty od Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)   (Seminar Room)
11:40 Surveying teachers’ readiness to incorporate digital technologies in inquiry-based laboratories: the development of a tool and initial findings - Marta Carli   (Seminar Room)
11:40 Weekend Lab Challenges bring physics learning from the laboratory into everyday life - Shinjiro OGAWA (WASEDA University High School)   (Seminar Room)
11:50 Bridging the Gaps: How physics teachers in Slovakia utilize non-formal resources for astronomy education - Tünde Kozánek Kiss   (Seminar Room)
11:50 CERN Science Gateway – New Education Labs - Julia Woithe (CERN)   (Seminar Room)
11:50 CLImate change teachers’ acaDEMY (CLIMADEMY) - Emily Michailidi (University of Crete) Chara Bitsaki   (Seminar Room)
11:50 Developing Pupil's Ideas related to the Concept of Force in the 1st Year of Gymnasium - Silvia Novotná   (Seminar Room)
11:50 Novel technologies as facilitators of learning process - inspirational examples from Aviation Education Center Krakow Airport - Daniel Dziob (Aviation Education Centre Kraków Airport)   (Seminar Room)
12:00 Construction of flying machines as introduction to basic physics for young students - Monika Trojanowska (Aviation Education Centre Kraków Airport)   (Seminar Room)
12:00 Probing students’ estimates of astronomical sizes and distances - Willem Keppens   (Seminar Room)
12:00 Teacher professional development on properties of matter in primay education - Alessandra De Angelis (PER Unit, University of Udine)   (Seminar Room)
12:00 The effect of teaching Physics using the Flipped Classroom model on students’ domains included in the Integrated Taxonomy - Gergő Sipka   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Developing new habits for Physics teachers through Creative Ateliers - Valentina Bologna   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Development of a Multiple Choice-test on Newtonian Mechanics for the lower secondary level - Kerstin Lindmaier (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Physical pendulum experiment and HTML5 simulation - Arpad Bordas   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Results of an Active methodology proposal for learning Physics: Experimental stations in the classroom for the investigative learning of Sound concepts in the 8th grade - Telma Esperança (universidade de coimbra)   (Seminar Room)
12:20 A Computational Modelling in Secondary Physics Teaching as an Example of the Implementation of the Concept of STEM Education - Oktawia Koc   (Seminar Room)
12:20 Development of a teaching concept on the subject of “sound propagation” based on a transmitter-receiver-model - Tanja Lehr   (Seminar Room)
12:20 Investigating the Nature of Science with Zeno’s paradox - Pasquale Onorato (University of Trento)   (Seminar Room)
12:20 Transformative Interactive Experience at Specola Margherita Hack for Enhanced Public Engagement in Astronomy - Marco Citossi   (Seminar Room)
12:30 A simplified approach with FFT and smartphone in high school physics - Eugenio Tufino (University of Trento, Physics department)   (Seminar Room)
12:30 Early findings on how upper-secondary students use chatbots in learning science - Marie Snětinová (Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague)   (Seminar Room)
12:30 Translating a Concept Inventory into English – The Case of the CCCI-442 - Claudia Haagen-Schützenhöfer   (Seminar Room)
12:30 Using Mobile Apps for Physics Teaching and Learning - Mrs Ana Mgeladze (Ilia State University)   (Seminar Room)
12:40 An Italian university network for the professional development of teachers in physics - Marisa Michelini   (Seminar Room)
12:40 COOL IT: A Digital Game on the Greenhouse Effect for Physics Education - Dr Ingrid Graz (Johannes Kepler University) Raffael Lucas Maxian   (Seminar Room)
12:40 Enhancing Secondary School Physics Teachers' Understanding of Quantum Concepts and Pedagogical Strategies Through Professional Learning Networks - Kirsten Stadermann   (Seminar Room)
12:40 Instructing high school students in a teaching-learning sequence on the physical basis of the greenhouse effect: preliminary results - Stefano Toffaletti (Physical Science Communication Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Via Sommarive, 38050 Povo (Trento), Italy)   (Seminar Room)
12:40 Lab2Go: a project for fostering interest in laboratory in different contexts - Vera Montalbano (University of Siena)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Active In-Service Training on Transversal Skills: Two Pilot Cases in STEM Disciplinary Teaching - Vera Montalbano (University of Siena)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Biomechanical Analysis in Rowing: Determining Pace with Autocorrelation - Fatma CANER   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Integrating sustainability into secondary school teacher training: a multidisciplinary approach to promote active learning and behavioural engagement - Camilla Fiorello   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Qualitative analysis of high school and university textbooks on thermodynamics and statistical physics - Tomáš Blovský (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Results of a Galilean Physics-of-motion Teaching Case Study - Vincenzo Cioci (Naples Section of the Italian Association for the Teaching of Physics - Liceo Scientifico "F. Sbordone" in Naples)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Support models for simulation-based inquiry learning of the photoelectric effect - Cathy Baars   (Seminar Room)
Symposium - David Sands (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall B)
