
from Monday 2 September 2013 (09:00) to Friday 6 September 2013 (14:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 Sept 2013
3 Sept 2013
4 Sept 2013
5 Sept 2013
6 Sept 2013
09:00 Welcome - Rainer Schicker   ()
09:15 Introduction to Diffraction I - Alan Martin   ()
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 The HERAEUS Foundation - Ernst Dreisigacker   ()
11:15 Introduction to Diffraction II - Alan Martin   ()
09:00 Central Exclusive Production at Hadron Colliders I - Mike Albrow   ()
10:00 Central Exclusive Production at Hadron Colliders II - Mike Albrow   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Strong Electromagnetic Field Effects in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions - Valeriy Serbo   ()
09:00 Introduction to Diffractive Processes in Hadron-Nucleus and Photon-Nucleus Reactions - Wolfgang Schäfer   ()
10:00 Review of Ultra-Peripheral Reactions in Heavy-Ion Collisions - Joakim Nystrand   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 High-energy soft reactions: A model with tensor pomeron and vector odderon - Otto Nachtmann   ()
09:00 Lattice QCD and the hadron spectrum - Mike Peardon   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Review of diffraction at the Tevatron - Christina Mesropian   ()
09:00 Review of exclusive Processes at high energies: Theory point of view and suggestions for future experiments - Antoni Szczurek   ()
10:00 Discussions   ()
11:00 Presentation best poster: Hector Bello Martinez: Event Shape Analysis in ALICE at LHC - Hector Bello Martinez   ()
11:30 Discussions   ()
12:00 Introduction to Regge Field Theory - Martin Poghosyan   ()
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
14:00 Exclusive Diffraction at HERA - Jan Figiel   ()
14:45 Inclusive Diffraction at HERA - Lidia Goerlich   ()
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Diffraction in the COMPASS Experiment - Suh-Urk Chung   ()
17:00 Small x, saturation and diffraction in multiparticle production - Andras Ster   ()
17:20 Analysis of diffraction beyond LRGs - Mikael Mieskolainen   ()
17:50 --- Break ---
18:00 Evening Lecture: History of Physics in Heidelberg - Peter Glässel   ()
18:45 --- BBQ at Phys. Inst. ---
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
14:00 Review of TOTEM Results - Mario Deile   ()
15:00 Diffractive and Forward Physics in CMS - Katerina Kuznetsova   ()
15:45 --- Coffee break ---
16:10 W-pair production: subleading processes - Marta Luszczak   ()
16:30 Unified description of VMP and DVCS - Andrii Salii   ()
16:50 Isolated Photons with Jets in DIS at ZEUS - Oleg Kuprash   ()
17:10 Discussions   ()
18:00 --- BBQ at DJH ---
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
14:00 Diffraction at the LHC - Laszlo Jenkovszky   ()
15:00 Diffractive and Forward Physics in LHCb - Ronan McNulty   ()
15:45 --- Coffee break ---
16:15 Poster session   ()
17:00 pp --> ppM reactions at high energies - Piotr Lebiedowicz   ()
17:20 Production of two pions and two rho-mesons in peripheral ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions - Mariola KlusekGawenda   ()
17:40 Discussions   ()
18:00 --- BBQ at Phys. Inst. ---
12:00 Diffractive and forward physics in ATLAS - Christoph Royon   ()
12:45 --- Lunch break ---
14:00 Diffractive and forward physics in ALICE - Gerardo Herrera Corral   ()
15:00 Reggeisation of Barger-Phillips formula - Denys Lontkovskyi   ()
15:20 Multijet Production in DIS at HERA - Inna Makarenko   ()
15:40 Some comments on PHOJET - Anatoli Fedynitch   ()
16:00 Discussions   ()
16:30 --- Tour Castle Heidelberg ---
12:30 --- Lunch break ---