Current measurements of the branching fractions for b --> c tau nu processes yield results that are more than 4 standard deviations higher than the standard-model expectations. This motivates exploration of potential new physics in these decays, including searches for CP violation. A CP-violating asymmetry requires interference between amplitudes with different CP-violating and CP-conserving...
With excellent performance the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment has made a number of key observations in the diffractive and exclusive processes and hence in probing the Standard model in a unique way. This presentation will cover recent results on the measurement of diffractive and exclusive processes using data recorded by CMS detector at the LHC.
The performance of CMS detector on early 2018 data will be presented. Special attention will be given to the performance of the recently upgraded components, and in particular to the silicon pixel detector and hadronic calorimeters.
We present new results on quarkonia production in pPb collisions, using the data collected in 2016 at 8.16 TeV nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy, in the unique forward region (pseudorapidity between 2 and 5) covered by the LHCb detector. Both forward and backward rapidities are covered thanks to the possibility of beam reversal. Measurements include the vector bottomonia states and the...
Radiative b-hadron decays are sensitive probes of New Physics through the study of branching fractions, CP asymmetries and measurements of the polarisation of the photon emitted in the decay. During Run-1 of the LHC, the LHCb experiment has collected large samples of radiative b-hadron decays. We present here the latest LHCb measurements, which help constrain the size of right-handed currents...
Latest results on inclusive top quark pair production cross sections are presented using proton-proton collision data collected by CMS at different centre-of-mass energies, including 5 TeV. Final states with at least one charged lepton and one b-jet are explored to measure inclusive production cross sections. The sensitivity of some these measurements to PDFs and extraction of standard model...
The latest results of the measurement of the Higgs boson decaying to bottom quark pair will be presented. The analysis is performed using data collected with the CMS experiment in 2016 and 2017 at the LHC from pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 13 TeV.
The Ultra-Light Axion (ULA) is a dark matter candidate with mass 10^{-22} eV and
de-Broglie wavelength of order kpc. Such an axion, also called the Fuzzy Dark Matter (FDM), thermalizes via the gravitational force and forms a Bose-Einstein condensate. The quantum pressure from FDM can significantly affect the structure formation in small scales, thus alleviating the so-called "small-scale...
The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector, that has undergone significant hardware and readout upgrades to meet the challenges imposed by the higher collision energy, pileup and luminosity that are being delivered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), with record breaking instantaneous luminosities of 2 x 10^34 cm-2 s-1 recently surpassed....
Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) represents one of the earliest phenomena which can lead to observational constraints on the early Universe properties. Yet, it is well-known that many important mechanisms and phase transitions occurred before BBN. During this talk, I will discuss the possibility to gain insight about the primordial Universe through studies of dark matter in cosmology,...
The analysis that studies VH process with H->bb decays is presented based on the 13 TeV pp collision data. A clear excess of the VH with H->bb process over the predicted background is shown providing evidence for such a process. In addition a search for VBF production in the same decay channel is presented.
The total pp cross section is a fundamental observable at the LHC. It can be derived from the measurement of the elastic cross section, using the optical theorem. Measurements of the elastic proton-proton cross section were performed at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV at various settings of the beam optics using the ALFA detector.
The ALFA detector is also used to tag forward protons in...
The next stage of the highly successful Super-Kamiokande experiment is to load gadolinium (Gd) sulphate at 0.2% by mass. Gadolinium has a very large cross section for thermal neutron capture, which produces a cascade of gamma rays totalling 8 MeV. This is much easier to detect than the 2.2 MeV gamma ray from neutron capture on hydrogen that is currently used for neutron tagging. By tagging...
The phenomenology of dark matter would be complicated if dark matter is a composite particle as a hadron under a dark gauge group. Once a dark parton is produced at a high energy collider, it eventually evolves to a jet-like object and provides a collider signature depending on interactions with the Standard Model particles. For example, a finite lifetime of dark hadron would provide a...
Measurements of the inclusive and differential top-quark pair production cross sections in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at center-of-mass energies of 8 TeV and 13 TeV are presented. The inclusive measurements reach high precision and are compared to the best available theoretical calculations. Differential measurements of the kinematic...
In pp collisions at LHC energies, charmonium resonances are predominantly produced in hard scattering processes and a subsequent hadronization of the heavy quark pair into a bound state. The production process involves very different energy scales, with the initial quark pair being produced in a high-$Q^2$ process that allows for a perturbative treatment while the following formation of the...
CAPP’s flagship axion experiment, CULTASK, employs dilution refrigerators to lower the physical temperature of resonant cavities to less than 40 mK - the coldest ever for axion search. We prepared a complete set of the microwave axion detector (CAPP-PACE) equipped with an 8 T superconducting magnet with 12 cm inner bore in order to search for axions with mass around 2.5 GHz. The frequency...
The b→s gamma process is sensitive to new physics since the new heavy particles can enter in the loop and thus change the branching fractions, CP asymmetry or other kinetic variables. We present on measurement of the CP asymmetry and isospin asymmetry of B → Xs gamma and B → K* gamma, and also their difference of CP asymmetry between charged and neutral modes. The analyses are based on the...
The ATLAS detector was designed and built to study proton-proton collisions produced at the LHC at centre-of-mass energies up to 14 TeV and instantaneous luminosities up to 10^{34} cm^{−2} s^{−1}. A liquid argon-lead sampling calorimeter (LAr) is employed as electromagnetic calorimeter and hadronic calorimeter, except in the barrel region, where a scintillator-steel sampling calorimeter...
We present next-to-leading order QCD predictions for $Wb\bar b+n$-jet ($n=0,1,2,3$) production at the Large Hadron Collider with $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. We work in the four-flavor number scheme with a non-vanishing bottom-quark mass and include all subprocesses at leading electroweak order as well as all heavy-fermion-loop effects. We show the impact of QCD corrections for total as well as...
Exclusive photoproduction of $\rho(770)$ vector mesons is studied using the H1 detector at HERA. A sample of about $700000$ decays $\rho\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ was collected in the years 2006-2007, using the H1 fast track trigger. It corresponds to an integrated luminosity of $1.3$ pb$^{-1}$. The sample is used to study cross-sections as a function of the invariant mass $m_{\pi\pi}$ of the decay...
LHCb, while purpose built for b-physics, also functions as a general purpose forward detector, covering the pseudo-rapidity range 2.0 to 5.0. Measurements of top production in the LHCb acceptance have particular sensitivity to high values of Bjorken-x, and offer complementary PDF constraints to measurements at the central detectors. In addition, the higher contribution from quark-initiated...
We investigate a scenario of Strongly Interacting Massive Particles (SIMPs) where the thermal relic density of dark pion dark matter (DM) is determined by number changing 3→2 annihilations in a strongly interacting dark sector. In this scenario, including dark vector mesons in the hidden local symmetry scheme, we find that dark vector mesons unitarize the dark chiral perturbation theory (ChPT)...
The nuclear modification factors of the ground and excited states of J/psi were measured via dimuon channels in pPb and PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV. The analysis was performed as functions of collision centrality, rapidity, and transverse momentum. The results are discussed in the framework of the modified nuclear parton distribution function (for pPb) and the interaction of charmonia with...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive Phase II upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). In particular, a new timing layer will measure minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with a time resolution of ~30ps and hermetic coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of |η|=3. This MIP Timing...
The presence of dark matter had profound consequences on the evolution of the Universe. The Standard Model does not accommodate a suitable dark matter candidate. Therefore, the existence of dark matter is a crucial phenomenological evidence for physics Beyond the Standard Model. The pressing goal of current and future dark matter experiments is to answer the question of whether dark matter...
With the large integrated luminosity collected and the high efficiency of its di-muon triggers, the CMS experiment is a privileged test bench for rare decays involving heavy flavors. We report about the most recent measurements based on LHC Run 2 data, including decays of B and tau particles to muons and rare vector boson decays to heavy flavors.
In the early Universe, there exists a matter-dominated era, that is driven by inflaton oscillation, curvaton, moduli or long-lived heavy particles. In this early matter domination, dark matter exists and show different behavior from the standard one during radiation domination, from the relics density to the density perturbation, constraints on the reheating temperature and baryogengesis. In...
Exclusive processes at high momentum transfer, such as Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) access the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) of the nucleon. GPDs offer the exciting possibility of mapping the 3-D internal structure of protons and neutrons by providing a transverse image of the constituents as a function of their longitudinal momentum.
A vigorous experimental program is...
After the initial observation of neutrino oscillations using atmospheric neutrinos, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the mixing paradigm using long-baseline and reactor neutrinos. Despite these successes, there are several open questions remaining, including the ordering of the neutrino masses, the octant of the atmospheric mixing angle, and whether or not neutrino...
Recent results on single top quark production are presented, performed using CMS data collected at different centre-of-mass energies. The single top quark analyses investigate separately the production of top quarks via t-channel exchange, in association with a W boson (tW) or via the s-channel. Differential measurements of t-channel production cross sections are also presented.
Excellent electron and photon identification capabilities are crucial for many aspects of the ATLAS
physics program, from standard model measurements (including Higgs boson) to new physics searches.
The identification of prompt photons and the rejection of backgrounds, mostly coming from photons
from hadron decays, relies on the high granularity of the ATLAS calorimeter. Electron...
Charm mesons are excellent probes for studying the properties of the hot and dense medium created in heavy-ion collisions. The measurement of their nuclear modification factor, elliptic and triangular flow can provide strong constraints for the mechanisms of in-medium energy loss. In this talk, the latest measurements of the $D^0$ in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV will be presented.
The CAST-IBS/CAPP experiment is a joint effort between the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) collaboration [1] and the Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (IBS/CAPP) [2], searching for cold dark matter axions.
In this project, tunable rectangular cavities are inserted in the 9T CAST dipole magnet, an LHC prototype, at CERN.
The traditional haloscope technique first suggested by...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is one of the two multi-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and has a broad physics program. Many aspects of this program depend on our ability to trigger, reconstruction and identify events with final state electrons, positrons, and photons with the CMS detector with excellent efficiency and high resolution.
In this talk we present...
Precise measurment of the Higgs couplings is a central part of the energy-frontier physics program. Obtaining the small couplings to light states is particularly difficult. We describe a new technique for studying the Higgs coupling to the strange quark using H --> ssbar events at a 250 GeV e+e- collider. With this method, the sensitivity of the proposed FCC-ee collider is at a level of only a...
Measurements of single top-quark production in proton-proton collisions and of angular correlations in single top-quark events are presented based on the 8 TeV and 13 TeV ATLAS datasets. For the production of single top quarks in the t-channel and the tW-channel, measurements of inclusive and differential cross-sections are included. Evidence for s-channel production using 8 TeV data and the...
We propose a spectral decomposition to systematically extract information of dark matter at hadron colliders. The differential cross section of events with missing transverse energy (MET) can be expressed by a linear combination of basis functions. In the case of s-channel mediator models for dark matter particle production, basis functions are identified with the differential cross sections...
The CT-PPS (CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer) detector system consists of silicon tracking stations as well as timing detectors to measure both the position and direction of protons and their time-of-flight with high precision. They are located at around 200 m from the interaction point in the very forward region on both sides of the CMS experiment. CT-PPS is built to study Central...
The Matter-wave Atomic Gradiometer Interferometric Sensor (MAGIS) collaboration seeks to connect two quantum sensors across a long baseline. The phase in each device is compared across this baseline, enabling broad applications for basic science. The science is enabled by the ongoing advances in atomic clocks and atom interferometry.
The experiment is sensitive to the distortion of the...
An accurate calibration of the energy measurement of electron and photon is needed for many ATLAS physics analyses. The calibration of the energy measurement is performed in-situ using a large statistics of Z->ee events. A pre-requisite of this calibration is a good understanding of the material in front of the calorimeter and of the inter-calibration of the different calorimeter layers. The...
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are effective probes of the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. Produced mainly in initial hard parton scatterings on shorter time scales compared to the QGP formation time, they witness the full evolution of the system, interacting with the medium constituents and losing energy. The measurement of...
ORCA is the low-energy detector of KM3NeT, the next generation underwater Cherenkov neutrino observatory in the Mediterranean Sea. With ORCA, the primary goal is to resolve the long-standing unsolved question of whether the neutrino mass ordering is normal or inverted, by measuring matter oscillation effects with atmospheric neutrinos. The ORCA design foresees a dense configuration of KM3NeT...
The relaxion mechanism provides a potentially elegant solution to the hierarchy problem without resorting to anthropic or other fine-tuning arguments. This mechanism introduces an axion-like field, dubbed the relaxion, whose expectation value determines the electroweak hierarchy as well as the QCD strong CP violating θ parameter. However, in the original model proposed by Graham, Kaplan and...
Angular analyses of penguin B hadron decays such as B0->K ll constitute one of the main indirect probes of new physics at LHC, due to the clean theoretical predictions and precise experimental results that can be obtained. In this report we present the most recent results of the CMS experiment on this subject, including the measurement of the P1 and P5’ angular variables in B0->Kmumu decays...
The ATLAS experiment has performed accurate measurements of mixing and CP violation in the neutral B mesons, and also of rare processes happening in electroweak FCNC-suppressed neutral B-mesons decays. This talk will focus on the latest results from ATLAS, such as rare processes: B^0_s → mu mu and B^0 → mu mu; and CPV in Bs to Jpsi Phi
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been successfully delivering proton-proton collision data at the unprecedented center of mass energy of 13 TeV. An upgrade is planned to increase the instantaneous luminosity delivered by LHC in what is called HL-LHC, aiming to deliver a total of up 3000/fb to 4000/fb of data per experiment. To cope with the expected data-taking conditions ATLAS is planning...
A general two Higgs doublet model (2HDM) is adopted to study the signature of
flavor changing neutral Higgs (FCNH) decay
$\phi^0 \to t\bar{c}+\bar{t}c$ and $\phi^0 \to \tau\mu$, where
$\phi^0$ could be a CP-even scalar ($H^0$) or a CP-odd pseudoscalar ($A^0$)
as well as $t \to c h^0$.
Measurement of the light 125 GeV neutral Higgs boson ($h^0$) couplings at the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)...
We discuss the asymmetry between yields of forward- and backward-produced top and antitop quarks in $p\bar p \to t\bar t$ events at the Tevatron collider. These measurements use the full Run II data set in lepton plus jets and dilepton channels, recorded in the D0 and CDF detectors, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $\approx 2\times10\ $fb$^{-1}$ . The combinations of inclusive and...
Following a fruitful Observation Run 2 (O2, November 2016 - August 2017) marked by the first three-detector observation of a binary black hole merger and the first ever detection of a binary neutron merger followed by the discovery of the optical counterpart of the gravitational-wave signal, the LIGO and Virgo giant interferometers started a new upgrade phase with a twofold goal: to improve...
A rich set of open heavy flavour states is observed by LHCb in pPb collisions data collected at 5 and 8.16 TeV nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy. Results include the new measurements of production of beauty hadrons in pA collisions through cleanly reconstructed exclusive decays. Open charm states include the Lambda_c baryon, that was also observed in pA collisions for the first time by LHCb.
In the present paper, the ATLAS inclusive $W^{\pm}$ and $Z$ boson production data are analysed together with the CMS inclusive $W^{\pm}$ and $Z$ boson production data to investigate any possible tensions between the data sets and to determine the strange sea fraction, within the framework of a parton distribution function fit at next-to next-to leading order in perturbative QCD.
DANSS is a solid state scintillation detector of reactor antineutrino,
placed just below 3.1 GW industrial light water reactor of Kalininskaya Nuclear
Power Plant about 350 km NW from Moscow. A cubic meter sensitive volume of
the detector is formed by 2500 scintillator strips with individual SiPM
readout. Groups of 50 strips are also readout by conventional PMTs.
Reactor antineutrinos are...
Searches in CMS for dark matter in final states with invisible particles recoiling against visible states are presented. Various topologies and kinematic variables are explored, including jet substructure as a means of tagging heavy bosons. The focus of the talk is the recent results obtained using data collected at Run-II of the LHC.
We discuss the LHC sensitivity to top partner production in a model where the Standard Model (SM) is extended by an SU(2) singlet top partner and a SM gauge singlet scalar.
Unlike most searches for top partners which are concerned with three conventional decay modes, Wb, tZ and tH, the decay pattern of the top partner in this model can be significantly altered with new decay modes, gluon +...
The ATLAS experiment is currently preparing for an upgrade of the inner tracking for High-Luminosity LHC operation, scheduled to start in 2026. The radiation damage at the maximum integrated luminosity of 4000/fb implies integrated hadron fluencies over 2x10^16 neq/cm2 requiring replacement of the existing Inner Detector. An all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) is proposed with a pixel detector...
Parton distribution functions (PDFs) are crucial ingredients for measurements at hadron colliders, since they describe the initial states and therefore critically impact the precision of cross section predictions for observables. This talk will review recent precision analyses, where the PDFs play an important role and discuss the impact of several new ATLAS cross-section measurements on PDFs...
Measurements of Higgs boson production in Higgs boson decays to two tau leptons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV are presented.
The large centre-of-mass energy available at the proton-proton collider LHC allows for the copious production of top quark pairs in association with other final state particles at high transverse momenta. The ATLAS experiment has measured several final state observables that are sensitive to additional radiation in top anti-top quark final states. Results on the top production in association...
Many models of physics beyond the SM, motivated by the recent astrophysical anomalies, include the possibility of a new types of weak-interacting degrees of freedom. Typical models, such as Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric SM and Light Hidden Dark-sector model,predict a low-mass Higgs and a Dark Bosons, respectively. The masses and decay modes of these particles are expected to be accessible at...
In this work, inflationary models with Gauss-Bonnet term is classified into two categories based on their prediction for the tensor spectral index ($n_T$). We showed that the energy spectrum of the primordial gravitational waves (GWs) induced by a group of models that predict blue-tilted tensor spectrum ($n_T>0$) can be probed by the future space-based laser interferometer experiment such as...
The NEOS experiment has successfully measured the reactor antineutrino energy spectrum at 24 m distance from Hanbit reactor unit 5 for 180 days of reactor operation and constrained the active-to-sterile oscillation parameters. An extended measurement for a whole burnup cycle by the NEOS Phase-II will be a unique probe for the dependence of the reactor antineutrino flux and spectrum on the fuel...
MoEDAL, is a pioneering LHC experiment designed to search for anomalously ionizing messengers of new physics such as magnetic monopoles or massive (pseudo-)stable charged particles, that are predicted to existing a plethora of models beyond the Standard Model. It started data taking at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, in 2015. Its ground breaking physics program defines a number...
The relative yields and the nuclear modification factors of the ground and excited Upsilon states were measured via dimuon channels in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV. The analysis was performed as functions of collision centrality, rapidity, and transverse momentum. The results in PbPb are compared with the previous ones in pPb collisions. The results are discussed in terms of the sequential...
The electroweak penguin B decay process b → s l+ l- is a sensitive probe to New Physics (NP) Recent measurements of angular variable of B → K* l+ l- by LHCb and Belle indicate a deviation from the standard model, and further measurements on these process are of interest in the search of NP. In this presentation, we report on the measurements of lepton flavor non universality tests and search...
The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS) has been operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV center-of-mass energy, with a bunch spacing of 25 ns and instantaneous luminosity exceeding 10^34 cm-2s-1. The CMS ECAL design ensures that its superb performance extends over a very wide range of energies, up to...
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider. The accelerator has already successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016 and first electron positron collisions in Belle II are expected for April 2018. The design luminosity of SuperKEKB is $8 \times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$...
Most searches for top partners, T, are concerned with top partner pair production. However, as these bounds become increasingly stringent, the LHC energy will saturate and single top partner production will become more important. We study the LHC sensitivity to single top partner production in a model where the Standard Model (SM) is extended by an SU(2) singlet top partner and a SM gauge...
Energy-frontier DIS can be realised at CERN through an energy recovery linac that would produce 60 GeV electrons to collide with the HL-LHC or later HE-LHC (LHeC) or eventually the FCC hadron beams (FCC-eh). It would deliver electron-proton collisions with centre-of-mass energies in the range 0.3-3.5 TeV, and luminosities exceeding $10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. In this talk we will present new...
PROSPECT (Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum) is a short-baseline reactor antineutrino experiment. PROSPECT consists of a segmented 4-ton $^{6}$Li liquid scintillator antineutrino detector that will precisely measure the $^{235}{U}$ fission antineutrino spectrum from the High-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). PROSPECT's high statistics and high...
A comprehensive set of measurements of top quark pair and single top quark production in association with EWK bosons (W, Z or ɣ) is presented. The results are compared to theory predictions and re-interpreted as searches for new physics inducing deviations from the standard model predictions using an effective field theory approach. The status of the search for four top quark production, to...
The latest results of the measurement of the Higgs boson decaying to tau lepton pairs will be presented. The analysis is performed using data collected with the CMS experiment in 2016 and 2017 at the LHC from pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 13 TeV.
The expected increase of the particle flux at the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) with instantaneous luminosities up to L ≃ 7.5 × 10³⁴ cm¯² s¯¹ will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector performance. The pile-up is expected to increase on average to 200 interactions per bunch crossing. The reconstruction and trigger performance for electrons, photons as well as jets and...
Beauty quark production in heavy-ion collisions is considered to be one of the key measurements to address the flavour-dependence of in-medium energy loss in heavy-ion collisions. On the other hand, the measurement of the production of strange beauty mesons can provide fundamental insights into the relevance of mechanisms of beauty recombination in the quark-gluon plasma. In this talk, we will...
The coupling of the electroweak gauge bosons of the Standard Model (SM) to leptons is lepton flavour universal. Extensions of the SM do not necessarily have this property. Rare decays of heavy flavour are heavily suppressed in the SM and new particles can give sizeable contributions to these processes, their precise study thus allows for sensitive tests of lepton flavour universality. Of...
Top quark production can probe physics beyond the SM in different ways. Some processes, and especially certain angular correlations, are sensitive to the existence of anomalous top quark couplings. In the SM, flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNC) are forbidden at tree level and are strongly suppressed in loop corrections. Several extensions of the SM incorporate significantly enhanced FCNC...
A study of anomalous Higgs boson couplings and CP violation is presented using the Higgs boson decay mode with a pair of fermions in the final state. Associated production of the Higgs boson with two jets is used in this analysis, which is driven by the VBF, VH, and gluon fusion production mechanisms. Constraints on the anomalous couplings and CP-violating parameters are obtained by the CMS...
The knowledge of the proton parton densities for large x is very important in the search for new physics signals at the LHC. For Bjorken-x larger than 0.6 they are however poorly constrained by the data used in extracting the proton parton density functions (PDFs) and different pdf sets have large uncertainties, and differ considerably, in this regime. We compare the pdf sets most widely...
While grand unified theories offer potential solutions to problems with the Standard Model, such as the origins of charge quantization, their signature prediction, proton decay, has not been observed experimentally. Hyper-Kamiokande is a next-generation water Cherenkov experiment with a 187~kton target volume that will provide unprecedented sensitivity to a variety of nucleon decay modes,...
In the recent period, re-evaluations of the neutrino flux and spectrum emitted by nuclear reactors have led to the so-called Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (RAA). This anomaly could be caused by the existence of a light sterile neutrino eigenstate participating in the neutrino oscillation phenomenon. This implies the presence of a fourth mass eigenstate, while global fits of reactor experimental...
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will integrate 10 times more luminosity than the LHC, posing significant challenges for radiation tolerance and event pileup on detectors, especially for forward calorimetry, and hallmarks the issue for future colliders. As part of its HL-LHC upgrade program, the CMS collaboration is designing a High Granularity Calorimeter to replace the existing endcap...
The measurement of strangeness production is one of the powerful tools to study the thermal properties of the QGP and while strangeness enhancement is a well established experimental observation in heavy ion collisions, its interpretation is still debated.
In particular the study of (multi-)strangeness particle production as a function of the event multiplicity in different collision...
The alignment phenomenon, that the 125 GeV $h^0$ boson so resembles the Standard Model Higgs boson, can be understood in a two Higgs doublet model without discrete symmetry. The Yukawa couplings $\rho_{tt}$ and $\rho_{tc}$ offer new probes for the extra scalar $H^0$ and pseudoscalar $A^0$. We propose to search for $cg \to tH^0$, $tA^0$ followed by $H^0$, $A^0 \to t\bar t$, $t\bar c$, where...
Future Higgs factories can reach impressive precision on Higgs property measurements. In this talk, we explore its sensitivity to new physics models at the electron-positron colliders. In particular, we study two categories of new physics models, Standard Model with a real scalar singlet extension, and Two Higgs Double Model as examples of weakly-interacting models, Minimal Composite...
Several anomalies in the neutrino sector are pointing towards the existence of a new (sterile) neutrino state with a mass around 1 eV. The SoLid experiment is located at the SCK•CEN BR2 research reactor in Belgium and will investigate this possibility. Using the large flux of anti-neutrino generated in the reactor, it will collect a high statistics sample of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) events....
Recent hints for lepton-universality violation in b->clnu and b->sll transitions could imply the existence of lepton-flavour violating B decays. The LHCb experiment is well suited for the search for these decays due to its large acceptance and trigger efficiency, as well as its excellent invariant mass resolution and particle identification capabilities. Recent results on searches for...
The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle and probing its couplings with the other fundamental particle may open a window to physics beyond the Standard Model. Searches for flavour-changing neutral current top-quark interactions are discussed based on the 13 TeV ATLAS dataset. Searches for rare top quark decays to Higgs and Z bosons are presented in top quark pair production,...
A phenomenological study of the final combined HERA data on inclusive deep inelastic scattering (DIS) has been performed. The data are presented and investigated for a kinematic range extending from values of the four-momentum transfer, $Q^2$, above $10^4$ GeV$^2$ down to the lowest values observable at
HERA of $Q^2 = 0.045$ GeV$^2$ and Bjorken $x$, $x_{\rm Bj} = 6 \times 10^{−7}$. The data...
In order to meet the requirements of the upcoming luminosity upgrade of the LHC, the Micromegas (MM) technology was selected to be adopted for the New Small Wheel (NSW) upgrade, dedicated to precision tracking. A large surface of the forward regions of the Muon Spectrometer will be equipped with 8 layers of MM modules forming a total active area of 1200 m2. The NSW is scheduled to be installed...
The increased luminosity of the HL-LHC requires a new, high rate capable, high resolution detector technology for the inner end cap of the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment. For this purpose the Micromegas technology is chosen as precision tracker. The SM2 modules are 2 m^2 -sized micromegas quadruplets. This large size requires a sophisticated construction to provide a spatial...
Many Standard Model extensions which address the hierarchy problem contain Dirac-fermion partners of the top quark at the TeV scale. Searches for these vector-like quarks mostly focus on their decay into electroweak gauge bosons and a Standard Model quark.
In this talk we discuss several classes of composite Higgs models with top partners which have underlying descriptions in terms of a...
The production of charm quarks in charged current interactions at HERA is investigated using the ZEUS detector. The present analysis considers measurements taken in HERA II period (2003 - 2007) where major detector upgrades were implemented at ZEUS. With an integrated luminosity of about 350 pb$^{-1}$), the HERA II data has enough statistics to probe the strangeness in the proton via charm...
The Heavy Photon Search (HPS) experiment at Jefferson Lab is searching for a new $U(1)$ vector boson ("heavy photon", "dark photon" or $A'$) in the mass range of 20-500 MeV/c$^2$. An $A'$ in this mass region is natural in hidden sector models of light, thermal dark matter. The $A'$ couples to the ordinary photon through kinetic mixing, which induces its coupling to electric charge. Since heavy...
In its original 2002-2007 run, MiniBooNE observed an anomalous and yet-unexplained excess of electromagnetic events at low energy neutrino energies. This observation is one of several that has pushed the discussion and search for sterile neutrinos. Since 2016, MiniBooNE has been collecting new neutrino-mode data, doubling the statistics from the original 2002-2007 run. We will revisit the...
Rare b->sll decays are flavour changing neutral current processes that are forbidden at the lowest perturbative order in the Standard Model (SM). As a consequence, new particles in SM extensions can significantly affect the branching fractions of these decays and their angular distributions. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of these decays due to its high trigger...
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) at RAL has studied the ionization cooling of muons. Several million individual particle tracks have been recorded passing through a series of focusing magnets in a number of different configurations and a liquid hydrogen or lithium hydride absorber.
Measurement of the tracks upstream and downstream of the absorber has shown the expected effects of...
Among cosmological relaxation solutions to the weak-scale hierarchy problem, gauge boson production is a particularly efficient backreaction mechanism for trapping the relaxion. In these models, scanning can even happen after inflation and the relaxion field range can be sub-Planckian, with no extremely small parameters or large e-foldings involved. We consider a model where particle...
Machine learning is of increasing importance to high energy physics as dataset sizes and data rates grow, while sensitivity to standard model and new physics signals are continually pushed to new extremes. Machine learning has proven to be advantageous in many contexts, and applications now span areas as diverse as triggering, monitoring, reconstruction, simulation, and data analysis. This...
The branching fraction of the decay Bs → Ds X has been measured by Belle and other experiments, but with indirect methods which have model-dependent limitations. We report a direct measurement of this decay by tagging one Bs from Y(5S) with semi-leptonic decay (Bs → Ds l nu), where several Ds decay modes are combined to increase the total statics. We also report a search for eta and eta'...
The Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation (RENO) has been taking reactor antineutrinos data from the six reactors at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in Korea using two identical near and far detectors since August, 2011. The samllest neutrino mixing angle θ_13 has been successfully measured by observing the disappearance of reactor antineutrinos. In 2016, RENO has published an updated value...
The Standard Model predicts decay channels of the Higgs boson that are rare and have not yet been seen. Searches for Higgs boson decays to two muons or to a Z boson and a photon based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV are presented.
Searches for supersymmetry at the LHC have pushed the mass limits for strongly-produced sparticles to the TeV level and make the reconstruction and identification of boosted objects to an essential tool for current and future searches for supersymmetry. These objects can originate from the final stage of a short decay chain, or arise heavy gauge or Higgs bosons produced in a decay chain. The...
In the high luminosity era of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), the instantaneous luminosity is expected to reach unprecedented values, resulting in about 200 proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch crossing. To cope with the resultant increase in occupancy, bandwidth and radiation damage, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk),...
The LHC machine is planning an upgrade program which will smoothly bring the luminosity at about 5*10^34cm-2s-1 in 2028, to possibly reach an integrated luminosity of 3000fb-1 by the end of 2037. This High Luminosity LHC scenario, HL-LHC, will require a preparation program of the LHC detectors known as Phase-2 upgrade. The current CMS Outer Tracker, already running beyond design...
