High Precision for Hard Processes (HP2 2018)

from Monday 1 October 2018 (08:00) to Wednesday 3 October 2018 (19:00)
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
1 Oct 2018
2 Oct 2018
3 Oct 2018
Registration (until 09:00) ()
Plenary I - Stefan Dittmaier (until 10:30) (HS I)
09:00 Welcome   (HS I)
09:15 HP2 Needs for Experiments - selected topics - Marumi Kado (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (HS I)
10:00 The Edge of Precision in Simulations - Frank Krauss (University of Durham (GB))   (HS I)
Coffee break (until 11:00) ()
Parallel I - Frank Krauss (until 12:30) (HS I)
11:00 NLO QCD corrections to off-shell t\bar{t}\gamma production - Giuseppe Bevilacqua   (HS I)
11:30 Logarithmic accuracy of parton showers: a fixed-order study - Keith Hamilton (University College London (GB))   (HS I)
12:00 The on-the-fly reduction in OpenLoops 2 - Max Zoller (UZH)   (HS I)
Parallel I - Daniel De Florian (until 12:30) (HS II)
11:00 Three-loop operator matrix elements with one and two masses - Abilio de Freitas   (HS II)
11:30 NLO QCD corrections to gluon loop-induced ZZ production at the LHC - Ms Jeong Yeon Yook (University of Zurich)   (HS II)
12:00 Higgs boson production at the LHC using the qT-subtraction formalism at N3LO QCD - Leandro Cieri (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (HS II)
Plenary I - Stefano Pozzorini (until 10:30) (HS I)
09:00 Higgs boson pair production at high energies - Matthias Steinhauser (KIT)   (HS I)
09:30 NLO EW corrections for multiparticle final states - Marek Schoenherr (CERN)   (HS I)
10:00 Electroweak corrections for top associated production - Rikkert Frederix (TUM)   (HS I)
Coffee break (until 11:00) ()
Parallel I - Frank Krauss (until 12:30) (HS I)
11:00 Off-shell ttj production - Top-quark mass studies at the LHC - Manfred Kraus (HU Berlin)   (HS I)
11:30 NLO predictions for $t \bar{t}$ + $b \bar{b}$ production in association with a light-jet at the LHC - Federico Buccioni (University of Zurich)   (HS I)
12:00 New physics Monte Carlo simulations at the next-to-leading order accuracy - Benjamin Fuks (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (HS I)
Parallel I - Mao Zeng (until 12:30) (HS II)
11:00 WW production with a jet veto made simple - Luke Arpino (University of Sussex)   (HS II)
11:30 Soft-gluon resummation for leptoquark pair-production at the LHC - Christoph Borschensky (University of Tübingen)   (HS II)
12:00 Electroweak corrections in the 2HDM for neutral scalar Higgs-boson production through gluon fusion - Christian Sturm   (HS II)
Plenary I - Massimiliano Grazzini (until 10:30) (HS I)
09:00 LHC observables with NNLOJET - Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder (ETH, Zurich)   (HS I)
09:30 Top quark physics with high precision - Michal Czakon (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (HS I)
10:00 The matrix element method at next-to-leading order QCD - Peter Uwer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (DE))   (HS I)
Coffee break (until 11:00) ()
Parallel I - Stefan Weinzierl (Universität Mainz) (until 12:30) (HS I)
11:00 Soft-gluon and Coulomb corrections to hadronic top-quark pair production beyond NNLO - Christian Schwinn (RWTH Aachen University)   (HS I)
11:30 MiNNLO improved colour singlet production - Alexander Karlberg (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (HS I)
12:00 Application of the Loop-Tree Duality theorem at two loops - Félix Driencourt-Mangin (IFIC, UV-CSIC)   (HS I)
Parallel I - David Kosower (until 12:30) (HS II)
11:00 Mixed QCD x QED Corrections to Drell-Yan Z Production - Ignacio Fabre (ICAS-UNSAM)   (HS II)