11:30 Energy, Energy Degradation and Entropy: Conflicting Views of These Concepts in the Teaching of Thermal Phenomena - Efrat Blau Barak (Weizmann Institute Of Science) David Sands   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Symposium - Stamatis Vokos (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:30 Equipping Teachers to Support Student Reasoning about Everyday and Complex Phenomena - Chara Bitsaki Emily Michailidi (University of Crete) Stamatis Vokos Federico Corni (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Symposium - Dimitris Stavrou (University of Crete) (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:30 Development of digital teaching scenarios on advanced STEM topics for teacher education - Dr Eilish McLoughlin Dirk Brockmann-Behnsen (Leibniz University Hannover) Athanasia Kokolaki (University of Crete) Argyris Nipyrakis (University of Crete) Dimitris Stavrou (University of Crete)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Workshop -Dr Michael Holik (IEAP CTU in Prague, FEE UWB in Pilsen) (until 13:00) (Conference Room)
11:30 Pixel detector based particle camera as a motivation tool for practical physics education demonstrating properties of radiation and elementary particles in a comprehensible way - Vladimír Vícha (IEAP CTU in Prague; Gymnazium, Pardubice, Dasicka 1083) Dr Michael Holik (IEAP CTU in Prague, FEE UWB in Pilsen)   (Conference Room)
Workshop - Mojca Čepič (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education) (until 13:00) (Exhibition Room A)
11:30 Floating and Melting of Ice in Oil - Mojca Čepič (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education)   (Exhibition Room A)
Workshop - Leoš Dvořák (until 13:00) (Exhibition Room B)
11:30 “Tuneable” levitating pencil - Leoš Dvořák   (Exhibition Room B)
Workshop - Sebastian Schellhammer (until 13:00) (Small Hall)
11:30 Shaping physics teacher education together: How to successfully connect didactics and scientific discipline? - Dr Sebastian Schellhammer ((1) Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) and Institute for Applied Physics, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062, Dresden, Germany)   (Small Hall)
Keynote - David Sands (until 10:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
10:00 --- Coffee ---
Oral presentations - Jesper Bruun (University of Copenhagen, Department of Science Education) (until 11:30) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
10:30 The Influence of Using an Arduino-supported Project Book on the Development of Knowledge and Attitude towards Physics - Schnider Dorottya   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
10:50 Students change in attitudes towards group work: A case study of the ISLE-based reform - Nastja Mahne   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:10 Network analysis to discover and characterise student responses to a conceptual survey about refraction - Jesper Bruun (University of Copenhagen, Department of Science Education)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Martina Kekule (until 11:30) (Small Hall)
10:30 The first results from the TIMSS Advanced 1995 specialized physics test repeated among Czech gymnasium students in 2023 - Ms Petra Pschotnerová (Charles University)   (Small Hall)
10:50 Assessing students' understanding of computational modelling in physics - Mr Roeland Boot (Physics teacher and PhD candidate Utrecht University)   (Small Hall)
11:10 Analysis of students' eye movements during solving multiple-choice scientific literacy test - Martina Kekule   (Small Hall)
Oral presentations - MARINA CARPINETI (Dipartimento di Fisica - Università degli Studi di Milano) (until 11:30) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
10:30 Air-source heat pumps in the secondary physics laboratory - Daniel Cottle (University of Birmingham)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
10:50 Absolute zero: An upper-secondary acoustic levitation lab - Andreas Johansson (Department of Physics, University of Gothenburg)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:10 An oscillating Cartesian diver to study pressure in fluids - Marina Carpineti (Dipartimento di Fisica "Aldo Pontremoli" - Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations -Dr Marta Carli (until 11:30) (Exhibition Room A)
10:30 Exploring the non-linear viscoelastic properties of a mass-rubber band oscillator - Onofrio Rosario Battaglia   (Exhibition Room A)
10:50 Latvian students' perceptions of experimental physics: insights from E-CLASS survey - Ilva Cinīte (University of Latvia)   (Exhibition Room A)
11:10 A department-wide study on the development of students’ attitudes toward experimental physics: setting the groundwork for innovation - Dr Marta Carli (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padua)   (Exhibition Room A)
Oral presentations (until 11:30) (Large Lecture Hall A)
10:30 Conceptualisation and quantitative study of aesthetic and affective Perception of Pictures in Physics Education - Tatjana Zähringer   (Large Lecture Hall A)
10:50 Study on the difficulties in learning fundamental concepts of thermodynamics in the initial training of physics teachers: the case of analogical scientific reasoning - TARCILO TORRES VALOIS   (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:10 DPFS: Italian national survey on the perception of scientific practice among primary school children - Giacomo Bozzo (University of Calabria – Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - AgoràLAB: Laboratory for Science Communication)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Italo Testa (University Federico II Naples) (until 11:30) (Large Lecture Hall B)
10:30 Validation of a Science Adapted Identity Model - Lisa-Marie Christ   (Large Lecture Hall B)
