9:45 AM
George Zoupanos
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
10:00 AM
Recent results from ATLAS
Alexander Oh
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Highlights from CMS
Greg Landsberg
(Brown University (US))
9:00 AM
Recent Higgs results from ATLAS and CMS
Sandra Kortner
(Max Planck Society (DE))
9:30 AM
The rise and fall of the Standard-Model Higgs after inflation
Javier Rubio
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
10:00 AM
Prospects for light exotic scalar measurements at the e+e- Higgs factory
Aleksander Filip Zarnecki
(University of Warsaw (PL))
10:30 AM
The reduced 2HDM
Gregory Patellis
(Instituto Superior Técnico, CFTP)
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Realising dark matter and PTA detected signal via dark branes
Fotios Koutroulis
(Warsaw University)
9:00 AM
Searches for long lived particles: present and future
Albert De Roeck
10:00 AM
Testing the far UV of the SM with axions
Mario Reig
(University of Oxford)
10:30 AM
Indirect dark-matter searches with gamma-rays experiments: status and future plans from 300 KeV to 100 TeV
Aldo Morselli
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
New physics in B to K(K*) nu nubar
German Valencia
(Monash University (AU))
9:00 AM
What are the big questions in neutrino physics
Alain Blondel
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
10:00 AM
Probing sterile neutrinos with non-standard interactions
Frank F Deppisch
10:30 AM
Testing an unstable cosmic neutrino background
Pasquale Di Bari
Pasquale Di Bari
Pasquale Di Bari
Pasquale Di Bari
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Testing non-oscillation solutions of the LSND and MiniBooNE anomalies
Stephane Lavignac
(IPhT Saclay)
Stephane Lavignac
(IPhT Saclay)
Stephane Lavignac
9:00 AM
Top-down aspects of modular flavor symmetry
Hans Peter Nilles
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
9:30 AM
Modular Invariance and the strong CP problem
Ferruccio Feruglio
10:00 AM
The basis invariant flavor puzzle
Andreas Trautner
10:30 AM
Exploring the flavor symmetry landscape
Alfredo Glioti
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Flavor in SU(5) finite grand unified models
Myriam Mondragon
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico UNAM)
9:00 AM
Dark matter in ATLAS and CMS
Xinhui Huang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
9:30 AM
Standard Model at large hypercharge
Oleg Antipin
(Institut Rudjer Boskovic)
10:00 AM
Non-gravitational dark energy signals under a gauge symmetry
Hye-Sung Lee
10:30 AM
Natural alignment and CP violation beyond the Standard Model
Apostolos Pilaftsis
(University of Manchester (GB))
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Precision electroweak physics at future colliders
Alessandro Vicini
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
10:00 AM
Wave-packet effects a solution for isospin anomalies in vector-meson decay
Kenji Nishiwaki
(Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence)
10:30 AM
Large isospin symmetry breaking in kaon production at high energies
Marek Gazdzicki
(Jan Kochanowski University (PL))
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Highlights from the Corfu Future Accelerators Workshop
Riccardo Torre
(Dipartimento di Fisica - Università di Pisa and INFN Sezione di Pisa)
9:15 AM
Prospects for new glueballs and exotics searches
Jean-Marie Frere
Jean-Marie Frere
(Service de Physique des Particules Elementaires)
9:45 AM
Indications for BSM from unification, vacuum stability and gravitational waves
Kamila Kowalska
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
10:15 AM
Low-scale leptogenesis and varying relativistic degrees of freedom
Dimitrios Karamitros
(University of Jyväskylä)
10:45 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Probe strongly coupled dark sector via gravitational wave
9:30 AM
String derived Z' model at an upgraded superconducting supercollider
Alon Faraggi
(University of Liverpool (GB))
10:00 AM
Anomalous Z' model
Karim Benakli
10:30 AM
LHC & HL-LHC status
Yannis Papaphilippou
11:00 AM
--- Coffee ---
11:30 AM
Unification of conformal gravity and internal interactions
Danai Roumelioti
11:50 AM
Fibre inflation in large volume compactification
George Leontaris
(University of Ioannina (GR))
9:00 AM
--- Departure ---
4:00 PM
--- Arrival/registration ---
12:30 PM
Physics beyond Standard Model from the study of weak interactions
Sabin Stoica
(International Centre for Advanced Training and Research in Phys)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
A theory overview of the muon g-2: from the SM to BSM
Paride Paradisi
(University of Padova and INFN)
4:30 PM
Higher order QCD
Peter Marquard
5:00 PM
The MoEDAL-MAPP New physics search facility at the LHC - transcending the Standard Model
James Pinfold
(University of Alberta (CA))
5:30 PM
--- Coffee ---
5:50 PM
Search for physics beyond the Standard Model at NA62
Michal Zamkovsky
6:20 PM
Exclusion bounds on Z' bosons
Zoltán Péli
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University)
12:00 PM
Extended scalar sectors from all angles
Tania Natalie Robens
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))
12:30 PM
Impact of EW PDFs on muon collider phenomenology
David Marzocca
1:00 PM
Non-decoupling of charged scalars in Higgs decay and symmetries of the scalar potential
Gautam Bhattacharyya
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
FCC status, time line, accelerator challenges, etc
Ghislain Roy
5:00 PM
Long-lived particle searches with the ILD experiment
Jan Franciszek Klamka
(University of Warsaw (PL))
5:20 PM
Search for a new scalar or pseudoscalar heavy Higgs boson using production of four top quarks at the LHC
Chainika Chauhan
(Charles University (CZ))
5:40 PM
--- Coffee ---
6:00 PM
Probing light new physics via precision observables at low energies
Gabriele Levati
(Università degli studi di Padova and INFN Padova)
6:20 PM
EW corrections to Bell inequalities and entanglement in H → V V
Priyanka Lamba
Priyanka Lamba
Priyanka Lamba
6:50 PM
Electroweak phase transition in maximally symmetric composite Higgs model
Marco Antonio Merchand Medina
8:30 PM
--- Welcome reception ---
12:00 PM
Probing ultralight axions with quantum technology
Sreemanti Chakraborti
(IPPP Durham University)
12:30 PM
Yuya Mino
(Kyoto University (JP))
1:00 PM
Exotics and BSM (non SUSY, non DM) in ATLAS and CMS
Andrea Perrotta
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
Andrea Perrotta
(INFN Bologna)
Andrea Perrotta
Andrea Perrotta
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
Neutrino mixing beyond Pontecorvo theory, entangled vacuum and all of that!
