10th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Xi'an, China

from Friday 25 September 2015 (16:00) to Tuesday 29 September 2015 (20:00)
International Conference Center (also named as <a href="http://www.jdnyhotel.com/index.php" target="_blank">“Nanyang Hotel”</a>)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
25 Sept 2015
26 Sept 2015
27 Sept 2015
28 Sept 2015
29 Sept 2015
Registration (until 08:30) (International Hall)
Opening of the Symposium -Prof. Baowen Yang (Dean, School of Nuclear Science and Technology) (until 09:10) (International Hall)
08:30 Welcome address - Li Liang (Director, Division of International Communication,XJTU)   (International Hall)
08:40 Opening Address - Yoshinobu Unno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   (International Hall)
08:50 Taking Sysmposium Photo - Qingmin Zhang (XJTU)   (International Hall)
Simulations & Manufacturing - Marko Mikuz (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP, UC santa Cruz) (until 12:30) (International Hall)
09:10 LHC Upgrade Program of Accelerators and Experiments - Stephen Mcmahon (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))   (International Hall)
09:40 History and Current Status of Hamamatsu Si detectors - Kazuhisa Yamamura (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.)   (International Hall)
10:10 Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) grown thin films for ultra-fine pitch pixel detectors - Jaakko Harkonen (Helsinki Institute of Physics)   (International Hall)
10:30 The MAPS-based vertex detector for the STAR Experiment: lessons learned and performance - Giacomo Contin (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (International Hall)
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
11:20 Silicon Based Direct Annihilation Detectors - Nicola Pacifico (University of Bergen (NO))   (International Hall)
11:40 Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors - Hartmut Sadrozinski (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (International Hall)
12:10 Recent developments on LGAD and iLGAD detectors for tracking and timing applications - Giulio Pellegrini (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC) (ES))   (International Hall)
Pixels (including CCD's)-2 - Hans-Gunther Moser (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D) Suen Hou (Academia Sinica (TW)) (until 12:30) (International Hall)
09:00 Power Dissipation Studies on n-in-n Pixel Sensors - Reiner Klingenberg (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))   (International Hall)
09:20 Development of n-in-p pixel modules for the ATLAS upgrade at HL-LHC - Anna Macchiolo (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)   (International Hall)
09:40 The INFN-FBK Pixel R&D Program for HL-LHC - Marco Meschini (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))   (International Hall)
10:00 Development of n$^+$-in-p planar pixel sensors for very high radiation environments, designed to retain high efficiency after irradiation - Yoshinobu Unno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   (International Hall)
10:20 Performance of Edgeless Silicon Pixel Sensors on p-type substrate for the ATLAS High-Luminosity Upgrade - Giovanni Calderini (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (International Hall)
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
11:10 AGIPD: A High Frame Rate Detector for the European XFEL - Dr Xintian Shi (Paul Scherrer Institute)   (International Hall)
11:30 Looking with a SOI monolithic pixel sensor - Yasuo Arai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   (International Hall)
11:50 First result of a Double-SOI pixel chip for x-ray imaging - Dr Yunpeng Lu (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (International Hall)
12:10 P-stop isolation study of irradiated n-in-p type silicon strip sensors for harsh radiation environment - Martin Printz (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (International Hall)
New Materials, New Technologies, Radiation Damage, Environmental Monitoring, Applications in Space - Kazuhiko Hara (University of Tsukuba (JP)) (until 11:10) (International Hall)
09:00 The Si/CdTe Semiconductor Camera of the ASTRO-H Hard X-ray Imager (HXI) (including an brief overview of semiconductor devices on satellites) - Dr Goro Sato (ISAS/JAXA)   (International Hall)
09:30 A pascalian later drift detector - Hendrik Jansen (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))   (International Hall)