10:50 Praxis of designing an inclusive science curriculum: acoustics within teacher education for and with Peasants and Deaf persons - Danila Ribeiro Gomes (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Programa de Pós-graduação Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências da Universidade de São Paulo)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
11:10 Exploring the Relationships between Physics Identity and Endorsement of Stereotyped views of Physics of STEM Undergraduate Students - Italo Testa (University Federico II Naples)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations - Karen Matsler (UT Arlington) (until 11:30) (Exhibition Room B)
10:30 The Quantum for All Project: Professional Development Model and Teacher Outcomes - Ramon Lopez (UT Arlington)   (Exhibition Room B)
10:50 How to evaluate students' answers and build on them? – the workshop for physics teachers - Danijela Dodlek (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Physics)   (Exhibition Room B)
11:10 The Quantum for All Project: Student Outcomes and Connections to Teacher Professional Development - Karen Matsler (UT Arlington)   (Exhibition Room B)
Oral presentations - Wim Peeters (PONTOn vzw) (until 11:30) (Seminar Room)
10:30 Watts up?: In which creative ways can you collect assessment points? - Katleen Maris   (Seminar Room)
10:50 How the implementation of the IBL method in the second grade of high school can help my students to overcame the fear of experimenting on physics lessons - Joanna Biel-Kiepura (Zespół Szkół nr 6 we Wrocławiu)   (Seminar Room)
11:10 Quantum Light Dimmer - Dobromiła Szczepaniak (Akademickie Liceum Ogólnokształcące Politechniki Wrocławskiej)   (Seminar Room)
Oral presentations - Giulia Termini (until 11:30) (Conference Room)
10:30 Introduction of an IBT approach for nuclear physics education in high schools: a case study - Mr Paolo Teruzzi (Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Conference Room)
10:50 The right way to introduce complex numbers in damped harmonic oscillators - James Freericks   (Conference Room)
11:10 Qualitative analysis of students’ learning processes emerging from the trialling of a physics teaching/learning sequence - Giulia Termini   (Conference Room)
Discussion workshop - Gesche Pospiech Marisa Michelini Sergej Faletic (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:30 Teaching and learning quantum entanglement - Gesche Pospiech Marisa Michelini Sergej Faletic   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Poster session - Wim Peeters (PONTOn vzw) (until 13:00) (Seminar Room)
11:30 Comparing Alternative and Traditional Certification Pathways for Physics Teachers: What Sets Them Apart? - Mr Armin Lässer (University of Innsbruck)   (Seminar Room)
11:30 Connecting with quantum: Examining the educational value of the Bohr atomic model using embodied cognition and variation theory - Sebastian Kilde Löfgren (Department of Physics, University of Gothenburg)   (Seminar Room)
11:30 DIY Wind tunnel. From Simple Tools to Inspirative Physics Education. - Szymon Matlingiewicz (Aviation Education Centre Krakow Airport)   (Seminar Room)
11:40 Development of an Integrated STEM Teacher Identity for Climate Education: The STEM-id project - Emily Michailidi (University of Crete)   (Seminar Room)
11:40 Development of critical thinking in physics education - Tereza Hrouzková   (Seminar Room)
11:40 “Shining lighthouse in the sea of calculus, geometry, and theoretical mechanics”: The seminar introducing pre-service teachers to their future profession - Irena Dvořáková (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague)   (Seminar Room)
11:50 Level of scientific reasoning of university students and grammar school pupils - David Smrcka   (Seminar Room)
11:50 Light intensity does not always decay with the inverse of the square of the distance: an open-inquiry laboratory - Arturo Marti (UdelaR) Cecilia Stari (UdelaR)   (Seminar Room)
11:50 Survey on physics knowledge to evaluate the effects of gender gap on orientation towards STEM courses - Paolo Teruzzi   (Seminar Room)
12:00 Categorisation of interdisciplinary problems in Physics and Science - Rosaria Lena   (Seminar Room)
12:00 Identifying Precursors of University Drop-Out in Physics and STEM Undergraduate Courses - Prof. Italo Testa (University Federico II Naples)   (Seminar Room)
12:00 The challenges of teaching medical radiation technology without a high school physics background in Australian universities - Pradip Deb (RMIT University Australia)   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Basic Physics Laboratory - a space where undergraduate students develop hard and soft skills crucial not only for scientific career - Malgorzata Wawrzyniak-Adamczewska (Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Continuous transition from Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction regimes with a triangular slit - Alessandro Salmoiraghi (University of Trento)   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Critical thinking in quantum physics learning: Development of a domain specific model - Dr Farahnaz Sadidi   (Seminar Room)
12:20 Examining naïve conceptions regarding the enlightenment of a light bulb filament - Dr Markus Sebastian Feser (IPN – Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education)   (Seminar Room)
12:20 Research in Physics Teaching in the Inter-American region from the IACPE - Eduardo Montero (Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL))   (Seminar Room)
12:20 The MaSCot project: Materials science communication in informal learning environments - ELENI BOTZAKI (University of Crete)   (Seminar Room)
12:20 Trial of a New University Curriculum for Mathematics, Data Science, and AI Education - Mr Shuhei FUJISAWA   (Seminar Room)
12:30 Advanced Modeling, Scientific Computing & Data Analysis with Open SageMath - Dominik Borovský (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice)   (Seminar Room)
