Searching for New Physics at the Quantum Technology Frontier

from Sunday 2 July 2023 (15:40) to Friday 7 July 2023 (17:00)
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona (Ticino), Switzerland

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 Jul 2023
3 Jul 2023
4 Jul 2023
5 Jul 2023
6 Jul 2023
7 Jul 2023
Atoms and Exotic Atoms I - Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich (CH)) (until 12:15) ()
08:30 Session's intro - Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich (CH))   ()
08:35 Challenging QED with atomic Hydrogen - Prof. Thomas Udem   ()
09:10 Precision benchmarks for nuclear and atomic physics from laser spectroscopy of muonic atoms - Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institute)   ()
09:45 Precision measurements of $nk$ -- 2s transition frequencies in the hydrogen atom - Simon Scheidegger   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Muonic vs. electronic dark forces - Clara Peset (Madrid University)   ()
11:05 Towards Improving the Precision of the Lamb Shift Measurement in Muonium - Gianluca Janka (PSI & ETH Zurich (CH))   ()
11:30 Testing fundamental interactions with the hyperfine splitting in light atomic systems - Prof. Krzysztof Pachucki   ()
Interferometry -Dr Anna Soter (ETH Zürich) (until 12:15) ()
08:20 Session's intro - Anna Soter (ETH Zürich)   ()
08:25 Precise determination of the fine structure constant and test of QED - Pierre Cladé (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (FR))   ()
09:00 Search for additional fundamental interactions using whispering gallery quantum states of neutral particles. - Prof. Valery Nesvizhevsky (Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin)   ()
09:35 Exploring dark matter and quantum space-time fluctuations through precision laser interferometry - Aldo Ejlli (Cardiff University)   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Techniques for testing of antimatter gravity by Rydberg-positronium interferometry - Stephen Hogan   ()
11:15 Dark matter searches with AION-10 and beyond - Dr Christopher McCabe (King's College London)   ()
11:50 Measuring the Charge of the Neutron using a Time-Of-Flight Neutron Grating Interferometer - Philipp Heil   ()
Quantum Sensors - Claudio Lenz Cesar (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)) (until 12:15) ()
08:20 Session's intro - Claudio Lenz Cesar (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR))   ()
08:25 New Technologies for Dark Matter Detection - Yonit Hochberg (Hebrew University)   ()
09:00 Search for dark matter with magnetic resonances - Hendrik Bekker   ()
09:35 Positronium physics in the quantum world - David B Cassidy   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Antiprotonic atoms as a gateway system for BSM investigations - Michael Doser (CERN)   ()
11:15 QUAX: Probing Axion Dark Matter through quantum technologies - giovanni carugno (INFN)   ()
11:50 A cavity quantum electrodynamics implementation of the Sachdev--Ye--Kitaev model - Philipp Johann Uhrich (Università di Trento)   ()
Quantum Sensors II - Michael Doser (CERN) (until 12:15) ()
08:25 Session's intro - Michael Doser (CERN)   ()
08:30 Spin- and momentum-correlated atom pairs mediated by photon exchange - Nicola Alexandra Reiter (ETH Zurich)   ()
08:55 Emergent pumping in a non-hermitian system - Simon Hertlein (ETH Zurich)   ()
09:20 Low-threshold detectors for dilution refrigerators - Damian Goeldi   ()
09:45 Quantum control of a levitated nanoparticle's motion to explore novel physics at large scales - Massimiliano Rossi (ETH Zurich)   ()
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Neutron Beam EDM and Axion-Like Dark Matter - Florian Michael Piegsa Ivo Schulthess (University of Bern)   ()
11:15 Frequency-based decay electron spectroscopy to measure neutrino mass and exotic interactions - Martin Fertl (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)   ()
11:50 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment with two Bose-Einstein condensates - Tilman Zibold   ()
Atoms and Exotic Atoms II - Eberhard Widmann (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) (until 12:25) ()
08:25 Session's intro - Eberhard Widmann (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
08:30 Hydrogen, at MIT and UFRJ, and Antihydrogen Laser Spectroscopy, at the ALPHA collaboration at CERN - Claudio Lenz Cesar (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR))   ()
09:05 1S-3S CW spectroscopy of Deuterium atoms - Pauline Yzombard   ()
09:30 Precision spectroscopy of transitions from the metastable 2 $^3$S$_1$ state of $^4$He to high-\textit{n}p Rydberg states - Gloria Clausen (ETH Zürich)   ()
09:55 --- Coffee break ---
10:25 Fundamental Interactions and Beyond with X-ray Spectroscopy of Exotic Atoms - Dr Nancy Paul (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (FR))   ()
11:00 Theory of light muonic atoms --- Two-photon-exchange contributions to muonic hydrogen and deuterium - Franziska Hagelstein (JGU Mainz & PSI)   ()
11:25 Probing Nuclear Sizes through Precision Spectroscopy of Ultracold Bosonic and Fermionic Helium - Yuri van der Werf   ()