We propose a minimal extension of the standard model with U(1)_B−L × Z_2 symmetry. In this model by assuming that the neutrinos are Dirac (i.e. B − L is an exact symmetry), we found a simultaneous solution for non zero neutrino masses and dark matter content of the universe. The observed baryon asymmetry of the universe is also explained using Dirac Leptogenesis, which is assisted by a dark...
The Daya Bay experiment is designed to precisely measure the reactor electron-antineutrino oscillation utilizing eight functionally identical detectors placed at three underground experiment halls. The antineutrinos are generated from six reactor cores distributed with baselines from 500 m to 1600 m. In 2012, the Daya Bay experiment observed the reactor antineutrino disappearance and presented...
Searches for the pair-production of colored supersymmetric particles are presented. The results cover different scenarios of gluino and squark production, including models of split supersymmetry that predict long-lived gluinos. The results are based on proton-proton collisions recorded at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the CMS detector.
The latest results on searches of Higgs boson rare decays will be presented. The talk includes H to \mu\mu and H to invisible analyses.
Machine learning is of increasing importance to high energy physics as dataset sizes and data rates grow, while sensitivity to standard model and new physics signals are continually pushed to new extremes. Machine learning has proven to be advantageous in many contexts, and applications now span areas as diverse as triggering, monitoring, reconstruction, simulation, and data analysis. This...
The hadronic transitions involving an eta meson, thoroughly studied by Belle, are the largest transitions from Y(4S) to the narrow bottomonia. The transition Υ(4S)→η′Υ(1S) yields insights on the quark content of the pseudoscalar mesons, and on the mechanism of heavy quark spin symmetry breaking, if compared with the eta transitions, We report the first observation of this transition, with the...
We search for the rare flavor-changing neutral current process $B^- \to \Lambda \bar{p} \nu \bar{\nu}$ using data from the BABAR experiment. A total of 424fb$^{−1}$ of $e^+e^−$ collision data collected at the center-of-mass energy of the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance is used in this study, corresponding to a sample of $(471\pm3)\times 10^6$ $B-\bar{B}$ pairs. Signal $B^- \to \Lambda \bar{p} \nu ...
The present CMS muon system operates three different detector types: in the barrel drift tubes (DT) and resistive plate chambers (RPC), cathode strip chambers (CSC) and RPCs in the forward regions. In order to cope with the challenging conditions of increasing luminosity, several upgrades are planned to the trigger and muon systems. For the existing DT and CSC detectors, the electronics will...
I will show that the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) is generated from the hypermagnetic helicity decay without being washed out by the sphalerons. Moreover such hypermangetic fields still remain until today as the intergalactic magnetic fields, which will be the smoking gun of the scenario. I will also discuss a possible mechanism to generate such hypermagnetic fields. That is, the...
Multiple Coulomb scattering and energy loss are well known phenomena experienced by charged particles as they traverse a material. However, from recent measurements by the MuScat collaboration, it is known that the available simulation codes (GEANT4, for example) overestimate the scattering of muons in low Z materials. This is of particular interest to the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment...
Theories beyond the Standard Model predict Higgs boson decays at a much enhanced rate compared to the Standard Model, e.g. for decays to Z+photon or a meson and a photon. This talk presents recent results based pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.
Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak-scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. This talk summarises recent ATLAS results on inclusive searches for supersymmetric squarks of the first two generations, and gluinos in R-parity conserving models that predict dark matter candidates. The searches target final states including jets,...
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment consists of eight functionally identical detectors placed underground at different baselines from six 2.9 $\mathrm{GW_{th}}$ reactor cores. Since Dec. 2011, the experiment has collected more than 2.2 million inverse beta decay (IBD) candidates to date, enabling a precision measurement of the absolute reactor antineutrino flux and spectrum, and their...
We report on recent studies of quarkonium decays performed with the data collected by the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II $e^+e^-$ collider.
In particular, we use the entire BaBar dataset to study the reaction $e^+ e^- \to \gamma_{ISR} J/\psi$, with $J/\psi \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0$, $J/\psi \to K^+ K^- \pi^0$, or $J/\psi \to K_S K^\pm \pi^\mp$, and the photon $\gamma_{ISR}$ is produced via...
The muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector will undergo a major upgrade during the Long Shutdown 3, in order to cope with the operational conditions at the high-luminosity LHC. The trigger and readout system will be completely redesigned, to support Level-0 trigger rates of 1--4 MHz and a latency of 10 us.
To do so, the readout electronics of all the trigger and precision chambers will be...
The anomalies recently observed in b→sμμ data could be early signals of physics beyond the standard model (SM) in b→s transitions. Assuming this to be the case, we consider a scenario in which a Z' boson is responsible for the anomalies. We further assume that its interactions also affect rare nonleptonic decays of the Bs meson which tend to be dominated by...
To attain its ultimate discovery goals, the luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will increase so the amount of additional collisions will reach a level of 200 interaction per bunch crossing, a factor 7 w.r.t the current (2017) luminosity. This will be a challenge for the ATLAS and CMS experiments, in particular for track reconstruction algorithms. In terms of software, the...
We propose a WIMP baryogensis achieved by the annihilation of non-thermally produced WIMPs from decay of heavy particles, which can result in low reheating temerature. Dark matter (DM) can be produced non-thermally during a reheating period created by the decay of long-lived heavy particle, and subsequently re-annihilate to lighter particles even after the thermal freeze-out. The...
Naturalness arguments for weak-scale supersymmetry favour supersymmetric partners of the third generation quarks with masses not too far from those of their Standard Model counterparts. The phenomenology ranges from final states of top or bottom quark pairs and two dark matter candidates, to more complex scenarios involving non-prompt sparticle decays or R-parity violating signatures. This...
The searches for light pseudoscalar Higgs bosons pair produced from the decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson and resulting in various final states (4mu, 4tau, 2mu2tau, 2b2tau) and low mass Higgs bosons will be summarised. The analyses are performed using data collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC from pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 13 TeV.
Additional generations of neutrinos that do not participate in standard V-A interactions - hence called “sterile” - arise in many extensions of the Standard Model. The existence of light sterile neutrino, with masses at eV or sub-eV scale, could explain several anomalies in short neutrino oscillation experiments as well as discrepancy in cosmological measurements of the Hubble parameter. I...
The instantaneous luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will be increased up to a factor of five with respect to the design value by undergoing an extensive upgrade program over the coming decade. Such increase will allow for precise measurements of Higgs boson properties and extend the search for new physics phenomena beyond the Standard Model. The largest phase-1 upgrade project...
The Bc meson, the heaviest amongst known meson, decays through the weak interaction. Its double heavy quark content make it an interesting laboratory for test of effective theories of the strong interaction with a unique setting for production, decay and spectroscopy studies. This talk presents recent progress on Bc decays obtained at LHCb.
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a reactor-based neutrino oscillation experiment primarily aiming at resolving neutrino mass hierarchy (MH) located in South China. There are a few key elements in designing the JUNO detector in order to resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy with high confidence levels. To get sufficient statistics within a reasonable amount of time, JUNO...
We discuss the early-universe cosmology of a Kaluza-Klein (KK) tower of scalar fields in the presence of a mass-generating phase transition, focusing on the time-development of the total tower energy density as well as its distribution across the different KK modes. We find that both of these features are extremely sensitive to the details of the phase transition and can behave in a variety...
The configurations of the CEPC and the SPPC were proposed in September, 2012. To reduce the costs of the construction and the operation, high efficiency klystrons is preferred for the Collider ring. In this scenario, the plan to develop the high efficiency 650MHz/800kW CW klystron with an ultimate goal of 80% is initialized. Since there are no any experiences and infrastructures such as the...
Many extensions of the standard model including SUSY predict new particles with long lifetimes, such that the position of their decay is measurably displaced from their production vertex, and particles giving rise to other non-conventional signatures. We present recent results of searches for long-lived particles and other non-conventional signatures obtained using data recorded by the CMS...
Theories beyond the Standard Model predict Higgs boson decays that do not exist in the Standard Model, such as decays into two light bosons (a). This talk presents recent results based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.
Rare semileptonic $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ transitions provide some of the most promising framework to search for New Physics effects.
Recent analyses have indicated an anomalous pattern in measurements of lepton-flavour-universality observables.
We propose a novel approach to independently and complementary clarify the nature of these effects
by performing a simultaneous amplitude...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded in several phases that will allow to significantly expand its physics program and sustain the requirements to maintain sensitivity for the electroweak and TeV scales. After the expected long shutdown in 2018 (LS2) the accelerator luminosity will be increased to 2 − 3 × 10^34cm−2s−1 exceeding the design value of 1 × 10^34cm−2s−1 allowing the CMS...
Beauty production in events containing two muons in the final state has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA II. A low transverse-momentum threshold for muon identification, in combination with the large rapidity coverage of the ZEUS muon system and the upgraded ZEUS tracker, gives access to almost the full phase space for beauty production. The total cross section for beauty...
GEM detectors have been developed for the Phase II upgrade and will be installed in the endcap stations of the CMS muon system. In detail, the detector station called GE1/1 will be installed during long shutdown 2 scheduled in 2019 and the other detector stations, called GE2/1 and ME0, later. This upgrade will improve the muon trigger and tracking performance in the high-eta region. The Korea...
Particle identification (PID) plays a crucial role in LHCb analyses. Combining information from LHCb subdetectors allows one to distinguish between various species of long-lived charged and neutral particles. PID performance directly affects the sensitivity of most LHCb measurements. Advanced multivariate approaches are used at LHCb to obtain the best PID performance and control systematic...
Many supersymmetric scenarios feature final states with non-standard final state objects. The production of massive sparticles can lead to the production of boosted top quarks or vector bosons, high-pt b-jets. At the same time, transitions between nearly mass-degenerate sparticles can challenge the standard reconstruction because of the presence of very soft leptons or jets. The talk will...
An overview of the latest results on the charged Higgs boson searches by the CMS collaboration is presented. Different production mechanisms, as well as multiple final states (e.g. tau nu, tb and cb) are covered, as different BSM models predict different dominant production and decay modes. Most of the results presented are based on the dataset of proton-proton collisions at center of mass...
Axions or axion-like particles are ubiquitous in many theoretical extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics, in particular the ''string axiverse'' scenario [1-3]. If the phenomenologically defining parameters, the axion mass, $m_a$, and (effective) decay constant, $f_a$, fall in specific ranges, then axions contribute to the cosmological dark matter and dark energy densities of the...
$B$ mesons are the lightest mesons which can decay to various final states containing different baryons. Up to now, the discrepancy between the inclusive branching fraction of all $B$ meson decay modes with at least a couple of baryons in the final state, measured by ARGUS to be $(6.8 \pm 0.6)\%$ , and the sum of exclusive baryonic channels, averaged on neutral and charged $B$ mesons at less...
In the Standard Model, the three charged leptons are identical copies of each other, apart from mass differences. Experimental tests of this feature in semileptonic decays of b-hadrons are highly sensitive to New Physics particles which preferentially couple to the 2nd and 3rd generations of leptons. This talk will review the latest lepton universality tests in semileptonic b->c transitions at LHCb.
The Phase-I and Phase-II upgrades of the LHC accelerator will increase the LHC instantaneous luminosity to 2×1034 cm−2s−1 and 7.5×1034 cm−2s−1, respectively. The luminosity increase drastically impacts the ATLAS trigger and readout data rates. The present ATLAS small wheel muon detector will be replaced with a New Small Wheel (NSW) detector in 2019. The NSW will feature two new detector...
In HEP experiments CPU resources required by MC simulations are constantly growing and become a very large fraction of the total computing power (greater than 75%). At the same time the pace of performance improvements from technology is slowing down, so the only solution is a more efficient use of resources. Efforts are ongoing in the LHC experiments to provide multiple options for simulating...
I will describe nonstandard matter effects in the next generation long-baseline experiments, DUNE, T2HK and T2HKK.
We report progress on stabilising relativistic electron beams, in terms of their position and arrival time, for achieving high luminosity at future lepton colliders such as the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Hardware has been developed and deployed at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK for measuring and stabilising the beam position at the...
The MSSM predicts the existence of additional neutral and charged Higgs bosons. This presentation will discuss results from recent searches for charged Higgs bosons in several decay channels based on collision data collected at 13 TeV, and their interpretation within the MSSM.
The existence of physics beyond the standard model (BSM) is established with the observation of neutrino flavor oscillations. Germanium detectors with their excellent energy response and sub-keV sensitivities [1] provide a unique tool to probe a class of BSM scenarios. The TEXONO Collaboration [2] has been pursuing these studies experimentally, complemented by adaptation of advanced atomic...
In standard model of cosmology, B-mode polarization of the CMB can be generated due to the tensor perturbation of metric which is related to gravitational effects in the inflation epoch and scalar perturbation can not explain B-mode polarization. We consider Compton scattering in non-commutative framework and show that Compton scattering in presence of non-commutative background and scalar...
With the increase of the LHC luminosity foreseen in the coming years many detectors currently used in the different LHC experiments will be dramatically impacted and some need to be replaced. The new ones should be capable not only to support the high particle rate but also to provide time information to reduce the data ambiguity due to the expected high pileup.
RPC using low-resistivity...
Modeling the detector response to collisions is one of the most CPU expensive and time-consuming aspects in the LHC. The current ATLAS baseline, GEANT4, is highly CPU intensive. With the large collision dataset expected in the future, CPU usage becomes critical. During the LHC Run-1, a fast calorimeter simulation (FastCaloSim) was successfully used by ATLAS. FastCaloSim parametrizes the energy...
KKMC-hh is a precision event-generator for Z production and decay in hadronic collisions, which
applies amplitude-level resummation to both initial and final state photon radiation, including
perturbative residuals exact through order $\alpha^2L$, together with exact order $\alpha$ electroweak matrix element corrections. We present some comparisons to other programs and results showing the...
We apply deep learning methods to various aspects of high energy physics problems, from jet reconstruction to top quark reconstruction at hadron colliders. Various supervised and unsupervised learning method use cases and failure cases are discussed. We describe our setup to make deep learning methods easier for users who are used to analyzing with ROOT data formats.
Telescope Array (TA) is the largest cosmic ray detector in the Northern hemisphere, constructed to study ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with energies above 10^18 eV. The TA consists of an array of scintillation counters with 1200 m spacing and three fluorescence detectors, each viewing 3 to 30 degrees in elevation. The TA has also added a facility (TALE) to extend the energy threshold...
The MSSM predicts the existence of additional neutral and charged Higgs bosons. This presentation will discuss results from recent searches for neutral Higgs bosons in several leptonic decay channels based on collision data collected at 13 TeV, and their interpretation within the MSSM.
SuperKEKB is 7GeV electron and 4GeV positron double-ring collider for the B-meson factory, whose design luminosity is $8 \times 10^{35} \mbox{cm}^{-2}/\mbox{sec}$. We have already completed the phase-1 commissioning without the interaction point from February 2 to June 28, 2016. The phase-2 commissioning with the interaction point is planed to start from March 19, 2018. We report the...
LHCb continues to expand its world-leading sample of charmed hadrons collected during LHC’s Run 1 and Run 2. Recent results on charm production and charm hadron lifetimes are presented.
To cope with large amount of data and high event rate expected from the planned High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade, the present ATLAS monitored drift tube (MDT) readout electronics will be replaced. In addition, the MDT detector will be used at the first-level trigger to improve the muon transverse momentum resolution and reduce the overall trigger rate. A new trigger and readout system has...
The ATLAS Trigger system has been operating successfully during LHC Run-2, between 2015 and 2017. Its excellent performance has been vital for the ATLAS physics program, selecting interesting collision events for a wide variety of physics signatures with high efficiency.
The trigger selection capabilities of ATLAS during Run-2 have been significantly improved compared to Run-1, in order to...
Monitoring the quality of the data being collected by the CMS Muon system to ensure that it fulfills the requirements needed to be used for physics analyses is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. The CMS Muon group is developing a reliable and robust tool that will make use of automated statistical tests and modern machine learning algorithms to reduce the resources needed to run and...
SBND (Short-Baseline Near Detector) is a 112-ton liquid argon TPC neutrino detector under construction in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. Together with MicroBooNE and ICARUS-T600 detectors, SBND will search for short baseline neutrino oscillations in the 1 eV2 mass range. SBND will also perform detailed studies of the physics of neutrino-argon interactions, thanks to a data sample of...
The latest results on searches of for extended Higgs boson sectors will be presented. MSSM Htautau, Hbb, high mass searches, and charged Higgs will be covered.
Many supersymmetry models feature gauginos and sleptons with masses less than a few hundred GeV. These can give rise to direct pair production rates at the LHC that can be observed in the data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector. The talk presents recent ATLAS results from searches for slepton pair production.
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) can be used to study hadronic interactions beyond LHC energies. In this contribution we summarize relevant data from the Pierre Auger Observatory.
While the proton-air cross section has been measured at sqrt(s) = 57 TeV and found to be in good agreement with extrapolations from LHC energies, other observables are significantly different to what is...
LHCb continues to expand its world-leading sample of charmed hadrons collected during LHC’s Run 1 and Run 2. With this data set, LHCb is discovering many previously unobserved charmed states and making the most precise determinations of the properties of these states. LHCb’s latest work on the spectroscopy of charmed hadrons is presented.
Exclusive semileptonic b-hadron decays are under good theoretical control, which allows precise determinations of the CKM matrix elements, Vub and Vcb. The large production of Lambda_b baryons and Bs mesons at the LHC allows LHCb to provide complementary information with respect to the B-factories in this sector, as well as in the measurement of the shape of the Lambda_b differential decay...
During its second run of operation, the LHC delivered proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with a peak instantaneous luminosity larger than $2 \cdot 10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$, more than double the peak luminosity reached during Run1 and far larger than the design value. The upgraded CMS Level-1 trigger is designed to improve the performance at high luminosity and large...
The J-PARC E34 experiment aims to measure muon g-2 with a precision of 0.1 ppm and search for EDM with a sensitivity to 10-21 e*cm with a low emittance muon beam. The low emittance muon beam is generated from surface muon beam after thermal muonium production, dissociation of electron by laser, and acceleration by a radio-frequency (RF) linac. One of challenges for the E34 experiment is muon...
An improved determination of electroweak (EW) parameters using H1 inclusive neutral current and charged current DIS cross sections is presented. The analysis benefits from the usage of the previously published cross sections using longitudinally polarised lepton beams. The parameters are determined in a combined fit of EW parameters together with PDFs. The predictions include NNLO QCD...
Google said it has reduced electricity bills by introducing machine learning into its data center operations. And what else is there?
Several theories beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of new heavy particles decaying into pairs of gauge bosons. In this presentation the latest ATLAS results on searches for resonances decaying into pairs of W or Z bosons or photons, or into a Z boson and a photon, based on 36 fb-1 of pp collision data collected at 13 TeV will be discussed.
The main aim of the LHC forward (LHCf) experiment [1] is to provide precise measurements of the particles production rate in the forward region. These high energy calibration data are very important for the tuning of hadronic interaction models used by ground-based cosmic rays experiments. LHC is the most suitable place where we can perform these measurements because a proton-proton collision...
MicroBooNE is a large 170-ton liquid-argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) neutrino experiment located on the Booster neutrino beamline at Fermilab. The experiment first started collecting neutrino data in October 2015. The detector serves as a next step in a phased program towards the construction of massive kiloton scale LArTPC detectors for future long-baseline neutrino physics (DUNE) and...
The CMS experiment implements a sophisticated two-level triggering system composed of the Level-1, instrumented by custom-design hardware boards, and the High Level Trigger, a streamlined version of the offline reconstruction software running on a computer farm (more than 30k CPU cores). In 2017, the LHC delivered proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with a peak...
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider. The accelerator has already successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016 and first electron positron collisions in Belle II are expected for April 2018. The design luminosity of SuperKEKB is $8 \times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and...
Measurements of $D^{∗}(2010)$ meson production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering ($5 < Q^2 < 100$ GeV$^2$) are presented which are based on HERA data recorded at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 319$ GeV with an integrated luminosity of $287$ pb$^−1$. The reaction $ep\to eXY$ is studied, where the system $X$, containing at least one $D^{∗}(2010)$ meson, is separated from a leading...
Dark matter could be produced at the LHC if it interacts weakly with the Standard Model. The search for dark matter can be performed either directly, by looking for a signature of large missing transverse momentum coming from the dark matter candidates escaping the detector, or more indirectly by looking for the intermediate mediators which would couple the dark matter particles to the...
The latest set of results on Higgs decay to a W boson pair is presented. With a statistics of 36/fb collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at 13 TeV center of mass energy, the Higgs to WW decay has been observed at CMS with more than 5 sigma for the first time, providing a significant contribution to the current fit of the Higgs boson couplings to fermions and vector bosons. Exploiting the...
The MicroBooNE experiment has been taking data in a LArTPC detector at Fermilab since late 2015. This talk will present initial cross-section results from MicroBooNE, alongside our progress on a short-baseline neutrino oscillation analysis in the region of the MiniBooNE low-energy excess. These results will be discussed in the wider context of MicroBooNE's long-term physics goals of neutrino...
The production of massive vector boson pairs is a key process for the understanding of the non-abelian gauge structure of the standard model and for the comprehension of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. The study of the production of vector boson pairs with the presence of two jets in the event allows to measure the electroweak production of vector bosons in association with jets,...
Following the Run 2 LHC data taking, the ATLAS experiment at CERN will enter the first phase (Phase-I) of the planned detector subsystem upgrades. Several systems, in particular, the hardware-based Level-1 calorimeter trigger (L1Calo) will be significantly enhanced to provide improved selectivity at the higher expected pileup in Run 3. During the second long shutdown (LS2) in 2019-2020, the...
We present status of operation and recent progress of the Fermilab proton accelerators, and discuss in our activities toward their near- and far-future upgrades. We also present the spectrum of related accelerator physics and technology R&D activities, including those at the US-leading FAST/IOTA research facility for the intensity frontier beam studies.
In proton-proton (pp) collisions, open heavy-flavour hadrons are valuable tools for testing perturbative Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (pQCD) calculations. Indeed, the large heavy-quark masses (with respect to the QCD scale parameter) allow to calculate the heavy-quark production cross section, as perturbation series in $\alpha_S$ down to $p_{\mathrm T}=0$.
The ALICE experiment has measured D...
Having no new physics signals observed at collider experiments, we are motivated to consider a scenario that the new physics scale is higher than the current collider energies but still within the reach of the cosmic ray experiments covering beyond TeV scale. In particular, we focus on the types of new physics interactions accompanying with high multiplicities in their signals from the...
Measurements of Higgs boson properties and cross sections measured in Higgs boson decays to two W bosons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV are presented.
Recent measurements of the properties of heavy flavor particles at CMS, based on data collected at Run 1 and Run 2 of the LHC, are presented. Reported results include, among the others, measurements of lifetimes, masses and branching ratios of B hadrons and heavy quarkonia.
Results of searches for new physics in the dijet and multijet final states are presented. These include model-independent and model-specific searches using the dijet invariant mass spectrum and the dijet angular distributions, searches for black holes, quantum and microscopic, in multijet events, as well as searches for RPV SUSY in events with paired dijets. This talk focuses on the recent...
The JSNS$^2$ experiment aims to search for the existence of neutrino oscillations with $\Delta {\rm m}^2$ near 1 eV$^2$ at the J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility. A 1 MW proton beam (3 GeV) incident on a mercury target produces an intense neutrino beam from muon decay at rest ($\mu^{+} \rightarrow e^{+} + \bar{\nu}_{\mu} + \nu_{e}$). The oscillation to be searched for is...
Measurements of the cross sections of the production of pairs of electroweak gauge bosons at the LHC constitute stringent tests of the electroweak sector and provide model-independent means to search for new physics at the TeV scale. Similarly, the electroweak production of vector bosons in proton-proton collisions tests the gauge structure of the Standard Model. The ATLAS collaboration has...
Events containing muons in the final state are an important signature for many analyses being carried out at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), including both standard model measurements and searches for new physics. To be able to study such events, it is required to have an efficient and well-understood muon trigger. The ATLAS muon trigger consists of a hardware based system (Level 1), as well...
The LHCb upgrade trigger represents a new paradigm in high energy physics: A fully software trigger operating at the LHC bunch crossing frequency with a triggerless readout. The existing level-0 hardware trigger in Run 2 has allowed us to test much of the upgrade strategy at 1MHz. In this talk, we will describe the performance of the Run 2 trigger in pp and special data taking configurations,...
We measure the mass difference, $\Delta m_+$, between the $D^{*}(2010)^+$ and the $D^+$, using the decay chain $D^{*}(2010)^+\to D^+ \pi^0 $ with $ D^+ \to K^- \pi^+ \pi^+$. The data were recorded with the BABAR detector at center-of-mass energies at and near the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of approximately $468 \, \mbox{fb}^{-1}$. We measure $\Delta...
The Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) will utilize a beamline located at Fermilab to provide and aim a neutrino beam of sufficient intensity and appropriate energy range toward DUNE detectors, placed deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. LBNF is designed for approximately twenty years of operation, to provide adequate exposure for the DUNE...
The CMS experiment at the LHC is designed to study a wide range of high energy physics phenomena. It employs a large all-silicon tracker within a 3.8 T magnetic solenoid, which allows precise measurements of transverse momentum (pT) and vertex position.
This tracking detector will be upgraded to coincide with the installation of the High-Luminosity LHC, which will provide up to about 10^35...
Measurements of the cross sections of the production of three electroweak gauge bosons and of vector-boson scattering processes at the LHC constitute stringent tests of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model and provide a model-independent means to search for new physics at the TeV scale. The ATLAS collaboration searched for the production of three W bosons or of a W boson and a photon...
T2K is a long baseline accelerator neutrino experiment in Japan which studies
neutrino oscillations with a narrow-band muon neutrino beam peaked at 0.6 GeV.
The large water Cherenkov detector Super-Kamiokande (SK) located 295 km away
from the proton target acts as a far detector and provides high quality
samples for oscillation analysis. In the present study the T2K setup is used
to search for...
Events with two hadronic jets in the final state are of particular interest in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model: new phenomena produced in parton collisions are likely to produce final states with (at least) two partons. In this talk several searches performed by the ATLAS collaboration are presented. The very high mass and the low mass regions have both been investigated, by...
New LHCb results in the measurement of B meson mixing parameters and branching fractions will be presented. The results are obtained using pp collisions collected in Run 1 and Run 2 of the LHC and include a new and world's most precise determination of the decay width difference in the Bs system and the ratio between the decay width of the Bs and Bd mesons.
The CMS experiment selects events with a two-level trigger system: the Level-1 trigger (L1) and the High Level Trigger (HLT). The HLT is a farm made of approximately 30k CPU cores that reduces the rate from 100 kHz to about 1 kHz. The HLT has access to the full detector readout and runs a dedicated online event reconstruction to select events. In 2017, LHC instantaneous luminosity during...
With the restart of the LHC in 2021 the ATLAS experiment will cope with high luminosity beams (2.5 x 10 34 cm -2 s -1 ). A new Level-1 Calorimeter trigger system (see Fig.1) will be introduced exploiting a finer calorimeter readout granularity. The new system consists of three Feature EXtractors (FEXs), electron (eFEX), jet (jFEX) and global (gFEX), that use FPGAs to reconstruct different...
The associated production of vector boson with quarkonia is a key observable for understanding the quarkonium production mechanisms, including the separation of single and double parton scattering components.
This talk will present the latest differential measurements from ATLAS of (associated-) quarkonium production
Precision measurements of multi-boson production is a validation of the Standard Model. These multi-boson processes are a background to Higgs measurements and searches for Beyond the Standard Model physics. In this talk, we present the recent measurements of multiboson final states performed in CMS, involving W, Z and photon combinations. Inclusive and differential cross sections are compared...
Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs, heavy neutrinos) with masses below the electroweak
scale are introduced in some extensions of the Standard Model to address
consistently such effects as neutrino oscillations, light neutrino masses,
dark matter and baryon asymmetry. In the mass range below 500 MeV/$c^2$ these
heavy neutrinos can be produced in pion or kaon decays, and further decay
themselves into...
Results of searches for new particles such as leptoquarks, heavy neutrinos, and W bosons with right-handed couplings in final states with leptons (charged or neutral) and jets are presented. The emphasis is given to the recent results obtained using data collected at Run-II of the LHC.
Previous Muon g-2 experiment at BNL measured the anomalous magnetic moment of muon which is $\approx 3 \sigma$ away from the Standard Model value. The Fermilab Muon g-2 Collaboration started commissioning runs with an upgraded version of the storage ring. In the first phase, the new experiment aims 4 times more sensitivity thanks to several improvements including muons statistics, pileup...
Though hardware-based trackers were a crucial element of the triggering systems for both D0 and CDF, no such system has yet been incorporated into either ATLAS or CMS. The ATLAS FastTracKer (FTK) is a first step towards this goal, and will soon provide full tracking information for all events passing ATLAS’s Level-1 trigger. This system massively reduces the CPU required to identify...
Recent results on the production of beauty and charm at the CMS detector, based on data collected at Run 1 and Run 2 of LHC are presented. Measurements of single and double quarkonium production, Lambda_b polarization, open charm and B hadrons cross sections and ratios are reported.
Many theories of beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics predict unique signatures which are difficult to reconstruct and the background rates are also a challenge. Signatures from displaced vertices anywhere from the inner detector to the muon spectrometer as well as those of new particles with fractional or multiple value of the charge of the electron or high mass stable charged particles...
Searches for heavy neutral lepton (HNL) production in charged kaon
decays using the data collected by the NA62 experiment at CERN are
reported. Upper limits are established on the elements of the extended
neutrino mixing matrix for heavy neutral lepton mass in the range
130-450 MeV, improving on the results from previous HNL production
searches. The status and prospects of searches for lepton...
The International Linear Collider is now proposed with a staged machine design, with the first stage at sqrt(s)=250 GeV and an integrated luminosity goal of 2 ab^-1. One of the questions for the machine design is the importance of positron polarization. In this report, we review the impact of positron polarization on the physics goals of the 250 GeV stage of the ILC and demonstrate that...
In some class of BSM models, such as SUSY , DM may be searched using high pT jets + missing ET, where DM (X) may be
produced from the decay of a heavy particle H. If mH is close to mX, the signature is ISR , and may be monojet like, and there are much
information on the nature of H and X. I will discuss leading jet distribution contains the information of both mH, color representation...