12:30 Development of Design Principles on the Planning of Didactic Sequences that use Science Fiction and Superhero Films and Series in the Teaching of Modern Physics - Miguel Peclat Teixeira   (Seminar Room)
12:30 The flat earth model – mapping misconceptions and failures - Efraim Yehuda Weissman (Jerusalem College of Technology)   (Seminar Room)
12:30 Understanding reversible and irreversible processes through activities - Ms Saurabhee Huli (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, India)   (Seminar Room)
12:40 A relationship between collisions and the Betz limit - Joao Pereira (UNIRIO)   (Seminar Room)
12:40 Assessing the Impact of Ungrading in a First-Year Mechanics Course at a Japanese Engineering College - Dr Shuji MUNEJIRI (Hiroshima university, Japan)   (Seminar Room)
12:40 Between teaching and learning: pre-service physics teachers' teaching experience - Lydia Ceháková (Charles University)   (Seminar Room)
12:40 Social Learning in Action: Asynchronous Perusall Colloquiums in Pre-Service STEM Teacher Training - Prof. Jozef Hanč (P. J. Safarik University)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Amusement parks, playgrounds and the equivalence principle – Physics for the whole body and a smartphone or small toys - Ann-Marie Pendrill (Lund university)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Learning objects as teaching resources for teaching Physics   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Long-lasting opinions on physics and physics education in the Czech Republic - Mr Tomáš Kopřiva (Charles University)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Measurement of the gravitational acceleration by secondary school and university students with the use of remote laboratories - Pavel Brom (Škoda Auto University)   (Seminar Room)
12:50 Α Survey with Primary School students on the use of an Arduino-Uno based pyranometer and the temperature gauge - Zografia Papanagiotou (Student at the National Kapodistrian University of Greece)   (Seminar Room)
Workshop - Věra Koudelková (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:30 Formative approach in physics education - Věra Koudelková   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Workshop - Marian Kires (Institute of Physics Faculty of Science UPJS in Košice, Slovakia) (until 13:00) (Exhibition Room B)
11:30 Exploring Thermoelectric Phenomena by the method of Blended Learning - Antonia Juhasova (Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice) Marian Kires (Institute of Physics Faculty of Science UPJS in Košice, Slovakia)   (Exhibition Room B)
Workshop - Shachar Boublil (University of Western of Australia) (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall B)
11:30 Methods for addressing strengths and weaknesses of the rubber sheet analogy - Shachar Boublil (University of Western of Australia)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Workshop - Malgorzata Szymura (Zespół Szkół w Czerwionce-Leszczynach) (until 13:00) (Conference Room)
11:30 Outer space in the classroom… – how to introduce astronomical phenomena in physics lessons? - Malgorzata Szymura (Zespół Szkół w Czerwionce-Leszczynach)   (Conference Room)
Workshop - Thomas Schubatzky Sarah Wildbichler (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:30 “Tutorials in Climate Change”: Teaching scientific concepts underlying climate change - Thomas Schubatzky Sarah Wildbichler   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Workshop - Smadar Levy (until 13:00) (Exhibition Room A)
11:30 Physics Cards Games - What’s New? From “Newton's Laws” to the challenges identified in a large-scale implementation - Smadar Levy   (Exhibition Room A)
Discussion workshop -Prof. Ian Gardner Bearden (University of Copenhagen (DK)) Dr Paul Logman (Leiden University) (until 11:00) (Large Lecture Hall B)
09:30 Panel discussion on learning goals and their assessment in physics labs - Sergej Faletic Dr Paul Logman (Leiden University) Micol Alemani Prof. Ian Gardner Bearden (University of Copenhagen (DK))   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Symposium - Thomas Schubatzky (until 11:00) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
09:30 Climate Change Education in Physics Teaching - Ms Sarah Wildbichler (University of Innsbruck) Prof. Thomas Schubatzky (University of Innsbruck) Mr Matthias Fasching (University of Vienna) Ms Magdalena Micoloi (TU Dresden)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Symposium - Genaro Zavala (Tecnologico de Monterrey) (until 11:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
09:30 Innovative Approaches in Physics Education: Addressing Challenges in Latin America - Dr Ignacio Julio Idoyaga (Universidad de Buenos Aires)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Symposium - Magdalena Kersting (until 11:00) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
09:30 IMPRESSions of the Invisible: New Approaches in Modern Physics Education - Magdalena Kersting   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Workshop - Gerald Feldman Guillaume Schiltz (until 11:00) (Conference Room)
09:30 Creating a Student-Centered Collaborative Learning Environment in a University Physics Classroom - Gerald Feldman Guillaume Schiltz   (Conference Room)
Workshop - Dagmara Sokołowska (until 11:00) (Seminar Room)
09:30 Indians, bells and whistling bottles - an inquiry-based learning unit for enhancing students' motivation, creativity and empirical skills - Dagmara Sokołowska   (Seminar Room)
Workshop - Joan BORG MARKS (University of Malta) (until 11:00) (Small Hall)
09:30 An overview of the outcomes of the GIREP Malta Webinars 2020 and 2021 - Joan BORG MARKS (University of Malta)   (Small Hall)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
