MWDays23 workshop
After about one year from the release of the new $M_W$ determination from CDF, the MWDays23 workshop would like to give the opportunity to the community to gather together in order to discuss and summarize the outcome of the recent developments related to the MW determination, and the implications of $M_W$ for BSM physics. We plan to discuss the experimental determination at hadron colliders (with an outlook to e+e- colliders and related challenges), the theory elements related to the experimental effort, the prediction of MW in the SM, the SMEFT interpretation of the measured values, and the MW prediction in explicit BSM models. One day will be assigned to each topic.
The workshop will be held in person (if you are interested in registering for remote attendance, please contact Emanuele Bagnaschi --
Confirmed speakers:
- M. Boonekamp (ATLAS, MW combination working group)
- D. Froidevaux (ATLAS, LHC Electroweak working group)
- J. Bendavid (CMS)
- S. Camarda (ATLAS)
- C. Hays / A. Kotwal (CDF)
- M. Ramos Pernas (LHCb)
- G. Wilson (future $e^+e^-$ colliders)
- L. Cieri (SM theory)
- S. Dittmaier (SM theory)
- W. Hollik (SM theory)
- A. Huss (SM theory)
- T. Neumann (SM theory)
- A. Vicini (SM theory)
- P. Nadolsky (PDF)
- M. Ubiali (PDF)
- L. Silvestrini (SM/SMEFT EW fits)
- K. Mimasu (SMEFT global fits)
- J. Erler (PDG)
- G. Arcadi (BSM)
- J. Braathen (BSM)
- C.-W Chiang (BSM)
- A. Crivellin (BSM)
- J. Evans (BSM)
- R. Pasechnik (BSM)
- F. Sannino (BSM)
Organizing committee
- E. Bagnaschi (CERN/INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, LOC)
- P. Monni (CERN, LOC)
- P. Giardino (IGFAE)
- S. Heinemeyer (IFT Madrid)
- D. Wackeroth (U. Buffalo)
- G. Weiglein (DESY)