International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
The First International Conference on new Frontiers in Physics aims to promote scientific exchange and development of novel ideas in science with a particular accent on interdisciplinarity. The conference will bring together worldwide experts and promising young scientists working on experimental and theoretical aspects of particle, nuclear and astro-particle physics and cosmology, with colleagues from other disciplines, for example solid state physics, mathematics, mathematical physics, quantum physics, quantum entanglement and other. The conference will be hosted in the Conference Center of the Orthodox Academy of Creta, an exceptionally beautifull location only a few meters from the mediteranean sea. |
Adriano Di Giacomo
Alaettin Serhan Mete
Aldo Penzo
Alexei Safonov
Anasatsios Taliotis
Andre Sailer
Andrea Contu
Andreas Gleixner
Anthony Francis
Antonio Padilla
Antonio Racioppi
Aurelien Martens
Barbara Sciascia
Benno List
Boleslaw Wyslouch
Boris Kopeliovich
Brennan Hughey
Brijesh Kumar Srivastava
Carlos Wagner
Charalampos Anastasiou
Christian Hoelbling
Christian KUHN
Christoph Blume
Christophorus Grab
Daniel Teyssier
Daniel Furse
Debarati Chatterjee
Declan Keane
Denis Perevalov
Dhevan Gangadharan
Donato Nicolo
Edward Shuryak
Elena Hammari
Eliahu Cohen
Elias Kiritsis
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
Enrico Calloni
Evangelos Gazis
Evgeny Zabrodin
Federico von der Pahlen
Francesca Spada
Frank Rathmann
Gabriele Simi
Gennadi Volkov
Gennaro Auletta
Georg Wolschin
George Lafferty
George Zoupanos
Giuseppe Eugenio Bruno
Gyulnara Eyyubova
Hans Hjersing Dalsgaard
Helmut Oeschler
Hiranmaya Mishra
Ignatios Antoniadis
Ignazio Licata
Iouri Vassiliev
Irina Potashnikova
Itzhak Tserruya
Jaroslav Bielcik
Jean Cleymans
Jiri Minar
Johannes Bleibel
John Matthews
Jouri Belikov
Kara Hoffman
Kirill Prokofiev
Konrad Tywoniuk
Konstantin Zioutas
Larissa Bravina
Leonidas Kalousis
Lucio Cerrito
Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
Luisa Cifarelli
Marcela Carena
Marco Meneghelli
Marco Vignati
Marek Karliner
Marek Szuba
Marina Cobal
Mario Rodriguez Cahuantzi
Martha Spyropoulou-Stassinaki
Masahiro Morikawa
Massimo D'Elia
Mate Csanad
Matthew Buckley
Maxime Gouzevitch
Michael Murray
Mikhail Vysotsky
Mojtaba Mohammadi Najafabadi
Nan Su
Natalia Korolkova
Nick Edwards
Nick Evans
Nicola Canci
Nicolas Arnaud
Nicoletta Mauri
Niki Saoulidou
Nikolai Kiesel
Nikolaos Davis
Nikolaos Mavromatos
Norbert Novitzky
Olli Taanila
Panagiota Foka
Panos Christakoglou
Paolo Fermani
Peter Minkowski
Philippe Jetzer
Pierluigi Belli
Pietro Cortese
Plamen Hopchev
Raimond Snellings
Richard Lednicky
Robert Palmer
Robert Stringer
rohini godbole
Roy Lacey
Sabir Ramazanov
Sally Seidel
Samuel Aronson
Sarah LaPointe
Seyed Yaser Ayazi
Shahn Majid
Shiraz Habib
Soeren Jetter
Somnath Choudhury
Sonja Kabana
Stefanie Adomeit
Stephanie Jouvel
Stephen Hillier
Tae Jeong Kim
Tamar Friedmann
Tetsuro Sekiguchi
Thomas Burton
Tomas Brauner
Tommaso Dorigo
Ulrik Egede
Umberto Tamponi
Urjit Yajnik
Valeri Pozdniakov
Valerio Bozza
Vasiliki Mitsou
Vasilis Niarchos
Vladislav Simak
Volodymyr Kryvdyk
Wojciech Broniowski
Wojciech Florkowski
Yuriy Sinyukov
Yuwak K.C.
