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WONDER 2018 : 5th International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications

from Monday 8 October 2018 (12:00) to Friday 12 October 2018 (14:00)
Grand Hôtel Roi René d'Aix-en-Provence, France

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
8 Oct 2018
9 Oct 2018
10 Oct 2018
11 Oct 2018
12 Oct 2018
Evaluation of nuclear data (theories, models, codes) - Roberto Capote Noy (IAEA) (until 10:15) ()
08:30 Hybrid R-Matrix Evaluation of Neutron-Induced Reaction Cross Sections of O-16 - Helmut Leeb (TU Wien)   ()
09:10 Testing compound nucleus hypothesis across the 17-O nuclide excitation - Aloys Nizigama (CEA-Cadarache)   ()
09:40 Unified approach for multiband optical model in soft deformed even-even and odd-A nuclides - Dmitry Martyanov (Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research)   ()
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Evaluation of nuclear data (theories, models, codes) - Luiz Leal (IRSN) (until 12:45) ()
10:45 Study of the Photon Strength Function and Level Density in the Gamma Decay of n+234U - Javier Moreno-Soto (CEA-Saclay)   ()
11:15 Improvement of the CIELO evaluation of neutron induced reactions on natural iron - Roberto Capote Noy (IAEA)   ()
11:45 High-resolution evaluation of the U5(n,f) cross section from 3 keV to 30 keV - Ignacio Duran (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)   ()
12:15 Study of the (n,gf) process on Pu-239 - Esther Leal Cidoncha (CEA-Cadarache)   ()
Microscopic and integral nuclear data measurements - Stefan Kopecky (JRC-Geel) (until 10:15) ()
08:30 Fission program at n_TOF - Laurent Tassan Got (CERN)   ()
09:10 Preliminary results on the 233U neutron-induced capture cross section measured at the n_TOF facility at CERN with the fission tagging technique - Michael Bacak (CERN - TU Wien)   ()
09:40 Measurement of the Cm-244 and Cm-246 neutron-induced capture cross sections at the n_TOF facility. - Victor Alcayne Aicua (CIEMAT)   ()
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Microscopic and integral nuclear data measurements - Ignacio Duran (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) (until 11:45) ()
10:45 Towards the adoption of 238U(n,f) and 237Np(n,f) as primary standards for fast neutron energies - Paula Salvador-Castineira (National Physical Laboratory)   ()
11:15 Development of a gaseous proton recoil detector for fission cross section measurements below En = 1MeV - Ludovic Mathieu (CENBG)   ()
11:45 --- Lunch ---
Nuclear fission, including prompt particle emission and fission yields - Patrick Talou (Los Alamos National Laboratory) (until 10:15) ()
08:30 Systematic measurements of prompt fission γ-rays – and what they tell us about fission fragment de-excitation - Andreas Oberstedt (ELI-NP)   ()
09:10 Fission-fragment dependent prompt and isomeric gamma-ray emission in nuclear fission - Stephan Oberstedt (JRC-Geel)   ()
09:40 Performance validation of the FALSTAFF first arm: 252Cf and 235U fission fragment characterisation - Diane Doré (CEA-Saclay)   ()
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Nuclear fission, including prompt particle emission and fission yields - Stephan Oberstedt (JRC-Geel) (until 12:45) ()
10:45 Prompt fission neutron investigation in 235U(nth,f), 252Cf(sf) reaction - Shakir Zeinalov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   ()
11:15 Status of fission fragments observables measured with the LOHENGRIN spectrometer - Grégoire Kessedjian (LPSC)   ()
11:45 Residual temperature distributions and systematic behaviours of residual quantitites following the sequential emission of prompt neutrons - Anabella Tudora (University of Bucharest)   ()
12:15 Advanced Modelling of 238U(n,f) in a Fast Reactor Application - Cristiana Oprea (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   ()
Uncertainties and covariance matrices (methodology and impact on reactor calculations) - Cyrille De Saint Jean (CEA-Cadarache) (until 10:15) ()
08:30 JEFF-3.3 covariance application to ICSBEP using SANDY and NDaST - Luca Fiorito (NEA)   ()
09:10 Formulation of Model Defects Suitable for the Resonance Regime - Benedikt Raab (TU Wien)   ()
09:40 Influence of nuclear data parameters on integral experiment assimilation using cook’s distance - Dinesh Kumar (CEA-Cadarache)   ()
