QCD with Electron-Ion Collider (QEIC)

from Saturday 4 January 2020 (08:00) to Tuesday 7 January 2020 (22:00)
IIT Bombay

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
4 Jan 2020
5 Jan 2020
6 Jan 2020
7 Jan 2020
09:00 Inauguration & Welcome remarks   ()
09:40 Science and Status of the US Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) - Abhay Deshpande   ()
10:20 From RHIC to EIC - Berndt Mueller   ()
11:00 --- Tea/coffee ---
11:30 Prospective Science and Status of the EIC - JLab View - Rolf Ent   ()
09:00 Shear and pressure distributions in the proton - Will Detmold   ()
09:40 QCD Wigner distribution - Yoshitaka Hatta   ()
10:20 Nuclear Femtography as a Bridge from from the Nucleon to Neutron Stars - Simonetta Liuti   ()
11:00 --- Tea/coffee ---
11:30 Setting the stage for hadronization studies at the EIC - Christine Aidala   ()
09:00 Jets and fragmentation at the EIC - Felix Ringer   ()
09:40 Precise QCD predictions and pdf uncertainties - M. C. Kumar   ()
10:20 Toward precision jet event shape for future Electron-Ion Collider - Tanmay Maji   ()
10:50 --- Tea/coffee ---
11:20 Quark orbital angular momentum from lattice calculations - Michael Engelhardt   ()
09:00 Probing initial state fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions with power spectrum of flow coefficients - Ajit Srivastava   ()
09:40 Equilibration of strongly interacting matter - Rajarshi Roy   ()
10:20 TMD gluon distributions at small x - Raktim Abir   ()
11:00 --- Tea/coffee ---
11:30 Pion and kaon structure in light-cone quark model - Narinder Kumar   ()
12:10 Indian participation in recent heavy-ion experiments - Bedangadas Mohanty   ()
12:50 --- Lunch ---
14:20 Exploring the Nucleon interior with Transverse-Momentum parton Distributions (TMDs) - Alessandro Bacchetta   ()
15:00 Extraction of polarized TMDs and the Nucleon Spin Structure - Marco Radici   ()
15:40 Probing gluon TMDs in J/psi + jet production at EIC - Raj Kishore   ()
16:10 --- Tea/coffee ---
16:40 EIC-India collaboration planning - Abhay Deshpande Bedangadas Mohanty   ()
18:45 --- Reception ---
12:10 Understanding the Heavy Ion initial state with Diffraction at the EIC - Tobias Toll   ()
12:50 Physics for EIC in the perspective of Direct-photon+jet at Mid and Forward Rapidity - Nihar Sahoo   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
12:00 Structure of pion from lattice QCD - Swagato Mukherjee   ()
12:40 Discussion   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Precision computations of gluon saturation for the EIC - Raju Venugopalan   ()
15:10 Quarkonia in the QGP - Rishi Sharma   ()
15:50 --- Tea/coffee ---
16:20 Hadron identification at EIC - Marco Contalbrigo   ()
17:00 Exclusive processes at LHC and relevance of EIC - Sunil Bansal   ()
17:40 Diffractive processes at LHC and relevance of EIC - Ramandeep Kumar   ()
19:00 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:00 Constraints on the $g\to\pi^0$ fragmentation function from RHIC data. - Abhiram Kaushik   ()
12:30 Infrared renormalon in gluon TMD at small x - Nahid Vasim   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Understanding of parton distribution function from CMS measurements - Suman Chatterjee   ()
15:00 Two photon exchange correction to lepton-proton scattering - Pulak Talukdar   ()
15:30 Study of $R_{2}(\Delta\eta, \Delta\varphi)$ and $P_{2}(\Delta\eta, - Baidyanath Sahoo   ()
16:00 --- Tea/coffee ---
16:30 Discussion   ()
17:30 Concluding remarks   ()