17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Measurement of the anomalous spin precession frequency ωa in the Muon g −2 experiment at Fermilab

18 Jul 2024, 11:00
South Hall 1B

South Hall 1B

Parallel session talk 05. Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics


Lorenzo Cotrozzi


The Muon $g-2$ Experiment at Fermilab aims to measure the muon magnetic moment anomaly, $a_{\mu} = (g-2)/2$, with a final accuracy of 0.14 parts per million (ppm). A $3.1$-GeV muon beam is injected into a storage ring of $14\,$m diameter, in the presence of a $1.45\,$T magnetic field. The anomaly $a_\mu$ can be extracted by accurately measuring the anomalous muon spin precession frequency $\omega_a$, based on the arrival time distribution of decay positrons observed by $24$ calorimeters, and the magnetic field. In 2023, the experiment published a result based on the 2019 and 2020 datasets, reaching the unprecedented sensitivity of $0.20\,$ppm. In this talk, I will outline the major systematic uncertainties on the $\omega_a$ frequency and provide an overview of the ongoing $\omega_a$ analysis for the last three datasets, collected from 2020 to 2023, along with the projected uncertainties on the final Muon $g-2$ measurement at Fermilab.

Alternate track 03. Beyond the Standard Model
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