ALEGRO Workshop 2024, Lisbon, 19-22 March
Anfiteatro Abreu Faro
Instituto Superior Técnico
This workshop is the fifth in the ALEGRO workshop series. Previous workshops: ANAR2017 CERN, ALEGRO2018 Oxford, ALEGRO 2019 CERN, ALEGRO2023 DESY
The ALEGRO (Advanced LinEar collider study GROup) Workshop will concentrate on addressing the recent progress and necessary steps towards realising a linear collider for particle physics based on novel-accelerator technology. There will be sessions dedicated to updates on the relevant aspects of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) Roadmap Process.
It will be held at the IST Alameda campus from March 19 to 22, 2024.
This workshop is endorsed by the International Committee for Future Accelerators.
Registration fee: 300 Euros (includes coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner)
Limited to 100 participants
Both registration and abstract submission will be handled via a CERN indico page. For registration, a CERN account is required.
In case you do not have a CERN account, you can open one using the following link:
Location: Anfiteatro Abreu Faro in Complexo Interdisciplinar,
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisboa, Portugal
Program committee:
Rajeev Pattathil (RAL, UK)
Jens Osterhoff (DESY, Germany)
Carl Schroeder (BNL, USA)
Richard D'Arcy (Oxford, UK)
Luís O. Silva (IST, Portugal)
Ricardo Fonseca (IST, Portugal)
Jorge Vieira (IST, Portugal)
Organization: Jorge Vieira, Brigitte Cros, Patric Muggli
Local Organizing Committee: Jorge Vieira, Camilla Willim, Rafael Almeida, Miguel Pardal, Bernardo Malaca
Administration: Claudia Romão
- Alexander Pukhov
- Alexei Kanareykin
- Angelo Biagioni
- Arie Irman
- Axel Huebl
- Bernardo Barbosa
- Bernardo Malaca
- Boyuan Li
- Brian Foster
- Brigitte Cros
- Cameron Geddes
- Camilla Willim
- carlo benedetti
- Chiara Badiali
- Claudia Romão
- Denise Völker
- Edda Gschwendtner
- Evan Ericson
- Francesco Massimo
- Gianluca Sarri
- ishay pomerantz
- John Patrick Farmer
- John Power
- Jorge Vieira
- Jyotirup Sarma
- Kevin Cassou
- Kristjan Poder
- Laura Corner
- Lucas Ivan Inigo Gamiz
- Mark Hogan
- Marlene Turner
- Massimo Ferrario
- Michael Backhouse
- Michele Gallinaro
- Nelson Manuel Carreira Lopes
- Oznur Apsimon
- Patric Muggli
- Philippe Piot
- Rafael Russo de Almeida
- Rajeev Pattathil
- Riccardo Pompili
- Richard D'Arcy
- Roberto LOSITO
- Róbert Babjak
- Sebastien Corde
- Severin Diederichs
- Simon Hooker
- Stefan Karsch
- Susanne Schoebel
- Thomas Grismayer
- Vera Cilento
- Weiming An
- Wim Leemans
- Zahra Mohammadzadehchamazkoti