09:50 Radiation-Hard/High-Speed Parallel Optical Engine - K.K. Gan (The Ohio State University (US))   (International Hall)
10:10 The edge transient-current technique (E-TCT) with high energy hadron beam - Andrej Gorisek (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   (International Hall)
10:30 Drift Mobility and Electric Field in Silicon Detectors Irradiated with Neutrons and Protons up to 1E17 n_eq/cm^2 - Marko Mikuz (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   (International Hall)
10:50 Performance of silicon pixel detectors at small track incidence angles - Simon Viel (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (International Hall)
Lunch break - Qingmin Zhang (XJTU) (until 12:10) (Chinese Food Hall)
Electronics, Applications in Medical Science, Applications in High Energy Physics - Jaakko Harkonen Vitaliy Fadeyev (University of California,Santa Cruz (US)) (until 12:30) (International Hall)
09:00 A novel method for estimating the 3-D distribution of radioactive isotopes in the material - Mr Yasuhiro Iwamoto (Waseda University)   (International Hall)
09:20 Development of Scintillator Readout System with MPPC for Potable Compact Gamma-ray Spectrometer - Hiromitsu Takahashi (Hiroshima University)   (International Hall)
09:40 A High Frame Rate Pixel Chip Design for Synchrotron Radiation Applications - Jie Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (International Hall)
10:00 A 2D imager for X-ray FELs with a 65 nm CMOS readout based on per-pixel signal compression and 10 bit A/D conversion - Lodovico Ratti (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))   (International Hall)
10:20 Perspective of 65 nm CMOS technology for radiation-tolerant electronics in high energy physics - Dr Lili Ding (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, China; Department of Information Engineering, Padova University, Italy)   (International Hall)
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
11:10 First demonstration of real-time gamma imaging by using a handheld Compton camera for particle therapy - Mr Takanori Taya (Waseda University)   (International Hall)
11:30 A compact silicon pixel based PET detector with ATLAS Phase-II-like sensors - Alberto Cervelli (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (International Hall)
11:50 Proton Tracking for Medical Imaging and Dosimetry - Jon Taylor (University of Liverpool)   (International Hall)
12:10 The LHCb Upstream Tracker Project - Olaf Steinkamp (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (International Hall)
Reception and Registration/Payment (until 21:00) (Chinese Food Hall)
Lunch break (until 14:00) (Western Food Hall)
Pixels (including CCD's)-1 - Giovanni Calderini (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY) (until 17:10) (International Hall)
14:00 The upgraded Pixel Detector of the ATLAS Experiment for Run2 at the Large Hadron Collider - Malte Backhaus (CERN)   (International Hall)
14:20 Status of the CMS Phase I Pixel Detector Upgrade - Simon Spannagel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (International Hall)
14:40 Radiation Hard Pixel Development for the LHCb VELO Upgrade - Xabier Cid Vidal (CERN)   (International Hall)
15:00 The Belle-II Silicon Vertex Detector - Mr Kameswara Rao Kodali (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)   (International Hall)
15:20 --- Tea break ---
15:50 The Belle II DEPFET Pixel Detector - Hans-Guenther Moser (MPI fuer Physik)   (International Hall)
16:10 Active pixel sensors in ams H18/H35 HV-CMOS technology for the ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade - Branislav Ristic (CERN/Universite de Geneve (CH))   (International Hall)
16:30 CMOS pixel sensors on high resistive substrate for high-rate, high-radiation environments - Toko Hirono (University of Bonn)   (International Hall)
16:50 Charge collection and ionizing radiation tolerance of CMOS Pixel Sensors using the 0.18 μm CMOS process - Dr Ying Zhang (IHEP)   (International Hall)
18:00 --- Dinner (eat together) ---
After dinner POSTER session, with drinks: (All presenters are requested/encouraged to attend their posters; All participants are requested to participate the session, with drinks!) - Stephen Mcmahon (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) Marcela Mikestikova (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ)) (until 21:00) (Multi-function Hall)
19:00 --- POSTERS: Simulations and Manufacturing: ---