Discussion workshop - Claudio Fazio (Università degli Studi di Palermo) Dr Eilish McLoughlin (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall B)
11:30 Embracing changes together to improve physics learning - Prof. Eilish McLoughlin (Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning and School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland) Claudio Fazio (Università degli Studi di Palermo)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations - Elizabeth Angstmann (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:30 Teaching a Quantum Physics Class Using a Student-Centered Collaborative Learning Approach at the University Level - Gerald Feldman   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
11:50 Development and transferability of scientific abilities in an ISLE-based lab course - Sergej Faletic   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
12:10 Understanding how students recognize and connect mathematics ideas in physics contexts: A pilot study - Drew Rosen (University of Edinburgh)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
12:30 Moving forward with assessment: Are marks necessary? Is there an authentic alternative for introductory courses? - Elizabeth Angstmann   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:30 Sophisticated scientific reasoning process in five-year-old children using ISLE-based activities - Simon Peter Leban   (Large Lecture Hall A)
11:50 Research on conceptual understanding of thermodynamic and transport phenomena of solids - microscopic models of electrical and thermal conductivity - Mrs Lejla Jelovica (Faculty of Science, University of Split and Faculty of Health Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
12:10 Self-Guided Learning in Quantum Technologies: Unveiling the Role of Grassroots Organizations in Education and Outreach - Adrian Schmidt (KIT ITAS)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
12:30 A measure of motivation in an online astronomy course - Kate Jackson   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Marco Giliberti (Università degli Studi di Milano) (until 13:00) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:30 Comparing the two quantum revolutions: development of a teaching module to value their cultural and conceptual scope - Sara Satanassi   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
11:50 The effect on the perception of quantum science and technology with secondary school students through a university-based quantum lab and game experience - Brenda Rovers Mr Michiel Thijssen (Leiden Institute of Physics)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
12:10 New horizons: A quantum physics concept for grade 9 students - Carsten Albert (TU Dresden / IFW Dresden)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
12:30 Multiple representations for Quantum Mechanics - Marco Giliberti (Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations - Will Yeadon (Durham University) (until 13:00) (Small Hall)
11:30 Practical evaluation of the possibilities of integrating Large Language Models in physics laboratory instruction - Marina Babayeva (Charles University)   (Small Hall)
11:50 Prompt engineering techniques to enhance Large Language Models' performance in introductory physics - Ms Giulia Polverini (Uppsala University)   (Small Hall)
12:10 Prospective physics teachers’ perceptions and evaluations of ChatGPT in didactical tasks - Thomas Prestel (Germany) Dr Farahnaz Sadidi   (Small Hall)
12:30 Physics Assessment in the age of AI - Will Yeadon (Durham University)   (Small Hall)
Oral presentations - Maurizio Dabbicco (until 12:30) (Conference Room)
11:30 From school to research: a problem-solving activity to engage high school students in STEM - Arianna Steri (INFN Cagliari)   (Conference Room)
11:50 Expanding physics education understanding through large-scale literature review using unsupervised natural language processing - Dr Martina Caramaschi (Department of Physics and Astronomy “A. Righi”, University of Bologna)   (Conference Room)
12:10 Short-course on Communicating Science: Outcome of a Five-years Experience - Maurizio Dabbicco   (Conference Room)
Oral presentations - Francesca Monti (until 12:30) (Seminar Room)
11:30 A hands-on STEM project on the drought in Spain: The impact on scientific and green skills of Dutch high school students - Cathy Baars   (Seminar Room)
11:50 Augmented Reality in Electromagnetism: Which representations best support students’ understanding? - Bermann Steinmacher   (Seminar Room)
12:10 Motivational and didactic efficacy of an interdisciplinary learning path on IR Reflectography and False Colour imaging of artworks - Francesca Monti   (Seminar Room)
Keynote - Edit Yerushalmi (Weizmann institute) (until 13:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Aleš Mohorič (until 14:00) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
13:00 Identifying student interpretations of quantum mechanics in upper tertiary education - Rutger Ockhorst   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
13:20 Boosting Problem-Solving Skills in Physics Classes: Conceptual Understanding Through Context-Rich Problems - diana domenichini (University of Pisa)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
13:40 Student-centred reform of an Applied physics program - Prof. Aleš Mohorič (University of Ljubljana)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Giovanni Organtini (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) (until 14:00) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
13:00 Story Games as a Stimulus for Experimental Activity - Tatiana Sukeľová   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
13:20 Teaching Thinking-Back-and-Forth in Practical Work: an Educational Design Study in Secondary Education - Wouter Spaan   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
