Beam Dynamics and Technologies for Future Colliders

from Wednesday 21 February 2018 (08:30) to Tuesday 6 March 2018 (21:00)
Zurich, Switzerland (Hotel Crowne Plaza)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Feb 2018
22 Feb 2018
23 Feb 2018
24 Feb 2018
25 Feb 2018
26 Feb 2018
27 Feb 2018
28 Feb 2018
1 Mar 2018
2 Mar 2018
3 Mar 2018
4 Mar 2018
5 Mar 2018
6 Mar 2018
08:30 --- ARRIVAL DAY ---
08:30 Opening Seminar - Hermann Schmickler (CERN) Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 High Energy Physics at Colliders - Dr Michelangelo MANGANO (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Luminosity Goals, Critical Parameters - Dr Bruno MURATORI (Daresbury Laboratory)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Detectors for High Energy Colliders/Machine Detector Interface I - Dr Lucie LINSSEN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Recap. of Transverse BD I - Dr Hermann SCHMICKLER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Detectors for High Energy Colliders/Machine Detector Interface II - Dr Lucie LINSSEN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Recap. of Long. BD I - Dr Frank TECKER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Large Colliders Critical Technologies - Dr Jose Miguel JIMENEZ (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Circular Hadron Collider Beam Dynamics III - Dr Daniel SCHULTE (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Collider Diagnostics/Measurement of Critical Beam Parameters I - Dr Jorg WENNINGER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Circular Hadron Collider Beam Dynamics I - Dr Michael SYPHERS (Northern Illinois University)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Collider Diagnostics/Measurement of Critical Beam Parameters II - Dr Jorg WENNINGER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Beam-Beam Effects/Beamstrahlung I - Dr Werner HERR (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Circular Lepton Collider Beam Dynamics/Damping Rings I - Dr Katsunobu OIDE (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Beam-Beam Effects/Beamstrahlung II - Dr Werner HERR (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Instabilities in High-Energy Colliders and their Mitigation I - Dr Oliver BOINE-FRANKENHEIM (GSI)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Circular Lepton Collider Beam Dynamics/Damping Rings II - Dr Katsunobu OIDE (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Instabilities in high-Energy Colliders and their Mitigation II - Dr Oliver BOINE-FRANKENHEIM (GSI)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
09:00 --- EXCURSION ---
08:30 Superconducting RF Systems I - Dr Erk JENSEN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Positron Production - Dr Maso KURIKI (Hiroshima University)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Superconducting RF Systems II - Dr Erk JENSEN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Normal Conducting & Permanent Magnets - Dr Thomas ZICKLER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Superconducting RF Systems III - Dr Erk JENSEN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Magnet Vibration and Feedbacks - Dr Andrei SERYI (University of Oxford )   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Low Level RF challenges/timing systems I - Alessandro Gallo (INFN LNF)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Low Level RF challenges/timing systems II - Alessandro Gallo (INFN LNF)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 RF Power Systems, CLIC Drive Beam - Dr Steffen DOEBERT (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Interaction of Particles with Matter - Dr Nikolai MOKHOV (Fermilab)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Normal Conducting High Gradient RF Systems I - Walter Wuensch (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Machine Protection Concepts - Dr Nikolai MOKHOV (Fermilab)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
08:30 Normal conducting high gradient Rf systems II - Walter Wuensch (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
09:20 --- Discussion ---
09:30 Kickers and Septa - Dr Martin PARALIEV (PSI)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
10:30 --- COFFEE ---
11:00 Alignment & Metrology/Requirements and Realisation - Dr Dominique MISSIAEN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
11:50 --- Discussion ---
18:00 --- REGISTRATION ---
19:30 --- Dinner ---
12:00 Introduction to Muon Collider and Photon Collider - Dr Weiren CHOU (Fermilab)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Linear Collider Studies Overview - Dr Steinar STAPNES (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Large Circular Colliders Overview (including h-e Options) - Dr Michael BENEDIKT (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Lessons Learnt from LEP/LHC - Dr Mike LAMONT (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
18:00 --- Reception ---
18:30 Podium Discussions - Dr Fabiola/Frederick GIANOTTI/BORDRY (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Recap of Transverse BD II - Dr Hermann SCHMICKLER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Linear Collider Beam Dynamics I - Dr Daniel SCHULTE (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Emittance Preservation in Hadron Machines - Dr Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Linear Collider Beam Dynamics II - Dr Daniel SCHULTE (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Discussion Session I - Dr Bernhard HOLZER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Case Studies Introduction - Daniel Schulte (CERN) Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Case Studies I - Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Polarised Electron Beams/Energy Calibration - Dr Jorg WENNINGER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Circular Hadron Collider Beam Dynamics II - Dr Michael SYPHERS (Northern Illinois University)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 --- FREE AFTERNOON ---
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Injection and Extraction - Dr Masamitsu AIBA (PSI)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Case Studies II - Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Case Studies III - Daniel Schulte (CERN) Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 SwissFEL, the X-ray free electron laser at PSI - Hans Braun (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Discussion Session II - Dr Bernhard HOLZER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Case Studies IV - Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Case Studies V - Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Vacuum Challenges - Dr Roberto KERSEVAN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Large Colliders Civil Engineering and Siting - Dr John Andrew OSBORNE (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Superconducting Magnets/High Temperature Superconductors I - Dr Luca BOTTURA (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Superconducting Materials/Cables - Dr Carmine SENATORE (University of Geneva)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Superconducting Magnets/High Temperature Superconductors II - Dr Luca BOTTURA (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
18:30 Medical Applications of accelerator technologies at PSI - Antony Lomax (PSI)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Lessons learnt from SLC - Dr Frank ZIMMERMANN (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Case Studies VI - Werner Herr (CERN) Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Case Studies VII - Werner Herr (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Bernhard Holzer (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Advanced Future Collider Concepts - Dr Patric MUGGLI (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Discussion Session III - Dr Bernhard HOLZER (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 --- FREE AFTERNOON ---
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 Final Focus Layouts and Stability Considerations - Dr Andrei SERYI (University of Oxford)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Case Studies VIII - Daniel Schulte (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN) Bernhard Holzer (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Case Studies IX - Werner Herr (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Bernhard Holzer (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Collimators, Dumps and Masks - Dr Mike SEIDEL (PSI)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---
12:00 High Energy Ion Colliders - Dr John JOWETT (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
13:00 --- LUNCH ---
14:30 Reliability Engineering/Availability of a Large Collider Complex - Markus Zerlauth (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
15:20 --- Discussion ---
15:30 Case Studies Presentations I - Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
16:30 --- COFFEE ---
17:00 Case Studies Presentations II - Bernhard Holzer (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Werner Herr (CERN)   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
17:50 --- Discussion ---
18:00 Closing Talk   (Hotel Crowne Plaza)
19:30 --- DINNER ---