Gaetano Luciano
Gaetano Luciano
Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
4:30 PM
No-signaling-in-time as a condition for macrorealism and flavor oscillations
Luca Smaldone
Luca Smaldone
(Charles University)
5:00 PM
ATOMKI nuclear anomalies and (B-L)
Filipe Rafael Joaquim
5:30 PM
--- Coffee ---
5:50 PM
Prospects for constraining light-quark electroweak couplings at e+e- colliders
Krzysztof Mekala
6:10 PM
Towards a more robust intermittency analysis technique in heavy ion collisions: achievements and challenges.
Nikolaos Davis
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
12:00 PM
W mass measurements and prospects
Maarten Boonekamp
Maarten Boonekamp
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
12:30 PM
W-Boson mass anomaly from SU(2)_𝐿 scalar multiplets
Jia-jun Wu
Jia-jun Wu
1:00 PM
Taming the little SUSY hierarchy with the quiver supersymmetric Standard Model
Ken-ichi Okumura
(Kyushu University)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
Recent results from LHCb
Menglin Xu
(University of Warwick (GB))
5:00 PM
Gravitational dark matter portal In extra dimensions
Nuria Rius Dionis
(IFIC, Universitat de València - CSIC)
5:30 PM
On scalar dark matter, gravitational waves and black hole binaries
Dmitry Gorbunov
(Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
6:00 PM
--- Coffee ---
12:00 PM
Entanglement in flavored scalar scattering
Enrico Maria Sessolo
12:30 PM
Three-particle entanglement in particle decay and scattering
Kazuki Sakurai
(King's College London)
1:00 PM
F-term hybrid inflation and SUSY breaking
Constantinos Pallis
1:30 PM
--- Excursion ---
12:00 PM
Aspects of vector-like quarks
Gustavo Branco
(Instituto Superior Tecnico)
12:30 PM
Highlights from ALICE
Kai Schweda
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
Leptogenesis in models with extended gauge symmetries
Michal Malinsky
(Charles University (CZ))
4:30 PM
Entanglement in QED scattering processes
Bruno Micciola
4:50 PM
Naturalness, renormalization, and the cosmological constant problem
Vincenzo Branchina
(Universita e INFN (IT))
5:20 PM
--- Coffee ---
5:40 PM
Axion paradigm with "coloured" neutrino masses
Aditya Batra
(CFTP, U. Lisboa)
6:00 PM
Probing hidden sectors at e+e- colliders via two-particle angular correlations
Vasiliki Mitsou
(IFIC - CSIC and Univ. of Valencia (ES))
8:00 PM
--- Greek night ---
12:00 PM
Neutrino electromagnetic interactions: A window to new physics
Alexander Studenikin
(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia))
12:30 PM
Approximate SU(5), fine structure constants, several fundamental scales
Holger Bech Nielsen
(Niels Bohr Institue Theory)
1:00 PM
A tale of two SUSYs
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
Oblique parameters in general new physics frameworks
Francisco Miguel Ferreira Soares de Albergaria
(CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa)
4:20 PM
Squark production with R-symmetry beyond NLO at the LHC
Wojciech Kotlarski
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
4:50 PM
95 GeV scalar and dark matter in the MRSSM
Jan Kalinowski
(University of Warsaw (PL)) Dr
Wojciech Kotlarski
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
5:20 PM
--- Coffee ---
5:40 PM
Effective field theories and their anomalous dimensions
Achillefs Lazopoulos
(ETH Zurich)
6:10 PM
Theta-vacua and low energy particle spectrum
Otari Sakhelashvili
(Sydney University)
12:00 PM
Hierarchies and conformal UV completions
Manfred Lindner
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
12:30 PM
Prospects for gravitational wave signals from grand unification and Inflation
Joern Kersten
1:00 PM
Gravitational waves as probes of new physics
Stephen F King
(University of Southampton)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
Running vacuum and phantom matter: a challenging solution to the cosmological tensions
Joan Sola
(Universitat de Barcelona)
4:30 PM
Do we exist because of a gravitational anomaly?
Nikos Mavromatos
(University of London (GB))
5:00 PM
Supergeometric quantum effective actions
Viola Gattus
(University of Manchester)
5:20 PM
SO(10) gauge unification to go beyond the standard model
Franco Buccella
5:50 PM
--- Coffee ---
6:10 PM
The gravitational form factors of hadrons from CFT in momentum space and the QCD dilaton
Claudio Corianò
(INFN Lecce)
6:40 PM
Constraint on GUT model buildings and its' phenomenological implication
Ruiwen Ouyang
(National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics)
12:20 PM
Status of electromagnetic accelerating universe
Paul Frampton
(University of Salento)
12:50 PM
George Zoupanos
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---