13:40 Design for Physics - Giovanni Organtini (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations (until 14:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
13:00 A quantum mechanics educational proposal implemented in the INSPYRE School - Adriana Postiglione   (Large Lecture Hall A)
13:20 Cultural understanding of quantum physics through a historical and pedagogical reconstruction of Old Quantum Theory and early Quantum Mechanics - Luisa Lovisetti (University of Milan, Department of Physics)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Efraim Yehuda Weissman (Jerusalem College of Technology) (until 14:00) (Exhibition Room A)
13:00 From probabilities to Bell’s inequalities: a pathway for secondary school quantum literacy - Valentina DE RENZI   (Exhibition Room A)
13:20 A new teaching-learning sequence of quantum physics via Michelson interferometer using the Dirac notation - Kristóf Tóth   (Exhibition Room A)
13:40 Keep it secret, keep it safe: Teaching quantum cryptography in high-school - Efraim Yehuda Weissman (Jerusalem College of Technology)   (Exhibition Room A)
Oral presentations - Stefano Rini (University of Bologna) (until 14:00) (Conference Room)
13:00 Provincial physics competition as a tool for reflection on physics competences in Polish primary schools – case study - Marta Mlynczyk (Nauczyciel fizyki w Liceum Ogólnokształcącym Nr XII im. Boleslawa Chrobrego we Wroclawiu)   (Conference Room)
13:20 Designing a Tinkering Workshop: Empowering Teachers Demystifying the Design Process - Sara Ricciardi (INAF OAS)   (Conference Room)
13:40 Tinkering in the primary school: from episode to science practice - Stefano Rini (University of Bologna)   (Conference Room)
Oral presentations - Olga Gkioka (boğaziçi) (until 14:00) (Exhibition Room B)
13:00 Professional Development Programs in Physics in Tuscany - EMILIO MARIOTTI (Università di Siena)   (Exhibition Room B)
13:20 Evaluating in-service teachers pedagogical content knowledge for teaching physics - Stephen Gammell (Dublin City University)   (Exhibition Room B)
13:40 Pre-service physics teachers’ understanding of rates of change in the context of the undergraduate laboratory work - Olga Gkioka (boğaziçi)   (Exhibition Room B)
Oral presentations - Florian Budimaier (University of Vienna) (until 14:00) (Small Hall)
13:00 Perceptions of high school leaners’ difficulty with kinematics graphs - Mr Itumeleng Phage (Central University of Technology, Free State)   (Small Hall)
13:20 IPER 2022 – A study conference on Physics Education Research in Italy - Marco Giliberti (Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Small Hall)
13:40 Evaluation of a teaching-learning sequence on the particulate nature of matter using crystal structures - Florian Budimaier (University of Vienna)   (Small Hall)
Oral presentations - Tetyana Antimirova (Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)) (until 14:00) (Large Lecture Hall B)
13:00 Preservice Physics Teachers’ Challenges in Laboratory Practice - Ms İrem Gezer (Middle East Technical University)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
13:20 Innovative teaching methods used by the employees of the University of Wrocław – case study from the perspective of Faculty of Physics and Astronomy - Tomasz Greczyło   (Large Lecture Hall B)
13:40 Case Studies in Introductory Physics Course for Science Programs: Example of Intervention - Tetyana Antimirova (Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University))   (Large Lecture Hall B)
14:00 --- Lunch ---
Keynote -Prof. Tomasz Greczyło (Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wrocław) (until 16:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Oral presentations - Vojtěch Žák (until 17:30) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
16:30 Walk of the Planets - Students Concepts of the Solar System - Maximilian Alexander Loch (Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz CY Cergy Paris Université, France)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
16:50 What criteria should science textbooks meet? - Tereza Fürstová (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
17:10 A case of four groups of stakeholders: Do we want the same physics curriculum? - Vojtěch Žák   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Mirosława Sajka (University of the National Education Commission in Krakow) (until 17:30) (Conference Room)
16:30 Exam in primary school in form of practical open tasks - Mikołaj Kałdan (Jagiellonian University of Cracow)   (Conference Room)
16:50 Affordances of learning engagement using ‘MUCBCS’ strategy - Dr GRACE DJAN (GIREP, North West University)   (Conference Room)
17:10 Towards overcoming students' difficulties in understanding graphs - Mirosława Sajka (University of the National Education Commission in Krakow)   (Conference Room)
Oral presentations (until 17:50) (Large Lecture Hall A)
16:30 Art analysis, the Photoelectric Effect and the Electromagnetic spectrum in a Physics class - Ms Brenda Ixcuiname Saavedra (GIREP 2023)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
16:50 When Physics Hurts: how to make learning more memorable - Caleb Clinkingbeard   (Large Lecture Hall A)
17:10 Promoting critical, creative, and caring thinking skills within the context of environmental issues - Celina Meißner (TU Dresden) Marie Zweifel   (Large Lecture Hall A)
17:30 A scheduled teaching intervention for Newton's Disc, programmable with Scratch, for teaching and learning Optics - Aristotelis Gkiolmas (Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athenc, Greece)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations -Prof. Andreas Redfors (until 17:30) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