There is an intriguing discrepancy in the measurements of the neutron lifetime. The almost 4$\sigma$ difference has recently been highlighted due to new high-precision experiments using ultra cold trapped neutrons and it could indicate the existence of new physics.
Thanks to the Standard Model relation between the lifetime and the axial coupling $g_A$ of the neutron, which governs it's...
Rare decays are powerful probes for Physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), as new particles can have a large impact on physics observables. Recent results on lepton universality tests and measurements of branching fractions and angular distributions of rare b->sll decays have shown tensions with the SM predictions. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the study of the these flavour...
We formulate geometric conditions necessary for engineering 5d superconformal field theories (SCFTs) via M-theory compactification on a local Calabi-Yau 3-fold. Extending the classification of the rank 1 cases, which are realized geometrically as shrinking del Pezzo surfaces embedded in a 3-fold, we propose an exhaustive classification of local 3-folds engineering rank 2 SCFTs in 5d. This...
A small Belle II data sample will be available to the general public through an interactive graphical application which includes basic particle selection tools for reconstructed particles. The application is using an open source library Blockly running in an HTML5 capable browser. In the application, different particle decays can be described by selecting and combining particles from the data...
Modern accelerators for High Energy Physics (ILC, FCC-ee, FCC-he, CEPC) demand efficient operation of SRF cavities. Since low cryogenic losses and high quench fields are essential to save in both capital and operational cost, basic SRF R&D on niobium cavities is focused on increasing the quality factor at the highest accelerating gradient.
The talk will be focused on the description of the...
ENUBET has been designed to monitor lepton production in the decay tunnel of neutrino beams at single particle level and to provide a 1% measurement of the neutrino flux at source. In particular, the three body semileptonic decay of kaons monitored by large angle positron production offers a fully controlled nu_e source at the GeV scale for a new generation of short baseline experiments. The...
The latest results of the measurement of the Higgs boson decaying into two photons will be presented. The analysis is performed using data collected with the CMS experiment in 2016 and 2017 at the LHC from pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 13 TeV.
When LHC enters the High Luminosity (HL-LHC) phase, the instantaneous luminosity will increase from the current 2 x 10^34 cm-2 s-1 (Run II) to a maximum expected value of 7.5 x 10^34 cm-2 s-1, equivalent to 200 interactions per bunch crossing, and the estimated integrated luminosity will reach 3000 fb-1.
New strategies are needed in order to make triggers more selective and to keep pT...
The precise measurement of the missing transverse momentum (MET) observable is critical for standard model measurements involving W, Z, and the Higgs bosons, and top quarks. In addition, MET is one of the most important kinematic observable used in searches for physics beyond the standard model targeting new weakly interacting neutral particles. A detailed understanding of various effects due...
I describe a novel interactive virtual reality visualization of particle physics, designed as an educational tool for learning about and exploring the electron-positron collision events in the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB colliding-beam facility at KEK in Japan. The visualization is designed for untethered, locomotive virtual reality, allowing multiple simultaneous users to walk...
Evaluated data libraries are the foundation of physics modeling in Monte Carlo particle transport codes, such as Geant4, FLUKA and MCNP, which are used in high energy and nuclear physics experiments, accelerator studies and detector development. They encompass recommended cross sections, nuclear and atomic parameters, which may derive from theoretical calculations, evaluations of experimental...
We investigate the possibility of $qq^\prime \bar Q \bar Q^\prime$ tetraquark bound states using $n_f=2+1$ lattice QCD with pion masses $\simeq 164$, $299$ and $415$ MeV. Two types of lattice interpolating operator are chosen, reflecting first diquark-antidiquark and second meson-meson structure. Performing variational analysis using these operators and their mixings, we determine the ground...
Measurements of Higgs boson properties and cross sections measured in Higgs boson decays to two photons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV are presented.
Vector like quarks appear in many theories beyond the Standard Model as a way to cancel the mass divergence for the Higgs boson. The current status of the ATLAS searches for the production of vector like quarks will be reviewed for proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. This presentation will address the analysis techniques, in particular the selection criteria, the background modeling and the...
At the CERN SPS, the DsTau project has been proposed to study tau-neutrino production aiming at providing important information for future $\nu_\tau$ measurements. Precise measurement of the $\nu_\tau$ cross section would enable a search for new physics effects in $\nu_\tau$-nucleon CC interactions. It also has practical implications for neutrino oscillation experiments. The dominant source of...
We report measurements of sin2beta = sin2phi_1 and cos2beta = cos2phi_1 from a time-dependent Dalitz analysis in B^0 to D^{(*)0} h^0 with D to K^0_S pi^+ pi^- decays using BaBar and Belle combined data sample containing 471 + 772 million B meson pairs collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance. The measurement gives a confirmation of the CP violation in this B decay mode and solves the two-fold...
The pEDM experiment aims to search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of proton with $10^{-29}$ e-cm sensitivity, approximately 5 orders of magnitude better than the current experimental limit. The experiment is designed to store counter-rotating proton beams in an all-electric storage ring. The EDM of the particles will couple with the radial electric field, causing a spin growth around the...
The proposed Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) will provide electron-positron collisions at centre-of-mass energies from a few hundred GeV up to 3 TeV. CLIC offers a rich precision physics program, and a high sensitivity to a wide range of possible new phenomena. The precision required for such measurements and the specific conditions imposed by the CLIC beam structure put strict requirements on...
I consider analyticity properties of scattering amplitude in higher dimensional field theories in the frame works of LSZ Axiomatic field theory. I prove existence of the Lehmann-Martin ellipse and prove generalized Jost-Lehmann-Dyson theorem
to achieve this goal. Here the basis for partial wave expansion is Gegenbaur
polynomial. I also prove analog of the Froissart-Martin bound for such...
The uncertainty in the flux of neutrino beams is dominated by our understanding of both the primary interactions of protons and the secondary interactions of protons, kaons and pions with target and beamline material. Hadron production measurements from a comprehensive set of interactions will allow modern neutrino experiments to make more precise neutrino cross section and oscillation...
New results on the on-shell and off-shell Higgs boson production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC are presented. The properties of the Higgs boson are measured in the four-lepton final state using the latest dataset collected at center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the CMS detector. The production cross section of the Higgs boson times its branching fraction to four leptons...
We present results of searches for massive vector-like top and bottom quark partners using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Single and pair production of vector-like quarks are studied, with decays into a variety of final states, containing top and bottom quarks, electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons. We search...
The LHCb experiment is a fully instrumented forward spectrometer designed for precision studies in the flavour sector of the standard model with proton-proton collisions at the LHC. As part of its expanding physics programme, LHCb collected data also during the LHC proton-nucleus collisions in 2013 and 2016 and during nucleus-nucleus collisions in 2015. These datasets provide access to unique...
The physics reach and feasibility of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) with centre of mass energies up to 100 TeV and unprecedented luminosity is entering its final phase before releasing a Conceptual Design Report. The new energy regime opens the opportunity for the discovery of physics beyond the standard model. 100 TeV proton-proton collisions will produce very high energetic particle...
Time-dependent CP violation in B->DX decays provides sensitivity to angles of the CKM matrix. The excellent time resolution of the LHCb detector provides opportunities to perform precise time-dependent measurements. A summary of recent LHCb results are presented, including the B0->Dpi analysis which profits from the largest flavour tagged sample analysed by LHCb to determine the CKM angle sum...
The LUCID detector is the main luminosity provider of the ATLAS experiment and the only one able to provide a reliable luminosity determination in all beam configurations, luminosity ranges and at bunch-crossing level.
LUCID was entirely redesigned in preparation for Run 2: both the detector and the electronics were upgraded in order to cope with the challenging conditions expected at the LHC...
LHCb is one of the major experiments operating at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The richness of the physics program and the increasing precision of the measurements in LHCb lead to the need of ever larger simulated samples. This need will increase further when the upgraded LHCb detector will start collecting data in the LHC Run 3. Given the computing resources pledged for the production...
Exploring the many ways that public High Energy Physics resources are employed to teach and outreach particle physics and computer science.
The current ATLAS model of Open Access to recorded and simulated data offers the opportunity to access datasets with a focus on education, training and outreach. This mandate supports the creation of platforms, projects, software, and educational products...
In this talk, basic properties of QCD condensates will be presented, together with theirs relation to the operator product expansion (OPE) and the two-point and three-point Green functions constructed of chiral currents. Next, we will discuss our newest results for contribution of the QCD condensates with dimension D<6 to the Green functions calculated within the framework of chPT/RChT, i.e....
Measurements of Higgs boson properties and cross sections measured in Higgs boson decays to four leptons based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV are presented.
The nuSTORM facility will provide \nu_e and \nu_\mu beams from the decay of low energy muons confined within a storage ring. The instrumentation of the ring, combined with the excellent knowledge of muon decay, will make it possible to determine the neutrino flux at the %-level or better. The neutrino and anti-neutrino event rates are such that the nuSTORM facility serving a suite of near...
A flexible trigger system, excellent vertex locator, particle identification detectors, and forward acceptance allow unique searches for long-lived particles to be performed at LHC energies using data collected with the LHCb detector. A summary of results will be presented, including searches for long-lived particles decaying into lepton or jets or coming from B meson decays.
The FCAL collaboration has performed a design study for luminometers at future electron-positron colliders. Compact sampling calorimeters with precisely positioned silicon sensors and a fast readout will reach the necessary performance even in the presence of background from beamstrahlung and two-photon processes. A prototype calorimeter has been built with special focus on ultra-thin fully...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model predict new s-channel resonances decaying into two bosons (WW,ZZ,WZ,WH,ZH) and possibly leptons (ll, lv), such as a new heavy scalar singlet, a new heavy vector-boson triplet, or a heavy spin-2 graviton in the bulk Randall-Sundrum model. This talk will summarize relevant ATLAS searches at the LHC using proton-proton collision data collected at a...
The measurement of fiducial inclusive and differential Higgs boson cross sections allows the study of its properties under a minimal set of assumptions. By defining a fiducial phase-space, the uncertainties due to model dependence and extrapolations are minimized. A new, extended set of measurements performed using 35.9/fb of pp collisions collected by the CMS experiment at LHC in 2016 is...
We report measurements of time-dependent CP violation in charmless B meson decays that are sensitive to physics beyond the Standard model or Kobayashi-Maskawa CP violation angle phi_2 in b to s penguin or b to u tree transitions, respectively. The analyses use Belle final entire data sample collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance containing 772 mullion B meson pairs.
IsoDAR is a compact, accelerator-based source for anti-electron neutrinos produced through $^{8}$Li decay. When paired with a large scintillator-based detector, IsoDAR allows for a high-precision investigation of the reactor and source-based neutrino oscillation anomalies. This talk will discuss this physics, as well as other beyond Standard Model precision measurements that can be performed....
Counting observables in tensor and in matrix theories reveals a non-trivial relation between them. By means of a SSB mechanism, we explore the connection between tensor theories with symmetry group U(N)^d and symmetrized tensor theories which transform under U(N). We see that, in such a case, the Goldstone boson space precisely organizes itself into a collection of d-1 matrices transforming...
The ALICE Collaboration is preparing a major upgrade of the ALICE detector, planned for installation during the second long LHC shutdown. The construction is expected to be completed by 2020 for data taking until 2029. A key element of the ALICE upgrade is the construction of a new, ultra-light, high-resolution Inner Tracking System (ITS).
With respect to the current ITS, this upgrade is...
Social media is an essential tool for communicating particle physics results to a wide audience. This presentation will explore how the nature of social media platforms has impacted the content being shared across them, and the subsequent effect this has had on the user experience. The ATLAS Experiment has adapted its communication strategy to match this social media evolution, producing...
To guarantee smooth and uninterrupted luminosity measurements the CMS experiment is equipped in Run II with three online luminometers: the Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT), the Fast Beam Condition Monitor (BCM1F) and the Forward Calorimeter (HF). For the offline luminosity measurement and a cross check of the online detectors the pixel detector is used (Pixel Cluster Counting, PCC). For the...
In 2019-2020 the upgrade of CERN LHC will increase the luminosity and the collision rate beyond the design parameters of several of the key ALICE detectors [1]. To benefit from the improved performance of the LHC, ALICE will install two new forward detectors: the Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) [2][3] and the Muon Forward Tracker (MFT) [4]. A further upgrade opportunity might arise during the...
A summary of searches for heavy resonances with masses exceeding 1 TeV decaying into dibosons is presented, performed on data produced by LHC pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV and collected with the CMS detector during 2016 and 2017. The common feature of these analyses is the boosted topology, namely the decay products of the considered bosons (both electroweak W, Z bosons and the Higgs...
Precision measurements of time-dependent CP violation and of mixing parameters in the neutral B meson systems are bound to the ability to identify the production flavour of reconstructed b hadrons. The harsh environment of proton-proton collisions at LHC constitutes a challenging environment for flavour tagging and demand for novel and improved strategies. We present recent progress and new...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (“pileup”) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. The sensitivity to find new physics Beyond the...
Precision measurements of CP violating observables in b hadron decays with charmonia in the final state are powerful probes to search for physics effects beyond the Standard Model. The most recent results on CP violation in the decay, mixing and interference of b hadrons obtained by the LHCb Collaboration will be presented, with particular focus on results obtained exploiting the data...
It will be pointed out that lepton asymmetry can be generated through CP-preserving inflaton decay into leptons when the Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata matrix has proper CP phases. Except for the assumption of the inflaton decay, we do not introduce any new particle.
In this talk, we will discuss how the modular property constraints partition function of two-dimensional conformal field theories(CFT). We apply the semi-definite programming to the modular constraints with assuming the presence of holomorphic/anti-holomorphic currents and twist gap in spectrum. The level-one WZW models with Degline's exceptional series, cousins of extremal CFTs and novel c=8...
We study the phenomenology of partially composite-Higgs models where electroweak symmetry breaking is dynamically induced, and the Higgs is a mixture of a composite and an elementary state. The models considered have explicit realizations in terms of gauge-Yukawa theories and allow for a very SM-like Higgs state.
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) provides a rich science program with the focus on the neutrino oscillation physics, proton decay studies and Supernova explosions. The high-intensity wide-band neutrino beam will be produced at Fermilab and will be directed to the 40 kt Liquid Argon far detector at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), 1300 km from Fermilab. One of...
The electric dipole moment (EDM) of fundamental particles, when induced by the particle internal spin, violates separately the parity (P) and time (T) reversal symmetries. Due to CPT conservation, T-violation also means CP-violation and it is a sensitive probe of Physics beyond the standard model (SM).
The storage ring EDM (srEDM) collaboration and the Juelich electric dipole investigations...
We will describe the latest TopFitter analysis, which uses top quark observables to fit the Wilson Coefficients of the SM augmented with dimension 6 operators. In particular, we will discuss the inclusion of new LHC Run II data, and the implementation of particle-level observables.
The upgrade project of the T2K near detector
The T2K neutrino oscillation experiment established the $\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_e$ appearance with only 10\% of the original beam request of $7.8\times10^{21}$ 30 GeV protons on target (p.o.t.). In view of the J-PARC program of upgrades of the beam intensity, the T2K-II proposal requires to run up to $20\times10^{21}$ p.o.t., i.e. an increase in...
In this letter we have explored the possibility of embedding the genesis
of lepton asymmetry within the well studied Scotogenic model. We have shown that in this model one can have a Dark Matter in the TeV scale. The model is highly constrained in the context of dark matter,neutrino mass, Flavor Physics and now also gets an additional
constraint on the relative complex phases from the...
The possibility that the Higgs boson is a composite scalar is still open. In models that enjoy an underlying description in terms of a fundamental gauge-fermion dynamics, light scalars at the electroweak scale are predicted. Their properties can also be calculated starting from the underlying models. This leaves us with a predictive and controllable framework that can be tested at the LHC and...
Masterclasses are a proven tool to engage high school students with particle physics. In a Masterclass, participants learn about high energy physics in a day-long course. Moreover, they can actively take part in cutting-edge research and experience methods and tools used in research by performing a tailor-made physics analysis involving real LHC data under the supervision of physicists. During...
Time dependent CP-violation phenomena are a powerful tool to precisely measure fundamental parameters of the Standard Model and search for New Physics. The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider. The accelerator has already successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016 and...
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) is currently the most attractive technology for neutrino oscillations studies, proton decay studies and Supernova explosions. Not only LAr TPCs are cost-effective and scalable to multi-ton scales, but they are also excellent calorimeters and can 3D reconstruct the tracks of ionising particles arising from neutrinos interaction products. Future...
I discuss D-instanton solutions in type IIB supergravity on AdS5×T1,1, which has a dual N=1 SU(N)×SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory. Apart from ordinary D(-1)-brane instantons, I consider wrapped D1-branes over minimal 2-cycles and derive explicit solutions preserving half the supersymmetries. These solutions are identified with Yang-Mills instantons which are (anti)self-dual in both gauge group...
We provide the first systematic study of the low-scale leptogenesis scenario in the minimal Standard Model extended with 3 right-handed neutrinos having masses at the GeV scale.
We highlight and discuss the differences between the 2- and the 3-right-handed neutrino cases, the major qualitative distinction being the possibility, in the latter scenario, of probing part of the parameter space at...
Charm-quark hadronisation can be investigated by measuring the relative abundance of various particle species, in particular non-strange D mesons ($\rm{D^0}$, $\rm{D^+}$, $\rm{D^{*+}}$), $\rm{D_s^+}$ mesons, and charm baryons ($\rm{\Lambda_{c}^+}$, $\rm{\Xi_c^0}$). The high precision tracking, good vertexing capabilities and excellent particle identification granted by the ALICE apparatus...
We present an overview of searches for new physics with top and bottom quarks in the final state, using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The results cover non-SUSY based extensions of the SM, including heavy gauge bosons or excited third generation quarks. Decay channels to vector-like top partner quarks, such as...
The primary physics goal of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is to resolve neutrino mass hierarchy, taking the advantage of the copious antineutrinos from two powerful nuclear power plants at distances of ~53 km in Guangdong Province, China. To meet this goal, JUNO has designed a 20 kt underground liquid scintillator (LS) detector which deploys 20,000 high quantum...
The amplitudes governing the decays of neutral b-hadrons to charmless charged two-body final states receive relevant contribution from both b->u tree-level and b->d,s penguin topologies. Hence, these decays are sensitive probes of the CKM paradigm, but also have the potential to reveal new physics beyond the Standard Model. Relevant quantities to measure are time-dependent and time-integrated...
AWAKE is a plasma wakefield acceleration experiment at CERN, using the $400~\mathrm{GeV}$ proton bunch of the SPS to drive an accelerating gradient in the GV m$^{-1}$ range. AWAKE aims to inject 15–20 MeV electrons into this plasma wakefield and accelerate them to GeV energies over 10 metres. An introduction to AWAKE and its physics will be presented, as well as an overview of the experimental...
Direct searches for New Physics states have given so far negative results, so there is a mass gap between SM fields and possible new fields. This mass gap justifies the use of electroweak effective Lagrangians for current energies. Implications of new, higher scales can be analyzed through next-to-leading order corrections of the electroweak effective theory. There are two main ingredients for...
Jet substructure observables have significantly extended the search program for physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider. The state-of-the-art tools have been motivated by theoretical calculations, but there has never been a direct comparison between data and calculations of jet substructure observables that are accurate beyond leading-logarithm approximation. Such...
Many theories beyond the Standard Model predict new phenomena which decay to well isolated, high-pt leptons. Searches for new physics models with these signatures are performed using the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The results reported here use the pp collision data sample collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC with a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV.
I present results from [1711.09912][1] of frequentist and Bayesian statistical analyses of Higgs- and Z-portal models of dark matter particles with spin 0, 1/2 and 1. Our analyses incorporate data from direct detection and indirect detection experiments, as well as LHC searches for monojet and monophoton events. We find acceptable regions of the parameter spaces for Higgs-portal models with...
This paper presents early results from a research into the impact of Particle Physics Masterclasses on the Understanding of Science and the Attitudes towards science of higher school students. The author has found that science communication efforts in plain science are criticized for being “deficit – style” approaches or ones that seek to educate rather than engage. The literature is lacking...
The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. As it is the only quark that decays before it hadronizes, this gives the unique opportunity to probe the properties of bare quarks. This talk will focus on a few recent precision measurements of top quark properties in production and decay by the ATLAS Collaboration at center-of-mass energies of 8 TeV and 13 TeV.
The proposed Hyper-Kamiokande experiment (Hyper-K) is a next generation large water Cherenkov (WD) detector with a broad physics program consisting of neutrino beam measurements in search of leptonic CP violation, astrophysical measurements and a search for proton decay. Hyper-K will act as the far detector to measure the oscillated neutrino flux from the long-baseline beam of 0.6 GeV...
We investigate the prospects for discovering a top quark decaying into
one light Higgs boson along with a charm quark in top quark pair production
at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and future hadron colliers.
A general two Higgs doublet model is adopted to study the signature
of flavor changing neutral Higgs (FCNH) interactions with $t \to c\phi^0$,
followed by $\phi^0 \to b\bar{b},...
Decays of b-mesons to charmless multi-body final states are CKM suppressed in the Standard Model, which brings the tree amplitudes to levels comparable with corresponding loop amplitudes. New particles not foreseen in the SM that appear in the loops may alter not only the CP asymmetries of these decays, but also the polarisation fractions and triple-product asymmetries. The latest measurements...
Quantum entanglement is the most surprising feature of quantum theory. Ground states of quantum many-body systems typically exhibit the area law behavior in the entanglement entropy, which measures the amount of entanglement between a subsystem and the rest of the system. Recently, a class of solvable spin models with local interactions has been constructed by Mavassagh and Shor and by...
We derive global constraints on new physics within the framework of the dimension-6 Standard Model Effective Field Theory. Our results include the latest theoretical and experimental updates on the electroweak precision observables, as well as the latest Higgs results from the LHC run 2. We also include in the combination the limits from diboson measurements. The results are presented as...
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) is currently the most attractive technology for neutrino oscillations studies. Not only LAr TPCs are cost-effective and scalable to multi-ton scales, but they are also excellent calorimeters and are able to 3D reconstruct the tracks of ionising particles arising from neutrinos decay products. Future giant liquid Argon TPCs, at the ten-kiloton...
Numerous new physics models, e.g., theories with extra dimensions and various gauge-group extensions of the standard model, predict the existence of new particles decaying to leptons and photons. This talk presents CMS searches for new resonances in the dilepton, lepton+MET, diphoton, and other final states that include leptons and photons, focusing on the recent results obtained using data...
A Crab-Waist e+e- collider with the beam energy from 1 GeV to 3 GeV is under development at Budker INP (Novosibirsk, Russia) to study physics in charmonium and tau-lepton sectors. The talk reviews realisation principles, configuration and features of the collider including extremely high luminosity of 10^35 cm^-2s^-1 and longitudinal polarization of electron beam.
The Baby MIND (Magentized Iron Neutrino Detector) is characterized by its original magentization design, as well as by the presence of air gaps allowing muons to be reconstructed down to 300 MeV/c and their charge identified. The detector was completed, assembled and tested at the neutrino platform at CERN, and delivered to the T2K ND280 pit in December 2017. First results from test beam at...
Many new physics models, e.g., compositeness, see-saw, and extra dimensions models, are expected to manifest themselves in the final states with leptons and photons. This talk presents searches for new non-resonant phenomena in the final states that include leptons and photons, focusing on the recent results obtained using data collected at Run-II of the LHC.
The violation of CP symmetry is well established nowadays in the K- and B-mesons sectors. However CPV has not been observed in the baryonic sector. Charmless b-baryon decays represent a promising opportunity in this respect since their amplitudes receive both contributions from tree level diagrams where the CKM element Vub appears and loop level diagrams which have comparable contirbutions. In...
Hyper-Kamiokande is a large water Cherenkov detector planned in Japan. It requires a large aperture photo-detector with a high photon detection efficiency to explore various neutrino physics and discover a nucleon decay. A photomultiplier tube (PMT), R12860 by Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., was developed with a box-and-line dynode to achieve high resolutions of charge and timing, compared with an...
The High-Luminosity LHC (LH-LHC) is a major upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that aims increasing the number of proton-proton collisions, boosting our chances of coming across new and rare physics phenomena. In order to do that, several new technologies will be introduced and heavy civil engineering work is required. Overall, more than 1.2 km of the current LHC ring will need to be...
The precision measurement of primary cosmic rays fluxes (in particular helium, carbon and oxygen) in the rigidity range from 2 GV to 3 TV is presented based on 90 million helium, 8 million carbon and 7 million oxygen nuclei collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer during its first 5 years of operation.
Unexpectedly, above 60 GV, these three spectra have identical rigidity dependence,...
CERN has launched in 2014 the design study of Future Circular Colliders, including a High Luminosity e+e- collider (FCC-ee) running from the Z pole to above the top pair production threshold. Follow a 100 TeV pp and heavy ion collider (FCC-hh) able to reach an unprecedented energy scale and possibly an e-p collider. The FCC-ee offers a broad discovery potential based on a combination of...
The Heavy Photon Search experiment (HPS) at Jefferson Lab seeks to discover evidence for a new dark-force mediator. A new U(1) vector boson could couple to the Standard Model photon through kinetic mixing and could be produced by an electron beam in a dense target in a process similar to bremsstrahlung. Subsequent decays into e+e- pairs, if kinematically allowed, would enable discovery either...
Isolated photons with high transverse energy have been studied in deep inelastic $ep$ scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA, using an integrated luminosity of $326\, \mathrm{pb}^{-1}$ in the range of exchanged-photon virtuality $10 - 350 \,\, \mathrm{GeV}^2$. Outgoing isolated photons with transverse energy $4< E_T^\gamma< 15$ GeV and pseudorapidity $-0.7 < \eta^\gamma< 0.9$ were measured...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose neutrino experiment under construction. The primary goal is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy and precisely measure the oscillation parameters by detecting reactor anti-neutrinos. There will be around 20000 PMTs with a large photo-cathode of 20-inch equipped for the JUNO experiment, which includes 15000 MCP PMTs...
We report the first measurement of monoenergetic muon neutrino charged current interactions. MiniBooNE has isolated 236 MeV muon neutrino events originating from charged kaon decay at rest ($K^+→μ^+ν_μ$) at the NuMI beamline absorber. These signal $ν_μ$-carbon events are distinguished from primarily pion decay in flight $ν_μ$ and $\overline{ν}_μ$ backgrounds produced at the target station and...
We report on the observation of new properties of secondary cosmic rays Li, Be, and B measured in the rigidity (momentum per unit charge) range 1.9 GV to 3.3 TV with a total of 5.4 million nuclei collected by AMS during the first five years of operation aboard the International Space Station. The Li and B fluxes have an identical rigidity dependence above 7 GV and all three fluxes have an...
Dark sector models can explain the relic abundance of our universe and are attractive scenarios after 13TeV LHC results on new physics searches. We are testing two broad categories of theories, those that: couple to electron and that only couple to heavy-flavor muons or taus. In the first category, we are looking for the dark photon that decays into leptons or hadrons in the radiative process....
The absence of confirmed signal in dark matter (DM) direct detection (DD) may suggest weak interaction strengths between DM and the abundant constituents inside nucleon, i.e. gluons and valence light quarks. In this work we consider a real scalar dark matter $S$ interacting only with $SU(2)_L$ singlet Up-type quarks $U_i=u_R,c_R,t_R$ via a vector-like fermion $\psi$. The DM-nucleon scattering...
Charmless three-body decays of B mesons are an ideal place to study CP violation, as contributions from 'loop' diagrams at a similar magnitude to tree-level diagrams, and variation of the strong phase across the so-called 'Dalitz plot', can result in phase-space regions with large CP asymmetries. Furthermore, many of these decays can be used to inform determinations of the angles of the...
We present results on measurements of characteristics of events with jets, from jet-charge over investigations of shapes to jet mass distributions, and angular correlations in multi-jet events. The measurements are compared to theoretical predictions including those matched to parton shower and hadronization.
The feasibility of a future proton-proton collider (FCC-hh), with center of mass energies up to 100 TeV and unprecedented luminosity is currently being studied.
By delivering an integrated luminosity of few tens of ab-1, such a machine will provide an outstanding discovery potential for new physics, far beyond the reach the high luminosity or high energy LHC. In this talk we will discuss...
India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) has proposed a 50kton magnetised Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) in an underground laboratory to be constructed near Madurai. Main aims of this project are to precisely study the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters and to determine the ordering of neutrino masses. The detector will deploy about 28,800 glass Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) of approximately...
In addition to its contributions to our understanding of neutrino oscillation
parameters, the T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment has a
complementary program of neutrino interaction cross-section measurements with
its near detector complex. With multiple targets (carbon, water, argon, iron),
and with on- and off-axis detectors which sample different neutrino spectra
from the same...
In Korea, large scientific facilities started to build in parallel with the economic growth from late 1980s. The 3rd generation synchrotron-based, 2 GeV electron accelerator, the Pohang Light Source (PLS), was the biggest scientific endeavor in Korean history at that time. Few heavy industries for nuclear power with decent technical level, large ship building industries, semiconductor chip...
Deep learning has been applied to many studies in high energy physics with substantial improvement over the traditional selection-cut methods. Based on deep-learning approaches, we perform a comprehensive signal-background analysis for Higgs-pair production in $HH \rightarrow b \bar{b} \gamma\gamma$ channel at the HL-LHC, with the goal of probing the self-coupling $\lambda_{3H}$ of the Higgs...
The nitrogen flux in cosmic rays is expected to contain both primary and secondary components, so the knowledge of their relative contributions is important in understanding the origin, acceleration, and propagation of cosmic rays. A precise measurement of the nitrogen flux with rigidity from 2 GV to 3 TV based on 2 million nuclei collected by AMS during first 5 years of operation is presented.
We report on a search for single-photon events in 53 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the BABAR detector. We look for events consistent with production of a dark photon ($A^\prime$) through the process $e^+e^- \to \gamma A^\prime$, $A^\prime \to$ invisible. Such particles are motivated by theories applying a $U(1)$ gauge symmetry to dark matter. We find no evidence for this process and set...
