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This series of workshops provide an extended discussion on the QCD phase structure and related topics. At this workshop, both theoretical and experimental aspects of anomalous chiral effects and collision dynamics at high-baryon density will be the focus of the discussion. New development on the diagnostics of quark-gluon-plasma, e.g. heavy flavor, EM and high pt probes will also be discussed.
The 3rd workshop on the QCD Phase Structure will take place June 6-9 2016 at the College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University (CCNU), Wuhan, China. The workshop is sponsored by the Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE) at CCNU and Center of Nuclear Matter Science (CNMS), Fudan University, Institute of High Energy Physics (China), Tsinghua University and University of Science and Technology of China. The meeting is by invitation only. Students who want to attend the worksop should provide an additional supporting letter from his/her supervisor. All local costs, including lodging, coffee breaks and meals, will be covered by the workshop organizers.