16:30 Augmented Reality used in physics experiments – Increase pupils interest and reduce the cognitive load? - Hagen Schwanke   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
16:50 Finding connections between physical concepts by playing the game Physics Codenames - Ladislav Janiga   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
17:10 Early Years Physics and Children’s Production of Tablet Videos in Preschool - Prof. Andreas Redfors (Kristianstad University)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations -Dr Eilish McLoughlin (until 17:30) (Large Lecture Hall B)
16:30 Fighting climate change by doing a practitioner inquiry - Wim Peeters (PONTOn vzw)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
16:50 The Mentor Learns the Most: The Effects of Curiosity-Driven Discourse on Physics Mentors - Roni Jutkowitz   (Large Lecture Hall B)
17:10 Embracing an inquiry stance in physics teacher professional learning - Dr Eilish McLoughlin   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations - Andreja Šarlah (until 17:30) (Exhibition Room A)
16:30 Issues in international physics education – 1980s - Dean Zollman   (Exhibition Room A)
16:50 Methodological skills of in-service physics teachers after a research-based learning course - Esmeralda Campos (University of Vienna)   (Exhibition Room A)
17:10 How experienced faculty change their teaching practices to fit into reformed courses - Andreja Šarlah   (Exhibition Room A)
Oral presentations - Kübra Özmen (until 17:30) (Exhibition Room B)
16:30 Approaching astronomy at nursery school: a reflection on teaching practices and student learning - Soria HAMDANI - BENNOUR   (Exhibition Room B)
16:50 An advanced form of NetLogo’s Forest Fire model: A teaching approach for Primary School students, regarding Complex Systems - Aikaterini Benisi   (Exhibition Room B)
17:10 The Use of Visual Representations for Light and Sound Topics in Science Textbooks: A Cross-Cultural Study - Kübra Özmen   (Exhibition Room B)
Oral presentations - Marianne Korner (until 17:30) (Small Hall)
16:30 Student Understanding of Divergence and Curl - Zeynep Topdemir   (Small Hall)
16:50 How do undergraduate students understand the displacement current and apply Ampère-Maxwell’s law? - Arturo Marti   (Small Hall)
17:10 Teaching Electromagnetic Radiation with Cross-Age Peer Tutoring - Marianne Korner   (Small Hall)
18:15 --- Cocktail ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Keynote - Tetyana Antimirova (Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)) (until 15:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
15:00 --- Coffee ---
Oral presentations - Jun-ichiro Yasuda (Yamagata university) (until 16:50) (Large Lecture Hall B)
15:30 The Rasch model in the role of assessing the characteristics of the group of students on the physics knowledge test - Ivana Štibi   (Large Lecture Hall B)
15:50 Preliminary Investigation of Validating Chain Computer Adaptive Testing Based on the Force Concept Inventory - Haruko Uematsu   (Large Lecture Hall B)
16:10 Comparing prior knowledge of first-semester physics students between the cohorts of 2013 and 2023 - Dennys Gahrmann (Physics Education, Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
16:30 A feasibility study to develop chain computerized adaptive testing for the Force Concept Inventory - Dr Jun-ichiro Yasuda (Nagoya University)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations (until 16:50) (Large Lecture Hall A)
15:30 Design and trialling of an educational sequence on surface phenomena for university students - Dr Ilaria Grazia   (Large Lecture Hall A)
15:50 Interplay between identity and agency in the context of physics education in Turkey: Case study. - Özden Şengül (Boğaziçi University)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
16:10 Strengthening of scientific skills from the STEM approach in fifth grade - Kilian Ferney Virguez Lamprea (Universidad de La Sabana)   (Large Lecture Hall A)
16:30 Effect of the group size on student learning using an active learning methodology in a science class - Arturo Pazmino   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Marco Di Mauro (University of Trento) (until 16:50) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
15:30 What is so difficult in quantum physics? Diagnosing high school students’ difficulties in quantum physics - Alexandra Goltzman (The Seymour Fox School of Education The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190501, Jerusalem, Israel)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
15:50 Visualising the Invisible: Reviewing the Literature on Demonstration Material for Quantum Entanglement - Bart Folkers (University of Twente)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
16:10 Investigating the Beliefs of Experts and of Teachers on Teaching Quantum Physics at Secondary Schools - Marco Di Mauro (University of Trento)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
16:30 Elementary particles in an introductory course on quantum mechanics - Dr Ivan Melo (University of Žilina)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Oral presentations - Fabian Hennig (until 16:50) (Small Hall)
15:30 The addition of an interdisciplinary approach for holistic learning - Lucija Mihelak (Gimnazija, Solski center Velenje, Slovenia)   (Small Hall)
15:50 Different spins on the two-state paramagnet: Pedagogical advantages and considerations - Ebba Koerfer   (Small Hall)
16:10 'Seeing quantum' in a water droplet: On the theoretical development of an experimentally-backed educational analogy - Sebastian Kilde Löfgren (Department of Physics, University of Gothenburg)   (Small Hall)
16:30 From Quantum Optical Experiment to Description Using Dirac Notation in Physics Classrooms - Results of an Acceptance Survey - Fabian Hennig   (Small Hall)