The EXO programme is a two-phase experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. The first phase, EXO-200, yielded the first measurement of two neutrino double beta decay in Xenon and one of the most sensitive searches for neutrinoless double beta decay. The second phase, nEXO, is a proposed 5 tonne liquid xenon time projection chamber (TPC) that will implement several improvements...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) Study aims at developing a large-scale accelerator research infrastructure based on a 100 km tunnel. While the ultimate goal is a proton-proton collider, with 100 TeV centre-of-mass collision energy and unprecedented direct discovery potential. Also ion-ion and ion-proton collisions are possible. The initial project stage could consist of an electron-positron...
A precision measurement of jet cross sections in neutral current deep-inelastic scattering for photon virtualities $5.5 < Q^2 < 80$ GeV$^2$ and inelasticities $0.2 < y < 0.6$ is presented, using data taken with the H1 detector at HERA, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 290 pb$^{−1}$. Double-differential inclusive jet, dijet and trijet cross sections are measured simultaneously and...
The CKM angle gamma remains the least precisely measured angle of the unitarity triangle, and is the only easily accessible with purely tree level decays, making it a benchmark for Standard Model flavour processes. We present the Run 2 update of the measurement of gamma using the GGSZ method with the golden mode B+->DK+, D->Kshh. The results of the latest LHCb gamma combination are also shown,...
The spectral shape of the secondary isotopes in cosmic rays is completely determined by the source spectrum of the parent elements and by the propagation process. In particular, 3He in cosmic rays is believed to result from the interaction of primary 4He with the interstellar medium, providing a powerful tool to constrain the parameters of the galactic cosmic rays propagation models. A precise...
The T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment has been running since
January 2010 and collected thousands of neutrino-interaction events at the
near detectors (ND280 and INGRID) with different targets. The data collected
allow us not only to measure the neutrino-interaction cross sections, but
also to probe different nuclear models. T2K is developing new tools for
unfolding the data in...
We present a new machine learning technique for the classification of scattering processes which include invisible particles missing in detector. With this purpose, new high-level feature variables are introduced, which can be obtained in the process of topological augmentation – a general reconstruction procedure of invisible missing momenta subject to various hypothetical decay topologies....
Many extensions of the Standard Model (SM) include particles that are neutral, weakly coupled, and long-lived that can decay to hadronic and leptonic final states. Long-lived particles (LLPs) can be detected at colliders as displaced decays from the interaction point (IP), or missing energy if they escape. ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb have performed searches at the LHC and significant exclusion limits...
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K), a proposed one-megaton water Cherenkov detector to be built in Japan, is the logical continuation of the highly successful Super-Kamiokande experiment. Its broad physics programme includes neutrinos from astronomical sources, nucleon decay, with the main focus the determination of leptonic CP violation.
To detect the weak Cherenkov light generated by neutrino...
We consider models where a massive spin-two resonance acts as the mediator between Dark Matter (DM) and the SM particles through the energy-momentum tensor. We examine the effective theory for fermion, vector and scalar DM generated in these models and find novel types of DM-SM interaction never considered before. We identify the effective interactions between DM and the SM quarks when the...
We present measurements of differential jet cross sections over a wide range in transverse momenta from inclusive jets to multi-jet final states. Studies on the impact that these measurements have on the determination of the strong coupling alpha_s as well as on parton density functions are reported.
Fermilab in collaboration with other members of the US Magnet Development Program (MDP) is working on the development of accelerator magnets for future hadron colliders. A 4-layer, 15-T dipole with 60 mm bore based on Nb3Sn superconductor is under construction with the testing foreseen at the end of the year. At the same time, there are conceptual design studies to evaluate the feasibility of...
Facing to future high energy physics large science projects, CEPC-SppC, CEPC Industrial Promotion Consortium (CIPC) has been etablished in Nov 7, 2018 , with companies working in different key technology domains, such as superconducting cavities, cryo-module, klystron, high field superconducting magnet, civil engineering, etc. Previously, these companies have worked closely with Chinese...
India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) has proposed to build a 51kton magnetised Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) in an underground laboratory to be constructed near Madurai, South India. ICAL is aimed to precisely study the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters and determine the ordering of neutrino masses. ICAL will be built by stacking 151 layers of 56mm soft iron plates, spanning essentially...
Measurements of charge CP asymmetries in the decays of b hadrons with charmonia in the final state are powerful probes to search for physics effects beyond the Standard Model. Recent results in the measurement of direct CP violation of B mesons performed by the LHCb collaboration using Run 1 data will be presented.
Precision measurements by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station of the primary cosmic-ray electron and positron fluxes in the energy range up to 1000 GeV are presented. The electron flux and the positron flux are significantly different in their magnitude and energy dependence. Their behavior is consistent with the contribution from a new source of high energy...
Next-generation neutrino oscillation experiments, such as DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande, hope to measure charge-parity (CP) violation in the lepton sector. In order to do this, they must dramatically reduce their current levels of uncertainty, particularly those due to neutrino-nucleus interaction models. As CP violation is a measure of the difference between the oscillation properties of...
The search for standard model (SM) double Higgs boson (HH) production using data collected by the CMS detector at the CERN LHC will be presented, using final states from various decay channels: HH->bbbb, bbVV, bbtautau, and bbgammagamma. The HH production serves to measure the self-coupling of the Higgs boson, the rate of which is small in the SM. However, contributions from beyond standard...
There are many underground experiments which are currently looking for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) that are the most popular candidate of dark matter. In these direct detection experiments, the signal are recoil events of WIMP elastic scattering off target nuclei. The effective field theory (EFT) provides a general and efficient way to characterize experiment results. In...
Perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order are available for the jet production in pp collisions since several years and next-to-next-to leading order calculations also became available recently. In this talk, we present the latest results from the ATLAS collaboration for inclusive jets and dijets, measured at center of mass energies of 8 and 13 TeV. All measured cross-sections are...
Advanced Molybdenum-based Rare-process Experiment (AMoRE) aims to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay (0nbb) of Mo-100 in scintillating molybdenum-based crystals using cryogenic metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) at millikelvin temperature. Its commissioning phase, the AMoRE-Pilot, is currently running in the 700-meter-deep Yangyang underground laboratory (Y2L) with six...
We study a recently proposed dilaton-assisted composite Higgs model, which addresses a new solution to the Higgs naturalness problem, relying the scale symmetry of the dilator-Higgs effective theory. The model predicts a heavy U(1) axial vector boson and two massive, oppositely charged, pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons. We discuss the phenomenology of new particles, which might be accessible at LHC.
More than 40 years after its theoretical description, the process of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) has been observed for the first time by the COHERENT Collaboration, using a 14.6-kg CsI[Na] detector at the Spallation Neutron Source of Oak Ridge National Lab. COHERENT and other groups continue to work towards additional CEvNS measurements because of the breadth of...
The fluxes and flux ratios of charged elementary particles in cosmic rays are presented in the absolute rigidity range from 1 to 1000 GV. In the absolute rigidity range ∼60 to ∼500 GV, the antiproton, proton, and positron fluxes are found to have nearly identical rigidity dependence and the electron flux exhibits different rigidity dependence. Below 60 GV, the antiproton-to-proton,...
Di-Higgs final states can arise through non-resonant production of two Higgs bosons and through potential heavy states decaying to two Higgs boson. This talk presents searches in several Higgs boson decay channels using 36 fb-1 of pp collision data recorded at 13 TeV.
R&D of high field HTS magnet technology is ongoing at IHEP (Beijing, China) for future high energy accelerators. A hybrid twin-aperture dipole magnet is under development for SPPC pre-study. The magnet is designed with Common-coil configuration and will be fabricated with Nb3Sn and HTS superconductors. The main field is 12 T with 20% operating margin at 4.2 K. The aperture diameter is 30 mm....
Direct CP violation in B meson decays provides a good probe for New Physics. We report measurement of branching fraction(BF) and direct CP asymmetries (Acp) in charmless B decays B+ → KsKsK+ and B+ → KsKspi+, which proceed through b→s and b→d flavor-changing neutral current transitions, respectively. Another charmless B decay B0 → K-pi+Ks, which proceeds through b→d penguin process, is also...
The PTOLEMY project aims to develop a scalable design for a Cosmic Neutrino Telescope, the first of its kind and the only telescope conceived that can look directly at the image encoded in neutrino density fluctuations of the Universe in the first second after the Big Bang. The past two years of developments have established a compelling case to proceed to telescope design. The cryogenic...
In the proton-philic spin-dependent inelastic Dark Matter (pSIDM) scenario, the yearly modulation effect in the DAMA experiment is consistent with other available constraints: from the latest experimental bounds from XENON1T, PANDAX-II, SuperCDMS, PICO-60 and CDMSlite, we obtain updated ranges of its parameters by constructing their approximate frequentist confidence intervals both in a...
We calculate quark and gluon jet fraction in multi-jet final states at the LHC, which is based on perturbative QCD at next-to-double logarithmic accuracy. We find a measurable scaling pattern of the fraction. This is related to a performance of new physics searches using quark-gluon jet discrimination in multi-jet final states, and would be useful for more understanding of QCD and tuning of...
Analysis of anisotropy of the arrival directions of galactic protons, electrons and positrons has been performed with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. These results allow to differentiate between point-like and diffuse sources of cosmic rays for the explanation of the observed excess of high energy positrons. The AMS results on the dipole anisotropy are...
The coherent neutrino scattering with nuclei provides a novel way to measure the distribution of neutrons in nuclei. This interaction has been theoretically predicted more than 40 years ago [1], but the difficulty of measuring the very small nuclear recoil made possible its experimental observation only in 2017 by the COHERENT experiment [2].
Using the COHERENT data, we are able to determine...
Introducing a new era for innovation in the Exascale timeframe
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (“pileup”) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. CMS prospects on Higgs self-coupling measurements and...
Little Higgs models - which can most easily be thought of as a variant of
composite Higgs models - explain a light Higgs boson at 125 GeV as an
pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of a spontaneously broken global symmetry.
The mechanism of collective symmetry breaking shifts the UV scale of
these models to the 10 TeV scale and higher. T-parity is introduced as
a discrete symmetry to remove tree-level...
The Center for Underground Physics (CUP) at Institute for Basics Science (IBS) has been conducting and preparing a few ultra-low background rare decay experiments at the Yangyang underground laboratory (Y2L). In order to keep the background levels in the experiments low enough, it is critical to screen raw materials or detector components to be used in the detectors. For the screening, a...
Energy-frontier DIS can be realised at CERN through an energy recovery linac that would produce 60 GeV electrons to collide with the HL-LHC or later HE-LHC (LHeC) or eventually the FCC hadron beams (FCC-eh). This would create a new laboratory for energy frontier particle and nuclear physics. It provided electron-proton/nucleus collisions with centre-of-mass energies in the range 0.3-3.5 TeV...
Measurements of CP violation are a core part of the LHCb physics programme to over constrain the CKM matrix and to understand the differences between matter and antimatter. The worlds most precise measurement of ACP in B+->DD0 decays is presented alongside the first measurement of ACP in the B+->DsD0 channel. Results from B(s)->D0KK decays are also shown, including the first observation of the...
We propose, for the first time, the potential of beyond the standard model opportunities at the ProtoDUNE experiment in the context of dark matter physics. We explore various experimental signatures at the cosmic frontier, arising in boosted dark matter scenarios, i.e., inelastic scattering of a relativistic dark matter particle often created by the annihilation of its heavier component which...
We investigate a general two Higgs doublet model imposing both the unitarity conditions and the bounded-from-below conditions. In the work we show that these conditions can be written in terms of invariants. Both conditions make restrictions on the ranges of the model parameters. We study model in the Higgs basis, together with the experimental bounds of oblique parameter T, to produce scalar...
The precision measurements of the monthly cosmic ray fluxes for the period from May 2011 to May 2017 with Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station are presented. This period covers the ascending phase of solar cycle # 24 together with the reversal of the Sun's magnetic field polarity through the minimum. The detailed variations with time of the fluxes are shown up to...
Anisotropic flow plays a critical role in understanding the properties of the quark-gluon plasma. In this talk we present the elliptic and triangular flow of identified particles in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV. The measurements are presented at mid-rapidity for a wide range of particle transverse momenta. The results are compared to those for elliptic and triangular...
In the baseline design of the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) tracking system, the high position resolution(~100μm) Time Projection Chamber(TPC) would be as the main tracker detector integrated with silicon tracker and ECAL. Unlike the detector at International Linear Collider (ILC), the beam structure of CEPC is the continous mode, which determines the detector's operation without...
The 6-year dataset of high-energy starting events (HESE) at IceCube indicates a spectrum of astrophysical neutrinos much softer than expected from the Fermi shock acceleration mechanism. On the other hand, IceCube's up-going muon neutrino dataset and Fermi-LAT's gamma-ray spectrum point to an $E^{-2}$ neutrino spectrum. If the HESE data above 200 TeV are fit with the latter flux, an excess at...
We present the measurements of forward-backward charge asymmetry $A_{FB} $ in
$p\bar{p}\rightarrow Z/\gamma^{*} \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^- $ events using $9.7 \ $fb$^{-1}$ of $ p\bar p$ data collected at $\sqrt s=1.96\ $TeV by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. $A_{FB}$ is measured as a function of the invariant mass of the dimuon system to extract the effective weak mixing...
Recent advances in ways to calculate the neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter will be present as well as their utility for long baseline oscillation experiments. These methods are not only numerically accurate enough for all current and future experiments but provide better analytic understanding then other methods. How accurate an oscillation probability is needed for long baseline...
Two of the most powerful methods currently used to determine the angle γ of the CKM Unitarity Triangle exploit B+→DK+, D→K0Sπ+π− decays and B0→DK+π−, D→K+K−, π+π− decays. It is possible to combine the strengths of both approaches in a “double Dalitz plot” analysis of B0→DK+π−, D→K0Sπ+π− decays. The potential sensitivity of such an analysis is investigated in the light of recently published...
We discuss extension of the Zee-Babu model introducing local $U(1)_{L_\mu - L_\tau}$ symmetry with several singly-charged bosons. We find a predictive neutrino mass texture in a simple hypothesis that mixings among singly-charged bosons are negligible. Also lepton flavor violations are less constrained compared with the original model in such a scenario. Then we explore phenomenology of the...
The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) proposes a high-statistics search for low-mass dark matter in fixed-target electron-nucleus collisions. Ultimately, LDMX will explore thermal relic dark matter over most of the viable sub-GeV mass range to a decisive level of sensitivity. To achieve this goal, LDMX employs the missing momentum technique, where electrons scattering in a thin target can...
The SoLid collaboration is currently operating a 1.6 ton neutrino detector near the Belgian BR2 reactor, with as main goal the observation of the oscillation of electron anti-neutrinos to previously undetected flavor states. The highly segmented SoLid detector employs a compound scintillation technology based on PVT scintillator in combination with a LiFZnS screens containing 6Li isotopes....
The strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$ is determined from inclusive jet and dijet cross sections in neutral-current deep-inelastic ep scattering (DIS) measured at HERA by the H1 collaboration using next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD predictions. The dependence of the NNLO predictions and of the resulting value of $\alpha_s (m_Z )$ at the Z-boson mass m Z are studied as a function of the...
The scenario of light dark matter fermion under a massive U(1) group has attracted some attention lately. It was proposed recently that different chiralities of the DM can lead to different showering patterns, resulting in distinguishable signatures in LHC. This can be helpful in understanding the origin of the dark photon mass and the DM mass. Here we study this subject further by examining...
We combine four measurements of the forward-backward charge asymmetry $A_{FB} $ in
$p\bar{p}\rightarrow Z/\gamma^{*} \rightarrow e^+ e^-/\mu^+\mu^- + X$ events using $\sim 10\ $fb$^{-1}$ of $ p\bar p$ data collected at $\sqrt s=1.96\ $TeV by the CDF and D0 detectors at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. $A_{FB}$ is measured as a function of the invariant mass of the dilepton system to extract...
It has been shown that the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) is a valid theory to describe inflation by Higgs bosons. In this model, the inflaton is a linear combination of the Higgs doublets while the Higgs singlet stabilizes the Higgs potential during inflation. The inflaton has a non-minimal coupling to gravity which appears in the low-energy effective Superpotential....
Elliptic flow of direct photons in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76$ TeV from ALICE
Direct photons are produced in all stages of a ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions and are sensitive to details of the space-time evolution of the produced medium. The low ${\textit p}_{\rm T}$ part of the direct photon spectrum is expected to be dominated by thermal direct photons - thermal...
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider. The accelerator has already successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016 and first electron positron collisions in Belle II are expected for April 2018. The design luminosity of SuperKEKB is $8 \times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$...
We present the status of development of the Superconducting Tunnel
Junction (STJ) detector for the COsmic BAckground Neutrino Decay search
(COBAND) experiment. The signal of the cosmic background neutrino decay is
identified as a sharp cutoff at high energy end in a far-infrared region
ranging from 15meV to 30meV in the energy spectrum of the photons from the
space[1]. The COBAND experiment...
Ams AG is a global leader in the design and manufacture of advanced sensor solutions, which are at the heart of the products and technologies that define our world today – from smartphones and mobile devices to smart homes and buildings, industrial automation, medical technology and connected vehicles. To build global leadership in optical sensing, ams is driving integration of sensor...
Motivated the absence of dark matter signal in dark matter direct detection and
new physics signals at LHC, we study how to hear the echoes of the new physics, especially the dark matter and baryogenesis by new approaches beyond the particle colliders, such as the pulsar timing array experiments (such as SKA) and Laser Interferometer experiments (such as LISA).
The presence of flavoured symmetries like $U(1)_{L_e-L_\mu}$, etc. can affect the propagation of neutrinos by introducing new interactions. If the mediating gauge bosons corresponding to these symmetries are ultra light, then the nucleons and electrons in the sun can generate a long-range potential that can modify the neutrino oscillation probabilities for earth-based experiments. We study the...
Dark matter particles may be metastable. If they decay into neutrinos, directly or indirectly, the signal is detectable with a neutrino telescope like IceCube, located at the geographic South Pole. IceCube instruments a cubic kilometre of ice with over 5000 optical sensors which detect the Cherenkov light emitted by particles produced in neutrino interactions in the ice. This talk will...
Measurements of single W and Z boson inclusive and differential production cross sections with the CMS detector are presented. Measurements of Drell-Yan cross sections in the mass range of 15 to 3000 GeV are also reported. The results are compared to predictions from different Monte Carlo generators.
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) has been proposed as a Higgs/Z0 (flavor) factory, which would allow precision measurements of the Higgs boson properties, as well as of W±/Z0 bosons. The baseline design of CEPC tracking system consists of a vertex detector with three concentric double-sided pixel layers and a silicon tracker with some layers on both barrel and end-cap regions,...
HYDJET++ model combines the description of soft processes with the treatment of hard partons propagating medium. The model is employed for the analysis of PbPb collisions at LHC energies, particularly, the azimuthal anisotropy phenomena, flow, femtoscopy, hard probes. The influence of geometric and dynamical anisotropies on the development of flow harmonics and, simultaneously, on the second-...
BESIII collected 2.93 and 3.2 fb$^{-1}$ of data at $\sqrt(s) = 3.773$ and 4.178 GeV, respectively. Many hadronic decays of $D^{0(+)}$ and $D_s^+$ have been studied. In this talk, the measurements of the branching fractions of $D^{0(+)} \to PP$ (P=Peudecalor) decays, the observations of the baryonic decay $D_s^+ \to p\bar{n}$ and the pure W-annhilation decay $D_s^+ \to \omega \pi^+$ as well as...
To date the neutrino telescopes IceCube and ANTARES have been generating strong limits on the thermally averaged annihilation cross-secttion of WIMP dark matter in the galactic center, with ANTARES yeilding the currently strongest limits at WIMP masses exceeding 30 TeV. At a WIMP mass range of 50 GeV to a few hundred GeV the current limitss from IceCube surpass those of ANTARES offering a good...
One of the most popular extensions of the Standard Model is the Two-Higgs-Doublet model (2HDM), in which a second Higgs doublet is added to the conventional Standard Model particle content. 2HDM's with a softly broken $Z_2$ symmetry avoid flavour-changing neutral Higgs currents at tree-level. They also comprise the Higgs sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Current Higgs...
Semi-annihilation describes processes with an initial state of two dark matter particles, and a final state of one plus standard model states. It is a generic feature of dark matter whenever the symmetry group enforcing stability is not a discrete $Z_2$. Semi-annihilation changes the expected signals in current dark matter searches, weakening limits from direct and collider searches, but can...
Precision measurements of the Drell-Yan production of Z bosons at the LHC provide a benchmark of our understanding of perturbative QCD and electroweak processes and probe the proton structure in a unique way. ATLAS performed a precise triple differential Drell-Yan cross-section measurement as a function of Mll, dilepton rapidity and cosθ∗ defined in the Collins-Soper frame at a center of mass...
There has been significant interest in the possible effect that one or more light sterile neutrinos, hinted by several short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, can have on the measurement of the three-neutrino mixing parameters at the future long-baseline Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), with a particular focus on their effect on CP-violation measurements. By the time DUNE...
The production of prompt isolated photons at hadron colliders provides a stringent test of perturbative QCD and can be used to probe the gluon density function of the proton.
The ATLAS collaboration has performed numerous cross section measurements of prompt photon production, among which are a precise measurement of the production of isolated prompt photons in association with heavy flavor...
The very forward region at CepC will be instrumented with a luminometer aiming to measure integral luminosity with a precision of 10-3 and 10-4 in e+e- collisions at 240 GeV center-of-mass energy and at the Z0 pole, respectively. Present understanding of the technology solutions for the measurement, and an assessment of the systematic uncertainties are presented.
Recent observations at RHIC and the LHC of two- and multi-particle correlations in high multiplicity relativistic proton-proton and proton-ion collisions and similarity of the results to those observed in central heavy-ion collisions are often interpreted as an evidence for collective particle production in small collision systems. These results motivate a study in even smaller systems, such...
A variety of vector boson measurements have been performed at LHCb with Run 1 data, including inclusive Z/W cross-sections, the Z forward-backward asymmetry, Z/W production with jets (including heavy flavor). Additionally, the inclusive Z cross-sections have been measured with Run 2 data. A variety of these results will be presented.
We present the current status of recent developments in the theory and application of IR-improved QED$\otimes$QCD resummation methods, realized by MC event generator methods, for LHC and FCC physics scenarios.
During the last years several Dark Sector Models have been proposed in order to address striking astrophysical observations which fail standard intepretations.
In the minimal case a new vector particle, the so called dark photon or U-boson, is introduced, with small coupling with Standard Model particles. Also, the existence of a dark Higgs boson h' is postulated, in analogy with the Standard...
The ANTARES detector, located 40 km off the French coast, is
the largest deep-sea neutrino telescope in the Northern Hemisphere
with an instrumented volume of more than 0.01 cubic kilometers. It has
been taking data continuously since 2007. The primary goal of such a
telescope is to search for astrophysical neutrinos in the TeV-PeV
range. The latest results from ANTARES will be presented,...
MECARO has invested great efforts to produce the large size GEM foils since 2012. The company developed their original production methods including new chemicals for etching and high-tech lithography machine. In this talk, we will overview the current status for the large size GEM foil production and review our future plan.
LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons. This sample is used to measure $D^0- \bar D^0$ mixing and to search for indirect CP violation. New measurements from several decay modes are presented, as well as prospects for future sensitivities.
Six rephasing invariant combinations can be constructed from elements of the neutrino mixing matrix $V$: $\Gamma_{ijk}=V_{1i}V_{2j}V_{3k}=R_{ijk}-iJ$, where $(i,j,k)$ is cyclic permutation of $(1,2,3)$, $R_{ijk}$ is the real part, and the common imaginary part $J$ is identified with the Jarlskog invariant. In terms of this rephasing invariant parametrization, the squared elements of the...
Circular Electron Position Collider (CEPC) is proposed as a Higgs or Z factory. This work introduce the R&D progress of CEPC HCAL. Three detector technologies including RPC detector, GEM detector and plastic scintillator were researched for CEPC HCAL sensitive detector. For RPC detector, we corporation with CALICE collaboration and do some analysis on beam test result. For GEM detector, some...
We study the extended Standard Model (SM) with an extra Higgs doublet and right-handed neutrinos.
If the symmetry to distinguish the two Higgs doublets is not assigned,flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs) involving the scalars are predicted even at the tree level. In this talk, we investigate the constraints on the FCNCs at the one-loop level, and especially study the semileptonic $B$...
The azimuthal anisotropies of particle yields observed in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions have been traditionally considered as a strong
evidence of the formation on a deconfined quark-gluon plasma produced in
these collisions. However multiple recent measurements from the ATLAS
Collaboration in pp and p+Pb systems show similar features as those
observed in Pb+Pb collisions, indicating...
Circular Electron Position Collider (CEPC) is proposed as a Higgs or Z factory. One option of CEPC-ECAL(Electromagnetic calorimeter), designed based on the Particles Flow Algorithm(PFA), consists of tungsten and scintillator coupling with SiPM as active sensor. A advanced study of the gain with single photon and the responding curve of SiPM will be presented. Scintillator module also had be...
The 3rd generation quarks are, due to their large mass, highly sensitive probes for new physics connected to the electroweak symmetry breaking. While top quark pair production requires center-of-mass energies of larger than 350 GeV, the first stage of the ILC at a center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV can perform precision measurements of bottom quark pair production, thereby settling the long...
e+e- collisions at a Future Circular Collider with tens of ab^-1 integrated luminosities provide unparalleled conditions to carry out unique high-precision QCD and two-photon-fusion studies. The QCD and gamma-gamma physics perspectives at the FCC-ee will be summarized focusing on high-accuracy measurements of 1) the QCD coupling alpha_s [1], 2) parton radiation and fragmentation [2], and 3) SM...
During this talk, the current constraints on the phenomenological MSSM (pMSSM) will be reviewed, focusing in particular on the Higgs sector. I will discuss the status of the pMSSM parameter space, and evaluate how future colliders, and higher energies or luminosities, can help probing the pMSSM Higgs sector.
The three main successes of supernumerary are: naturlaness, gauge coupling unification, and a thermal dark matter candidate. Although experimental constraints on supersymmetry has pushed it to a region of parameter space which is less natural, the other two motivations for supersymmetry are still in tact. I will discuss under what conditions can we still get a good thermal dark matter...
LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons. This sample is used to measure direct CP violation in D0 mesons and Lc baryons. New measurements from several decay modes are presented, as well as prospects for future sensitivities.
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass experiment for the International Space Station, ISS-CREAM, aims to study the origin, acceleration and propagation mechanisms of high-energy cosmic rays. The ISS-CREAM detector was launched in August 2017 to the ISS aboard the SpaceX-12 Dragon spacecraft. The Top Counting Detector (TCD) and Bottom Counting Detector (BCD) are parts of the ISS-CREAM instrument...
The ITS (Inner Tracking System) upgrade for the ALICE experiment at the LHC consists of novel monolithic CMOS pixel senosors with a total surface of 10^2. It is foreseen to be installed in the experiment during LS2 in 2019/20. The ITS upgrade encompasses highly advanced industrial technologies, such as CMOS sensor processing, post processing of silicon wafers, custom electronics and precision...
Abstract: The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) project aims to build a circular electron-positron collider capable of precision physics measurements at center-of-mass energies ranging from 90 GeV to 240GeV. The CEPC has a total circumference of at least one hundred kilometers and at least two interaction points. In its 10 years operation at 240 GeV, it will collect more than one...
The DIRAC experiment at the CERN PS accelerator observed for the first time the long-lived hydrogenlike π+π− atoms. Atoms were produced by PS proton beam on the Be target. Part of the atoms in the long-lived states crossed the gap of 96 mm and then broken in the Platinum foil of 2.1 µm. producing π+π− pairs(atomic pairs). From the analysis of the $n_A^L = 436_{-61}^{+157}$ observed atomic...
In the high-scale (split) MSSM, the measured Higgs mass sets an upper bound on the supersymmetric scalar mass scale $\tilde{m}$ around $10^{10}$ ($10^{8}$) GeV, for $\tan\beta$ in the standard range and the central value of the top mass. It is demonstrated that $\tilde{m}$ can be pushed up close to the Planck scale while reproducing a correct Higgs mass due to potentially large negative...
We discuss $ \mu-\tau $ reflection symmetry embedded in minimal seesaw model which predicts maximal atmospheric mixing angle and Dirac CP phase together with trivial Majorana phases for neutrinos. In this formalism, we add two right-handed neutrinos in the Standard Model which are essential to explain the tiny nature of neutrino mass under the type - I seesaw formalism. Assuming that both...
First results on two-particle angular correlations for charged particles emitted in $e^+e^-$ collisions using 730 $pb^{-1}$ of data collected between 91 and 209 GeV with the ALEPH detector at LEP are presented. With the archived data, the correlation functions are studied over a broad range of pseudorapidity $\eta$ (rapidity $y$) and azimuthal angle $\phi$ with respect to the electron-positron...
Supernova relic neutrinos (SRN), also called the diffused supernova neutrino backgrounds (DSNB), are emitted from core-collapse supernovae throughout the universe. Super-Kamiokande-IV tags inverse beta interactions by neutrons captured on hydrogen using improved electronics and triggering. Recently, the use of vertex reconstruction of the 2.2 MeV photons emitted by the neutron captures and a...
We investigate the electroweak vacuum stability in an extended version of the Standard Model which incorporates two additional singlet scalar fields and three right handed neutrinos. One of these extra scalars plays the role of dark matter while the other scalar not only helps in making the electroweak vacuum stable but also opens up the low mass window of the scalar singlet dark matter (< 500...
Using more than 920fb-1 data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider, we report the first measurement of the T-odd moments in the decay D0→KS0π0π+π- . We search for CP-violation in decays D0→KS0KS0 and D+→π+π0 . All the results are consistent with no CP violation. We also report the result from the first search for D0 decays to invisible final states. No...
The Future Circular Collider with electron-positron beams (FCC-ee) should provide improvements of the electroweak precision measurement concerning Z, W, H and their masses by a large factor over the present status.
The unparalleled experimental precision would open, via Electroweak loop corrections, a broad discovery potential for new, at least weakly interacting particles up to high energy...
In Supersymmetric Standard Models, bino-like or singlino-like neautralino dark matter (DM) can achieve the right thermal relic density through Z boson or Higgs boson resonant annihilations with tiny higgsino component, which makes it very hard to be detected. In this work we focus on the reach for such scenarios at High-Luminosity LHC and their interplay with DM direct detection experiments....