11:50 Searching for ultralight scalar dark matter with muonium and muonic atoms - Dr Yevgeny Stadnik (The University of Sydney)   ()
19:00 CSF welcome address:   ()
19:20 --- Registration and welcome apero and dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) - Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institute) (until 19:10) ()
16:00 Session's intro - Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institute)   ()
16:05 Electric dipole moments in effective field theory - Peter Stoffer   ()
16:40 EDMcubed: Measuring the electron electric dipole matrix element using BaF molecules embedded in an argon matrix - Eric Hessels   ()
17:15 --- Coffee break ---
17:45 Systematic effects in searches for the electron EDM - Lorenz Willmann   ()
18:20 Next-generation nEDM search at PSI - Dr Efrain Patrick Segarra   ()
18:45 Search for the muon electric dipole moment using the frozen-spin technique. - Chavdar Dutsov (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))   ()
19:30 --- Dinner ---
Poster Session 1 (until 23:00) ()
21:00 Development of a cryogenic low threshold detector using perovskite nanocrystals - Paul Wegmann (ETH Zurich)   ()
21:00 Experiments with hydrogen atoms at ultra-low energies - Sergey Vasiliev (University of Turku (FI))   ()
21:00 First antihydrogen production at the Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest (GBAR) experiment and future prospects - Philipp Peter Blumer (ETH Zurich (CH))   ()
21:00 Hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen - Dr Oguzhan Kara (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI))   ()
21:00 muCool: High brightness ultra-cold positive muon beam - Joanna Peszka (ETH Zurich)   ()
21:00 Precision spectroscopy of Muonium - Irene Cortinovis (ETH Zurich (CH))   ()
21:00 Searching for Physics beyond the Standard Model using Antiprotons at BASE - Elise Wursten (RIKEN)   ()
21:00 Sympathetic cooling of charged particles in separate Penning traps - Hüseyin Yildiz   ()
21:00 The LUXE experiment and the new physics search with optical dump NPOD - Ivo Schulthess (University of Bern)   ()
21:00 Two Photon Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy of the 1S-3S Transition in Hydrogen - Derya Taray (Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Molecules - Daniel Kienzler (until 19:10) ()
16:35 Session's intro - Daniel Kienzler   ()
16:40 Searching for New Physics using hydrogen molecular ions (and more) - Jean-Philippe Karr (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (FR))   ()
17:15 --- Coffee break ---
17:45 Radioactive Molecules as Quantum Sensors for Fundamental Physics - Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz   ()
18:20 Towards quantum control and spectroscopy of single hydrogen molecular ions - Mr Fabian Schmid (ETH Zurich) Nick Schwegler (ETH Zurich)   ()
18:45 Precision infrared molecular spectroscopy as an instrument for probing variations of fundamental constants - Aleksandr Shlykov   ()
19:30 --- Dinner ---
Poster Session 2 (until 23:00) ()
21:00 Dressed spin states of protons in water - Ivo Schulthess (DESY)   ()
21:00 GRASIAN: Towards the first demonstration of gravitational quantum states of atoms with a cryogenic hydrogen beam - Carina Killian (Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Kegelgasse 27, Vienna, 1030, Austria)   ()
21:00 Interferometry setup for LEMING - Robert Waddy   ()
21:00 Magnetometry with laser-cooled beryllium ions in ALPHA Antihydrogen Experiment - Joanna Peszka (ETH Zurich)   ()
21:00 Novel production method of a cold muonium beam - Jesse Zhang (ETH Zürich)   ()
21:00 Pulsed CW laser for long-term spectroscopic measurements at high power in deep-UV - Lucas de Sousa Borges (ETHZ IPA)   ()
21:00 Shuttling and merging of mixed-species ion chains - Mr Francesco Lancellotti   ()
21:00 Towards High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of Muonic Lithium using Metallic Magnetic Microcalorimeters - Katharina von Schoeler   ()
21:00 Towards Improving the Precision of the Negative Muon Mass via Muonic Helium HFS Spectroscopy - Patrick Strasser (KEK)   ()
21:00 Towards quantum control and spectroscopy of single hydrogen molecular ions - Mr Fabian Schmid (ETH Zurich) Nick Schwegler (ETH Zurich)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 --- Excursion ---
19:00 --- Conference dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Ions -Prof. Thomas Udem (until 19:10) ()
16:00 Session's intro - Prof. Thomas Udem   ()
16:05 Quantum logic and precision measurements with atoms and molecules - David Leibrandt (NIST/UCLA)   ()
16:40 Penning trap precision experiments for fundamental physics - Sven Sturm (Max Planck Society (DE))   ()
17:15 --- Coffee break ---
17:45 New measurement of the electron magnetic moment - Xing Fan   ()
18:20 Searching for new physics with isotope-shift spectroscopy of trapped ions - Dr Diana Prado Lopes Aude Craik (ETH Zürich/MIT)   ()
18:45 Towards Ramsey-Comb Spectroscopy of the 1S-2S Transition in He+ - Mr Elmer Grundeman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)   ()
19:30 --- Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---