Oral presentations - Ivana Poljančić Beljan (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Physics) (until 16:50) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
15:30 The influence of using TikTok as a learning tool on grade 8 learners’ understanding of static electricity - Mari-Louise Van der Merwe (Conference attendee)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
15:50 STEM Education: A Remote Laboratory Implementation in Physics Courses - Lena Claesson (Katedralskolan, Lund, Sweden)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
16:10 Supporting Conceptual Understanding of the Electric Potential and the Electric Field using Virtual Reality - Roman Schmid   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
16:30 The digital repository for physics and science teaching - Ivana Poljančić Beljan (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Physics)   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Oral presentations - Zdeňka Koupilová (until 16:50) (Exhibition Room A)
15:30 Teaching vignettes for working with Arduino in science teacher education - Angelika Bernsteiner (University of Graz)   (Exhibition Room A)
15:50 Differential Impact of Science Instruction on Paranormal Beliefs Among College Students: A Three-Semester Investigation - Mo Basir   (Exhibition Room A)
16:10 Virtual reality in astronomy education: reflecting on design principles through a dialogue between researchers and practitioners - Jackie Bondell (Swinburne University of Technology)   (Exhibition Room A)
16:30 Approaching Quantum Technologies for Secondary School Students and Their Teachers - Zdeňka Koupilová   (Exhibition Room A)
Oral presentations - Jan Sermeus (until 16:30) (Conference Room)
15:30 STEM researchers’ practices for public trust enhancement - Athanasia Kokolaki (University of Crete)   (Conference Room)
15:50 Nuclear astrophysics masterclasses as an interest-promoting learning environment - Hannes Nitsche (Technische Universität Dresden)   (Conference Room)
16:10 Communicating Uncertainty in a Planetarium - Jan Sermeus   (Conference Room)
Oral presentations -Dr Matteo Tuveri (until 16:50) (Exhibition Room B)
15:30 Physics of the Earth in introductory geosciences: an exploration of interdisciplinarity - Kirsty Dunnett   (Exhibition Room B)
15:50 A New Sequence Model of Interdisciplinary STEM Learning: From Theory to Practice - Dr MARINA CONNELL (Former University Professor & Teacher, EdTech STEM Strategist in Asian Development Bank funded project, Managing Director at Marina and John Connell Education Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)   (Exhibition Room B)
16:10 Inverse Problems and Nonlinear Optimization for Inquiry-based STEM Education Using Open Data Science Tools - Dominik Borovský (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice)   (Exhibition Room B)
16:30 Interdisciplinary approaches to foster the learning of contemporary physics topics at high school - Dr Matteo Tuveri   (Exhibition Room B)
Official meeting -Dr Eilish McLoughlin (until 18:30) (Exhibition Room A)
Official meeting - Wim Peeters (PONTOn vzw) Dagmara Sokołowska (until 17:45) (Exhibition Room B)
Official meeting - Stamatis Vokos Edit Yerushalmi (Weizmann institute) (until 17:40) (Large Lecture Hall A)
Official meeting - Dagmara Sokołowska Wim Peeters (PONTOn vzw) (until 17:45) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 --- Excursions ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Keynote - Stamatis Vokos (until 15:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
15:00 --- Coffee ---
Discussion workshop -Dr Eilish McLoughlin Claudio Fazio (Università degli Studi di Palermo) (until 17:00) (Medium Lecture Hall B)
15:30 Embracing changes together to improve physics teaching - Claudio Fazio (Università degli Studi di Palermo) Dr Eilish McLoughlin   (Medium Lecture Hall B)
Workshop - Irena Dvořáková (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague) (until 17:00) (Exhibition Room A)
15:30 Measuring time - from sundials to exploring the pendulum - Irena Dvořáková (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague)   (Exhibition Room A)
Workshop - Dobromiła Szczepaniak (Akademickie Liceum Ogólnokształcące Politechniki Wrocławskiej) (until 17:00) (Conference Room)
15:30 The IYPT Ideas in Daily Teaching and Learning - Dobromiła Szczepaniak (Akademickie Liceum Ogólnokształcące Politechniki Wrocławskiej)   (Conference Room)
Workshop - Michael Wittmann (American Physical Society) (until 17:00) (Medium Lecture Hall A)
15:30 Using the EP3 Guide to Address Concerns with Low Enrolments in Physics Departments - Michael Wittmann (American Physical Society)   (Medium Lecture Hall A)
Workshop - Maria Bondani (CNR - Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies) (until 17:00) (Large Lecture Hall B)
15:30 QTris: a new game for teaching quantum physics - Maria Bondani (Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie-CNR-IFN, Como, Italy)   (Large Lecture Hall B)
Workshop - Paul Alstein (Utrecht University) (until 17:00) (Exhibition Room B)
15:30 Hands-on with Relativity Lab: a simulation environment for special relativity in secondary education - Paul Alstein (Utrecht University)   (Exhibition Room B)
Workshop - Lorenzo Santi (until 17:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)
15:30 Innovation in Teaching/learning physics in Master IDIFO - Lorenzo Santi   (Large Lecture Hall A)
Workshop - Katarína Kozelková Zuzana Jeskova (until 17:00) (Seminar Room)
15:30 Empowering learning through dynamic modelling activities to enhance physics education - Katarína Kozelková Zuzana Jeskova   (Seminar Room)
19:00 --- Conference Dinner ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Closing (until 15:00) (Large Lecture Hall A)