19:01 3D simulation and modeling of ultra-fast 3D silicon detectors - Ms Manwen Liu (Xiangtan University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:02 Modeling and simulation of spiral Si Drift Detecter - Ren Xiao (Xiangtan University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:03 The new low-capacitance silicon pixel detector performance simulation - Xiong Bo (Xiangtan University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:04 3D simulation of electrical characteristics for detector of combining silicon biasing adaptor with silicon drift detector - Yuyun Li (Xiangtan University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:05 A Novel CMOS Electrode Readout Scheme for High Purity Germanium Detectors - Ms Yan Fan (Central China Normal University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:06 --- POSTERS: Pixels (including CCD's) - X-ray imaging: ---
19:07 Development of X-ray Imaging system with SOI Pixel Detectors - Ryutaro Nishimura (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (KEK))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:08 Soft X-ray performance of Back-illumination type of the Kyoto's X-ray Astronomical SOIPIXs - Dr Makoto Itou (Kyoto University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:09 Reducing the cross-talk between the sensor and circuit layers in the Kyoto's X-ray Astronomical SOIPIXs - Dr Shunichi Ohmura (Kyoto Univ.)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:10 --- POSTERS: Pixels (including CCD's) - Charged particle tracking: ---
19:11 Development of planar pixel modules for HL-LHC - Anna Macchiolo (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:12 CMS Pixel Upgrade for the Phase I: Module Production and Qualification - Mercedes Minano Moya (National Taiwan University (TW))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:13 CMS FPix sensor study for phase I upgrade - Dr Kai Yi (University of Iowa)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:14 Test-beam evaluation of newly developed n+-in-p planar pixel sensors aiming for use in high radiation environment - Kimihiko Kimura (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:15 A Novel Source-Drain Follower for Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors - Chaosong Gao (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:16 Study of built-in amplifier performance on HV-CMOS sensor for the ATLAS Phase-II Strip Tracker Upgrade - Zhijun Liang (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:17 --- POSTERS: Strips: ---
19:18 Bonding Study towards Quality Assurance of the Belle-II Silicon Vertex Detector Modules - Mr Kookhyun Kang (on behalf of the Belle-II SVD Collaboration)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:19 Embedded pitch adapters: a high-yield interconnection solution for strip sensors - Miguel Ullan Comes (CNM-Barcelona (ES))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:20 Noise evaluation of silicon strip super-module with ABCN250 readout chips for ATLAS detector upgrade at high luminosity LHC - Kazuki Todome (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:21 --- POSTERS: New materials, New technologies: ---
19:22 Performance evaluation of newly developed SrI2(Eu) scintillator - Miho Takabe (Waseda Univ)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:23 Beam Test Results of the Dependence of Signal Size on Incident Particle Rate in Diamond Pixel and Pad Detectors - Felix Caspar Bachmair (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:24 Semiconductor simulation of charge collection mechanism in CVD diamond detector - Li Yong (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,Xi’an 710024, China)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:25 --- POSTERS: Electronics: ---
19:26 The VeloPix ASIC for the LHCb VELO Upgrade - Xabier Cid Vidal (CERN)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:27 Results on 3D interconnection from AIDA WP3 - Hans-Guenther Moser (MPI fuer Physik)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:28 Development of a low-noise, area efficiency, 4-order readout circuit for silicon pixel detectors - Dr JIA WANG (Northwestern Polytechnical University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:29 Design of Low Noise and Low Area Preamplifier-Shaper in Readout ASICs for CdZnTe Semiconductor X-ray and γ-ray Detectors - Dr Jia WANG (Northwestern Polytechnical University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:30 A 4 x 8 Gbps VCSEL Array Driver ASIC and Integration with A Custom Array Transmitter Module for the LHC Front-end Transmission - Dr Di Guo (Southern Methodist University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:31 Development of Low-noise High-speed Analog ASIC for X-ray CCD Cameras and Wide-band X-ray Imaging Sensors - Dr Hiroshi Nakajima (Osaka University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:32 A low-latency and low overhead encoder ASIC for the serial data transmission in ATLAS LAr calorimeter - Le Xiao (CCNU)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:33 --- POSTERS: Radiation damage, Environmental monitoring: ---