We consider a modi?cation of tribimaximal (TBM) mixing matrix which accommodates non-
zero mixing angle ?13 and CP violation. We show that such a modi?cation of TBM mixing can be
achieved in a minimal seesaw model with discrete symmetry S4. This model is very predictive and
the undetermined parameters are either mass of heavy neutrinos and a Majorana phase. Possible
values of the Dirac-type CP...
Neutrino has become a new window to our universe since the observation
of neutrinos from the Sun and SN1987A. Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is
a next-generation neutrino telescope with excellent capabilities in particle physics. The detector will be a water Cherenkov detector of 260 kton water mass with 40 % photo coverage. With about 10 times larger fiducial volume per detector than Super-...
We investigate the in-medium masses and decay constants of scalar $B_0^+$, $B_0^-$ and $B_{s0}$ mesons in hot and dense isospin asymmetric nuclear medium, using QCD sum rule approach and chiral SU(3) model. In chiral SU(3) model, using mean field approximation, we calculate the in-medium values of scalar fields $\sigma, \zeta, \delta$ and $\chi$. Further, the light quark condensates and gluon...
An upgrade program is planned for the LHC to increase the instantaneous luminosity up to 5x10^34 /cm^2/s to reach an integrated luminosity of 3000/fb. The CMS experiment will be equipped with an entire new tracking detector in the so-called Phase-2 Upgrade, when LHC will reach the high luminosity phase, HL-LHC. The new tracking detector must be able to fully exploit the demanding operation...
The JUNO experiment will install 25k 3-inch PMTs (SPMTs) in the gaps between 18k closely packed 20-inch PMTs (LPMTs). Both systems will detect the same IBD signals, but the SPMTs will almost always work in single photoelectron mode. As a result, they will help constrain some of the systematics in the LPMT energy reconstruction, improving the energy resolution and the sensitivity of neutrino...
We developed an X-ray detector which consisted of 36-multi-channel Yttrium OxyorthoSilicate (Y2SiO5:Ce,YSO) scintillator crystals and 36-Multi-Anode PhotoMultiplier Tubes(MAPMTs). Both YSO scintillator crystal and MAPMT have 64 channels in an 8×8 array. Therefore the X-ray detector has 2304 channels in total. The reason for choosing YSO scintillator crystal is that it has several advantages in...
The Mu2e experiment is designed to search for the charged-leptonflavor-
violating process, μ− to a e−, with unprecedented sensitivity. The
single 105-MeV electron that results from this process can be mimicked
by electrons produced by cosmic-ray muons traversing the detector. An
active veto detector surrounding the apparatus is used to detect incoming
cosmic-ray muons. To reduce the...
The Axion-gluon coupling induces an oscillating electric dipole moment (EDM) in nucleons. The axion induced oscillating EDM can be detected using storage ring EDM method with resonance between g-2 precession frequency and the oscillating EDM. Frequency range from mHz to 100 MHz can be scanned with the resonance method and below mHz down to about $10^{-9}$ Hz (assuming 4 years of measurement)...
In the multi-component configurations of dark matter phenomenology, we propose a minimal two-component one which is an extension
of the Standard Model with only three new fields; one scalar and one
fermion interact with the thermal soup through Higgs portal mediated
by the other scalar in such a way that the stabilities of dark matter candidates are made simultaneously by an explicit Z2...
The AMoRE (Advanced Molybdenum based Rare process Experiment) phase-II is an experiment to search neutrino-less double beta decay of Mo-100 which is the later phase of the AMoRE experiment. If the double beta decay is found, it means that the neutrinos are Majorana particles and we can measure their masses. The experiment is going to be carried out in the deep underground in order to observe...
At J-PARC, g-2/EDM experiment will be prepared to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of muon with high precision by producing the ultra-cold muon. The ultra-cold muon beam will be injected into the solenoidal storage magnet after acceleration to 300 MeV/c.
At the injection, it is required for the muon beam to have axisymmetric distribution for a reduction of a systematic error on the...
Since Kamiokande, the basic design of water-Cherenkov detectors has not changed: the walls of a water tank are lined with photodetectors that capture Cherenkov photons produced by relativistic particles. However, with this design the majority of photons are lost in insensitivie regions between photodetectors, while at the same time most photodetectors are outside the ring and remain dark. To...
Secluded dark matter is a model for dark matter in which dark matter particles annihilate into baryonic matter via a metastable mediator. In the case of annihilations in the sun sufficiently long-lived mediator particles can escape the solar plasma before decaying, avoiding the absorption of signal particles. This results in significantly amplified neutrino signals at energies beyond 1 TeV...
We present a unique search for vector-like T quark pair production, targeting all possible decay modes tH, tZ, and bW, of the T quark at once. We use data collected from the CMS experiment at center of mass energy of 13 TeV. We use a multivariate algorithm, the 'boosted event shape tagger' (BEST), to classify candidate jets as originating from top quarks, W, Z, or Higgs bosons. BEST uses...
We studied phonon and scintillation properties of Li$_2$MoO$_4$ crystals for the AMoRE-II (Advance Molybdenum based Rare process Experiment - phase II), an experiment aiming at detecting neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{100}$Mo. The Li$_2$MoO$_4$ is one of promising crystal candidates among molybdate crystals containing Mo element for a simultaneous detection of heat and light signals at...
High energy cosmic rays are one of the biggest concerns for a detector used in space and manned spaceflight, along with the swift development of the high energy experiments in space and spaceflight enterprise, the research of shielding materials against high energy cosmic rays has become increasingly important. In this study, by using Monte Carlo method, firstly we defined a simple detector in...
Thick Gaseous Electron Multiplier (THGEM) is one of the promising Micro-pattern Gaseous Detectors. It can be applied to Digital Hadron Calorimeter (DHCAL), TPC tracker readout, Muon detector, single photon detector, neutron imaging and so on. The attractive advantages of THGEM are high gain, robust and low cost. The moderate spacial resolution limits its applications but it is acceptable in...
The high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade is setting a new challenge for particle detection technologies. In the CMS muon system based on gas detectors, the increased luminosity will yield a ten times higher particle background compared to the present LHC conditions. To cope with the high-rate environment and to maintain the actual performance, new Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors will...
The AMoRE (Advanced Mo-based Rare process Experiment) is an experiment searching for a neutrinoless double beta decay of Mo-100. A pilot experiment, AMoRE Pilot, has been running with a total of ~1.8 kg of six 40Mo100MoO4 (CMO) crystals in a cryostat at the Yangyang underground laboratory (Y2L, 700 m overburden from the surface). The AMoRE muon veto counter covers the AMoRE cryostat with 10...
Two body nonleptonic weak decays of bottom mesons to a pseudoscalar meson & an axial-vector meson states have been studied within the overall non-relativistic quark model. For decays involving charmed mesons, these decays have been studied by employing factorization hypothesis in heavy quark symmetry approach. A thorough analysis of charmed meson decays of B-mesons using ISGW model and lattice...
For the several decades, the non-baryonic dark matter has been searched in many ways and by many research teams. Non-baryonic dark matter is known as a weakly interaction and neutral particle. In the direct detection ways, it is not easy to identify a non-baryonic dark matter from other particles, such as gamma ray and neutron, due to its electric neutrality. So, the identification of neutral...
The AMoRE (Advanced Molybdenum based Rare process Experiment) project is an experiment aiming for searching the neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{100}$Mo. The planned technique is a combination of 200 kg of X-Molybdates (~100 kg of $^{100}$Mo and X candidates are Ca, Li, Na, and Pb.) scintillating crystals as an absorber and metallic magnetic calorimeter (MMC) sensor as a heat and light...
The ATLAS hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is being upgraded for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) that will have a peak luminosity of $5 \times 10 ^{34}$ $cm^{−2}$ $s^{−1}$, five times higher than the design luminosity of the LHC. Following the R&D of the new on-detector electronics, we present a redesign of the read out link and control board, so called Daughterboard...
Based on the standard mapping, analytical formula for estimating the dynamic apertures of synchrotron particles has been established for both on-momentum and off-momentum particles. In this paper, we extended the formula of dynamic aperture considering features of a Higgs Factory. As an example, application on the dynamic aperture optimization for the CEPC (Circular Electron and Positron...
Our universe appears to break the CP symmetry in the strong interaction within the paradigm of the elementary particle physics. However, no violation has been discovered so far by experiments. To address this question further, a storage ring experiment has been proposed to search for a permanent intrinsic electric dipole moment of proton (pEDM) with the target sensitivity of $10^{-29}$
The CAPP-8TB axion dark matter search experiment for the mass range of 6.62 to 7.04 μeV is being performed as one of the CULTASK experiments at IBS/CAPP. The experiment utilizes the cavity haloscope technique introduced by Sikivie with a microwave resonant cavity of 3.5 L volume under 8 T superconducting magnet at a cryogenic temperature of less than 0.1 K. In this poster, details of the...
COSINE-100 is a dark matter direct dark matter search experiment that uses an array of scintillating NaI(Tl) crystals as a target/detector. The experiment started taking data in September 2016 and has been running stably since that time. We have fit the measured energy spectra in the NaI(Tl) crystals with a MC model that contains a variety of background components. The background sources will...
We introduce new strategy to improve the searches of the signal from gluon-pair-initiated(ggI) processes at the LHC. By the ggI process, we mean the scattering process starting from a pair of gluons which can be associated with initial-state radiation jets(ISR jets) emitted from various incident parton at hadron collision. The ggI processes include gluon-gluon fusion(ggF) into colour singlet...
We study the new numerical method to solve the Schrödinger equation with no analytic solution. As an example, we tried the Yukawa potential, which is popular in most areas of physics, especially, quark-quark interaction in high-energy physics. This method is based on the basic principle in quantum physics that all particle states are represented by the complete set of eigenbases.
In this...
The preshower detector, part of the CMS endcap electromagnetic calorimeter, is designed to have good spatial resolution to distinguish between different types of incoming particles. The preshower is a sampling detector with two layers of lead absorber, each followed by 1.9mm pitch silicon strip sensors. Each of the 4288 DC-coupled sensors has an active area of 61x61mm^2, making a total surface...
We have developed the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECL) trigger system for the Belle-II experiment. The ECL trigger system is based on Trigger Cell (TC) consisting of 16 CsI(Tl) crystal detectors for each. We performed the TC energy calibration using the ECL data, and the TC time-offset calibration as well. We will report the calibration method and performance of the ECL trigger system using...
The installation of scintillating pad detectors (Herschel), bracketing the LHCb detector along the beamline, have significantly enhanced LHCb's sensitivity to central exclusive production. Additionally, dedicated triggers during the early measurement period of Run 2 have produced an extended CEP dataset. A summary of results from Run 1 as well as early results from Run 2 will be shown.
Emittance scans are short van der Meer type scans performed at the beginning and at the end of LHC fills. The beams are scanned against each other in X and Y planes in 9 displacement steps and are used for LHC diagnostics and since 2017 for CMS luminosity calibration cross check. An XY pair of scans takes less than 4 minutes elapsed time. BRIL project provides to LHC three independent online...
The performance of CMS muon system is crucial for many physics results in CMS. Recently, many upgrades related to muon performance have been carried out such as the installation of new pixel detector and the development of new algorithm in muon high-level trigger. The performance of CMS muon reconstruction and identification has been studied based on the data collected with the CMS detector at...
The Belle II experiment operates at the SuperKEKB e^+ e^- energy-asymmetric collider on or near the \Upsilon(4S) resonance energy. The Belle II experiment is now in the "Phase 2" run and focusing on the search for new physics related with dark sector, axion-like particles, etc. with an intermediate luminosity on the way to reach the challenging target. To accomplish the physics goal of Phase...
The HT-KZ is an ultra-high energy cosmic rays detector system that is currently under construction at Nazarbayev University (NU), Kazakhstan. It is designed to study the spatial and temporal structure of Extensive Air Showers with the energy of the primary above ~10 17 eV, and with high time resolution of the shower disk profile and timing synchronization between the detection points (both ~1...
In the energy region of T2K beam, which is peaked around 0.6 GeV, CC1π + is a dominant channel besides CCQE. Consequently, T2K plans to include CC1π + channel as a signal channel. An evaluation of the Super Kamiokande (SK) detector related systematic errors on CC1π + needs to be done. A new hybrid sample is constructed, as it was successfully used for the evaluation of π 0 background in the SK...
The Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment aims to measure the muon anomalous magnetic moment with a 140 parts-per-billion precision to investigate the greater than 3 standard deviation difference between the Standard Model prediction and the previous measurement by the BNL Muon g-2 experiment. The coherent betatron oscillation (CBO) beam effects must be corrected for in the decay-positron time spectra...
The COSINE-100 is a direct dark matter (WIMPs) search experiment with a 106 kg array of NaI(TI) crystals at Yangyang deep underground laboratory. Dark matter search experiments require ultra-low background conditions, thus background understanding and reduction are crucial to improve the sensitivity of the detectors. One of the dominant background contributions on the NaI(Tl) crystals is...
(On behalf of the Daya Bay Collaboration)
Neutrons are an important background for underground experiments studying neutrino oscillations, searching neutrinoless double beta decay, dark matter, and other rare-event signals. This poster presents a study of neutron production by cosmogenic muons at the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, and gives the measurements of neutron yield for...
WZ production is one of the dominant multiboson production processes at the LHC energies. Thus, a good understanding of this process improves our understanding of the Standard Model (SM).
Specifically, the all leptonic final state constitutes an irreducible background in multiple SM and beyond the Standard Model (BSM) searches for low cross-section processes in multileptonic channels. Thus, a...
HEPS-BPIX 1M is a silicon detector with 1 million pixels, which is designed for the High Energy Photon Sources (HEPS) in Beijing, China. It is a high-frame-rate pixel detector working in the single-photon-counting mode. The frame rate is designed to 1 kHz, which leads to ~ 2GB/s high data bandwidth. The data acquisition (DAQ) system need to read out data efficiently. Meanwhile it should...
Combining high precision calorimetry with scalability to the multi-kiloton level, the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) has proven to be an attractive technology for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. An extensive R&D program for LAr TPCs at the ten-kiloton level is currently underway in the context of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). The DUNE far...
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment was designed to determine theta13, the smallest mixing angle in the three-neutrino mixing framework, with unprecedented precision. Daya Bay provided theta13 with the best precision and made an independent measurement of the effective mass splitting in the electron antineutrino disappearance channel. Daya Bay also performed a number of other precise...
The Isotope Decay-At-Rest experiment (IsoDAR) is a proposed experiment to search for sterile neutrinos by measuring neutrino oscillations. The electron-antineutrino generation requires a high intensity primary proton beam impinging on a beryllium target surrounded by lithium . In IsoDAR, H2+ ions are generated and accelerated to avoid space charge effects in the low energy region, which will...
The long baseline neutrino experiment T2K has launched the upgrade project of its near detector ND280, crucial to reduce the systematic uncertainty in the prediction of number of events at the far detector to less than 4%. An essential component of this upgrade is a highly segmented scintillator detector, acting as a fully active target for the neutrino interactions.
The baseline concept for...
The silicon avalanche photodiode (APD) is a highly sensitive semiconductor photo sensor that converts lights to electrons by using the photoelectric effect with a high gain through avalanche multiplication in its pn junction. It has various preferable characteristics such as operating with high quantum efficiency, large dynamic range, light-weight, robustness, insensitivity to magnetic field,...
The main purpose of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is to measure the CP-violation phase in long-baseline neutrino oscillations, proton decay and super nova neutrinos with a liquid-argon detector of unprecedented size. In order to constrain the systematics including the flux, neutrino interaction cross section, energy scale and so on, a near detector is needed to measure the...
One of the main aspects of physics beyond the standard model is the concept of extra dimensions. Among many extra dimensional cosmological models the so called DGP model (also called brane-induced gravity) with two branches is of particular interest. In this manuscript we consider the normal branch of the DGP model in which the existence of a dark energy component is necessary to explain the...
I will show how to parametrize the Standard Model and generic new-physics contributions by an effective Lagrangian that includes higher-dimensional operators and discuss the constraints from the unitarity of scattering amplitudes for 2 to 2 and 2 to 3 processes. The selected subset of operators is motivated by composite-Higgs and Higgs-inflation models. The new physics effect can be...
In many applications, there are a lot of needs for uniform distribution of cold cathode electron sources, such as microchannel plate testing, mass spectrometer electron sources that excite some samples to produce ions, etc. We use deep ultraviolet light to excite gold cathodes, or a microchannel plate with a gold cathode, using one or more microchannel plates based on different electron flow...
The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment, aiming to search for nucleon decay and study various properties of neutrinos, is expected to start in 2026. The detector is the ring imaging water Cherenkov type similar to Super-Kamiokande. The newly developed 20inch PMT will be used as photo sensors. They realize better timing resolution but the pulse shape of output signal is slightly different from the PMT...
We introduce the GAMBIT framework for global scans and its collider physics module ColliderBit, and show results from a recent scan of the electroweak fermion sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) in light of LHC searches at 13 TeV and older LEP results. We take particular care to avoid assumptions from specific realizations of the MSSM that automatically prohibit very...
Exclusive production of four charged pions at the ep collider HERA is studied at small photon virtualities $Q^2 < 2$ GeV$^2$. The data were taken with the H1 detector in the years 2006 and 2007 at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=319$ GeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of $7.6$ pb$^{−1}$. The cross section of the reaction $\gamma p\to 2(\pi^{+}\pi^{−})Y$ is determined in the...
The Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP) of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Korea has completed the construction of the infrastructure for axion dark matter search experiments. An experiment utilizing a 9 T superconducting magnet with a 127 mm bore diameter placed in a He-3 cryogenic system is currently under preparation. This experiment will explore a broad range of...
Successful physics and performance studies of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider rely on a large number of simulated events. The production of these simulated events with the precise detector description using GEANT4 is highly CPU intensive. With the large collision dataset expected to be collected by the ATLAS detector, the development of a simulation tool to reduce CPU...
The Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPCs) provide excellent timing as well as position resolutions at relatively lower cost. Therefore, they can be used in medical imaging applications such as PET where precise timing is a crucial parameter of measurement. We have designed and fabricated several six-gap glass MRPCs and extensively studied their performance. In this paper, we describe...
The matter unification, that is proposed by the Grand Unified theory (GUT),
predicts extra fields that couple to quarks and leptons, in order to realize the realistic Yukawa couplings. In a simple setup, many fields, in which Higgs $SU(2)_L$ doublets are built, are introduced and the realistic Yukawa couplings consist of the many Yukawa couplings between the Standard Model (SM) fermions and...
A possible long-term strategy for high-energy physics at colliders, after the exploitation of the LHC and its High Luminosity upgrade, considers a tunnel of about 100 km circumference, which takes advantage of the present CERN accelerator complex. The Future Circular Collider (FCC) concept follows on the successful experience and outcomes of the LEP-LHC tunnel. A possible first step of the...
GAMBIT is an open-source and highly modular tool for performing large-scale global fits of BSM theories. We give a brief introduction to GAMBIT and present results from global fits of seven- and nine-dimensional parameterisations of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We explore the MSSM parameter space in high detail using an efficient differential evolution algorithm. Among...
We suggest a new way to understand cosmic ray proton and helium by introducing discrete local sources. The source of diffusion equation of cosmic ray propagation is set to be a point source given by delta function, contrary to conventional models which have continuous sources. We calculated the spectrum of proton and helium originated in close and young supernovas. By combining the solutions...
Most of the CMS studies rely on the identification of b jets (b tagging), which is important for a broad range of analyses at CMS. Identification algorithms of jets from B hadrons heavily rely on machine learning tools and are thus natural candidates for advanced tools like deep neural networks. During the past couple of years, the CMS Collaboration has proven the power of deep neural networks...
In the microwave cavity axion search method proposed by P. Sikkivi, the cavity volume, quality factor of the microwave resonant mode, and average electric potential of the mode in the direction of external magnetic field, so called geometrical factor, greatly affect the detection speed. TM010 mode of cylindrical cavity has been the only option because it promises the maximum axion searching...
The Muon g-2 Experiment (E989) at Fermilab will measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, a$_\mu$ with a precision of 140 part-per-billion (ppb), aiming at resolving the >3 standard deviations between the previous measurement at Brookhaven (E821) and the Standard Model calculation of a$_\mu$.
The experimental concept uses a polarized muon beam stored in an extremely homogeneous...
The J-PARC (g-2)/EDM experiment features a novel experimental idea of the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the muon. The goals of the experiment are to improve the precision of the previous measurement of the E821 experiment at BNL that sets the measurement significantly away from theory; therefore, providing an evidence for new physics. The systematic uncertainties of the...
We report the design and construction of the trigger system for COMET Phase-I experiment of searching for cLFV of muon-electron conversion. A robust, intelligent and flexible trigger system of COMET Phase-I experiment is critical to cope with background hits rating a few MHz in Cylindrical Drift Chamber detector of COMET experiment. To establish robust links between central trigger and timing...
A Hough transform based tracking method is introduced for curling track finding of BESIII drift chamber. This track finding algorithm is implemented in the BESIII offline software system and its performance has been checked. The results show that this algorithm improves the reconstruction efficiency for the low transverse momentum tracks.
The standard muon identification of the ATLAS experiment is optimized for muons with transverse momentum (pT) above 5 GeV. However searches for low mass resonances and many B-physics measurements often need to identify muons with lower pT, where standard algorithms suffers from large backgrounds originating from sources such as hadrons decay in flight. A new "LowPt" identification has been...
The experimental data taken from both Drell-Yan and deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments
suggest a sign-change in $\bar d(x) - \bar u(x)$ flavor asymmetry in the proton at large values of momentum fraction $x$.
In this work, we present a phenomenological study of $\bar d(x) - \bar u(x)$ flavor asymmetry.
First, we extract the $\bar d(x)-\bar u(x)$ distribution using the more recent...
We present an inclusive search for supersymmetry with the razor kinematic variables performed using a data sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb-1 collected with the CMS experiment in 2016 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The search covers final states with zero or one lepton, and features event categories divided according to the number...
In this work we introduce a new channel to indirect search for the light charged Higgs bosons, which are predicted in several extensions of the standard model (SM) such as the two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDMs). We calculate the ${\cal O}(\alpha_s)$ QCD radiative corrections to the energy distribution of bottom- and charmed-flavored hadrons ($B/D$) produced in the dominant decays of the...
The search for electroweakinos and sleptons is a key component of the supersymmetry program at the LHC. In particular, natural SUSY models motivate small mass splittings between the lightest charginos and neutralinos, known as a compressed mass spectrum. Such a scenario presents several experimental challenges, since the decay products are very soft and there is little final state missing...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), a 20-kton multi-purpose underground liquid scintillator (LS) detector equipped with about 50k PMTs, is under construction at Kaiping, Guangdong Province in China. The primary scientific goal is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy (MH), which requires the unprecedented energy resolution of 3%/√E. Consequently, thorough calibration of...
The semileptonic form factors, at zero and non-zero recoil, of $B\to D^{(\ast)}\ell\nu$ decays are needed to determine the $V_{cb}$, a Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element. Typically in the Unitarity Triangle (UT) analysis for the quark flavor mixing angles and the CP violating phase, $V_{cb}$ enters as a normalization of $\vert V_{ub}\vert/\vert V_{cb}\vert$ or with $\varepsilon_K...
CEPC is the future Circular Electron and Positron Collider proposed by China to mainly study the Higgs boson. This paper will present the bean optics design of the collider ring for the concept design report. The compatible beam optics for W and Z mode will be presented as well.
We investigate light dark matter scenarios where annihilation to Standard Model particles at tree-level is kinematically forbidden. In such cases annihilation can be aided by massive Standard Model-like species, called assisters, in the initial state that enhances the available phase space opening up novel tree-level processes. We investigate the feasibility of such non-standard assisted...
Beyond the Standard Model ideas include lightweight (sub-GeV) Dark Matter candidates. We postulate that they could be produced within the NuMI beam at Fermilab. The NOvA neutrino experiment has recorded ~10e20 protons on target, which correspond to millions of neutrino interaction events in its low-Z, 300-ton, off-axis Near Detector. Among these neutrinos, we search, in a model agnostic way,...
IBS/CAPP has launched CAPP-PACE, direct axion detection experiment aimed at the mass range of 2.45~2.75 GHz. In the present detector setup, we utilize 1K (ultra-low noise temperature) HEMT amplifier which is the world-best available commercial silicon-based low temperature amplifier. However, in order to reach QCD axion sensitivity and speed up the experiment, we are currently examining the...
We developed light detectors to measure scintillation signals from simultaneous phonon-scintillation detection system for rare-event search experiments. The light detector is composed of a two-inch Ge or Si wafer and a low-temperature sensor called Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter (MMC) operated at milli-Kelvin range. The light detector showed promising performance for neutrinoless double beta...
The Muon g-2 Experiment (E989) at Fermilab will measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, a$_\mu$ with a precision of 140 part-per-billion (ppb), aiming at resolving the >3 standard deviations between the previous measurement at Brookhaven (E821) and the Standard Model calculation of a$_\mu$.
The experimental concept requires a precise measurement of the magnetic field of the 45-m...
We present a theoretical analysis of possible influence of neutrino magnetic moments on the propagation of ultrahigh-energy (UHE) cosmic neutrinos in the interstellar space under the assumption of two-neutrino mixing. The exact solution of the effective equation for neutrino evolution in the presence of a magnetic field and matter is obtained, which accounts for four neutrino species...
The isotopes of 8He and 9Li produced by cosmic-rays are a main source for backgrounds in reactor neutrino experiments. The isotope decays to a neutron and an electron and mimics an inverse beta decay of an electron antineutrino from reactors. The 8He/9Li background spectrum and rate are measured using the data taken by the RENO experiment, and compared the with Monte-Carlo prediction. In this...
The CMS muon system presently consists of three detector technologies equipping different regions of the spectrometer. Drift Tube chambers (DT) are installed in the muon system barrel, while Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) cover the end-caps; both serve as tracking and triggering detectors. Moreover, Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) complement DT and CSC in barrel and end-caps respectively and are...
The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) detector at the LHC is designed
to study the properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a deconfined state of
quarks and gluons produced in the ultrarelativistic heavy ions collisions.
Heavy-quarks, charm and beauty, are considered as effective probes for the
investigation of the QGP properties. Due to their large masses they are
produced almost...
Normalized differential cross sections for top quark pair production are measured in the dilepton ($e^{+}e^{-}$, $mu^{+}mu^{-}$, and $mu^{-+}e^{+-}$) decay channels in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13\TeV. The measurements are performed with data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.1\fbinv using the CMS detector at the LHC. The cross sections are measured...
In direct detection of WIMP dark matter particles, scintillation crystals such as NaI(Tl) are commonly used as targets/detectors. Interactions between WIMP and the crystal are expected to produce nuclear recoils, while energy calibrations for the crystal are done with gamma sources that produce electron recoils. Since the light yields from electron and nuclear recoils of the same energy are...
Techniques have been developed to determine the single upset rates in individual pixels in the innermost layer of the ATLAS pixel detector, called IBL. SIngle pixel SEU cannot be observed directly through error reporting of the pixels as there is no such function, nor is there real time monitoring of configuration during operation. Through analysis of cluster data from physics running and...
We present the first measurement of branching fraction for a rare tau decay, $\tau^{\pm} \rightarrow \pi^{\pm} e^+ e^- \nu_\tau$, using a 562 $fb^{-1}$ dataset collected with Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. The $\gamma^{*}W^{*}\pi$ vertex involved in this decay provides unique knowledge to study the dynamics of strong interactions at the energy scale of tau mass....
The exclusive photoproduction reaction $\gamma p -> \psi(2S) p$ has been studied with the ZEUS detector in $ep$ collisions at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 350 pb$^{-1}$, in the kinematic range 30 $< W <$ 180 GeV, $Q^2$ < 1 GeV$^2$, $|t|$ < 5 GeV$^2$, where $W$ is the photon proton centre-of-mass energy, $Q^2$ is the photon virtuality and t is the four-momentum transfer at the proton...
Tau leptons play an important role in many Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model physics processes that are being investigated at the LHC. This poster details measurements of the performance of the reconstruction and identification of hadronic tau lepton decays using the ATLAS detector. The measurements include the performance of the identification, trigger, energy calibration and decay...
RENO has been taking data since August, 2011 and successfully measured the smallest neutrino mixing angle, theta13. The measurement values are obtained from the observed reactor antineutrino events with neutron captures on gadolinium (n-Gd) in the target detector region. In addition, RENO has successfully measured the mixing angle as well, using an independent sample with neutron captures on...
The measurement of the cross section ratio σt ̄tbb ̄ / σt ̄tjj is performed in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC. Events with two leptons (e or μ) and at least four reconstructed jets, including at least two identified as b quark jets, in the final state are selected. The ratio is measured at the particle in visible phase space and the parton level in the full phase...
Measurements of differential ttbar production cross sections are presented in the single-lepton decay channel, as a function of a number of kinematic event variables. The measurements are performed with proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC during 2016 at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV, with an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fbinv. The data are compared to a variety of...
AMoRE (Advanced Mo-based Rare process Experiment) is an experimental search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Mo-100. A pilot experiment, AMoRE-Pilot, has been operating with six 40Ca100MoO4 (CMO) crystals, total mass 1.9 kg, in a cryostat at the Yangyang underground laboratory (Y2L), with an overburden of 700 m. It is unavoidable that the materials of the crystals suffer from some...
Measurements of the environmental neutron flux in the vicinity of dark matter search experiments are important because signals induced by these neutrons can mimic those that are expected from dark matter interactions. In order to establish a systematic understanding of the environmental neutron flux at the location of the COSINE-100 experiment, we developed a liquid scintillator neutron...
The energy sawtooth will be significant in the future circular Higgs factory with beam energy as high as 120 GeV. For the partial double ring scheme, unlike the double ring scheme, the effects of energy sawtooth can't be corrected by tapering the magnet strength with beam energy along beamline. In this paper, the energy sawtooth effects in the partial double ring scheme and its mitigation...
Silicon pixel detectors are at the core of the current and planned upgrade of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As the closest detector component to the interaction point, these detectors will be subjected to a significant amount of radiation over their lifetime: prior to the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the innermost layers will receive a fluence in excess of 10^15...
COSINE-100 is a direct detection dark matter experiment consisting of 106 kg of low-background NaI(Tl) crystal detectors located at the Yangyang Underground Laboratory in South Korea. The primary physics goal of COSINE-100 is to search for a WIMP-induced annual modulation signal to confirm or refute DAMA/LIBRA’s claim of dark matter discovery. The search for an annual modulation signal...
