LHeC and FCC-eh Workshop

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


Show room on map

September Workshop on the LHeC and FCC-eh

The LHeC is a proposed upgrade of the LHC to enable luminous electron-proton and electron-ion collisions to take place in the final phase of LHC operation. Its design is based on a high current, multi-turn energy recovery electron linac, arranged tangentially to the LHC. A small ERL facility, PERLE, is under design to possibly be built at Orsay. The ERL is considered to serve also as the baseline for electron-hadron collisions at HE LHC and the future circular collider, the FCC-eh. The workshop discusses the physics, accelerator, test facility and detector developments in view of the updated documents, on the LHeC and FCC-eh, to be prepared for the deliberations of the forthcoming European and global strategy debates in the next years. It takes place at CERN, in a three day plenary session format, combining invited overview talks with shorter, topical contributions. Several working groups plan for follow up meetings during the week. The goal of the workshop is to review the update and to progress on the various developments which have taken place following the LHeC workshop in 2015.

Workshop dinner

The workshop dinner will take place in Golf & Restaurant de Maison Blanche, in Echenevex (FR), on 11th September, at 19:30.

The bus will leave from building 30 (floor 1) at 19:00.