Zvi Citron
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3:50 PM
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7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Monday Morning Plenary I
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11:00 AM
Coffee break
Monday Morning Plenary II
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1:30 PM
Interaction Break
5:50 PM
Coffee Break
Monday Afternoon Parallel IConvener: Evangelos Gazis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
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Monday Afternoon Parallel IIConvener: Raimond Snellings (NIKHEF (NL))
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Monday Afternoon Parallel IIIConveners: Dr Marek Szuba (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)), Urjit YAJNIK
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Diffractive neutrino interaction: breakdown of PCACSpeaker: Boris Kopeliovich (UTFSM)
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Monday Afternoon Parallel IVConveners: Christoph Blume (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)), Marek Karliner (Tel Aviv University)
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no title
8:40 PM
Tuesday Morning Plenary I
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11:00 AM
Coffee break
Tuesday Morning Plenary II
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1:30 PM
Interaction Break
5:50 PM
Coffee break
Tuesday Parallel I
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Tuesday Parallel III
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Tuesday Parallel IV
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The Telescope Array - Ultra High Energy Cosmic RaysSpeaker: John Matthews (U)
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no title
Tuesday Parallel Session II
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Multiplicities from black-hole formation in heavy-ion collisionsSpeaker: Anastasios Taliotis (U)
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8:45 PM
Conference excursion
Bus Departure from OAC
Visit Knossos + visit Museum Heraklion
2:00 PM
Lunch at TAVERNA
Rethymno: free time
Departure from Rethymno
Arrival back to OAC
8:00 PM
Dinner at OAC
Thursday Morning Plenary I
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11:10 AM
Coffee Break
Thursday Morning Plenary II
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1:30 PM
Interaction Break
5:50 PM
Coffee break
Thursday Parallel Session I
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Thursday Parallel Session II
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Thursday Parallel Session III
Unusual Interactions of a Pre-and-Post-Selected ParticlesSpeaker: Mr Eliahu Cohen (School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel)
EPR measurement and the origin of cosmic density fluctuationsSpeaker: masahiro morikawa
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Generation of high-energy particles, neutrinos and photons in the magnetosphere of collapsing starsSpeaker: Volodymyr Kryvdyk (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Thursday Parallel Session IV
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8:45 PM
Conference Dinner
Friday Morning Plenary I
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Highlights from the T2K experimentSpeaker: Dr Tetsuro Sekiguchi (KEK)
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11:00 AM
Coffee break
Friday Morning Plenary II
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1:30 PM
3:55 PM
Coffee break
Friday Afternoon Parallel I-1
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Friday Afternoon Parallel II-1
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Friday Afternoon Parallel III-1
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Friday Afternoon Parallel IV-1
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Two Perspectives on the String LandscapeSpeaker: Tamar Friedmann
5:30 PM
Coffee Break
Friday Evening Parallel I
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Friday Evening Parallel II
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Friday Evening Parallel III
Mixing and CP violation in the B and charm sectorsSpeaker: Neus Lopez March (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
CP violation and electroweak baryogenesis in the Standard ModelSpeaker: Tomas Brauner (Unknown)
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Charmless B decays as a venue to New Physics: status and prospectsSpeaker: Aurelien Martens (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR))
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Friday Evening Parallel IV
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Recent results from PHENIX on the evolution of hot QCDSpeaker: Norbert Novitzky (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
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no title
No title
8:00 PM
Saturday Morning Plenary I
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11:20 AM
Coffee break
Saturday Morning Plenary II
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End of the Conference