11:30 Production of Higgs bosons with large transverse momentum - Kirill Kudashkin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   (HS II)
12:00 Decoupling in QCD and Higgs effective field theory - Florian Herren (KIT)   (HS II)
Lunch Break (until 14:00) ()
Plenary II - Daniel De Florian (until 15:30) (HS I)
14:00 New results on the strong coupling - Zoltan Trocsanyi (University of Debrecen (HU))   (HS I)
14:30 What is a parton shower? - Zoltan Nagy   (HS I)
15:00 QCD splitting functions and cusp anomalous dimensions at four loops - Sven Moch (UHH)   (HS I)
Coffee break (until 16:00) ()
Parallel II - Zoltan Kunszt (until 18:00) (HS I)
16:00 Vector-Boson Scattering at the LHC - Christopher Schwan   (HS I)
16:30 Renormalization of mixing matrices in scalar extensions of the Standard Model - Jean-Nicolas Lang (University of Zurich)   (HS I)
17:00 Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to Higgs gluon fusion - Marco Bonetti (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   (HS I)
17:30 High-energy effect for the production of Higgs-bosons with Dijets - Marian Heil (IPPP, Durham)   (HS I)
Parallel II - Thomas Gehrmann (until 18:00) (HS II)
16:00 IR structure of two-loop four-gluon amplitude in N=2 SQCD - Alexander Ochirov (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (HS II)
16:30 One-loop amplitudes with space-like initial state momenta - Andreas van Hameren (IFJ PAN)   (HS II)
17:00 Semi-inclusive five-particle phase-space integrals - Vitalii Maheria   (HS II)
17:30 Feynman integrals and elliptic polylogarithms - Lorenzo Tancredi (CERN)   (HS II)
Lunch Break (until 14:00) ()
Plenary II - Thomas Gehrmann (until 15:30) (HS I)
14:00 Direct Solutions of IBP Systems - David Kosower   (HS I)
14:30 Two-loop integrals with masses - Stefan Weinzierl (Universität Mainz)   (HS I)
15:00 On the pentabox Master Integrals - Konstantinos Papadopoulos (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))   (HS I)
Coffee break (until 16:00) ()
Parallel II - Lorenzo Tancredi (until 18:00) (HS I)
16:00 Five-Parton Two-Loop Amplitudes from Numerical Unitarity - Vasiliy Sotnikov (University of Freiburg)   (HS I)
16:30 Integrand reduction for five-parton two-loop scattering amplitudes in QCD - Christian Brønnum-Hansen (University of Edinburgh)   (HS I)
17:00 Two-loop five-point massless QCD amplitudes within the IBP approach - Herschel Chawdhry (University of Cambridge)   (HS I)
17:30 On the recent progress of computing non-planar pentaboxes - Chris Wever (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (HS I)
Parallel II - Christian Schwinn (until 18:00) (HS II)
16:00 Heavy-quark production at NNLO - Simone Devoto   (HS II)
16:30 Jet(s) with the CoLoRFulNNLO framework - Adam Kardos (University of Debrecen)   (HS II)
17:00 NLL power corrections to the N-jettiness subtraction scheme - Andrea Isgro (Northwestern University)   (HS II)
17:30 A local analytic sector subtraction at NNLO - Paolo Torrielli (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (HS II)
Conference Dinner (until 21:00) ()
Lunch break (until 14:00) ()
Plenary II - Zoltan Kunszt (until 16:00) (HS I)
14:00 Infrared singularities of multi-leg amplitudes - Einan Gardi (The University of Edinburgh)   (HS I)
14:30 Status of FDR - Roberto Pittau (Universidad de Granada (ES))   (HS I)
15:00 Five-loop UV properties of N=8 supergravity - Mao Zeng (UC Los Angeles)   (HS I)
15:30 Superconformal symmetry and scattering amplitudes - Johannes Henn (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich)   (HS I)