The COSINE experiment has been taking physics data which aim to confirm or refute the annual modulation signal reported by DAMA/LIBRA by using the same technique. In order to tag and suppress cosmic-ray muons, a muon detector was constructed using plastic scintillator panels that completely surround the crystal detector array. High energy muons in the NaI(Tl) crystals and low energy...
Because of hygroscopic property of NaI(Tl) crystal, meticulous care should be taken when handling and encapsulating the crystal. Encapsulation with little surface radioactive background is critical in building low-background rare search experiment.
One of possible method for the background reduction is encapsulation with active veto counter, such as liquid scintillator. Alpha events from...
The phenomena of neutrino oscillations can proceed only in the case of the coherent superposition of neutrino mass states. An external environment can modify a neutrino evolution in a way that conditions for the coherent superposition of neutrino mass states are violated. Such a violation results in quantum decoherence of neutrino states and leads to suppression of flavor neutrino...
We consider the Standard model extended by fermion and scalar singles.
These singlet can account for the generation of neutrino mass at the
TeV scale and the existence of dark. For the neutrino
sector we consider models with extra singlet fermions which can generate
neutrino mass via the inverse seesaw mechanism whereas
a singlet scalar is introduced as the candidate for dark matter. We...
The purpose of J-PARC KOTO experiment is to search for a rare Kaon decay, $K_L\rightarrow\pi^0\nu\bar{\nu}$. This decay violates CP symmetry and is highly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM). The SM predicts its branching ratio as $BR = (3.0 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{-11}$, and the deviation of the measured BR from the prediction signifies the existence of new physics.
The KOTO detector consists...
Two-particle femtoscopic correlations between non-identical charged particles for different charge combinations are measured in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV with ALICE at the LHC. The three-dimensional two-particle correlation functions and double ratios in the out-side-long pair rest frame as well as in terms of an infinite set of one-dimensional spherical harmonics are...
The Belle II at the SuperKEKB collider in Japan has been constructed toward a physics run in early of 2018 with an ultimate target of 40 times higher instantaneous luminosity than the KEKB collider, which was 2.1×10^34/cm^2s.
The main physics motivation is to search for the New Physics from heavy quark/lepton flavor decays.
We have upgraded the Electromagnetic Calorimeter(ECL) hardware trigger...
The identification of jets originating from b-quarks is of great importance to many physics analyses. For this reason, a great deal of effort has been put into developing several algorithms that can efficiently distinguish b-jets from light and c-jets. These algorithms typically use information regarding reconstructed objects such as the jet's tracks, secondary vertices and jet-associated...
After the Higgs discovery, precise measurements become vital for the experimental particle physics. A powerful Higgs/Z factory, the Circular electron-positron Collider is proposed. Adequate reconstruction and detector design are fundamental to this project. Arbor algorithm has been optimized to fulfill the CEPC physics requirements and is used as the core for the CEPC physics...
The J-PARC KOTO experiment is searching for the KL->pi0nunubar decay which is sensitive to New Physics. A main feature the signal is that only two photons are observed in a hermetic detector system. Therefore, it is important to detect all decay particles from the KL decay. A 5.5-m long cylindrical Lead/Scintillator sandwich sampling calorimeter surrounds the fiducial KL decay region to detect...
We present a simulation to calculate heat signal spectrum from low temperature bolometer attached to a crystal. This implementation is based on the elementary acoustic wave theory at low temperature, and has been developed using modern Monte Carlo techniques by tracking individual phonon's polarization, wave, and group velocity vectors in anisotropic media. Physical processes include phonon...
Ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) of heavy ions involve long-range interactions at impact parameters larger than the sum of their radii. Therefore, the hadronic interactions are largely suppressed in UPC. Though there are no hadronic processes in UPC, the jets can be produced via some other ways, such as gamma-nucleus interactions. The study of di-jet photoproduction by gamma-nucleus...
Ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) of heavy ions involve long-range interactions at impact parameters larger than the sum of their radii, for which the hadronic interactions are largely suppressed. In such UPC events, the jets can be produced in processes such as gamma-nucleus interactions. The study of di-jet photoproduction by gamma-nucleus interactions at high energy offer a unique...
After the Higgs discovery, precise measurements of the Higgs properties and the electroweak observables become vital for the experimental particle physics. A powerful Higgs/Z factory, the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is proposed. The Particle Flow oriented detector design is proposed to the CEPC and a Particle Flow algorithm, Arbor has been designed and optimized accordingly.
The Korean Neutrino Observatory (KNO) is proposed as a next generation underground neutrino detector in Korea. The detector is a 260 kiloton water Cherenkov detector and can serve as the second detector of Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. By detecting J- PARC neutrino beam in these two detectors in Korea and Japan at the same time, the measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters such as...
Two main aims of the SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) experiment are the observation of hidden particles and high-statistics study of tau neutrino events. These particles can be produced from the decay of charmed particles in the SHiP hybrid target which is composed of a totally 58-cm long series of TZM slabs followed by Tungsten slabs of the same total length. A major concern for the...
The Higgs boson quartic couplings and their beta functions appear to be tantalisingly close to zero it the Planck scale. We investigate extended Higgs models, including extra Higgs doublets and/or singlets, to see if the vanishing of quartile couplings can be made exact while still producing the correct Higgs mass and satisfying experimental constraints.
The RENO experiment has measured the neutrino mixing angle θ_13 and dm^2_ee, using reactor antineutrinos from the reactors at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant since Aug. 2011. In 2016, RENO published results on sin^2(2θ_13) and dm^2_ee using the energy dependent oscillation of reactor antineutrinos in the 500days of data. RENO has accumulated roughly ~2000 days of data with reduced backgrounds and...
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) continued studying detail of Higgs boson properties and put bounds on beyond standard models. However electron positron colliders with precise knowledge of the initial-state beams, low backgrounds and sensitivity to small energy depositions would provide a perfect environment to precision study of standard model and discovery of new particles.
We consider a beyond...
The recursive jigsaw reconstruction technique provides a powerful way to tackle challenging SUSY final states with multiple missing particles. By altering the input "decay tree" we demonstrate a new approach to considering compressed SUSY signatures from a variety of different sources. The imposition of this decay tree provides a clear way to define which objects are associated with decay...
A search for the associated production of dark matter with a Higgs boson which decays into two photons is presented. The search uses data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. Results are interpreted in the context of two dark matter models: a...
The Advanced Mo based Rare process Experiment (AMoRE) is a series of experiments focused on searching for the neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay of 100Mo. Molybdenum based single crystals of high purity are used as scintillating elements of detector. Sensitivity of the AMoRE detector is limited by the background in the region of the expected peak, the main source of the background forced...
The purpose of the Axion Resonant InterAction DetectioN Experiment (ARIADNE)[1] is to detect axion mediated macroscopic interactions between polarized and unpolarized masses using NMR techniques. This experiment is a collaboration among institutes in Korea, IBS/CAPP and KRISS, and US institutes, Northwestern, Stanford, and Indiana University. Wilczek and Moody[2] predicted the possible...
Abstract: The transit time spread (TTS) is an important parameter of photomultiplier tube in the high energy physics field. By the software of CST and Matlab, the theoretical model of the photomultiplier tube structure was established, and the particle sources theoretical model was established according to the M-C integral sampling method of cosine distribution. Based on the establishment of...
Properties of the discovered 125 GeV Higgs boson are in good agreement with the predictions of the Standard Model (SM). However, the current precision of these measurements, allows models, such as Supersymmetry, with extended Higgs sectors, in which the discovered Higgs boson is only one of several Higgs bosons. The work focuses on the search for high mass Higgs bosons in a final state with...
A search for new-physics signals resulting in energetic, high-multiplicity final states, such as black holes, string balls, and electroweak sphalerons, is presented using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 $\text{fb}^{-1}$ collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in 2016. Standard model...
A search for a dark matter candidate in association with a Higgs
boson decaying to two photons based on 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ data collected with the
ATLAS detector at the LHC at the energy of 13 TeV will be presented. The
results are interpreted in in different benchmark models: a baryonic Z' model
and a two-Higgs-doublet-model with a Z' boson.
We present a search for dark matter particles production in association with a hadronically decaying vector boson with 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ of pp collision data at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. In addition to hadronic decays of W and Z bosons, also the decays of a new non-Standard-Model vector boson Z$^{\prime}$ of unknown mass are...
The quark and lepton sectors of the standard model (SM) are strikingly similar in terms of the number of particles and generations. This hints at a fundamental symmetry existing between the two sectors. Indeed, such a symmetry is part of many beyond-the-SM theories such as composite models, technicolor, grand unified SU(5), Pati-Salam SU(4) and E6 superstring-inspired theories. These models...
With increasing dataset at the LHC, it is of importance to search for rare processes such as flavor changing neutral current. The search for flavor changing neutral current with the Higgs boson and the top quark has been performed. The Higgs boson decaying to a pair of b jets is considered. To exploit the large dateset, a machine learning technique like deep learning is used.
Recent results on the searches for four-top-quark production are presented. Searches for four-top-quark production, in the single-lepton (1L), opposite and same-sign (2OSL and 2SSL) dilepton and multilepton (3L) final states are summarised. Special focus is given to the 1L and 2OSL channels, where a data-driven method is developed as an estimate for the dominant background from top-quark pair...
We present searches on Heavy Majorana neutrinos in the events with same-sign lepton paris and jets, using the pp collision data collected from CMS detector at the centre-of-mass energy 13 TeV. The search range is extened to 20 GeV and 1500 GeV, lower and upper bound respectively, compared to the previous analysis using 8 TeV data. Vector boson fusion production channel is considered as well as...
Several theoretical models accomodate the possibility of Heavy Stable Charged Particles (HSCP). With improved data aquisition in the phase-II upgrade of the CMS-RPC system, triggering and identification of HSCPs are expected to be possible using the Time of Flight technique. Moreover, new RPC chambers will be installed to extend the acceptance coverage up to |η|<2.4 with improved time and...
The Standard Model (SM) very successfully describes experimental
observations, but is known to be an incomplete theory. Measurements of SM
parameters and checks of its self consistency are important to improve our
understanding of nature. An important parameter to understand electroweak
symmetry breaking is the Higgs boson self-coupling, which can be
accessed in Higgs boson pair production....
A great success of the Standard Model (SM) was the discovery of a
Higgs boson in 2012. Measuring its properties and yet unobserved production
and decay modes provides a test of the validity of the SM. The process of Higgs
production in association with a pair of top-quarks ($t\bar{t}H$) is still
unobserved. Further interest arises from the fact that it provides direct
access to the top...
A search for heavy resonances decaying into four-lepton final states in pp collisions is performed. This search is based on the data collected in CMS detector at the LHC. The full 2016 dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36 /fb at the center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is used. Benchmark signal samples are generated using Monte Carlo simulation. Event selection takes into account...
This search focuses on high-mass resonances using the latest data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC, which has an unprecedented centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The search is conducted for resonant new phenomena in dimuon final states. The dimuon invariant mass spectrum is the discriminating variable used in this search. No significant deviations from the Standard Model expectation...
A search for new high-mass resonances decaying into electron or muon pairs is performed using full data obtained from 2016 proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. The search exploits data collected by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36 /fb. No significant deviations are observed from the Standard-model expectation. Upper limits...
The detection of the SM H→μμ decay is important to study the Higgs
boson Yukawa couplings to the 2nd generation fermions. Discovering the signal
of Higgs boson decay to dimuon is extremely challenging due to the small decay
branching fraction (2.2x10-4) and very large irreducible background from
Drell-Yan production at the LHC. The search for the H→μμ decay has been a high
The RENO experiment has successfully measured $θ_{13}$ using the disappearance of electron anti-neutrinos in three-flavor neutrino oscillations.We search for sterile neutrinos in four-flavor oscillation model using roughly 1500 days of data collected by the RENO experiment. We have not seen any positive signal and obtain an excluded region of the oscillation parameters. We present an excluded...
Searches for supersymmetry are presented that target the direct and indirect stau pair production. The analyses exploit the final states with two taus of opposite charge and significant missing transverse momentum. The results are based on a data set of proton-proton collisions, recorded by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of...
This poster presents the search for a Higgs boson decaying into dileptons plus a photon. This topology has contributions from Z boson and a photon or two photons, one of which has an internal conversion into a lepton pair. This is one of the important rare Higgs decay channels and can be used to probe new physics as well. The results with the data collected by the CMS detector at the LHC from...
Latest results on searches for supersymmetric top quarks are presented, focusing on the final states with two leptons. The results are based on a data set of proton-proton collisions, recorded by CMS at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV during 2016 and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.5 fb-1. The results are interpreted as exclusion limits on T2tt simplified models.
Looking for supersymmetry, the search for a scalar partner of the top quark plays a major part due to its role in stabilising the Higgs boson mass. In the parameter space where a decay of a top squark into a top quark and the neutralino, a Dark Matter candidate, is possible, searches asking for either zero or one charged lepton are most sensitive. Events with an isolated electron or muon...
A search for top quark pair production in association with a Higgs boson in sqrt(s) = 13 TeV pp collisions is presented. The search, performed in a dataset of 35.9 fb^{-1} collected by the CMS detector along the year 2016, is performed in channels with at least two same-sign leptons and b-jets, targeting the WW^, ZZ^ and tautau decay modes of the Higgs boson. A best fit of 1.5 \pm 0.5 times...
Search for the Standard Model Z and Higgs boson decaying into a J/psi and a photon, with subsequent decay of the J/psi into dimuon pair will be presented. The analysis is performed using data recorded by CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV in 2016. The latest results of the limits on the Z/Higgs -> J/psi+photon decay branching fraction will be shown in this poster.
A search for Zgamma resonances using leptonic and hadronic final states is presented. The analysis is based on data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 /fb, and collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2016. The search strategy is to look for an excess above the non-resonant Standard Model background on the...
Searches for a weakly interacting particle candidate (WIMP) for dark matter at the Large hadron Collider complement the WIMP direct detection experiments and is one of the major physics goals of the LHC. A series of analyses in CMS (and ATLAS) are aimed at detecting events where a pair of WIMPs may have been produced and recoiled against a visible particle. Such events give rise to final...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector with primary physics goal of neutrino mass hierarchy determination. One of the key parameters is that the energy resolution of the JUNO should reach 3%@1MeV, totally 20,000 20’’ PMTs will be used, including 15000 MCP-PMTs from NNVT and 5000 dynode PMTs from Hamamatsu. For better performances and...
The IBS center for axion and precision physics research (CAPP) conducts haloscope axion search whose method uses a cavity resonator capable of scanning a range of frequencies using a special tuning system. The relic axions passing through the detector are converted into microwave photons inside the resonator via Primakoff effect. The converted photons are coupled to an RF transmission line...
It is very important to monitor the amount of radon (Rn-222) in the underground experiments such as rare decay search and dark matter experiments with ultra low background requirements. The radioactivity from the radon can be a significant background source to the experiments and need to be measured precisely. We upgraded a radon detector with a volume of ~70 L which was used in the KIMS...
The instantaneous luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be increased up to a factor of seven with respect to the original design value to explore higher energy scale. In order to benefit from the expected high luminosity performance, the first station of the ATLAS muon end-cap Small Wheel system will be replaced by a New Small Wheel (NSW) detector. The NSW provide precise...
Supernova(SN) 1987A was the first detected neutrino burst in neutrino experiment. The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory(JUNO) is an upcoming large liquid scintillator detector experiment with an expected 3% energy resolution at 1 MeV and abundant light yield. These properties make JUNO a powerful SN neutrino detector. In this poster, we present our simulation studies on SN neutrino...
During operation at instantaneous luminosities of up to 1.5 /s/cm^2 the frontend chips of the ATLAS innermost pixel layer (IBL) experienced single event upsets affecting its global registers as well as the settings for the individual pixels, causing, amongst other things loss of occupancy, noisy pixels, and silent pixels. A quantitative analysis of the single event upsets as well as the...
We reexamine a renormalizable model of a fermionic dark matter with a gauge singlet Dirac fermion and a real singlet scalar which can ameliorate the scalar mass hierarchy problem of the Standard Model (SM). Our model setup is the minimal extension of the SM for which a realistic dark matter (DM) candidate is provided and the cancellation of one-loop quadratic divergence to the scalar masses...
As higher mass particles are eliminated as possibilities in the search for dark matter, it is important to explore new types of detectors that are more specialized at looking for lower mass particles. For this purpose, I've been exploring super-cooled water as a target material for future detectors. This talk will go over the motivations for a detector of this type, the evidence that has been...
The Daya Bay experiment has measured sinSq(2theta13) and Delta(mSq32) with better than 4% precision using an IBD sample tagged via neutron capture on gadolinium (nGd). A precise and independent measurement of the oscillation parameters can be done with IBDs tagged via neutron capture on Hydrogen (nH), a statistically distinct sample with largely different systematic uncertainties. Effort has...
$K_L^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \gamma \gamma$ has been predicted by $\mathscr{O}(6)$ calculation in chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) with the inclusion of the vector meson exchange terms. An effective coupling constant $\alpha_V$ was introduced to incorporate with the vector meson contributions. This decay mode is also crucial for the determination of the direct CP violation amplitude of $K_L^0...
We consider an $S^{1}/\mathbb{Z}_2$ compactified flat extra dimensional scenario where all the standard model states can access the bulk and have generalised brane localised kinetic terms. The flavour structure of brane kinetic terms for the standard model fermions are dictated by stringent flavour bounds on the first two generations implying an $U(2){Q_L} \otimes U(2){u_R} \otimes...
The Korean Neutrino Observatory(KNO), consisting of a 260 kton water Cherenkov detector, is proposed to be built in Korea. KNO will be another far detector at a distance of ~1100 km from the J-PARC where an off-axis neutrino beam is produced. Because of the KNO located in the second oscillation maximum, KNO will enhance the sensitivity of determining the leptonic CP violation phase and the...
We present the studies of initial state radiations (ISR) in Drell-Yan events from ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96TeV with CDF Run II data. ISR from hadron collisions plays an important role in jet physics, which has an impact on precision measurements and searches for new physics. We develop a systematic way to study the ISR effect using Drell-Yan events. The truncated mean of the dilepton...
500 pb$^{-1}$ of data have been collected by BESIII between 2.0GeV and 3.08 GeV. Recent results on the line-shape of $e^+e^- \to \phi \pi \pi, K^+K^-, 2(K^+K^-), \phi \eta, \phi \eta’, \omega \pi^0, \omega \eta$ are reported. Possible new resonances in these channels are studied, in particular the $\phi(2170)$, that may be the strange partner of the Y(4260).
We study the performance of jet substructure variables with a detector designed for very high energy proton collisions, the SiFCC detector. The two-prong jets from Z'->WW and three-prong jets from Z'->ttbar are compared with the background from light quark jets at the same energy. The calorimeter geometry is benchmarked in various configurations in order to understand the impact of granularity...
We study the performance of jet substructure variables with a detector designed for very high energy proton collisions, the SiFCC detector. The two-prong jets from Z'->WW and three-prong jets from Z'->ttbar are compared with the background from light quark jets at the same energy. The calorimeter geometry is benchmarked in various configurations in order to understand the impact of granularity...
The JSNS2 experiment will search for a sterile neutrino with short baseline (~24m) using a high intensity neutrino beam produced from muon decays at rest at J-PARC MLF (Material and Life science experimental Facility). The experiment considers use of 10-inch Hamamatsu PMTs that are also used by RENO and Double Chooz. A study has been made to understand the PMT saturation behavior with various...
Heavy quarks, charm and beauty, are expected to be effective probes for the hot and dense medium (QGP) produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. They are produced in the early stage of the collision, almost exclusively in hard partonic scattering, and therefore they experience the full evolution of the QGP allowing to study the in-medium partonic energy-loss. In particular, the...
Studies of the differential Drell-Yan cross sections in the dilepton channel are presented. The analysis is based on data taken with the CMS detector at a proton-proton center of mass energy of 13 TeV. The cross sections are studied as a function of dilepton invariant mass and rapidity. Backgrounds are estimated using data-driven methods, and corrections including detector effects are discussed.
After the discovery of the Higgs boson, the precision measurements
of its properties and comparison with the Standard Model (SM) predictions
became a crucial part of the LHC physics programme. A potential observation
of deviations may lead to the indirect discovery of physics beyond the Standard
Model (BSM). The direct observation of the coupling of the Higgs boson to
leptons and its...
In an axion dark matter search haloscope experiment, the noise temperature of a linear amplifier is a crucial component that seriously affects the sensitivity of the dark matter axion search. In the CAPP18T experiment at CAPP/IBS in KAIST, we use a cryogenically cooled Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA) in order to amplify weak RF signals from a resonant cavity. In this presentation, we...
The ATLAS distributed computing system has allowed the experiment to successfully meet the challenges of LHC Run 2. In order for distributed computing to operate smoothly and efficiently, several support teams are organized in the ATLAS experiment. The ADCoS (ATLAS Distributed Computing Operation Shifts) is a dedicated group of shifters who follow and report failing jobs, failing data...
The COSINE-100 experiment is searching for the direct detection of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) using an array of ultra-low background NaI(Tl) scintillation crystals attached with the PMTs. The next phase of the experiment, COSINE-200, requires crystal background levels that are well below, and light yields are well above, the DAMA/LIBRA detector. Thus, the study of temperature...
ATLAS electron and photon triggers covering transverse energies from 5 GeV to several TeV are essential to record signals for a wide variety of physics: from Standard Model processes to searches for new phenomena. To cope with ever increasing luminosity and more challenging pile-up conditions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, the trigger selections need to be optimized to control the rates...
The CMS experiment implements a sophisticated two-level triggering system composed of Level-1, instrumented by custom-design hardware boards, and a software High Level Trigger. A new Level-1 trigger architecture with improved performance is now being used to maintain high physics efficiency for the more challenging luminosity conditions experienced during Run II. The CMS muon detector was...
The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers to search for Exotic physics (GNOME) is an experiment looking for transient events of axion domain walls from the gradient coupling of axion field with atomic spins [1][2]. GNOME is based on synchronized measurements from multiple GPS-timed magnetometer stations located in geographically separated places on the Earth [3]. While a single magnetometer...
In order to accomplish its wide program of physics measurements, the LHCb collaboration has developed in the past years a complex of algorithms for the reconstruction of the trajectories of charged particles, taking into account the heterogeneous structure of the LHCb tracking system. Several data-driven approaches have been conceived to provide a precise evaluation of the tracking efficiency,...
Latest results of CMS searches for a Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks in final states with tau leptons will be presented. The poster will specifically focus on technical aspects related to the Matrix Element Method implementation and on its impact on the sensitivity of the analysis. The analysis presented here uses proton-proton collision data collected at center-of-mass...
The advent of approaches based on the Euclidean space for studying hadron observables, as e.g. by lattice QCD and Schwinger-Dyson equations, has been remarkable and responsible to produce important understanding on non-perturbative physical systems.
However, the quantum field theory formulation in Minkowski space has subtle essential signatures as, for instance, related with spin degrees of...
The role of environment in galaxies evolution is a highlight knowledge for probing the structure formation and evolution.Because of that, we select two different galaxies categorize for its investigation. In this work, For studying the role of environmental effects on properties of both active galactic nuclei(AGN) and star formation(SFR) galaxies, we have considered two environment...
The JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) experiment is under preparation in China. The project's main goal is to determine the neutrino mass ordering via the precise measurement of the energy spectrum of antineutrinos emitted from nuclear reactors located 53km from the JUNO detector. Data taking is expected to begin in 2021.
In order to achieve JUNO's goals, it is essential to be...
A Pilot experiment of CULTASK (CAPP’s Ultra Low Temperature Axion Search in Korea) started to take axion data in the frequency range between 2.45~2.75GHz with a specially designed microwave cavity. The conventional design, i.e., the open cylinder with two disk shaped endcaps, creates critical reduction on quality factor (Q factor) of the cavity due to the perpendicular crossing between the...
We utilize the nonlinear sigma model for large N as an effective theory for low-energy QCD to study the thermodynamical behavior of a pion gas through a virial expansion of pressure. In particular, we determine the entropy density, specific heat, trace anomaly, and the speed of sound, to find a signature of the deconfinament phase transitions. After considering below critical regimes and...
The main purpose of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is to measure the CP-violation phase in long-baseline neutrino oscillations, proton decay and super nova neutrinos with a liquid-argon detector of unprecedented size.
In order to constrain the systematics including the flux, neutrino interaction cross section, energy scale and so on, a near detector is needed to measure the...
Top quark pairs in association with final state particles are produced in large quantities at the LHC due to the high centre-of-mass energy available in proton-proton collisions. One such topology is that of a prompt photon radiated from the top-quark in addition to the final state particles from the top-quark decay. Presented are the results from the ATLAS experiment, which measured the...
The track finding with GPU-implemented Runge-Kutta (RK) fourth order tracks is investigated to track the electrons from the muon conversion in the COMET drift chamber. In the COMET drfit chamber, about 40 % of signal events are composed of multiple turns where the right hits assignment to each turn track is significant in the track finding. Scanning all possible initial track parameters can...
During 2017, the Large Hadron Collider provided record-breaking integrated and instantaneous luminosities, resulting in huge amounts of data being provided with numbers of interaction per bunch crossing significantly beyond initial projections. In spite of these challenging conditions, the ATLAS Inner Detector (ID) track reconstruction continued to perform excellently, and this contribution...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment implements a sophisticated two-level triggering system composed of the Level-1, instrumented by custom-design hardware boards, and a software High Level Trigger. A new Level-1 trigger architecture with improved performance is now being used to maintain high physics efficiency for the more challenging conditions experienced during Run II. In this...
Hadronic signatures are critical to the ATLAS physics program, and are used extensively for both Standard Model measurements and searches for new physics. These signatures include generic quark and gluon jets, as well as jets originating from b-quarks or the decay of massive particles (such as electroweak bosons or top quarks). Additionally, missing transverse momentum from non-interacting...
We present a search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into b quarks and produced in association with a pair of top quarks in the leptonic final states. This search has been performed on the full 13-TeV dataset of proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016. To separate the tt̄H signal from the irreducible tt̄ + bb̄ background, this analysis takes...
We present a search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into b quarks and produced in association with a pair of top quarks decaying in the all-jet final state. This search is performed on the full 13-TeV dataset of proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016. To separate the tt̄H signal from the irreducible tt̄ + bb̄ background, this analysis takes...
An angular correlation between trigger-jet and high-transverse momentum particles observed in AA collisions at the RHIC is well known for ridge structure. This phenomenon is well explained from the hydrodynamical model and it has been a strong evidence of the QGP generation. However, recently the ridge structure has also been reported in high multiplicity pp collisions at LHC. In pp...
The upgrade of the ATLAS tracking detector for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider at CERN requires the development of novel radiation hard silicon sensor technologies. For the development of depleted CMOS sensors for ATLAS we combined small electrodes with minimal capacitance and advanced processing for fully depleted active sensor volume to achieve radiation hard CMOS sensors in line...
At the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the CMS experiment will face a harsh environment with a high instantaneous luminosity up to 5x10^34/cm^2/s corresponding to an average of 140-200 multiple proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing. The main goal of the CMS Level 1 trigger (L1T) upgrade for the HL-LHC is to maintain trigger thresholds that are as low as possible and comparable to those...
To guarantee smooth and uninterrupted luminosity measurements the CMS experiment is equipped in Run II with three online luminometers: the Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT), the Fast Beam Condition Monitor (BCM1F) and the Forward Calorimeter (HF). For the offline luminosity measurement and a cross check of the online detectors the pixel detector is used (Pixel Cluster Counting, PCC). For the...
It was theoretically shown that axions can be detected by converting them to microwave photons inside high-Q cavity resonators in the presence of a strong magnetic field [1]. In such experiments, very weak microwave signals should be scanned in a wide frequency range. The best semiconductor amplifiers have a lowest noise temperature plateau of about 1.1 K even at significantly lower ambient...
SuperIso Relic is a public computing program for the calculation of flavour observables and relic density in supersymmetry (MSSM and NMSSM). We present new extensions of the code dedicated to the calculation of dark matter direct and indirect detection constraints from the latest experiment results. Contrary to most of the existing programs, this new version allows the user to consider the...
This study addresses various aspects of diversity through a scientometric analysis of HEP publications spanning three decades – from the late 80’s to date. It analyzes physics and technological research pertaining to high energy physics, and compares the evolution of a set of diversity parameters in this field and in other research domains, such as nuclear physics and astrophysics. The...
The study of the associated production of vector bosons and jets constitutes an excellent testbench to check numerous QCD predictions. Total and differential cross sections of vector bosons produced in association with jets has been studied at both 8 and 13 TeV center-of-mass energies. Differential distributions as function of a broad range of kinematical observables are measured and compared...
The NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) project is under realization at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna). The main goal of the project is an experimental study of hot and dense strongly interacting matter in heavy ion (up to Au) collisions at center-of-mass energies up to 11 GeV per nucleon. The physics program will be performed at two experiments, BM@N...
BESIII accumulated the world largest samples of $e^+e^-$ collision at $\sqrt(s) = 3.773$ and 4.178 GeV. The purely leptonic decays $D^+_{(s)} \to l^+\nu$, and the semi-leptonic decays of $D^0 \to K(\pi)^-e^+\nu$, $K(\pi)^-\mu^+\nu$, $\rho^- e^+\nu$; $D^+ \to K^0(\pi^0)e^+\nu$, $K^0(\pi^0) \mu^+\nu$; $D_s^+ \to K^{(*)0}e^+\nu$ and $\eta^{(')}e^+\nu$ have been studied. We will report the...
This year, at the end of LHC Run 2, LHCb will start replacing major parts of the detector and installing new detector components in the underground cavern of LHC Interaction Point 8, thus realizing the long-planned upgrade I of the LHCb experiment. The new detector is designed to operate at the instantaneous luminosity of 2·10^33 cm-2s-1, more than five times higher than in Run 2. All...
Double beta decay (DBD) is a rare nuclear process of great interest due to its potential to provide information about physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). For example, the discovery of the neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay mode could give answers to fundamental issues about possible violation of the CP and Lorentz symmetries in the weak sector, lepton number violation, or about still...
The space experiment of DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) developed in China is designed to find the evidence of dark matter particle by observing primary cosmic rays and gamma rays in energy range from 5 GeV to 10 TeV. Since its launch in December 2015, a large quantity of data has been recorded.