19:34 Compensation for radiation damage of SOI pixel detector via tunneling - Dr Miho Yamada (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:35 Characteristics and Total Ionizing Dose Compensation of Double Silicon-on-Insulator Integration Type Sensor - Mari Asano (University of Tsukuba (JP))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:36 Laser Irradiation Experimental Studies on DDR3 for Xilinx Zynq-7010 SoC Microzed - Mrs Shuhuan Liu (Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710049, China.)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:37 proton radiation damage test studies on Si MCZ detector - Mrs Shuhuan Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:38 Degradation Enhancement of Gate-controlled Lateral PNP Bipolar Transistors Induced by Mixed Irradation of Neutron and Gamma - Ms Chenhui Wang (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology), Xi’an 710024, China)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:39 The Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Neutron Sensitivity of Lateral PNP Bipolar Transistors: Investigations and Simulations - Ms Chenhui Wang (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology), Xi’an 710024, China)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:40 Synergistic Effect of Mixed Neutron and Gamma Irradiation on Bipolar Operational Amplifier OP07 - Mr Yan Liu (State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, P. O. Box 69-10, 710024, Xi’an, China)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:41 Comparison of Single Event Effects on 28-nm SoC Under Different Radiation Environments - Yao Zhang (Xi'an Jiaotong University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:42 Single Event Effects Studies on 28-nm SoC Induced by Low Energy Proton Irradiation - Yao Zhang (Xi'an Jiaotong University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:43 Modeling and Simulation of Radiation Effects on Si PIN Photodetectors Induced by Neutron Beams and γ Ionization Pulses - Dr zujun wang (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:44 Aging and Environmental Tolerance of Optical Transmitter for the ATLAS Phase-I upgrade at LHC - Suen Hou (Academia Sinica (TW))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:45 --- POSTERS: Applications in High Energy Physics, Space, Medical, Material sciences: ---
19:46 Prototypes and system test stands for the Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS pixel detector - Satoshi Hasegawa (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:47 Impact Parameters Simulation for the Turkish Accelerator Center Particle Factory Tracker System - Ilhan Tapan (Uludag University (TR))   (Multi-function Hall)
19:48 Pre-clinical Results with the Proton CT Head Scanner - Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:49 Study of a Detector System for High-Energy Astrophysical Objects Using a Combination of Plastic Scintillator and MPPC - Tatsuya Nakaoka (Hiroshima Univ.)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:50 Proton Single Event Effects testing of Xilinx Zynq-7010 System-on Chip - Xuecheng Du (Xi’an Jiaotong University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:51 Soft Error Evaluation and Vulnerability Analysis in Xilinx Zynq-7010 System-on Chip System - Xuecheng Du (Xi’an Jiaotong University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:52 Evaluation of image quality for FPD based low dose mobile C-arm CT system - Dr Bo Kyuyng Cha (KERI)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:53 X-ray performance evaluation of a wafer-scale CMOS flat panel imager for applications in medical imaging and nondestructive testing - Bo Kyung Cha (KERI)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:54 Investigation of radiation dose and image quality in flat detector-based fluoroscopy and cone beam CT system - Bo Kyung Cha (KERI)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:55 Development and Verification of Signal Processing System of Avalanche Photo Diode for the Active Shields onboard ASTRO-H - Masanori Ohno (Hiroshima University)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:56 Modeling the Response Function for Soft X-ray Imager onbord ASTRO-H Satellite - Shota Inoue (Osaka university)   (Multi-function Hall)