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Uncertainties and covariance matrices (methodology and impact on reactor calculations) - Luca Fiorito (NEA) (until 12:30) ()
10:45 Construction of model defect priors inspired by dynamic time warping - Georg Schnabel (Uppsala Universitet)   ()
11:15 Examples of Monte Carlo Techniques Applied for Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation - Oscar Cabellos (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)   ()
11:45 Monte Carlo integral adjustment of nuclear data libraries –experimental covariances and inconsistent data - Henrik Sjöstrand (Uppsala Universitet)   ()
12:15 NEA Nuclear Data Services, an update on relevant activities - Franco Michel-Sendis (NEA)   ()
12:00 --- Lunch and Registration ---
14:00 Introduction to Wonder 2018   ()
Microscopic and integral nuclear data measurements - Patrick Blaise (CEA-Cadarache) (until 16:15) ()
14:15 TMC acceleration for the PETALE experiment - Axel Laureau (EPFL)   ()
14:45 An experimental Programme optimized with uncertainty propagation: PETALE in the CROCUS Reactor - Vincent Lamirand (EPFL)   ()
15:15 Integral experiments for bismuth nuclear data validation at the fast VENUS-F reactor - Antonin Krasa (SCk-CEN)   ()
15:45 Trends on major actinides from an integral data assimilation - Gerald Rimpault (CEA-Cadarache)   ()
16:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Microscopic and integral nuclear data measurements - Philippe Dessagne (IPHC) (until 17:45) ()
16:45 Testing of resonanca parameters of actinides - Stefan Kopecky (JRC-Geel)   ()
17:15 Inelastic scattering on 232Th: measurements and beyond - Eliot Party (IPHC - Université de Strasbourg)   ()
12:45 --- Lunch ---
Decay data and delayed neutron - David Bernard (CEA-Cadarache) (until 15:30) ()
14:15 Summation calculations for reactor antineutrino spectra, decay heat and delayed neutron fractions, involving new TAGS data and evaluated databases - Magali Estienne (Subatech)   ()
14:55 Energy Dependence of Delayed Neutron Data - Daniela Foligno (CEA-Cadarache)   ()
Thermal scattering laws - Gilles Noguere (CEA Cadarache) (until 16:30) ()
15:30 Validation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Cross Sections for Heavy Water based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation - Haelee Hyun (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)   ()
16:00 Impact of Thermal Scattering Law for Light Water on the French Plutonium Temperature Effect Experimental Program - Vaibhav Jaiswal (Université de Lille)   ()
16:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Processing and benchmarking - Oscar Cabellos (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Current status of the verification and processing system GALILÉE-1 - Cédric Jouanne (CEA-Saclay)   ()
17:30 Nuclear data analyses for improving the safety of advanced lead-cooled reactors - Pablo Romojaro (CIEMAT)   ()
12:30 --- Visit of CEA-Cadarache ---
19:30 --- Conference dinner ---
12:45 --- Lunch ---
Nuclear fission, including prompt particle emission and fission yields - Olivier Litaize (CEA-Cadarache) (until 16:15) ()
14:15 Computational Approaches to Whole Process of Nuclear Fission - Satoshi Chiba (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   ()
14:45 Prompt and Delayed Neutron Emission and Fission Product Yield Calculations with Hauser-Feshbach Theory and Beta Decay - Shin Okumura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   ()
15:15 Advances in the Simulation of Correlated Fission Data - Patrick Talou (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
15:45 Constraining Fission Yields Using Machine Learning - Amy Lovell (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
16:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Uncertainties and covariance matrices (methodology and impact on reactor calculations) - Georg Schnabel (Uppsala Universitet) (until 17:45) ()
16:45 About the using of the MERCI-1 experiment analysis for the uncertainty quantification on the DARWIN2.3 decay heat calculation - Jordan Huyghe (CEA-Cadarache)   ()
17:15 Covariance Matrices for Differential and Angle-Integrated Neutron-Induced Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections of 56Fe - Shengli Chen (CEA-Cadarache)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---