The BGO Electromagnetic Calorimeter (BGO ECAL) of the DAMPE is a total absorption calorimeter...
Higher spin symmetry and integrability are two different types of symmetry structures with strong constraining power. I will explain an interesting and useful map between the two in the example of the W symmetry and affine Yangian of gl(1). Then I will explain how to supersymmetrize this map via gluing. This method then allows us to construct new types of affine Yangian algebras.
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) Study aims at developing a large-scale accelerator research infrastructure based on a 100 km tunnel. While the ultimate goal is a proton-proton collider, with 100 TeV centre-of-mass collision energy and unprecedented direct discovery potential, the initial project stage could consist of an electron-positron collider, with highest luminosities at collision...
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider. The accelerator has already successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016. First electron positron collisions in Belle II are expected for April 2018. The design luminosity of SuperKEKB is $8 \times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and...
DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) is a satellite mission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) dedicated to high energy cosmic ray detections. Since its successful launch on December 17th, 2015 a large amount of cosmic ray data has been collected. With relatively large acceptance, DAMPE is designed to detect electrons (and positrons) up to 10 TeV with unprecedented energy resolution to...
While neutrino oscillation experiments have demonstrated that neutrinos have small, nonzero masses, much remains unknown about their properties and decay modes. One potential decay mode --- neutrinoless double beta decay ($0 \nu \beta \beta$) --- is a particularly interesting target of experimental searches, since its observation would imply both the violation of lepton number conservation in...
In the development of atomic clocks, some atomic transition frequencies are measured with remarkable precision. These measured spectra may include effects of a new force mediated by a weakly interacting boson. Such effects might be distilled out from possible violation of a linear relation in isotope shifts between two transitions, as known as King's linearity, with relatively suppressed...
The associated production of vector bosons, W or Z, and jets originating from heavy-flavour quarks is a large background source in measurements of several standard model processes, Higgs boson studies, and many searches for physics beyond the SM. The study of events with one or two well-identified and isolated leptons accompanied by heavy-flavour jets is crucial to refine the theoretical...
In this talk, CEPC CDR status will be reported which relects the CEPC accelerator baeline design status with Higgs, W, and Z operation modes, which includes parameters, collider ring, booster and injection linac designs, including SCRF system, civil engeneering design, cost breakdown and Ac power consumption analysis.
As for CEPC TDR phase, the key R&D issues are addressed with CEPC project timeline.
The BESIII detector accumulated 567 pb$^{-1}$ of data at the center-of-mass energy of 4.6 GeV, which is the world's largest $e^+e^-$ sample at the $\Lambda_c$ pair threshold. By analyzing this data sample, we report the determinations of the absolute branching fractions of the semi-leptonic decays of $\Lambda_c^+ \to \Lambda e^+\nu$ and $\Lambda \mu^+\nu$, the hadronic decays of $\Lambda_c^+...
The number of physics and astronomy bachelor’s and doctoral degrees earned in the US continues to increase. However, the degrees earned by underrepresented minority (URM) groups continues to be a small percentage and is on a downward trend for Black/African American students.
National societies such as the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) have...
The Large Hadron Collider Beauty detector is a flavour physics detector, designed to detect decays of b- and c-hadrons for the study of CP violation and rare decays. At the end of Run-II, many of the LHCb measurements will remain statistically dominated. In order to increase the trigger yield for purely hadronic channels, the hardware trigger will be removed and the detector will operate at 40...
Chiral electroweak anomalies predict fermion interactions that violate baryon (B) and lepton number (L), and can be dressed with large numbers of Higgs and weak gauge bosons. The estimation of the total B+L violating rate from an initial two-particle state --potentially observable at colliders-- has been the subject of an intense discussion, mainly centered on the resummation of boson...
We report on the latest measurement on the production of W bosons in association with jets at 8 TeV and compare our results to the latest theoretical predictions. Differential cross sections for events with one or two jets are presented for a range of observables, including jet transverse momenta and rapidities, the scalar sum of transverse momenta of the visible particles in the event, and...
Kapustin and Witten showed that a twisted version of N=4 gauge theory in four dimensions compactifies to a two-dimensional sigma-model whose target space is the Hitchin moduli space. In this talk, I consider the reduction of the gauge theory on a four dimensional orientable spacetime manifold which is not a global product of two surfaces but contains a non-orientable surface. The low energy...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay that has been able to reach the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a cylindrical compact structure of 19 towers. The construction of the experiment and, in particular, the installation of all towers in the...
Direct measurements of cosmic-rays (CRs) are important to understand the sites and the processes of acceleration and propagation of high-energy particles in the interstellar medium. For example, detailed measurements of the high-energy electron+positron (hereafter simply “electron”) spectrum can provide information about nearby CR sources. The electron spectrum may also exhibit features from...
CEPC is a 100 km circular electron-positron collider operating at 90-240 GeV center-of-mass energy of Z-pole, WW pair production threshold and Higgs resonance. CEPC and its successor SPPC, a 100 TeV center-of-mass super proton-proton collider, will ensure the elementary particle physics a vibrant field for decades to come. To reduce the overall cost, partial double ring scheme was proposed as...
The exploration of the QCD phase diagram (T-$\mu_{B}$) particularly the search for a phase transition from hadronic to partonic degrees of freedom and the QCD critical point is one of the most challenging theoretical and experimental tasks in present heavy ion physics. Unfortunately the QCD predictions are to a large extent qualitative, as QCD phenomenology at finite temperature and baryon...
The LHCb detector will be upgraded during the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) of the LHC in order to cope with higher instantaneous luminosities and to read out the data at 40MHz using a trigger-less read-out system. The current LHCb main tracking system, composed of an inner and outer tracking detector, will not be able to cope with the increased particle multiplicities and will be replaced by a single...
LHCb is playing a crucial role in the study of rare and forbidden decays of charm hadrons, which might reveal effects beyond the Standard Model. New searches for FCNC mediated processes and first asymmetry measurements in multibody final states with two leptons are presented.
CUPID-0 is the first large mass experiment based on cryogenic calorimeters (bolometers) that implements the dual read-out of light and heat for background rejection. The detector, consisting of 24 enriched Zn$^{82}$Se crystals (5.28 kg of $^{82}$Se), is taking data in the underground LNGS (Italy) from March 2017.
In this contribution we present the analysis that allowed to set the most...
Muonium is the bound state of a positive muon and an electron. MuSEUM (Muonium Spectroscopy Experiment Using Microwave) is a new precise measurement of muonium hyperfine structure (MuHFS) at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex). MuSEUM determines the MuHFS and muon magnetic moment with a ten times better precision than the precursor experiments at Los Alamos Meson Physics...
Precision measurements by AMS of the positron fraction and the combined electron and positron flux in primary cosmic rays in the energy range from up to 1000 GeV based on 25 million positron and electron events is presented. This measurement extends the energy range of our previous observation and increases its precision. The new results show that at ∼300 GeV the positron fraction reaches its...
The forward acceptance of LHCb, 2.0 < y < 5.0, provides a complementary reach to the general purpose detectors at the LHC. LHCb measurements of the pp inelastic cross-section, J/psi production in jets, kinematic correlations between b and b-bar hadrons, and Bose Einstein correlations are discussed. Prompt J/psi production is found to be less isolated than predicted in LO NRQCD.
The imaging Time Of Propagation (iTOP) counter is the primary Particle IDentification (PID) system in the barrel region of Belle II. It contains 16 identical modules between the tracking detectors and the calorimeter. The key elements of each module are the quartz radiator, the Micro-Channel Plate PhotoMultiplier Tubes (MCP-PMTs), and the front end readout electronics. The Cherenkov photons...
Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) is a 100 km ring e+ e- collider for a Higgs factory. The injector of CEPC is composed of linac and booster. The linac is a normal conducting S-band linac and provide electron and positron beam at an energy up to 10 GeV with repetition frequency in 100 Hz. The linac consideration and design will be detailed discussed, including electron linac, positron...
Energy-frontier DIS can be realised at CERN through an energy recovery linac that would produce 60 GeV electrons to collide with the HL-LHC or later HE-LHC (LHeC) or eventually the FCC hadron beams (FCC-eh). It would deliver electron-lead collisions with centre-of-mass energies in the range 0.8-2.2 TeV per nucleon, and luminosities exceeding $5\times 10^{32}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. In this talk we...
The CREAM experiment was launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to the International Space Station (ISS) from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on August 14, 2017. The instrument was successfully installed and activated on the ISS Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility as an attached payload on August 22, 2017. The CREAM instrument was initially developed to measure cosmic ray elemental spectra...
The universal law of gravity has undergone stringent tests for a long time over a significant range of length scale, from an atomic scale to a planetary scale [1]. Of particular interest is the short distance regime, where modifications to Newtonian gravity may arise from axion-like particles [2] and extra dimensions [1]. We have constructed a precision force sensor based on...
We present recent results on Minimum Bias, Underlying Events and Double Parton Scattering using data recorded by CMS detector at the LHC. The results on the measurement of the underlying event using leading tracks, jets, and Drell-Yan processes are presented. Double parton scattering is investigated in several final states including vector bosons and multi-jets, and the results are compared to...
The challenge of diversity and inclusion in science is not solely about demographics. And although improving the numbers is a necessary start, it is not enough to truly address the challenge. Many institutions in South Africa, for example, are making concerted efforts to recruit students and staff from historically marginalized groups, but this approach will only succeed if academics,...
The Advanced Mo-based Rare process Experiment (AMoRE) is a search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo in calcium molybdate (CaMoO4) crystals by using cryogenic detectors at a temperature range of tens of millikelvin. The crystals are made of Molybdenum enriched on 100Mo (≥95%) and Calcium depleted on 48Ca isotopes (≤0.002%). The ongoing pilot...
Flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes are rare within the Standard Model (SM) as they cannot occur at tree level and are suppressed at loop level by the Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani (GIM) mechanism. In $D$-meson decays, the GIM cancellation is almost exact, leading to expected branching fractions for $c\to u l^- l^+$ processes of order $\mathcal{O}(10^{-9})$. However, long-distance...
The LHCb RICH detectors have been operating successfully since 2010 and proven to be an essential element of the experiment thanks to their excellent particle identification performance. During the Long Shutdown II of the LHC in 2019-2020, the two detectors will be upgraded in order to maintain their PID performance while operating at significantly increased luminosity, aiming to collect 5...
We review the physics opportunities [1] which are offered by a next generation and multi-purpose fixed-target program exploiting the LHC beams in order to study $pp$, $pd$ and $pA$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} \sim 115$ GeV as well as Pb$p$ and Pb$A$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} \sim 72$ GeV. These opportunities span spin, heavy-ion, nucleon-structure and astroparticle physics.
We propose two...
We will present studies on the development and first implementation of a novel technique to improve particle identification at high energy physics experiments through the use of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) with CsI(Tl) scintillators used for electromagnetic calorimeters. Using $5 \times 5 \times 30 \text{ cm}^3 $ CsI(Tl) crystals, such as those used in the electromagnetic calorimeter of...
Machine-Detector Interface (MDI) represents one of the most challenging topics for the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), which is proposed as a Higgs Factory to measure Higgs properties with unprecedented precision. MDI involves critical machine and detector components in the constrained interaction region. Performance optimization, often along with considerable trade-offs, can be...
Neutrino-less double beta decay(0$\nu\beta\beta$) is acquiring great interest
after the confirmation of neutrino oscillation
which demonstrated nonzero neutrino mass.
Measurement of 0$\nu\beta\beta$ provides a test for the Majorana nature of neutrinos
and gives an absolute scale of the effective neutrino mass.
In order to search for 0$\nu\beta\beta$ of $^{48}$Ca,
we proposed CANDLES...
We analyze the lepton number violating (LNV) meson decays that arise in a TeV scale Left Right Symmetry model. The right handed Majorana neutrino $N$ along with the right handed or Standard Model gauge bosons mediate the meson decays and provide a resonant enhancement of the rates if the mass of $N$ ($M_N$) lies in the range $\sim (100\, \rm{MeV}-5\, \rm{GeV})$. Using the expected upper...
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass experiment for the International Space Station (ISS-CREAM) is a space-borne mission designed for the precision measurement of energy and elemental composition of cosmic rays. It was launched and installed on the ISS in August 2017. The Silicon Charge Detector (SCD), placed at the top of the ISS-CREAM payload, consists of 4 layers. Each layer has 2688 silicon...
The Flavor Changing Neutral Current decays(FCNC) are forbidden at tree level in the Standard Model (SM) and could only contribute through loops. Any direct observation beyond the SM expectations could be a good probe of physics beyond the SM. BESIII is the only currently running tau-charm factory with the largest samples of on threshold charm meson pairs, directly produced charmonia and some...
Experiments aiming to directly detect dark matter (DM) particles have yet to make robust detections, thus underscoring the need for complementary approaches such as searches for new particles at colliders, and indirect searches of DM decay or annihilation signatures in photon and cosmic ray spectra. In particular, low energy ($<$ 0.25 GeV/n) cosmic ray antiparticles such as antideuterons are...
The reactor neutrino experiment Double Chooz observes electron-antineutrinos from two French power plants at Chooz with two identical detectors at different baselines. From the observed neutrino deficit the mixing angle theta_13 can be determined within the three flavour-scenario and signatures from further generations can be searched for. We will report the status of the experiment and...
Key technologies for the ILC are nano-beam and superconducing rf system (SRF). The final beam size at 250GeV ILC, which was announced at ICFA on last November, is ~8nm. In case of 250 GeV ILC, the number of SRF cavities becomes half (compared with 500 GeV). However, the cost of the SRF is still dominant in the ILC accelerator cost. We have started the cost reduction R&D at SRF since last year....
PandaX experiment, located at China JinPing underground Laboratory (CJPL), is a 500kg scale liquid xenon dark matter direct detection experiment. With recent data, PandaX-II experiment obtained stringent upper limits on the spin-independent (SI) and spin-dependent (SD) WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering cross sections. Alternative models of dark matter are also explored using this data....
The muon anomalous magnetic moment can be both measured and computed with high precision, providing a sharp tool in testing the robustness of the Standard Model and searching for new physics. The previous measurement by the Brookhaven E821 experiment found a 3.6 standard deviation discrepancy from the predicted value. The new generation Muon g-2 experiment at Fermi National Laboratory has...
The ATLAS Collaboration consists of more than 5000 members, with nearly 100 different nationalities. This study presents updated data showing aspects of the regional, age and gender demographics of the collaboration. In particular the relative fraction of women is discussed, including their share of contributions, recognition and positions of responsibility, and showing how this depends on...
Recent results on study of exclusive processes of $e^+e^−$ annihilation into hadrons below 2 GeV obtained at the SND detector are presented. The analyses are based on data collected at the VEPP-2M and VEPP-2000 colliders. In particular, we present the measurements of the $e^+e^-\to \eta\pi^+\pi^-$, $e^+e^-\to \eta K^+K^-$, $e^+e^-\to K_S K_L \pi^0$ cross sections, and the preliminary results...
The KOTO experiment aims to observe the K$^{0}_{L} \rightarrow \pi^{0}\nu\bar{\nu}$ decay and measure the branching rate. The Standard Model (SM) prediction for the mode is 2.4 x 10$^{-11}$ with a small theoretical uncertainty. An experimental upper limit of 2.6 x 10$^{-8}$ was set by the KEK E391a collaboration [1]. A comparison of experimentally obtained results with SM calculations permits...
A phase 2 upgrade is proposed for the LHCb experiment in order to take full advantage of the flavor physics opportunities at the HL-LHC. This upgrade could be installed during Long Shutdown 4 of the LHC (2030) and is targeting a luminosity of 2x10^34 cm-2s-1, ten times that of the phase 1 upgrade. Hence it would require a completely revised detector strategy. One of the primary importance...
The LHCb Collaboration is planning an Upgrade II, a flavour physics experiment for the high luminosity era. This will be installed in LS4 (2030) and targets an instantaneous luminosity of 1 to 2 x10^34 cm-2 s-1, and an integrated luminosity of at least 300fb-1. Modest consolidation of the current experiment will also be introduced in LS3 (2025). Physics goals include probing new physics...
Recent measurements of cosmic ray proton and helium spectra in CREAM, PAMELA and AMS02 experiments show a hardening above a few hundreds of GeV. This excess is hard to understand in the framework of the conventional models of Galatic cosmic ray production and propagation. We propose here to explain this anomaly by the presense of the local sources as a discrete one. Improving the Green...
LHC experiments require significant computational resources for Monte Carlo simulations and real data processing and the ATLAS experiment is not an exception. In 2017, ATLAS exploited steadily almost 3M HS06 units, which corresponds to about 300 000 standard CPU cores. The total disk and tape capacity managed by the Rucio data management system exceeded 350 PB.
Resources are provided mostly...
We report measurement of the decays of the Ωc0 charmed baryon into hadronic final states and observe excited Ωc charmed baryons in the decay mode Ξc+K- including Ωc(3000) , Ωc(3050), Ωc(3066), and Ωc(3090). In addition, We report the first observation of the Ξc(2930)0 charmed-strange baryon with a significance greater than 5σ in its decay to K-Λc+ in B- →K-Λc+Λc- decays. The branching...
ATLAS and CMS have performed a large number of searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). The results are typically presented in the context of simplified models, containing only a few new particles with fixed decay branching ratios, and yielding generic upper limits on the cross section as a function of particle masses. The interpretation of these limits within realistic BSM...
LHCb is a collaboration of over 800 scientists from 72 institutions based in 16 countries, and representing many more nationalities. We aim to work together on experimental high energy physics, and to do so in the best and most productive and collaborative conditions. The ECGD office exists to support this goal, and in particular has a mandate to support early-career physicists, and to work...
The KOTO experiment is dedicated to observing the rare decay $K_L\rightarrow\pi^{0}\nu\bar{\nu}$ at the J-PARC 30 GeV proton synchrotron. This decay breaks the CP symmetry directly and is highly suppressed in the Standard Model. Thus this decay mode is sensitive to new physics beyond the SM, in particular the physics related to CP violation.
Data collected in 2013 were analyzed and published...
The COMET experiment at J-PARC searches for the neutrinoless coherent transition of a muon to an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus, which violates the lepton flavor conservation and has never been observed yet so far. The conversion rate is predicted to be enhanced in new physics models beyond the Standard Model, while the process is extremely suppressed in the Standard Model. The...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) collaboration will present a project implementation plan for construction of a 380 GeV e+e- linear collider for the European Strategy update by the end of 2018. The machine is upgradable in stages to 3 TeV. The CLIC concept is based on high-gradient normal-conducting accelerating structures operating at X-band (12 GHz) frequency.
We present the CLIC...
In LHC Run 3, the ALICE experiment will record 100 times more events than in the runs before. This is achieved with a continuous detector readout. To cope with such a huge amount of data, a new integrated Online-Offline (O2) computing infrastructure is created. Part of this development is a new analysis framework.
In Run 1 and Run 2 a large fraction of the time to analyze a dataset has been...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment that uses an upgraded NuMI neutrino source at Fermilab and a 14-kton detector at Ash River, Minnesota. The detector has a highly active, finely segmented design that offers superb event identification capability. The latest results on muon (anti-)neutrino disappearance and electron (anti-)neutrino appearance will be shown, as well as neutral current...
We investigated the muon g-2 in the two-Higgs doublet model (2HDM), employing the recent full two-loop computation and making comprehensive use of experimental constraints from Higgs and flavour physics. In the talk we present the result of detailed analysis in the flavour-aligned 2HDM and
characterize the parameter regions possible to explain the current $3\sigma$ deviation. Particularly we...
A key observation has been reported in 2013 (Eatough et al., 2013): an abnormally strong radial magnetic field near the GC is discovered.
Firstly, we demonstrate that the radiations observed from the GC are hardly emitted by the gas of accretion disk which is prevented from approaching to the GC by the abnormally strong radial magnetic field and these radiations can't be emitted by the black...
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the charged-lepton flavour violating
neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus.
The Mu2e detector is composed of a tracker and an electromagnetic
calorimeter and an external veto for cosmic rays.
The calorimeter plays an important role in providing excellent particle identification...
Precise measurements of the branching ratios (BRs) for the flavor-changing neutral current decays $K\to\pi\nu\bar{\nu}$ can provide unique constraints on CKM unitarity and, potentially, evidence for new physics. It is important to measure both decay modes, $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu}$ and $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar{\nu}$, since different new physics models affect the rates for each channel differently....
Cosmological and astrophysical evidence for the existence of dark matter in the universe and in the Milky Way itself is compelling, with weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) being a leading dark-matter candidate. The LUX-ZEPLIN experiment will search for nuclear recoils from dark matter particles incident on 5.6 tonnes of liquid xenon contained within the fiducial volume of a...
A few examples for the light dark matter will be
presented along with their cosmological (e.g. radio astronomy search) and
the particle physics (dark matter search experiments) constraints to illustrate the complementarity between the particle physics and cosmology probes.
HEPfit is a computational tool for the combination of indirect and direct constraints on High Energy Physics models. The code is built in a modular structure so that one can select observables and models of interest. It can be used to build customized models and customized observables. It has a statistical framework based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) driven Bayesian analysis. However,...
After measuring in 2012 a relatively large value of the neutrino mixing angle θ13, the door is now open to observe for the first time a possible CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measured value of θ13 also privileges the 2nd oscillation maximum for the discovery of CP violation instead of the usually used 1st oscillation maximum. The sensitivity at this 2nd oscillation maximum is about...
We address the question of whether non-trivial boundary conditions (Scherk - Schwartz twists) acting on fields from the extra compactified dimensions can give a SM low energy spectrum with a "naturally" broken SUSY? We explore a variety of minimal and non-minimal models, confronting current experimental bounds, and discuss progress in formulating more contained and elegant models.
Searches for, and measurements of exotic states are studied with the ATLAS detector. The latest results from ATLAS on exotic (tetra- / pentaquark) states are presented. In addition, recent results on heavy flavour production measurements are reported in the Bu and Bc systems.
CERN today operates a small ~200 MeV electron test-facility for accelerator R&D (CLEAR). This facility was put into operation in 2017 and a number of R&D activities were started. The results for accelerator R&D at the CLEAR facility will be reviewed including the plans for 2018-20.
Longer term and in the framework of the Beyond Collider Physics studies at CERN at 3.5 GeV electron linac is...
The Mu3e experiment searches for a rare lepton flavour violating μ+ → e+e+e− decay and it aims at reaching an ultimate sensitivity of 10^−16 on the branching fraction of the μ+ → e+e+e− decay, four orders of magnitude better than the current limit B(μ+ → e+e+e−) < 10^−12. The experiment will be hosted at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland) which delivers the most intense low...
DEAP-3600 is a single-phase liquid argon (LAr) dark matter direct detection experiment sensitive to spin-independent scattering of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) on nucleons. The experiment is located two kilometres underground at SNOLAB, in Canada, with a sensitivity of 10^-46 cm^2 for a spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section at 100 GeV/c^2 WIMP mass for a background-free...
We present a measurement of the charged kaon semileptonic form factors based on 4.3 million $K^\pm \rightarrow \pi^0 e^\pm \nu_e$ and 2.1 million $K^\pm \rightarrow \pi^0 \mu^\pm \nu_{\mu}$ decays collected by the NA48/2 experiment. The single results for the semi-electronic and semi-muonic channel have better and similar precision, respectively, than previous measurements. The combination of...
Three flavor neutrino mixing has been established by the continuous studies of neutrino oscillations since its discovery. Large mixing angles and small neutrino masses, in contrast to those in quark sector, imply new physics at ultra-high energy. In addition, as- yet unmeasured CP violation in neutrino sector is considered as a clue to investigate the origin of matter-antimatter asymmetry of...
The muon anomalous magnetic moment $(g-2)_{\mu}$ and electric dipole moment (EDM) are sensitive to new physics beyond the Standard Model. J-PARC muon g-2/EDM (E34) experiment [1] aims to measure $(g-2)_{\mu}$ with a precision of 0.1 parts per million and search for EDM with a sensitivity of $10^{-21} e \cdot$cm with different concept from the muon g-2/EDM experiment at BNL and FNAL. We utilize...
We study the process $e^+e^-\to e^+e^- \eta'$ in the double-tag mode and measure for the first time the $\gamma^{\star}\gamma^{\star} \to \eta'$ transition form factor $F_{\eta'}(Q_1^2, Q_2^2)$ in the momentum-transfer
range $2 < Q_1^2, Q_2^2 < 60$ GeV$^2$. The analysis is based on data with an integrated luminosity 469 fb$^{-1}$ collected at the PEP-II $e^+e^-$ collider with the BABAR...
Since 2013, the Dark Energy Survey (DES) has been mapping an entire octant of the sky to unprecedented depth, measuring the position on the sky, redshift and shape of over 200 million galaxies, together with thousands of galaxy clusters and supernovae. With this data set, DES is studying the properties of dark energy using four main probes: galaxy clustering on large scales, weak gravitational...
The precision measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon presently exhibits a 3.5σ discrepancy with the Standard Model (SM) prediction. In the next few years this measurement will reach an even higher precision at Fermilab and J-PARC. While the QED and electroweak contributions to the muon g-2 can be determined very precisely, the leading hadronic (HLO) correction is affected by...
When humanitarian and social challenges from the United Nations, Red Cross and Non Governmental Organisations meet HEP expertise impactful innovation steps become reality. THE Port association at CERN combines physicists and engineers working on HEP topics in their day job with researchers, refugees, entrepreneurs, artists, designers, humanitarian workers and other creative minds. In 60-hour...
To discover and study a mu+mu- atom (dimuonium) we propose a low energy (410 MeV per beam) e+e- collider with extremely large crossing angle to boost the dimuonium atoms from the collision area and reduce a background. A report describes the collider status and its parameters.
The Mu2e experiment will search for neutrinoless conversion of muons into electrons
In the field of an aluminum nucleus. The signature of this process is an electron with
energy nearly equal to the muon mass. Precise and robust measurement of the outgoing
electron momentum, combined with other background rejection methods, is essential to the
experiment. We rely on a low-mass straw tube...
We study a model of a keV-scale sterile neutrino with a relatively large mixing with the Standard Model sector. Usual considerations predict active generation of such particles in the early Universe, which leads to constraints from the total Dark Matter density and absence of X-ray signal from sterile neutrino decay. These bounds together may deem any attempt of creation of the keV scale...
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) succeeds the very successful Super-K experiment and will consist of a large detector filled with 260 kton water and equipped with 40% photo- coverage. Physics program of Hyper-K is broad, covering from particle physics to Astrophysics.
The 1st Hyper-K detector will be built in Japan, and the 2nd detector is considered to be built in Korea because locating the 2nd...
A recently proposed search for milli-charged particles produced at the LHC is discussed. The experiment, named milliQan, is expected to obtain sensitivity to charges of between 0.1e and 0.001e for masses in 0.1 - 100 GeV range. The detector is composed of 3 stacks of 80 cm long plastic scintillator arrays read out by PMTs. It will be installed in an existing tunnel 33 m from the CMS...
We conjecture that in Yang-Mills theories the ratio between the ground-state glueball mass squared and the string tension is proportional to the ratio of the eigenvalues of quadratic Casimir operators in the adjoint and the fundamental representations. The proportionality constant depends on the dimension of the space-time only, and is henceforth universal. We argue that this universality,...
MEG II experiment is an upgrade of the MEG experiment which searches for the charged lepton flavor violating decay of muon, $\mu \rightarrow e \gamma$. Target sensitivity of MEG II is $6\times10^{-14}$, which is one order of magnitude better than MEG [1]. The engineering run of the MEG II detectors is planned in 2018.
Liquid xenon (LXe) detector is designed to measure the hit position,...
XMASS is a multi-purpose experiment using a single-phase liquid-xenon
scintillator detector located underground at Kamioka Observatory
in Japan. We are continuously taking data since November 2013 for
more than four years.
With these long-term data, we conducted not only standard WIMP search,
but also search for annual modulation caused by dark matter, and
various dark matter searches such as...
The latest results of the measurement ttH production will be presented. The talk includes the search of tHq production.
Supersymmetry is one of the most searched-for extensions of the Standard Model. In its minimal realization, the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, it predicts a new bosonic (fermionic) partner for each fundamental standard Model fermion (boson), as well as an additional Higgs doublet. The sector of sparticles with only electroweak interactions contains charginos, neutralinos, sleptons, and...
We study the production of a narrow structure $X^{\pm}(5568)$ decaying to $B^0_s\pi^{\pm}$ produced in $10.4\ \rm fb^{−1}$ of $p\bar p$ collisions recorded by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider at $\sqrt s=1.96\ $TeV. We report evidence for the production of $X^{\pm}(5568)$ using the semileptonic mode $B^0_s \to \mu^{\mp}D_s^{\pm}X$ with $ D_s^{\pm}\to\phi\pi^{\pm}$. The...
Over the past several years, a team based around the ATLAS Experiment at CERN in Geneva has organised public engagement and education activities at a variety of non-scientific venues. These have included the Montreux Jazz Festival (Montreux, Switzerland), the Bluedot Festival (Jodrell Bank, UK), the WOMAD Festival (Charlton Park, UK), Moogfest (Durham, NC, USA), and the Sofia Music Weeks in...
The KLOE-2 experiment at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati has concluded the data-taking at the e+e- DAPHNE phi-factory with more than 5 fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected. Record performance in terms of 2.4 x 10^32 cm-2s-1 peak luminosity and 14 pb-1 maximum daily integrated luminosity were achieved with the crab waist scheme of beam collisions.
KLOE-2 represents the...
The search for the production of the Higgs Boson with a pair of top-anti-top quarks is both very important and very challenging. This talks presents the analyses using Higgs boson decays to bbbar pairs, to multi-lepton final states using pp collision data collected at 13 TeV, as well as their combined results including also Higgs boson decays to two photons or Z bosons.
CERN has launched in 2014 the design study of Future Circular Colliders, including a High Luminosity e+e- collider (FCC-ee) running from the Z pole to above the top pair production threshold. Follow a 100 TeV pp and heavy ion collider (FCC-hh) able to reach an unprecedented energy scale and an e-p collider option. The FCC-ee offers a broad discovery potential based on a combination of...
In Africa particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and cosmology have been grabbing our attention, and that of our students for years. In the last decade, the field of a diverse research programme joining nuclear and particle physics with astrophysics, astronomy, cosmology and the enticing 'new worlds' imagined in theoretical physics has become particularly exciting due to the...