19:57 Soft X-ray quantum efficiency of X-ray CCD onboard ASTRO-H - Takayoshi Kohmura (Tokyo University of Science)   (Multi-function Hall)
Lunch break (until 14:00) (Chinese Food Hall)
Strips - Olaf Steinkamp (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)) Anna Macchiolo (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D) (until 17:40) (International Hall)
14:00 Strips and Tracker Infrastructure - Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY)   (International Hall)
14:30 Full-size sensor prototypes for the Phase II Upgrade of the CMS Tracker - Thomas Bergauer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (International Hall)
14:50 Detailed Studies of Full-Size ATLAS12 Sensors - Bart Hommels (University of Cambridge (GB))   (International Hall)
15:10 The LHCb Silicon Tracker - Mark Tobin (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (International Hall)
15:30 --- Tea break ---
16:00 Charge collection and field profile studies in heavily irradiated silicon strip sensors for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade - Kazuhiko Hara (University of Tsukuba (JP))   (International Hall)
16:20 Investigation of HV/HR-CMOS technology for the ATLAS Phase-II Strip Tracker Upgrade - Vitaliy Fadeyev (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (International Hall)
16:40 Study of Surface Properties of ATLAS12 Strip Sensors and their Radiation Resistance - Marcela Mikestikova (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))   (International Hall)
17:00 Silicon sensor study for the forward strip tracker of the ATLAS experiment for the HL-LHC - Riccardo Mori (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (International Hall)
17:20 Sensors from Infineon Technologies AG: Status, capabilities and plans - Johannes Hacker (u)   (International Hall)
Symposium Dinner - Qingmin Zhang (XJTU) (until 20:30) (Chinese Food Hall)
Excursion (The Terracotta Worriers and Horses + Huaqing Palace - Qingmin Zhang (XJTU) (until 19:30) (Buses will wait in front of the hotel at 12:10 and depart at 12:30)
12:30 Take the bus in front of the hotel   (Buses will wait in front of the hotel at 12:10 and depart at 12:30)
13:30 Visit the Museum "The Terracotta Worriers and Horses"   (Buses will wait in front of the hotel at 12:10 and depart at 12:30)
16:00 Take the bus to go to “The Huaqing Palace Heritage Site”   (Buses will wait in front of the hotel at 12:10 and depart at 12:30)
16:40 Visit the Huaqing Palace   (Buses will wait in front of the hotel at 12:10 and depart at 12:30)
18:10 Meet and go back downtown of Xi’an city   (Buses will wait in front of the hotel at 12:10 and depart at 12:30)
19:30 --- Dinner (Eat together) ---
After dinner POSTER session, with drinks: (All presenters are requested/encouraged to attend their posters; All participants are requested to participate the session, with drinks!) - Marcela Mikestikova (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ)) Stephen Mcmahon (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) (until 21:30) (Multi-function Hall)
Lunch break - Qingmin Zhang (XJTU) (until 14:00) (Chinese Food Hall)
Applications in High Energy Physics - Xinchou Lou (University of Texas at Dallas (US)) (until 15:30) (International Hall)
14:00 Diamond Sensors for Future High Energy Experiments, including Testbeam Results of 3D Diamond Sensor - Felix Caspar Bachmair (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))   (International Hall)
14:30 The DAMPE silicon tungsten tracker - Philipp Azzarello (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (International Hall)
14:50 Vertex and tracking detector R&D for CLIC - Dominik Dannheim (CERN)   (International Hall)
15:10 Vertex Detector for the CEPC: A Prospective Overview - Hongbo Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   (International Hall)
Closing of the Symposium - Xinchou Lou (University of Texas at Dallas (US)) (until 15:50) (International Hall)
15:30 Closing Remarks - Hartmut Sadrozinski (SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)   (International Hall)
Entertainment and Dinner (Chang-an Show + Dumplings Dinner) (until 19:50) (Dinner at De Fa Chang Restaurant)