Relativistic heavy-ion collision events containing rare final states
involving high transverse momentum objects provide in situ probe which
allow characterization of the hot, dense QCD matter formed in these
collisions. When compared with comparable yields in proton-lead and
proton-proton collisions, hadronic jets and quarkonia (both for charm
and bottom quarks) are observed to have...
DarkSide uses a dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber to search for WIMP dark matter. The talk will present the latest result on the search for low mass ($M_{WIMP}<20\, GeV/c^2$) and high mass ($M_{WIMP}>100\, GeV/c^2$)
WIMPs from the current experiment, DarkSide-50, running since mid 2015 a 50-kg-active-mass TPC, filled with argon from an underground source. The next stage of the...
With about 12 $fb^{-1}$ of collected data useful for the study of X Y Z resonances, BESIII continues the exploration of these exotic charmonium-like states. In these talk, recent results of the measurements of the line-shape of $e^+ e^- \to \pi^0 \pi^0 \psi(3686), K K J/\psi$, and $\pi^+ D^0 D^{*-}$, as well as the $J^P$ determination of $Z_c(3900)$ and $Z_c(3900)$ observed in $e^+ e^- \to...
The KLOE-2 experiment is finalizing data taking at the upgraded e+e- DA$\Phi$NE collider of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, collecting more than 5 fb$^{-1}$ at the center of mass energy of the $\phi$ meson. Together with the data sample collected by its predecessor KLOE, the total of almost 8 fb$^{-1}$ integrated luminosity represents the largest existing data sample in the world...
The aim of the KOTO experiment [1] is the first observation of $K_L\to \pi^0\nu\bar{\nu}$ which is sensitive to CP-violating new physics beyond the standard model (SM). The experimental signature is only two photons from the $\pi^0$. To detect this simple signature, the KOTO detector consists of a pure cesium iodide (CsI) calorimeter and hermetical veto counters. The calorimeter is made...
Many models of new physics beyond the Standard Model are able to describe massive, long-lived particles with macroscopic decays, which can be reconstructed inside the inner trackers of the LHC detectors. Furthermore, the lack of evidence of any new physics at the LHC motivates to perform these unconventional searches, such as looking for displaced vertices.
In left-right symmetric models,...
ndications for lepton flavour violation in the mode B → D() tau nu have triggered substantial interest and could be a hint for New Physics effects such as a charged Higgs or leptoquark current. We report new results from the Belle experiment at the KEKB e+e- collider on R(D), R(D) and on the longitudinal polarisations of the D and tau in the decay B → D tau nu. Belle results on the purely...
Phantom of the Universe is a planetarium show that showcases an exciting exploration of dark matter, from the Big Bang to the Large Hadron Collider. The show reveals the first hints of its existence through the eyes of Fritz Zwicky. Viewers see the astral choreography witnessed by Vera Rubin in the Andromeda galaxy. They plummet deep underground to see a very sensitive dark matter...
We present recent results from searches for the production of a Higgs boson in association with a single top quark (tHq), using data samples collected by the CMS detector in pp collisions at center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The searches exploit different top quark and Higgs boson decay modes resulting in final states with photons, bottom quarks, and multiple leptons, and employ multivariate...
Using large data samples of di-muon events, CMS has performed detailed measurements and searches for new states in the field of exotic quarkonia. We report on several recent results including, among the others: the measurement of the X(3872) properties, the investigation of the B+ to J/ψ φ K+ decay revealing two structures in the J/ψ φ mass spectrum, one of which compatible with the Y(4140)...
The exclusive photoproduction of the heavy vector mesons
is investigated in the context of
peripheral lead-lead collisions for the energies available at the LHC,
= 2
TeV and
= 5
TeV. In order to evaluate the robustness of the light-cone color dipole formalism, previously tested
in the ultraperipheral regime, it was calculated the rapidity distribution as well as the...
In this contribution, I will review the growing interest in implementing larga area fast timing detectors with a time resolution of 30-50 ps, based on Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors.
Precise time information added to tracking brings benefits to the performance of the detectors by reducing the background and sharpening the resolution; it improves tracking performances and simplify tracking...
We will discuss all the possibilities of discovering the massive
sterile neutrinos at the LHC.
BABAR, Belle, and LHCb measure the rates for the decays $B \to D^{(*)} \tau \nu$ and $B_c\to J/\psi \tau \nu$ to be higher than the SM expectations, with a combined discrepancy of $4.1 \sigma$ (for $B \to D^{(*)} \tau \nu$ only) or $\sim 4.3 \sigma$ (including all modes). In the coming years, Belle II and LHCb will greatly improve the measurement precision, to the level that systematic...
Measurements of the Higgs boson mass in Higgs boson decays to two photons or four leptons, as well as their combination, based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV are presented.
Since 1984 the Italian groups of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), collaborating with the DOE laboratory of Fermilab (US) have been running a two-month summer training program for Italian university students. While in the first year the program involved only four physics students of the University of Pisa, in the following years it was extended to engineering students. This...
Calorimeters for particle physics experiments with integration time of a few ns will substantially improve the capability of the experiment to resolve event pileup and to reject backgrounds. In this paper time development of hadronic showers induced by 30 and 60 GeV positive pions and 120 GeV protons is studied using Monte Carlo simulation and beam tests with a prototype of a sampling...
Study of the processes e+e- →J/ψDD and D()+- D-+ by Belle is updated, where a new charmonium(-like) state X(3860) is observed with a significance of 6.5σ using full amplitude analysis in J/ψDD, and the first angular analysis is performed in D()+- D-+. We present the measurement of the absolute branching fractions of B+→Xcc K+ and B+→D()0 π+ decays. Here, Xcc denotes ηc, J/ψ, χc0, χc1,...
We compute the prompt photon production by gluon fusion and the v2 harmonic coefficient for a the magnetized medium created in heavy-ion collisions. Our calculation is based in the existence of very intense magnetic fields at the early times of the collisions which varies from 1 to 3 times pion mass squared, and open new channels to the photon production. Our calculation take into account...
Most of the newer emerging technologies have their origin well rooted in the Basic Sciences driven R&D; and therefore requires specialized skills for their adaptations. Engineering Physics is the area that addresses to this gap.
A post-M.Sc. program has been designed, implemented to bridge the gap between research in Basic Sciences, in particular, with physics and mathematics with the latest...
Combined measurements of the Higgs boson mass, production and decay rates, as well its couplings to vector bosons and fermions, are presented. The analysis uses the LHC pp collisions recorded by the CMS detector in 2016 at centre-of-mass energies of 13 TeV.
Working in the context of the Planck scale cosmology formulation of Bonanno and Reuter, we use our resummed quantum gravity approach to Einstein's general theory of relativity to estimate the value of the cosmological constant as $\rho_\Lambda =(0.0024 eV)^4$. We show that susy GUT models are constrained by the closeness of this estimate to experiment. We also present various consistency...
After the successful demonstration of the performance of highly granular electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters by the CALICE collaboration, emphasis has shifted to system issues and large scale production. These are addressed by varied technological prototypes currently in production. We present work on silicon, scintillator, and gas-detector based imaging calorimeters for future...
NEWS-G experiment is using a new type of radiation detector based on the spherical proportional counter. The detector consists of a large spherical gas volume with a central electrode forming a radial electric field. A small spherical sensor located at the center is acting as a proportional amplification structure.
Combination of sub-keV energy threshold and versatility of the target (Ne,...
LHCb exploits decays of beauty hadrons as well as direct production in proton-proton collisions to investigate exotic mesons, especially in the charmonium mass region. The large data samples collected during Run I and II of the LHC open new possibilities for precision studies of these states. Recent results on exotic meson spectroscopy will be presented.
The exploration of QCD phase diagram and study of the dynamics and mechanism of particle production in heavy-ion collisions is one of the research interests in the field of high energy physics. In addition, the search for the QCD critical point in the phase diagram has been the main motivation to carry out the Beam Energy Scan Phase - I (BES-I) program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider...
At present most experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are planning upgrades in the next 5-10 years for their innermost tracking layers as well as luminosity monitors to be able to take data as the luminosity increases and CERN moves toward the High Luminosity-LHC (HL-LHC). These upgrades will most likely require more radiation tolerant technologies than exist today. As a result...
Anomalies in B-meson decays reported by the LHC experiment suggest a violation of lepton universality. This could be explained by introducing a heavy neutral gauge boson Z' that selectively couples to third generation quarks and second generation leptons. While the performance of experimental searches for such models is good for large Z' masses, the low-mass region sensitivity is aversely...
Measurements of Higgs boson production and cross sections based on the combination of several Higgs boson decay channels based on pp collision data collected at 13 TeV are presented.
The sub-GeV mass region of WIMPs as a dark matter candidate is foreseeably to be explored intensively in the next generation of direct detection experiments.
Essig and others [1] recently discussed the feasibility of detecting the energy deposit from the dark-matter electron recoil using low-noise semiconductor detectors as the active target. With a readout noise level below 1 electron RMS,...
Mu2e will search for coherent, neutrino-less conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus with a sensitivity improvement of a factor of 10,000 over existing limits. Such a charged lepton flavor-violating reaction probes new physics at a scale unavailable with direct searches at either present or planned high energy colliders. The experiment both complements and extends the...
With the discovery of two pentaquark candidates at LHCb a new field of baryon spectroscopy has been opened. The unique data samples on beauty baryon decays collected at the LHC during its runs I and II provide opportunities to further study the spectrum of exotic heavy baryons. This presentation will highlight recent progress on establishing new baryonic multiparticle decay modes of beauty...
Detectors based on Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond have been used extensively and successfully in beam conditions/beam loss monitors as the innermost detectors in the highest radiation areas of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. Over the last two years the RD42 collaboration has constructed a series of 3D detectors using CVD diamond as the active material and laser fabricated...
We investigate the muon anomalous magnetic moment, the $\mu \to e \gamma$ branching ratio and the $\mu \to e$ conversion rate in the nuclei from the point of view of the planned $\mu \to e$ conversion experiments.
In the MSSM these processes are strongly correlated through $\tan \beta$ enhanced contributions. We demonstrate how in the Minimal R-symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model the $\mu...
Generalized neutrino-quark interactions can be studied in a fairly model-independent way by considering dimension-six effective operators constructed by only requiring Lorentz invariance. In this talk, following such approach, I will discuss the constraints on generalized neutrino-quark couplings implied by COHERENT data. I will show that some of these interactions can still be sizeable, and...
The critical phenomena of strongly interacting matter are presented in the random fluctuation walk model at finite temperature. The phase transitions are considered in systems where the Critical Point (CP) is a distinct singular one existence of which is dictated by the dynamics of conformal symmetry breaking.
The physical approach to the effective CP is predicted through the influence...
The Belle II experiment, now operating at the KEK laboratory in Japan, is a substantial upgrade of both the Belle detector and the KEKB $e^+ e^-$accelerator. It aims to collect 50 times more data than existing B-Factory samples. Belle II is uniquely capable to study the so-called "XYZ" particles: heavy exotic hadrons consisting of more than three quarks. First discovered by Belle, these now...
We present an experimental setup developed at the Detector Laboratory at Antonio Nariño University to automatically and precisely capture high resolution images of GEM foils. These high resolution images are then used for quality control of the corresponding GEM foils through an automatic determination of defects and geometry changes of the thousands of the micro-holes contained in a GEM foil....
A variety of experiments have been developed over the past decades, aiming at the detection of Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) via their scattering in an instrumented medium. The sensitivity of these experiments has improved with a tremendous speed, thanks to a constant development of detectors and analysis methods. Detectors capable of reconstructing the direction of...
Muon to electron conversion in a muonic atom is a process of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV). It is not allowed in the Standard Model (SM) and known to be one of the best processes to search for new physics beyond the SM. The COMET experiment aims to search for this process at J-PARC with single-event sensitivity of $3\times10^{-17}$, which is about 10,000 improvement over the current...
For the first time the branching ratio and the angular distribution of the decay $\psi (3686) \to n \bar{n}$ have been measured. At the same time also the branching ratio and angular distribution of the decay $\psi (3686) \to p \bar{p}$ have been measured with unprecedented precision. It turns out that the two branching ratio are quite close, implying that the phase between strong and...
Performance of the microchannel plate photomultiplier (MCP-PMT) in magnetic field is an important aspect for its application in the proposed electron ion collider (EIC). The motivation of this paper is to explore the critical parameters that affect the performance of MCP-PMT in magnetic field, and to guide the design optimization of MCP-PMTs for high magnetic field tolerance. MCP-PMTs with two...
The threshold scan at future lepton colliders is the most precise
known method to determine the top quark mass (well below 100 MeV), a
fundamental parameter of the Standard Model that co-determines the
stability properties of the electroweak vacuum. We present a new method to
match the continuum next-to-leading order QCD corrections with the
next-to-leading logarithmic resummation of the...
GERDA is performing a background-free search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of Ge-76. An observation of this nuclear transition would unambiguously prove that neutrinos are Majorana particles and that the lepton number is violated. Thanks to a factor two increase in statistics, the experimental sensitivity doubled compared to the last data release making GERDA the first experiment...
Prototype imaging electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters developed and operated by the CALICE collaboration provide an unprecedented wealth of highly granular data of hadronic showers for a variety of active sensor elements and different absorber materials. In this presentation, we discuss the reconstruction and energy resolution of single hadrons in individual detectors and combined...
Particle production at LHC energies involves perturbative (hard) and non-perturbative (soft) QCD regimes. The charged-particle multiplicity cannot be calculated using purely perturbative methods and is generally described by phenomenological models. In this contribution, we report on soft QCD variables, such as inelastic, single, double and central diffractive cross-sections, charged-particle...
There is compelling evidence that about one-quarter of the energy density of the Universe is made up of Dark Matter, the identification and study of which are among the most important goals in basic research. The China Dark Matter Experiment (CDEX) pursues direct searches of light Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL), which is the...
Researchers at IHEP have conceived a new concept of MCP-PMT several years ago. The small MCP units replace the bulky Dynode chain in the large PMTs. In addition the transmission and reflection photocathode in the same glass bulb to enhance the efficiency of photoelectron conversion. After three years R&D, a num-ber of 8 inch prototypes were produced in 2013. The 20 inch prototypes were...
Energy-frontier DIS can be realised at CERN through an energy recovery linac that would produce 60 GeV electrons to collide with the HL-LHC or later HE-LHC (LHeC) or eventually the FCC hadron beams (FCC-eh). It would deliver electron-proton collisions with centre-of-mass energies in the range 1.2-3.5 TeV, and luminosities exceeding $10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. In this talk we present new...
The LHCb particle identification (PID) system is composed of two ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors , a series of muon chambers and a calorimeter system. A novel strategy has been introduced in Run 2, where the selection of PID calibration samples for charged particles and neutrals is implemented in the LHCb software trigger. A further processing of the data is required in order to provide...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (“pileup”) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. Prospects for measurements of the properties of the...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is an experiment constructed to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in $^{76}$Ge and to demonstrate the feasibility to deploy a large-scale experiment in a phased and modular fashion. It consists of two modular arrays of natural and $^{76}$Ge-enriched germanium detectors totalling $44.1\ \mathrm{kg}$, operating on the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground...
The LHC heavy-ion physics programme aims at investigating the fundamental properties of nuclear matter under extreme conditions of energy density and temperature, where a transition to a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is expected. Jets, the sprays of hadrons resulting from the fragmentation of high-energy partons, are one of the most powerful probes for QGP transport properties, due to the...
The PICO collaboration uses bubble chambers to search for dark matter, with world-leading sensitivity to spin-dependent (SD) WIMP-proton couplings via direct detection. The bubble chambers are operated in a moderately superheated state, providing excellent rejection of the dominant gamma background, and are located in the deep underground facility SNOLAB in Canada. The PICO-60 detector has set...
We evaluate the Michel parameters of τ decays using the full data sample of Belle. This is important to reveal the Lorentz structure of τ leptonic decays, which includes not only the V - A interaction but also contributions from scalar, tensor and others that may arise from New Physics, thus testing lepton universality as well. We use both tau+ → l+ nu nu and tau+ → l+ gamma nu nu. We also...
We report on the result of the R&D activity focused on the development of a Multi-Gap Resistive Plate Chamber with Multi-Strip readout architecture, for high counting rate and multiplicity environment, specific for high interaction rate experiments.
An innovative chamber design which fulfills simultaneously two requirements for strip readout MRPCs, i.e. the granularity and the impedance...
At present the world's largest sample of 1.3 billion J/psi decay has been collected by the BESIII detector, which provides a unique opportunity to investigate light meson decays. The $a^0(980)-f^0(980)$ mixing is an important probe to the nature of those two light scalars. The first observation of $a^0(980)-f^0(980)$ mixing will be reported. The $\eta$ and $\eta'$ hadronic decays are sensitive...
We discuss extractions of the pole mass of the top quark based on measurements of the inclusive and unfolded differential $p\bar p \to t\bar t$ production cross section as a function of $p_T(t)$ and $M(t\bar t)$. We use the full Run II (2001--2011) data set of $p \bar p$ collisions at $\sqrt s=1.96 $TeV collected by the D0 experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $9.7...
Jets are the experimental signatures of energetic quarks and gluons produced in high energy processes and they need to be calibrated in order to have the correct energy scale. A detailed understanding of both the energy scale and the transverse momentum resolution of jets at the CMS is of crucial importance for many physics analyses. In this talk, we present the measurements of CMS jet energy...
The plan for the International Linear Collider is now being prepared as a staged design, with the first stage at 250 GeV and later stages achieving the full project specifications with 4 ab-1 at 500 GeV. This talk will present the capabilities for precision Higgs boson measurements at 250 GeV and their relation to the full ILC program. It will show that the 250 GeV stage of ILC will already...
The search for neutrinoless double-beta decay is the most sensitive technique to establish the Majorana nature of neutrinos. Two operating experiments that look for such decays in 76Ge — GERDA and MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR — have achieved the lowest backgrounds and the best energy resolution in the signal region. These are two of the most important detector characteristics for...
SHiP is a new general purpose fixed target facility, whose Technical Proposal has been recently reviewed by the CERN SPS Committee and by the CERN Research Board. The two boards recommended that the experiment proceeds further to a Comprehensive Design phase in the context of the new CERN Working group "Physics Beyond Colliders", aiming at presenting a CERN strategy for the European Strategy...
Micromegas resistive detectors have already proven to be suitable for precision tracking at rates up to few kHz/cm$^2$. Rate capability up to few MHz/cm$^2$ and low occupancy can be achieved by using few mm2 readout pads. Such a rate capability will be required in upgrades of forward muon detectors of LHC experiments as well as in experiments at future colliders.
We present the development of...
Spin alignment of K$^{*0}$ vector mesons produced in non-central heavy-ion collisions could occur due to the presence of large angular momentum and large magnetic field expected in the initial stages of the collisions. This phenomenon leads to a non-uniform angular distribution of the decay daughters of K$^{*0}$ with respect to its quantization axis in the rest frame of K$^{*0}$. This...
Detecting dark matter particles is one of the most exciting experimental challenges in modern astroparticle physics. Despite many naturally motivated theoretical models for light dark matter, a large part of the parameter space for spin-independent scattering off nuclei remains untested for dark matter particles with masses below few GeV/c^{2}. The CRESST-III experiment (Cryogenic Rare Events...
We report on the most recent results of studies of tau-lepton decays, relying on about $430\times10^6$ $e^+e^- \to \tau^+\tau^-$ events produced at a center-of-mass energy near 10.6 GeV with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II $e^+e^-$ collider.
We present measurements of the branching fractions and the spectral functions for the processes $\tau^{-}\to K^{-}K_S (\pi^{0}) \nu_\tau$, which can be...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for a future electron-positron collider operating at centre-of-mass energies of up to 3 TeV. CLIC will be built and operated in a staged approach with three centre-of-mass energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV. This contribution discusses the physics potential of CLIC in the area of Higgs physics based on...
Accurate measurements and identification of jets, missing energy and boosted hadronic resonances are crucial to most of the ATLAS physics programme both in domain of Standard Model precision measurements and search for beyond the SM physics. The ever increasing LHC luminosity while providing higher statistical sensitivity to rare processes, also leads to more challenging experimental...
The top quark mass is one of the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model. The latest ATLAS measurements of the top quark mass in top quark pair final states are presented. Measurements use dilepton, lepton+jets and all-hadronic final states and their combination is performed. Measurements of the top quark pole mass based on precision theoretical QCD calculations for lepton kinematic...
We report the measurements of gamma gamma ―> eta_c(1S), eta_c(2S)―>eta' pi+ pi- with eta' decay to gamma rho and eta pi+ pi- First observation of eta_c(2S)―>eta' pi+ pi- with a significance 5.5 \sigma including systematic error is obtained. The products of the two-photon decay width and branching fraction of decays to eta' pi+ pi- are determined for the eta_c(1S) and eta_c(2S), respectively. A...
Two resistive-strip bulk Micromegas detectors have been installed in the Gamma Irradiation Facility at CERN in 2015.
The primary goal was to assess the performance of the detectors after long term irradiation. This study is particularly relevant in view of the adoption of the Micromegas technology for future upgrades, as in the ATLAS inner muon system. In this region the expected accumulated...
Yields of W and Z bosons can be used to probe the nuclear parton distribution functions of quarks and antiquarks. Results on W boson and Drell-Yan production in pPb collisions using the CMS detector will be presented. The lepton decay channel is used to study both positive and negative W bosons as a function of lepton pseudorapidity. Rapidity and charge asymmetries in the W yield are studied....
Measurements of top quark properties using data collected by the CMS experiment at 13 TeV are presented. The top quark mass is measured in the lepton+jets channel is consistent with the CMS measurements of Run-1. The top quark mass is also studied as a function of the event kinematical properties. For the first time at the LHC, the width of the top quark is directly probed during Run-2, in...
The CASTOR calorimeter at CMS measures the energy of particles emitted with pseudorapidity between -5.2 and -6.6. It has been operating since the startup of the LHC in 2009 and has taken data in pp, pPb, and PbPb collisions at various centre-of-mass energies during run 1 and run 2. In this presentation we give an overview of some important and unique results obtained with CASTOR, with emphasis...
Many new physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model often necessitate the existence of a (light) neutral scalar H, which might couple to the charged leptons in a flavor violating way, while evading all existing constraints. Such scalars could be effectively produced at future lepton colliders like CEPC, ILC and FCC-ee, either on-shell or off-shell, and induce lepton flavor violating (LFV)...
We report prototype production results achieved for fully functional sealed Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors (LAPPD™). The LAPPD™ is a microchannel plate (MCP) based photodetector, capable of imaging with single-photon sensitivity at high spatial and temporal resolutions in a hermetic package with an active area of 400 square centimeters. In December 2015, Incom Inc. completed...
The high-intensity setup, trigger system flexibility, and detector
performance -- high-frequency tracking of beam particles, redundant
PID, ultra-high-efficiency photon vetoes ― make NA62 particularly
suitable for searching new-physics effect from different
scenarios. Results from a search for invisible dark photons produced
from pi0 decays are given. Fixed target experiments are...
Energy-frontier DIS can be realised at CERN through an energy recovery linac that would produce 60 GeV electrons to collide with the HL-LHC or later HE-LHC (LHeC) or eventually the FCC hadron beams (FCC-eh). It would deliver electron-proton collisions with centre-of-mass energies of 1.2 and 3.5 TeV, respectively, at luminosities exceeding $10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. The SM cross section for...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is one of the two multi-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and has a broad physics program. Many aspects of this program depend on our ability to trigger, reconstruction and identify events with final state muons in a wide range of momenta, from few GeV to the TeV scale. Displaced muons can also be used as a benchmark for new new...
Low-mass dielectron pairs are unique experimental tool for the studies of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. Such pairs are produced during all stages of the collision and carry the information about the whole space-time evolution of the system unperturbed by final-state interactions. The dielectron continuum is very rich in physics...
The TORCH detector is a time-of-flight based system that is being developed for use in particle physics experiments with the aim of providing particle identification in the momentum range 2–10 GeV/c over a wide area. The detector exploits prompt Cherenkov light produced by charge particles traversing a 10 mm thick quartz plate. Photons propagate via total-internal reflection and are focussed...
The future circular hadron-hadron collider FCC-hh is expected to produce collisions at the unrivaled center of mass energy of sqrt(s) = 100 TeV and to deliver an integrated luminosity of few tens of ab-1. As a result, billions of Higgs bosons will be produced. Having at disposal such humongous samples opens a wide range of possibilities in the realm of precision Higgs measurements. The Top...
In many models with extended Higgs sectors, e.g. in Two Higgs Doublet Models, in the NMSSM as well as in Randall Sundrum models, there exists an additional scalar h, which can easily be lighter than the Standard Model (SM) like Higgs. Its coupling to the Z boson is expected to be small if the 125 GeV Higgs boson is SM like. Such a light scalar with suppressed couplings to the Z boson would...
Neutrinos are by far the lightest particles in the Universe. According to the Standard Model of Particle Physics neutrinos should be massless. However, the existence of their mass has been proven experimentally by the observation of neutrino mass oscillations. The KArlsruhe TRitium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology aims for a direct neutrino mass...
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. The very high instantaneous luminosity will lead to about 200 proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (“pileup”) superimposed to each event of interest, therefore providing extremely challenging experimental conditions. Prospects for selected Standard Model (SM)...
KIMS-NaI is an experiment aimed at directly detecting Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) via weak interactions with the nuclei in low-background NaI(Tl) crystals. Underground data for the WIMP search were obtained in the Yangyang underground laboratory with two NaI(Tl) crystals that have unprecedentedly high light-output. Since the scintillation characteristics of nuclear recoils from...
We investigate charged lepton flavor violating processes $\mu\rightarrow e \gamma$, $\mu\rightarrow e e \overline{e}$ and $\mu-e$ conversion in nuclei for a class of three-loop radiative neutrino mass generation models with electroweak multiplets of increasing order. We find that, because of certain cancellations among various one-loop diagrams which give the photonic dipole and non-dipole...
The ATLAS experiment is a multi-purpose experiment installed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, designed to study elementary particles and their interactions in high-energy collisions of proton and heavy ion beams.
Muon and Tau leptons play an important role in many physics processes that are being investigated at the LHC. Hadronic decays of the taus are reconstructed from the...
The Center for Underground Physics (CUP) at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) has been conducting two major experiments, the COSINE experiment for dark matter search and the AMoRE experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay search. The COSINE experiment is using NaI:Tl scintillation crystals and the AMoRE is studying the 100Mo based scintillation crystals such as CaMoO4 and Li2MoO4. To...
After the Higgs boson discovery, the precision measurements and searches for new phenomena in the Higgs sector are among the most important goals in particle physics. Experiments at the Future Circular Colliders (FCC) are ideal to study these questions. Electron-positron collisions up to an energy of 350 GeV (FCC-ee) provide the ultimate precision with studies of Higgs boson couplings, mass,...
The smallness of neutrino masses provides a tantalizing allusion to physics beyond the standard model. Heavy neutral leptons (HNL), such as hypothetical sterile neutrinos, accommodate a way to explain this observation, through the see-saw mechanism. If they exist, HNL could also provide answers about the dark matter nature, and baryon asymmetry of the universe. Searches for the production of...
Data from the LHC at 7, 8, and 13 TeV, have, so far, yielded no evidence for new particles beyond the Standard Model Higgs boson. However, the complementary nature of physics with e+e- collisions still offers many interesting scenarios in which new particles can be discovered at the ILC. These scenarios take advantage of the capability of e+e- collisions to observe particles with missing...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for a future electron-positron collider operating at centre-of-mass energies of up to 3 TeV. CLIC will be built and operated in a staged approach with three centre-of-mass energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV. This talk discusses the prospects for precision measurements of the top-quark properties at the first...
The charged-particle transverse momentum spectrum in pp collisions is an important observable for testing perturbative QCD calculations and serves as a reference for heavy-ion collisions to study the properties of deconfined matter created in nucleus-nucleus (AA) collisions. The study of inclusive charged particle spectra gives information on parton energy loss in the medium created in AA...
Since the beginning of LHC Run 2, many improvements have been made to the triggering, reconstruction, and identification of hadronic tau decays at CMS. The standard Hadron Plus Strips (HPS) tau reconstruction algorithm now benefits from a dynamic strip reconstruction. The HPS method has been extended to a version intended for highly Lorentz-boosted topologies and a version which is used in...
The SABRE (Sodium Iodide with Active Background Rejection) experiment will search for an annually modulating signal from Dark Matter (DM) using an array of ultra-pure NaI(Tl) detectors surrounded by an active scintillator veto to further reduce the intrinsic background. The expected rate of interactions between DM particles and the detector in fact modulates due to Earth’s changing velocity...
The CMD-3 experiment at the VEPP-2000 collider in Novosibirsk carries out a comprehensive study of the exclusive cross-sections of e+e- -> hadrons in the center-of-mass energy range from the threshold to 2E<2 GeV. The CMD-3 results provide an important input for calculation of the hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. Currently there are world-wide efforts to improve the...
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for a future electron-positron collider operating at centre-of-mass energies of up to 3 TeV. CLIC will be built and operated in a staged approach with three centre-of-mass energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV. This talk discusses the prospects for CLIC to make direct and indirect measurements, or limits, of...
Multiple theories beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of heavy Majorana or Dirac neutrinos. The ATLAS searches presented here focus on models in which these heavy neutral leptons are either produced together with a right-handed W gauge boson, via the Keung-Senjanovic process, or with a heavy charged lepton from the same fermionic triplet, in the context of a type-III seesaw model....
Discovery of charged Higgs boson indicates a clear and unambiguous signal of the beyond standard model. The signal of charged boson is well studied for lower mass range in the dominant $\tau\nu$ decay channel. For higher mass range, signal is difficult to probe because of its predominant decays in
the top and bottom quark. We attempt to investigate the signature of heavy charged Higgs...
Decay modes with two oppositely charged leptons of different flavor correspond to lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays and are essentially forbidden in the Standard Model (SM) because they can occur only through lepton mixing. Decay modes with two leptons of the same charge are lepton-number violating (LNV) decays and are forbidden in the SM. Hence, decays of the form $D^0 \to hh'll’$ provide...
We explore the synchrotron signals generated by flavored Dark Matter candidate with mass region between 10-20 GeV annihilating into the leptonic channels $e^{+}e^{-}$ and $\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$. In these models, the interactions are skewed in flavor space, so that a dark matter particle never couples directly to the Standard Model matter fields of the same flavor, but only to the other two...